How to receive GET request from external source with CakePHP - php

I'm working on a project that allows external users(coming from another source than just my server) to make a GET request to a page on my server, which will then return some JSON encoded data.
For example, say the data (not using Cake, just standard PHP) would be sent to
I'd just have something like
//do some stuff
echo $json_encoded_stuff;
With CakePHP I'd just post the data to something like
However, I do not want/need a view for this because there is nothing to see. This page is purely for data exchange. Considering this, is there anything special I have to do so that Cake doesn't throw an error because it's expecting a corresponding view? Is this even possible?

It is easy to disable both the layout and view in CakePHP by putting the following line in your controller action:
$this->autoRender = false;
If you want to disable just the layout, use the following line in your controller action:
$this->layout = false;
And if you only want to disable the view for this action, use the following line in your controller:
Note that using $this->layout = false; and $this->render(false); together in your controller action will give you the same results as $this->autoRender = false;


Why is Yii2 framework showing a 404 error when creating custom view page?

I'm attempting to create a custom display in yii2 framework using this code in my site controller:
public function actionChartDisplay()
return $this->render('chartDisplay');
for testing purposes I pasted the form name in my actionAbout function as a parameter to the render function in it. It worked with this:
public function actionAbout()
return $this->render('chartDisplay');
But I need to create many custom views in yii2 and this won't be a solution.
This is the error I get
I'm curious as to why it is. Since I was following this tutorial and came across this weird behaviour.
My 'chartDisplay.php' file is merely a "hello world" that does work with the action about function.
in yii2, the controllers and actions with multiple words, that are marked by capital letters are divided by - in your request, so in your case the route would be some/chart-display
Apparently as #SmartCoder pointed out it was an error on how Yii2 Handles the action functions in its controller however I didn't mark his answer as the solution right away because implementing it resulted in an error. So aside from that I'm posting the way I solved it.
So instead of using chart-display I simply changed it for "charts" like this:
public function actionCharts(){
return $this->render('charts');
Changed the name of my file so it fits to charts.php and it worked.

CakePHP 2.x - Accessing $_POST data within controller (REST POST request)

I'm creating an API using Cakephp 2.x that needs a POST request to post some data to the server however when I'm posting (using Postman) to with code=123 in the post parameters my $_POST is an empty array.
My route works, I can see variables that I declare and output within the controller, and I've checked that the parameters are being passed in the request by using the chrome developer console checking the network data.
Router::connect('/api/confirm', array('controller' => 'awesomeController', 'action' => 'confirm'));
class AwesomeController extends AppController {
public function confirm() {
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->layout = 'ajax';
I've got my endpoints for the get requests to work just fine, it only seems to be POST data.
Not quite sure why $_POST wouldn't even be available and I'm sure it's something ridiculously silly I've overlooked!
** Edit **
I've attempted the following without success:
I have another method whereby I use GET along with ?parameter=value etc and I am able to use one of the above calls to retrieve the data.
In this case, the variables should be in
Try using URLs like api/confirm?code=123, and they will be in request->query
I may be wrong since I am pretty new to cakePHP but since you set:
$this->autoRender = false;
so the view is not rendered automatically to set the view to ajax layout.
Isn't it necessary to call:
After setting the layout as said here?
Well, hope it helps.
If anybody come here one day by googling, just had the same problem.
Had a REST Controller, called with URL /rest/something/cool.json
Method called inside RestController.php, had output, but no POST, no REQUEST.
Tried with code=123, sending direct JSON, the only way to make it works was to set Content-Type to application/json and to send actual working JSON : Cake seems to validate prior to anything, sending raw data seems useless.

Correct way to echo response when using AJAX with MVC (CodeIgniter)

I have a form that submits to the submit_ajax method when submitted via AJAX. Now, when I receive it as an AJAX request, I want to return a JSON object.
In this case, I have two options. What would be considered the right way to do it, following the MVC pattern?
Option 1
Echo it from the controller
class StackOverflow extends CI_Controller
public function submit_ajax()
$response['status'] = true;
$response['message'] = 'foobar';
echo json_encode($response);
Option 2 Set up a view that receives data from the controller and echoes it.
class StackOverflow extends CI_Controller
public function submit_ajax()
$response['status'] = true;
$response['message'] = 'foobar';
$data['response'] = $response;
//return_json view
echo json_encode($response);
The great thing about CodeIgniter is that in most cases it's up to yourself to decide which one you're more comfortable with.
If you (and your colleges) prefer to echo through the Controller, go for it!
I personally echo ajax replies through the Controller cause it's easy and you have all of your simple scripts gathered, instead of having to open a view file to confirm an obivous json_encode().
The only time I'd see it to be logical to use view in this case is if you have 2 view files that echo's json and XML for instance. Then it can be nice to pass the same value to these views and get different outcome.
The correct way according to the MVC pattern is to display data in the View. The Controller should not display data at any case.
MVC is often seen in web applications where the view is the HTML or
XHTML generated by the application. The controller receives GET or
POST input and decides what to do with it...
Usually when you have to show something on success in ajax funnction you need flags means some messages. And according to those messages you display or play in success function . Now there is no need to create an extra view. a simple echo json_encode() in controller is enough. Which is easy to manipulate.

storing a rendered element in a variable in CakePHP

I am having some trouble trying to "capture" the rendered html of an elmenet in cake php.
Say I have an element named "message.ctp"
I would like to do something like the following:
A making a $.getJSON request to an action in a controller say jsonAction(). Within this action I will perform some DB updates and return a json string. I would like to store the html is a part of the json object. Doable?
function jsonAction() {
//Do DB update
if(db update was ok) {
$response = array("completed" => true, "html" => $this->render("message"));
} else {
$response = array("completed" => false);
echo json_encode($response);
What seems to be happening right now is that the render method echos the rendered value instead of returning it.
Anyway I can achieve this?
Forget elements for the time being.
First of all you have to separate everything that includes outputting stuff from the controller (either it is HTML or JSON or whatever).
For every controller action you have to have a corresponding view. So, for controller action jsonAction you should have a view names json_action.ctp (at the corresponding folder, e.g. if jsonAction is at MessagesController create a folder named /view/messages/json_action.ctp).
Set your variable from controller, display it at view and you are done. Do not forget to $this->layout = 'empty' from controller so that you display only what you have at the view.
Generally you should redo the CakePHP tutorials and reread the book it order to understand better the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and CakePHP structure.
Do you mean this?
$myRenderedHtml = $this->element('message');

Zend Framework, run query without a view?

I am currently building a small admin section for a website using Zend Framework, this is only my second time of using the framework so I am a little unsure on something things. for example are I have an archive option for news articles where the user will hopefully click a link and the article will be archived however I cannot work out how to get this to run without having a view?
this is my controller
public function archiveNewsAction()
$oNews = new news();
and this is my model
public function archiveNewsArticle($news_id)
$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
$sql = "UPDATE $this->_name SET live = '0' WHERE news_id = '$news_id' LIMIT 1";
$query = $db->query($sql);
$row = $query->fetch();
return $row;
I would appreciate any help any one can give.
I use this with calls to AJAX-only actions that I either don't want output or I'm using some other output, like XML or JSON:
// Disable the main layout renderer
// Do not even attempt to render a view
This has the added benefit of no overhead of redirection if what you are doing has no output/non-HTML output.
To disable view rendering in an action (put this in the specific action. If you want it for the entire controller put it in the init method):
If you are using the layout component of ZF also add this:
I could not figure out your code there. in your model you are calling die(). why?
it will stop the execution. are you sure about that line? anyway, if you have a controller in Zend Framework and do not need any view, you can turn the view off by this line:
// code in your controller
// the rest of the controller
now the controller will not search for a view script to show to the user.
make sure you will call
after all of your controller job is done.
Orignal Answer:
Your call to:
Calls the Redirector action helper, which (unless you've configured it not to) will automatically exit the script as soon as the headers are written, so the view will never be called or rendered, there's no need for a view script.
Follow-up Answer:
In order to call the action without sending the user to the other "page" and then redirecting back again you'll need to use an XMLHttpRequest (AJAX) call. These links should provide the information you need:
Also take a look at some JS frameworks that make using XMLHttpRequest cross-browser much easier:
Zend Framework actually has built in support for the Dojo JS framework, which you may find easier:
