Need little help, i get always stupid errors, when i try to do this, i want to foreach array, and inside that do a for loop, is this possible?
Here is my code
$image = new SimpleImage();
$koliko = count($slike);
foreach ($slike as $slika) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $koliko; $i++)
I want to get new pictures with this name, example.If last id was 2 i want to get this filenames etc
Still with my code i dont get correct values :(
Or maybe there is easy way to do that :)
I think what you need is to replace your following line:
for this one:
you probably have a problem in you foreach as if we do a var_dump on an array we will see the following :
array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "test1" [1]=> string(4) "tes2" [2]=> string(5) "test3" }
so you need to change it to :
foreach ($slike as $key => $slika) {
you can also use move_uploaded_file to achieve what you are trying to do and use linux command convert :
foreach ($slike as $key => $slika) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $koliko; $i++)
exec("convert $slicica -resize 200 $slicica");
}else{die('problem loading the file');}
// insert into mysql table..
// [...]
$mysqlId = mysql_insert_id();
foreach ( $_FILES as $key => $value) {
else {
// error handling
Using PHP and MySQL I have generated two arrays. I would like to loop through these arrays, retrieve data from both and display together in one sentence.
foreach ($items as $item) {
if(isset($item->item_title)) {
$itemTitle = $item->item_title;
// var_dump($itemTitle);
// string(7) "Halfway" string(5) "Story" string(6) "Listen"
foreach ($aData["Items"]["Item"] as $a) {
if (isset($a['description'])) {
$aDescription = $a['description'];
// var_dump($aDescription );
// string(4) "Good" string(6) "Strong" string(2) "OK"
Desired result;
The title is Halfway and the description is Good.
The title is Story and the description is Strong.
The title is Listen and the description is OK.
// etc
// etc
Is it possible to nest the foreach loops, or is there a better more efficient way?
Please try this way. Hope this help!!
foreach ($items as $index => $item) {
if(isset($item->item_title)) {
$itemTitle = $item->item_title;
echo 'The title is '.$itemTitle;
if(isset($aData["Items"]["Item"][$index]['description']) {
$itemDescription = $aData["Items"]["Item"][$index]['description'];
echo ' and the description is '.$itemDescription;
echo '<br>';
// The title is Halfway and the description is Good.
You can merge those two foreach loops using a simple for loop, like this:
$count = count($items) >= count($aData["Items"]["Item"]) ? count($aData["Items"]["Item"]) : count($items);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i){
if(isset($item[$i]->item_title)) {
$itemTitle = $item[$i]->item_title;
if (isset($aData["Items"]["Item"][$i]['description'])) {
$aDescription = $aData["Items"]["Item"][$i]['description'];
// your code
Sidenote: The above code assumes that two arrays $items and $aData["Items"]["Item"] have unequal number of elements, though this will work for equal number of elements as well. If you're sure that these two arrays will always have equal number of elements, then refactor the $count = ... ; statement in the following way,
$count = count($items);
$count = count($aData["Items"]["Item"]);
and use this $count variable in for loop.
Try this hope this will help you out.
Note: Here i am assuming both array's have same indexes.
If not you can do array_values($items) and array_values($aData["Items"]["Item"])
foreach ($items as $key => $item)
if (isset($item->item_title) && isset($aData["Items"]["Item"][$key]['description']))
$itemTitle = $item->item_title;
echo sprinf("The title is %s and the description is %s",$itemTitle,$aData["Items"]["Item"][$key]['description']);
echo PHP_EOL;
I am trying to locale the correct sub-array in order to change the count, if a specific value is present more than once.
I have the following code:
$trending = [];
foreach($hashtags as $hashtag) {
if(in_array($hashtag->hashtag, $hashtags))
else {
array_push($trending, [
'hashtag' => $hashtag->hashtag,
'counts' => '1'
This gives me the following example outout:
array(3) {
[0]=> array(2)
["hashtag"]=> "foobar"
["counts"]=> "1"
[1]=> array(2)
["hashtag"]=> "hashtags"
["counts"]=> "1"
[2]=> array(2)
["hashtag"]=> "imageattached"
["counts"]=> "1"
So in the foreach loop and the if statement, i want to check for dublicates of hashtags, e.g. if the hashtag foobar exists more than one time, I don't want to create another dublicate in the array, but I want to change the count to 2
How do I find the correct "sub"-array, and change the count of this to 2, if a hashtag is present within $hashtags more than once??
The idea is, that I at the end can sort these arrays, and get the hashtag that is most common, by looking at the count.
If you change the structure of your output, you could do something like this:
$trending = [];
foreach($hashtags as $tag) {
if (isset($trending[$tag])) $trending[$tag]++;
else $trending[$tag] = 1;
Which would result in $trending having the structure
array(2) {
["foobar"] => 1,
["hashtags"] => 2
Which could then be looped through with
foreach($trending as $tag => $count) {
echo $tag . ' appears ' . $count . ' times.' . PHP_EOL;
The PHP method array_count_values might be of some help.
Have you considered using a keyed array?
$trending = array();
foreach($hashtags as $hashtag) {
$trending[$hashtag] = 1;
$trending[$hashtag] += 1;
By using a keyed array, there is no duplication and you can easily check how frequently a hashtag is used by just accessing $trending[$hashtag]. Additionally, you can get the list of all hashtags in the trending array using $allHashtags = array_keys($trending);.
Of course, if your project specifications do not allow for this, then by all means, use a different approach, but that would be the approach I would take.
It can be more linear of you can change your array structure but for the current this should work.
$trending = [];
$checker = true;
foreach($hashtags as $hashtag) {
foreach ($trending as $key =>$value) {
if($value["hashtag"] == $hashtag->hashtag){
$checker = false;
if($checker) {
array_push($trending, [
'hashtag' => $hashtag->hashtag,
'counts' => '1'
$checker = true;
I tried to use the function array_search but can't get it work..
I got a php session with an array.
array(2) {
array(6) {
["ProductId"]=>string(2) "34"
["ProductName"]=>string(9) "Best ever"
["ProductPrice"]=>string(6) "453.00"
["ProductColor"]=>string(4) "Blue"
["ProductSize"]=>string(1) "S"
["Image"]=>string(36) "d12f95895c9130da8e52a7ff5b9216c9.png"
array(6) {
["ProductId"]=>string(2) "33"
["ProductName"]=>string(5) "Vespa"
["ProductPrice"]=>string(7) "1789.00"
["ProductColor"]=>string(4) "Blue"
["ProductSize"]=>string(1) "S"
["Image"]=>string(36) "678e25ea94a7fa94bc6fa427ff29bc6c.png"
now I do an array_search()
include '_sqlclean.php';
(isset($_POST['product_id'])) ? $p_id = clean_string_save($_POST['product_id']) : $p_id = 0;
$array = $_SESSION['wishList'];
$key = array_search($p_id, $array);
if I do a
I got what I showed you above.
But I always got the message "Key not found"
Why ?? What's my mistake ?
I tried already to do
$p_id = "34" // for try
$p_id = intval(34); // for try also
$key = array_search("34", $_SESSION['wishList']); // to see if it works
but nothing worked.. :(
Thanks in advance
array_search will not work for multidimensional arrays. Rather this might work -
$key = array_search($p_id, array_column($array, 'ProductId'));
This will extract all the ProductId from that array then do the search.
Try with alternative for array_search().For example:
function searchForId($id, $array) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if ($val['uid'] === $id) {
return $key;
return null;
$key = array_search($p_id, array_column($array, 'ProductId'));
Aparently you are mistyping the variable (key) name
in the array it is
and in your code it is
It happen cause you search into outer array, which contains only [0] and [1] keys.
Try to use
$key = array_search("34", $_SESSION['wishList'][1]);
You can try an alternative way like
$p_id = "34" // for try
$p_id = intval(34); // for try also
if(in_array($p_id, array_values($_SESSION['wishList']))) {
// Product Id found in your wishList
It will works only for single dimension array. For multidimensional use foreach loop.
My foreach is entering an array in the second level of my $bad_email array, something like this
[""] { ["name"]=> "Woo Hilley", ["amount"]=> "125.16"}
[""] { ["name"]=> "Shoo Moo", ["amount"]=> "12.16"}
If I try to enter the same value like [""] { ["name"]=> "Woo Hilley", ["amount"]=> "125.16"} again I want it to run specific code. Im not sure how to fix this. The code Im running seems to work when the name is the same but I want the email, name and amount to all match before it fires. Help please
$bad_email = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($id_array as $key => $id) {
$bad_email[$email][name] =$name;
$bad_email[$email][amount] = $amount;
if ($bad_email[$email][$amount], $bad_email[$email])) {
$email, $name, and $amount are all pulled from an api call
This worked...
$bad_email = array();
$temp_email = array();
foreach ($id_array as $key => $id) {
$temp_email =$bad_email;
$bad_email[$email][name] =$name;
$bad_email[$email][amount] = $amount;
if ($bad_email[$email][amount] == $temp_email[$email][amount]){
Say, we have an array: array(1,2,3,4,...)
And I want to convert it to:
Can anybody help?
EDIT It would be good to have the solution with iterations.
$x = count($array) - 1;
$temp = array();
for($i = $x; $i >= 0; $i--)
$temp = array($array[$i] => $temp);
You can simply make a recursive function :
function nestArray($myArray)
if (empty($myArray))
return array();
$firstValue = array_shift($myArray);
return array($firstValue => nestArray($myArray));
Well, try something like this:
$in = array(1,2,3,4); // Array with incoming params
$res = array(); // Array where we will write result
$t = &$res; // Link to first level
foreach ($in as $k) { // Walk through source array
if (empty($t[$k])) { // Check if current level has required key
$t[$k] = array(); // If does not, create empty array there
$t = &$t[$k]; // And link to it now. So each time it is link to deepest level.
unset($t); // Drop link to last (most deep) level
array(1) {
[1]=> array(1) {
[2]=> array(1) {
[3]=> array(1) {
[4]=> array(0) {
I think the syntax for the multidimensional array you want to create would look like the following.
$array = array(
'array1' => array('value' => 'another_value'),
'array2' => array('something', 'something else'),
'array3' => array('value', 'value')
Is this what you're looking for?
You can also use this array library to do that in just one line:
$array = Arr::setNestedElement([], '', 'value');