Creating list of calendar events that auto updates - php

I'm attempting to make an extremely basic list of calendar events that will automatically update once an event is over. If I were making this with HTML, I would create an ordered list, and each list item would be an event.
Not sure if PHP could make this happen, or how that would work.
Would it be easier to tie this into Google Calendar?

Sure, you could store events in a database and read them out using PHP or any number of other languages. The basic idea is to get the next n events that have a date/time greater than the current date/time.
But if you're not already familiar with databases and how to interface with them from a web page, Google Calendar could save you a lot of time. You get a lot for free, including multiple calendars, event notifications, multi-day events, sharing between users, and lots more. Plus Google generates HTML code that can be dropped straight into your web page for a simple embedded calendar. For more advanced usages, you can use the Google Calendar API (


instantly push event to ical calendar subscriber

I have created a code which generates .ics to synchronize events from my application to other calendar system like google, mac-ical, outlook etc.
I add url to these systems and all events from my application get synchronized.
This code does work fine but problem is event doesn't get synchronized instantly, it takes time to fetch events automatically.
So I want to make all events to get pushed to all subcribers, so that they get instantly updated, many applications do provide such things, in that I get instant update to my iCal on creating event.
So that is possible, I want to know how can I do it using php language, what technology I need to push events, instead of auto fetching by calendar system.
It will get general push to all subscribers not for any particular system like google calendar, I know it does have its own API.

Is it possible to sync custom events data to separate google calendar account?

I have a restaurant reservation website build with Laravel and running for merchant and customer.
What I would like to do is, when customer successfully booked at merchant's restaurant, I would like to sync reservation data to "merchant's google calendar" as well as "customer's google calendar".
Is it possible to do with Google Calendar? If so what's the approach to do that?
What would be the seamless approach to sync data between their own calendar and my calendar (from my website)?
As far as I understand your use case from the comments, you actually need to do two different things:
1. Keep the merchant's calendar up to date
For this, a sync might indeed be the best solution. A Calendar API "sync" is just a usual read operation which includes a sync token you can use in later reads to reduce the number of needed operations. It is described in the docs.
2. Add the event to the customer's calendar
You do not want to sync your calendar with the customers' calendar here, just add one event. Of course, you can add an event via the API; however, a much better solution seems to be providing a link for the customer to add the event himself:,+link+here:+,+301+Park+Ave+,+New+York,+NY+10022&sf=true&output=xml
It is much easier technically, and the customer does not need to give you full access to his calendar (there is no write-only permission).

Google Calendar sync with php in 2 ways

I am creating a php website that uses the Google Calendar API. It's working fine with Create, Update and Delete: any event from the PHP website goes into my Google Calendar events after login.
Events created on my site are created in Google Calendar.
What I want now that is: when I create an event from my test page it goes into Google Calendar after login, then if I update or delete that event from Google Calendar then it should automatically update or delete the php website event.
Basically: 1-way sync is working fine but now I want 2-way synchronization.
If anybody has any ideas then kindly share with me, it will be much appreciated.
There are no application hooks in Google Calendar (gCal) that allow you to trigger an action when an event is deleted. Instead you must either poll gCal at intervals (this could be a cron job every few minutes/hours) and update your calendar accordingly, or any time you perform an action from your calendar have a 1 in X possibly of a full re-sync.
This implies that you are using the gCal as the definitive source, and mirroring those changes back to your local application.
well, after following these answers and building a hole 2 way sync process,
i realized there's a push notifications for calendar since 2013.
you will still need a full sync process because the push notification only notifies about a change but no data about the change.
hope it will save you some time.
Push Notifications
Would it not be an option for your system to generate an iCal output at a special, user-specific URL, and then have the user subscribe to that calendar in Google Calendars (or their iCal-reading calendar of choice)?
That way, your system would always hold the authorative calendar, and Google Calendar would reflect any changes you make automatically.
Alternately, if you are wanting changes in the Google Calendar to be reflected in your application, then you may be able to subscribe to iCals for the User's Calendar, and then poll them at a regular interval to reflect any changes the User has made at that end.
I would lean towards the first option (your iCal subscribed through Google Calendar), as it is a simpler and easier solution.

Which PHP calendar will suit my needs? Or build my own?

There are so many web based calendars out there that I'm not sure which will best suit my purposes.
I want to create an events calendar, which I suppose looks and functions in much the same way as google calendar. But users shouldn't need to sign up for a gmail account or a google account. Users of my social network website should be able to create events in the calendar and share it with other friends in their "friend network". In month, year or day views, you can mouse hover events to see a bubble dialog that lists events in detail. People need to pay a monthly fee to use my website (not sure if this prevents me from using google apps).
So is something like Google Calendar the way to go? Or are there other php/javascript calendars out there that already meet my needs? Or will it just save me more time to build my own?
Check out full calendar by arshaw.
This is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar just like google calendar. one can also customize it easily.
Full Calenadar Link.
if you are going your own route then best to build on something already there and open. iCal is an open and available calendar spec and there are php implementations, but they would be extensible and you would following a standard.

Best way to implement a Calendar interface using Google Cal feeds for events?

I'm building a site for my school as a pet project, which would include accounts for all students. I want to display a calendar for each student that should have the following features:
It should be able to import events from multiple Google Calendar feeds. Compatibility with either the XML, ICAL or HTML feed will do.
It should be able to give different colors to different events based on the feeds which they originated from.
It would be nice if the calendar could also give different colors based on certains tags in the event titles, like all events starting with "Test: " will be red, and all events starting with "Deadline: " can be blue.
The interface should be nice, but simple. It should be easy to implement, and no dependency on Javascript would be good. Preferably, it will work simply on PHP.
It must provide 3 views of the calendar: Month, Week & Agenda
Features I don't require are:
Write ability (the calendars can/should be read-only)
Multiple-day events or recurring events
Links or html content inside events
What would be the simplest pre-made solution to implementing this? Currently, I am trying out various solutions like FullCalendar, and the various solutions listed at the Plans Website. However, none of them are perfect, because either they are not supported any more, or require javascript, or don't have all the features I need. I'm also gonna check out the GWT-cal plugin, and the Zend Calendar GData framework, but any feedback on your experiences with any of these would be good.
Can someone suggest the easiest way of getting this working?
Ok the word limit on comments is ridiculously low and irritating, so after having posted two comments and still having more to say, I decided to just post an answer. Sorry...
Yes, GCal is perfect, but I can't trust the technologically challenged students of my school to manually subscribe to ical feeds. So i wanna provide a site where people can select from a list of courses, and automatically get a customized event feed.
Right now, I have a rough implementation going by making a common Google Account that has separate calendars for each course. Then with some url trickery, I embed a custom iframe that gives a special read-only version of the calendar with only the calendars applicable to that specific user. This will probably raise problems when I want email notifications of events and stuff, and might force me to go into the Google Calendar API in detail. :(
Can you check out my other question at Is there anything wrong with the way I'm implementing a Calendar on my site? and give some feedback?
you should check out gwt-cal. versin 0.8.x only provides day/week view but the 0.9.0 branch implements an Agenda view with a Month view in progress.
First of all, GWT-cal is not PHP, it is Java. Secondly, why do you not want to work with JavaScript? Finally, if you are importing it all from Google Calendar, why not use Google Calendar as it has almost all you are requesting and can handle all of the user accounts and such?
The way I understand the project is you are attempting to either make one page that displays many different calendars from all the students or have each student sign in and view their calendar. Is that correct?
I would build (or find) an app that mixes the selected iCal feeds together to create a new feed, so that it can be subscribed to in GCal/iCal/Outloook/30boxes/...
If you still want a display you might try WebCalendar.
IIRC there are also some Drupal modules for this kind of thing.
