Ubuntu encoding of new files - php

I'm searching there for a long time, but without any helpful result.
I'm developing a PHP project using eclipse on a Ubuntu 11.04 VM. Every thing works fine. I've never need to look for the file encoding. But after deploying the project to my server, all contents were shown with the wrong encoding. After a manual conversion to UTF8 with Notepad++ my problems were solved.
Now I want to change it in my Ubuntu VM, too. And there's the problem. I've checked the preferences in Eclipse but every property ist set to UTF8: General content types, workspace, project settings, everything ...
If I look for the encoding on the terminal, it says "test_new.dat: text/plain; charset=us-ascii". All files are saved to ascii format. If I try to create a new file with the terminal ("touch") it's also the same.
Then I've tried to convert the files with iconv:
iconv -f US-ASCII -t UTF8 -o test.dat test_new.dat
But the encoding doesn't change. Especially PHP files seems to be resistant. I have some *.ini files in my project for which a conversion works?!
Any idea what to do?
Here are my locale settings of Ubuntu:

I was also wondering about character encoding and found something that might be usefull here.
When I create a new empty .txt-file on my ubuntu 12.04 and ask for its character encoding with: "file -bi filename.txt" it shows me: charset=binary. After opening it and writing something inside like "haha" I saved it using "save as" and explicitly chose UTF-8 as character encoding. Now very strangely it did not show me charset=UTF-8 after asking again, but returned charset=us-ascii. This seemed already strange. But it got even stranger, when I did the whole thing again but this time included some german specific charakters (ä in this case) in the file and saved again (this time without saving as, I just pressed save). Now it said charset=UTF-8.
It therefore seems that at least gedit is checking the file and downgrading from UTF-8 to us-ascii if there is no need for UTF-8 since the file can be encoded using us-ascii.
Hope this helped a bit even though it is not php related.

UTF-8 is compatible with ASCII. An ASCII text file is therefore also valid UTF-8, and a conversion from ASCII to UTF-8 is a no-op.


exif_read_data: keywords decoded incorrectly

I'm using exif_read_data() to extract exif data from uploaded pictures. This worked fine on my Windows machine but on my Mac with latest XAMPP all fields seem to be extracted correctly except the keywords/tags. If I look in the file the camera model (which is extracted correctly) is encoded in ASCII it seems (one byte per char). However, the keywords (which were originally edited on Windows (Explorer)) are encoded in UTF16-LE it seems (i.e. ASCII code followed by 0x00). So it seems to be a mix of character encoding.
I tried to force the character encoding to a certain standard (with e.g. ini_set('exif.encode_unicode', 'byte2le')) but most of the times I get question marks in the keywords or nothing at all.
Anyone any idea what's wrong, how to fix it and why this worked fine on Windows XAMMP and not Mac XAMPP?
I found the answer:
Forcing exif.decode_unicode_motorola to UCS-2LE instead of the default value UCS-2BE did the trick.
ini_set('exif.decode_unicode_motorola', 'UCS-2LE');
Still don't understand why it works on a Windows machine without this.

UTF8 characters from database don't show up properly in the browser - MySQL & PHP CodeIgniter

My database and tables are set to utf8_general_ci collation and utf8 charset. CodeIgniter is set to utf8. I've added meta tag charset=utf8, and I'm still getting something like: квартиры instead of cyrillic letters...
The same code running on the local machine works fine - Mac OSX. It's only breaking in the production machine, which is Ubuntu 11.10 64bit in AWS EC2. Static content from the .php files show up correctly, only the data coming from the database are messed up. Example page: http://dev.uzlist.com/browse/cat/nkv
Any ideas why?
When I do error_log() the data coming from the database, it's the same values I'm seeing on the page. Hence, it's not the browser-server issue. It's something between mysql and php, since when I run SELECT * FROM categories, it shows the data in the right format. I'm using PHP CodeIgniter framework for database connection and query and as mentioned here, I have configured it to use utf8 connection and utf8_general_ci collation.
Make sure your my.cnf (likely to be in /etc/) has the following entries :
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
You'll need to restart the mysql service once you make your changes.
Adding my comments in here to make this a little clearer.
Make sure the following HTTP header is being set so the browser knows what charset to expect.
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Also try adding this tag into the top of your html <head> tag
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" value="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
To make the browser show up correctly.you should check three points:
encoding of your script file.
encoding of connection.
encoding of database or table schema.
if all of these are compatible, you'll get the page you want.
The original data has been encoded as UTF-8, the result interpreted in Windows-1252 and then UTF-8 encoded again. This is really bad; it isn't about a simple encoding mismatch that a header would fix. Your data is actually broken.
If the data is ok in the database (check with SELECT hex(column) FROM myTable) to see if it was double encoded already in the database), then there must be your code that is converting it to UTF-8 on output.
Search your project for uses of function utf8_encode, convert_to_utf8, or just iconv or mb_convert_encoding. Running
$ grep -rn "\(utf8_\(en\|de\)code\|convert_to_utf8\|iconv\|mb_convert_encoding\)" .
On your application's /application folder should be enough to find something.
Also see config values for these:
ini_get( "mbstring.http_output" ),
ini_get( "mbstring.encoding_translation" )
Well, if you absolutely and positively sure that your mysql client encoding is set to utf8, there are 2 possible cases. One - double encoding - described by Esailija.
But there is another one: you have your data actually encoded in 1251, not in utf-8.
In this case you have to either recode your data or set proper encoding on the tables. Though it is not one button push task
Here is a manual (in russian) exаctly for that case: http://phpfaq.ru/charset#repair
In short, you have to dump your table, using the same encoding set on the table (to avoid recoding), backup that dump in safe place, then change table definitions to reflect the actual encoding and then load it back.
Potentially this may also be caused by the mbstring extension not being installed (which would explain a difference between your dev and production environments)
Check out this post, might give you a few more answers.
Try mysql_set_charset('utf8') after the mysql connect. Then it should works.
After 2 days of fighting this bug, finally figured out the issue. Thanks for #yourcommonsense, #robsquires, and a friend of mine from work for good resources that helped to debug the issue.
The issue was that at the time of the sql file dump to the database (import), charset for server, database, client, and connection was set to latin1 (status command helped to figure that out). So the command line was set to latin1 as well, which is why it was showing the right characters, but the connection with the PHP code was UTF8 and it was trying to encode it again. Ended up with double encoding.
mysqldump the tables and the data (while in latin1)
dump the database
set the default charsets to UTF8 in /etc/my.cnf as Rob Squires mentioned
restart the mysql
create the database again with the right charset and collation
dump the file back into it
And it works fine.
Thanks all for contribution!

echo and UTF-8 (PHP)

I have installed Apache on my server (I wasn't using Apache) and special characters started to show wrong.
So I changed every file to UTF-8, configured MySQL to work with UTF-8 and everything worked fine. However, my Python app (which retrieves some information from the website) doesn't work properly.
For example, I had a file "test.php" which returned either 0 or 1. Python code then did whatever with that result.
But now, my Python app doesn't receive "0", I don't know what it gets from the website. I made the app send a GET request to my site with what it was getting and it sent me this: "???0".
What can I do? I tried to change the header to send the result as ISO-8859-1 (as it was before) but isn't working either.
It's BOM symbol. Remove this symbol from script in Notepad++ editor (Menu -> Encoding -> Encode in UTF-8 without BOM).

UTF-8 problems with PHP DOM on Debian server

I have a problem with UTF-8 strings in PHP on my Debian server.
Update in details
I´ve done a little more testing and the situation is now more specific. I updated the title and details to fit it better the situation. Thanks for the responses and sorry that the problem wasn´t described clearly. The following script works fine on my local Windows machine but not on my Debian server:
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
$string = '<html><head></head><body>UTF-8: ÄÖÜ<br /></body</html>';
$document = new DOMDocument();
echo $document->saveHTML();
echo $string;
As expected on my local machine the output is:
On my server the output is:
I wrote the script in Notepad++ in UTF-8 without BOM and transferred it over SSH. As noticed by guido the string itself is properly UTF-8 encoded. There seems to be a problem with PHP DOM or maybe libxml. And the reason must be some setting since it is machine dependant.
Original question
I work locally with XAMPP on Windows and everything is fine. But when I deploy my project on the server UTF-8 strings get all messed up. In fact when I upload this test script
echo utf8_encode('UTF-8 test: ÄÖÜ');
I get "ÃÃÃ". Also when I connect with putty to the server I cannot write umlauts (ÄÖÜ) correctly in the shell. I have no idea if this issue is even PHP related.
Check for your apache's AddDefaultCharset setting.
On standard debian apache distributions, the setting can be modified in /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset.
Please verify that your file is byte-to-byte the same as on your local machine. FTP transfer in text mode could have messed it up. You may want to try binary one.
EDIT: answer for updated question:
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
$string = '<html><head>'
.'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'
.'</head><body>UTF-8: ÄÖÜ<br /></body</html>';
$document = new DOMDocument();
echo $document->saveHTML();
echo $string;
I suspect your input string may be already UTF-8. Try:
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'de_DE.UTF-8');
$s = "UTF-8 test: ÄÖÜ";
if (mb_detect_encoding($s, "UTF-8") == "UTF-8") {
echo "No need to encode";
} else {
$s = utf8_encode($s);
echo "Encoded string $s";
Are you explicitly sending a content-type header? If you omit it, it's likely that Apache is sending one for you. If the file is served with a Latin-1 encoding (by Apache) and the browser reads it as such, then your UTF-8 characters will be malformed.
Try this:
echo "Drop some UTF-8 characters here.";
Then this:
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
echo "Drop some UTF-8 characters here.";
The second should work, if the first doesn't. You may also want to save the file as a UTF-8-encoded file, if it's not already.
If your database characters are messed up, try setting the (My)SQL connection encoding.
Try changing the defualt charset on the server in your php.ini file:
default_charset = "UTF-8"
also, make sure your are sending out the proper content type headers as utf-8
In my experience with utf-8, if you properly configure the php mbstring module and use the mbstring functions, and also make sure your database connection is using utf-8 then you won't have any problems.
The db part can be done for mysql with the query "SET NAMES 'utf8'"
I usually started an output buffer using mbstring to handle the buffer. This is what I use in production websites and it is a very solid approach. Then send the buffer when you have finished rendering your content.
Let me know if you would like the sampe code for that.
Another easy trick to just see if it is the wrong headers being sent out by php or the webserver is to use the view->encoding menu on your browser and see if it is utf-8. If it's not and you switch it to utf-8 and everything looks ok then it is a problem with your headers or content type. If it is already utf-8 and the text is screwed up then it is something going wrong in your code or db connection. If you are using mysql make sure the tables and columns involved are also utf-8
The cause of the problem was an old version of libxml (2.6.32.) on the server. On the development machine it was 2.7.3. I upgraded libxml to an unstable package resulting in version 2.7.8. The problems are now gone.

$_GET encoding problem with cyrillic text

I'm trying this code (on my local web server)
echo 'the word is / думата е '.$_GET['word'];
but I get corrupted result when enter ?word=проба
the word is / думата е ����
The document is saved as 'UTF-8 without BOM' and headers are also UTF-8.
I have tried urlencode() and urldecode() but the effect was same.
When upload it on web server, works fine...
What if you try sending a HTTP Content-type header, to indicate the browser which encoding / charset your page is generating ?
For instance, something like this might help :
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
echo 'the word is / думата е '.$_GET['word'];
Of course, this is if you are generating HTML -- you probably are.
Considering there is a configuration setting at the server's level that defines which encoding is sent by default, maybe the default encoding on your server is OK -- while the one on your local server is not.
Sending such a header by yourself would solve the problem : it would make sure the encoding is always set properly.
I suppose you are using the Apache web server.
There is a common problem with Apache configuration - a line with "AddDefaultCharset" in the config should be commented out (add # in the begining of the line, or replace the line with "AddDefaultCharset off") because it "overrides any encoding given in the files in meta http-equiv or xml encoding tags".
In my current installation (Apache2 # Ubuntu Linux) the line is found in "/etc/apache2/conf.d/charset" but in other (Linux/Unix) setups can be in "/etc/apache2/httpd.conf", or "/etc/apache/httpd.conf" (if you are using Apache 1). If you don't find it in these files you can search for it with "cd /etc/apache2 ; grep -r AddDefaultCharset *" (for Apache 2 # Unix/Linux).
Take a look at Changing the server encoding. An excellent read!
If You recieve $_GET from AJAX make sure that Your blablabla.js file in UTF-8 encode. Also You can use iconv("cp1251","utf8",$_GET['word']); to display your $_GET['word'] in UTF-8
I just had the issue and it sometimes happens if you filter the GET variable with htmlentities(). It seems like this function converts cyrillic characters into weird stuff.
