How to join multiple fields data from two different tables in SQL? - php

I'm using this query to join data from two different tables. Invoice table holding data, with stock code and supplier code. Please check my query point out my error in query.
inv_code field holding stock code and supplier code. My second table is
cb_chart_temp having acc_code, and acc_name;
inv_no LIKE 'PI%'
AND invoice.sup_id=cb_chart_temp.acc_code
My result should look like this!
inv_code acc_name sup_id sup_name
ST-00001 Stock Name SUP-00001 Supplier Name

It misses an AND, as already pointed out by #Lion, plus it is doubtful that the join of keys is correct. As you have it, inv_code, acc_code, and sup_id all belong to the same domain, i.e., all of them are, e.g., invoice codes.


Copy rows in MySQL table multiple times and adding additional column

I have created MySQL table in database. Table name is products and the columns are( prodict_id(pk) product_name and pack_size) as shown in the figure below.
What I want to do is , copy all the rows in the table and add additional information in additional column called (buyer_name) so each product is associated with a specific buyer which makes it unique
Is there a way I can achieve this using query? Where I can give a list of buyers and it attaches it to all rows in table?
p.s I have almost 700 rows in my table and I have 12 buyers, so if I do it manually, it will consume too much time
As per your comment your buyer details are in a table and you want to map each product with each of the buyer then you can write your insert query like below:
insert into newtable
select t1.*, t2.buyername from products t1 join buyers t2
You can use where clause also to filter some results from either of the table.
It seems you want to automate the data insertion from product table to buyer table. How about, if you select that fetches all the buyers first and then you insert into buyer table.
It can be based on subquery where insert is the outer one and select is the nested one.
Good luck !

Query selected columns from two tables with a Condition clause

I have two tables-
1) ****Company_Form****
2) ****User_Form****
Fields denoted with # and bold are primary keys.
=>The user has to enter a software name for which he wants to get the data of.
=>I have to structure a query in which I have to display the result in the following form:
one Contract_No can contain many Invoice_no under its name in
the User Form table.
One Contract_No can occur one time only in
Company_Form table
The retrieved records have to be group by the latest Invoice_Date
I came to the logic that:
I have to first retrieve all the contract numbers with that software
name from Company_Form table.
I have to query that contract number from User_Form table and display
the data for each matched contract no. fetched from Company_Form
The problem is that I am unable to structure a query in SQL that can do the task for me.
Kindly help me in formulating the query.
[PS] I am using SQL with PHP.
I tried a query like:
I tried one approach as :
SELECT a.ContractNo,a.SoftwareName,a.CompanyName,b.InvoiceNo,b.InvoiceDate,b.InvAmount,b.InvoiceSubmitDate
FROM Company_Form as a,User_Form as b
WHERE b.ContractNo IN(SELECT ContractNo FROM Company_Form WHERE
SoftwareName='$Sname') AND a.ContractNo=b.ContractNo;
But I am getting a error that sub query returns more than 1 row.
Can I get help from this?
I am assuming you are attempting to find the most recent price of the user selected software and its corresponding invoice. Here is an approach to do this. If this is tested to your satisfaction, I can add necessary explanation.
select uf.Contract_No#,
from User_Form uf
inner join (
-- Most recent sale of software
select Contract_No#, max(Invoice_Date)
from User_Form
group by Contract_No#
) latest
on (
-- Filter via join for latest match records
uf.Contract_No# = latest.Contract_No#
and uf.Invoice_Date = latest.Invoice_Date
inner join Company_Form cf
on cf.Contract_No# = uf.Contract_No#
where cf.Software_name = :software_name
If the requirement allows your sub query to return more than one row, I would suggest you to use IN instead of = in the where clause of your main query.
Please note that I have just looked at the query and have not fully understood the requirements.
I worked around for some time and finally came to the following query which works like a charm
SELECT a.ContractNo,a.SoftwareName,a.CompanyName,b.InvoiceNo,b.InvoiceDate,b.InvAmount,b.ISD
FROM Company_Form as a,User_Form as b
WHERE b.ContractNo IN (SELECT ContractNo FROM Company_Form WHERE SoftwareName='$Sname')
AND a.ContractNo=b.ContractNo;
If anybody needs help in understanding the logic of this query,feel free to comment below.

Order by votes - PHP

I have a voting script which pulls out the number of votes per user.
Everything is working, except I need to now display the number of votes per user in order of number of votes. Please see my database structure:
UserID, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, TelephoneNumber, Image, Status
item, vote, nvotes
The item field contains vt_img and then the UserID, so for example: vt_img4 and both vote & nvotes display the number of votes.
Any ideas how I can relate those together and display the users in order of the most voted at the top?
You really need to change the structure of the voting table so that you can do a normal join. I would strongly suggest adding either a pure userID column, or at the very least not making it a concat of two other columns. Based on an ID you could then easily do something like this:
entries a
join voting b
on a.userID=b.userID
order by
b.votes desc
The other option is to consider (if it is a one to one relationship) simply merging the data into one table which would make it even easier again.
At the moment, this really is an XY problem, you are looking for a way to join two tables that aren't meant to be joined. While there are (horrible, ghastly, terrible) ways of doing it, I think the best solution is to do a little extra work and alter your database (we can certainly help with that so you don't lose any data) and then you will be able to both do what you want right now (easily) and all those other things you will want to do in the future (that you don't know about right now) will be oh so much easier.
Edit: It seems like this is a great opportunity to use a Trigger to insert the new row for you. A MySQL trigger is an action that the database will make when a certain predefined action takes place. In this case, you want to insert a new row into a table when you insert a row into your main table. The beauty is that you can use a reference to the data in the original table to do it:
CREATE TRIGGER Entries_Trigger AFTER insert ON Entries
insert into Voting values(new.UserID,0,0);
This will work in the following manner - When a row is inserted into your Entries table, the database will insert the row (creating the auto_increment ID and the like) then instantly call this trigger, which will then use that newly created UserID to insert into the second table (along with some zeroes for votes and nvotes).
Your database is badly designed. It should be:
item, user_id, vote, nvotes
Placing the item id and the user id into the same column as a concatenated string with a delimiter is just asking for trouble. This isn't scalable at all. Look up the basics on Normalization.
You could try this:
FROM Entries e
JOIN Voting v ON (CONCAT('vt_img', e.UserID) = v.item)
but please notice that this query might be quite slow due to the fact that the join field for Entries table is built at query time.
You should consider changing your database structure so that Voting contains a UserID field in order to do a direct join.
I'm figuring the Entries table is where votes are cast (you're database schema doesn't make much sense to me, seems like you could work it a little better). If the votes are actually on the Votes table and that's connected to a user, then you should have UserID field in that table too. Either way the example will help.
Lets say you add UserID to the Votes table and this is where a user's votes are stored than this would be your query
SELECT, Votes.*,
SUM(Votes.nvotes) AS user_votes
FROM Users, Votes
WHERE = Votes.UserID
ORDER BY user_votes
USE ORDER BY in your query --
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column_name(s) ASC|DESC

Data from two tables with same column names

I have a table for users. But when a user makes any changes to their profile, I store them in a temp table until I approve them. The data then is copied over to the live table and deleted from the temp table.
What I want to achieve is that when viewing the data in the admin panel, or in the page where the user can double check before submitting, I want to write a single query that will allow me to fetch the data from both tables where the id in both equals $userid. Then I want to display them a table form, where old value appears in the left column and the new value appears in the right column.
I've found some sql solutions, but I'm not sure how to use them in php to echo the results as the columns in both have the same name.
Adding AS to a column name will allow you to alias it to a different name.
SELECT AS name1, AS name2, ...
FROM table1
ON ...
If you use the AS SQL keyword, you can rename a column just for that query's result.
`member.column` AS `oldvalue`,
`edit.column` AS `newvalue`
FROM member, edit
`member.uid` = $userId AND
`edit.uid` = $userId;
Something along those lines should work for you. Although SQL is not my strong point, so I'm pretty sure that this query would not work as is, even on a table with the correct fields and values.
Here is your required query.
Let suppose you have for example name field in two tables. Table one login and table 2 information. Now
SELECT as LoginName , InofName
FROM login left join information on information.user_id =
Now you can use LoginName and InofName anywhere you need.
Use MySQL JOIN. And you can get all data from 2 tables in one mysql query.
SELECT * FROM `table1`
JOIN `table2` ON `table1`.`userid` = `table2`.`userid`
WHERE `table1`.`userid` = 1

select from multiple table with mysql

I had my query set up the other day as so
$query = "SELECT card_id,title,description,meta_description,seo_keywords,price
FROM cards,card_cheapest order by card_id";
As you can see, I was selecting card_id,title,description,meta_description,seo_keywords from the table cards, and price was coming from cheapest_card. They both have the card_id in common (in both tables). However, I ran into a bit of an issue. When I run the query in navicat lite, I receive an error "card_id is ambiguous". Was I doing something wrong?
When 2 or more tables have a column that is named the same, you have to qualify the table you want the column to be from.
$query = "SELECT cards.card_id,title,description,meta_description,seo_keywords,price
FROM cards,card_cheapest order by card_id";
Furthermore, do you really want to run the query this way, without a WHERE/JOIN-clause to define how to JOIN the two tables?
$query = "SELECT cards.card_id,title,description,meta_description,seo_keywords,price
FROM cards,card_cheapest WHERE cards.card_id = card_cheapest.card_id
ORDER BY card_id";
When you have the same column name in two tables you're selecting from, you have to prefix the part in the SELECT with one of the table names (it doesn't matter which if it's the same data)
such as SELECT cards.card_id, ...
EDIT: However, cularis's answer is much more explanatory than mine, and take note about joining the two card_id columns if you want to get correct results.
When you run queries that get information from multiple tables with shared field names you need to specify from which table you want to extract what field. You do this by specifying the table name before the field name.
In your case you have two options:
cards.card_id or card_cheapest.card_id.
Also I agree with #cularis, you are probably better of doing a join, but still you will need to specify which card_id you want to select: the one from cards or card_cheapest.
