Using Yiic to access an action - php

I'm trying to use yiic to run an action that's inside a controller (protected/controllers/site.php)
class SiteController extends Controller {
public function actionHello() {
echo 'hello!';
If I try to run (inside protected/ folder) ./yiic site hello
It says it only has the commands message, migrate, shell and webapp.
How do I call this action within the Command Line ?

Short answer. You can't :-) You need to create Yii an override of CConsoleCommand (more info on the Yii guide here).
Once you've done that, then you create an action (or shift your code right over to that action).


hidden magic in Laravel blade components

I had anonymous component resources\views\components\homepage\feedback.blade.php to render feedback on homepage. From the beginning it was just html. Then I decided to connect Class file. I already had another View Class component and I just copied it manually instead of using artisan command.
namespace App\View\Components;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
use App\Models\Feedback;
class Feedback extends Component
public $feedbacks;
public function __construct()
$this->feedbacks = Feedback::wherePublished(true)->take(5);
public function render()
return view('');
And then {{ dd($feedbacks) }} in view file gives me error that this variable is not defined.
Undefined variable: feedbacks (View: C:\laragon\www\lara7\resources\views\components\homepage\feedback.blade.php)
If I try to create Test component with artisan command and put this code inside it works, but then I cannot rename it back to Feedback class. It gives me error
Cannot declare class App\View\Components\Feedback because the name is already in use
But old class already deleted, so I cannot understand what is wrong.
It seems like there is some hidden link between View Class and Blade components, which needs to be erased. But where is this link located?
When switching component type from anonymous to class and back, you have to clear compiled view files:
php artisan view:clear
That's because Laravel incorporate specific component type invocation into the compiled view code.
I found problem.
I got $feedbacks is undefined, because my anonymous component without variables initially was located in resources\views\components\homepage\feedback.blade.php and when I decide to create View Class for this component there was no link established.
Laravel creates automatic link between feedback.blade.php and app\View\FeedbackComponent.php only when blade file located directly in resources\views\components folder. And my component was in subfolder.
So laravel tried to render resources\views\components\homepage\feedback.blade.php with $feedback variable inside and it cannot find where $feedback is defined.
So I just manually register FeedbacksComponent class like that in appservice provider boot method
Blade::component('homepage-feedbacks', FeedbacksComponent::class);
and then use <x-homepage-feedbacks/> to render it
I would say documentation is not very clear. It says that outside of components folder automatic discovery is not working.
But it doesn't say that inside components subfolder automatic discovery is not working.
In Laravel 8 you can use and no need to declare the component
< />
I think you're right I have been having the same issue and and I've been really struggling with it. Finally I found a workaround which is if you change the file name it works so I think it's a problem with the laravel framework and I think they need to address this issue

Laravel Cron Jobs - controller function

I have a controller in laravel project in /app/Http/Controllers.
The controller called transferDataController.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use DB;
class TransferDataController extends Controller{
public function moveStTempSales(){
// then a lot of queries.
I need to call this function every 15 minutes. Without calling the api using url on a button or some elements. I was reading about Laravel Schedule.
It works on Laravel 4? And if yes how can I schedule this function in my case ?
I have a good knowledge in server cron jobs.
Go the following directory:
In this folder create you can create a class file that contains the function which is to be called on cron.
Now on the same path there is a file : Kernel.php
This file contains:
which is to be used to call the function of the currently created class.
After that use:
php artisan schedule:run
to run the functionality.

How to call models methods from helper function in Laravel 5.3?

I've created a helper file using the following method:
Created file in app/Http/helpers.php
Added file path in composer.json
Run this command: composer dumpautoload
Everything worked well but I want to use my models here so that I don't have to write code for getting data from database every time, but it's giving an error that model class not found.
function productImagePath($image_name) {
$generalSettings = \GeneralSettingsModel::GetGeneralSettings();
return $generalSettings;
My requirement is that I want to call some model's functions to get frontend (header/footer) design settings from database. So I've to write that code again and again in each controller. I'm very new in Laravel so if it's not a good approach to use helpers for such things, please guide me how it's possible then.
As your GeneralSettingModel class is in the App namespace you will need to include that:
function productImagePath($image_name)
$generalSettings = App\GeneralSettingsModel::GetGeneralSettings();
return $generalSettings;
Hope this helps!

Laravel Controller doesn't exist, even though it clearly exists

The error I'm getting is that the controller doesn't exist even though I know it does, here's the code.
Route::get('mdpay/template', array("uses" => "templateController#index"));
class templateController extends BaseController {
public function index()
echo "made it";
Why might I be getting this error: Class TemplateController does not exist
================= UPDATE: ==================
Ok, so I've created the correct route, renamed my file, and corrected the class name and I'm still coming up with that error.
File Names:
// File Name: TemplateController.php
class TemplateController extends BaseController {
public function index()
// app/views/myView.blade.php
echo "hello";
My route is:
Route::get('mdpay/template', array("uses" => "TemplateController#index"));
Still receiving Controller Doesn't Exist error. All my other controllers (3 others) are working except this one.
If you are using the standard composer classmap autoloader you need to composer dumpautoload everytime you create a new file.
So to create a new controller with the standard composer setup given by Laravel:
Create a new file in app/controllers named TemplateController.php
Open up terminal and run composer dumpautoload
As previous users have said, only view files should end with .blade.php.
If you're using Laravel 8, add this line to your RouteServiceProvider.php (you can search it by using CTRL + P):
protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';
This solved the issue for me.
It should be:
// File Name: TemplateController.php
class TemplateController extends BaseController {
public function index()
// return "made it"; // or
// app/views/myView.blade.php
return View::make('myView');
Route for that:
Route::get('mdpay/template', array("uses" => "TemplateController#index"));
Use blade in a Blade view, i.e: myView.blade.php basically stored in app/views/ folder. Read more about blate template on Laravel website.
Controllers live in the app/controllers directory and should remain there unless you have your own namespaced structure.
The reason you're getting a Class TemplateController does not exist is because it doesn't, firstly, your class is called templateController and secondly, it exists as templateController.blade.php which wouldn't be loaded in this way.
Blade files are for views, and only views within app/views or a custom views directory should end with .blade.php.
Create the file app/controllers/TemplateController.php and add the following code to it.
class TemplateController extends BaseController {
public function index()
echo "made it";
Now on the command line, run the command composer dumpautoload and change you route declaration to:
Route::get('mdpay/template', array('uses' => 'TemplateController#index"));
Now it should all work.
In case you're using Laravel 9 and the error is like Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException and Target class <controller name> does not exist. when trying php artisan route:list on terminal.
This is the setup that I do:
Add protected $namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers'; to RouteServiceProvider.php
Add 'namespace App\Http\Controllers;' to the controller file.
Do php artisan optimize on terminal
(Just to make sure the route already there) Do php artisan route:list again on terminal, and the controller route should be displayed.

Integrating CLI PHP with CakePHP

I have a nice functioning CakePHP 1.3.11 site and I need a scheduled maintenance CLI script to run, so I'm writing it in PHP. Is there any way to make a cake-friendly script? Ideally I could use Cake's functions and Cake's Database models, the CLI requires database access and not much else however. I would ideally like to include my CLI code in a controller and the datasource in a model so I can call the function like any other Cake function, but only from the CLI as a sheduled task.
Searching for CakePHP CLI mostly brings results about CakeBake and cron jobs; this article sounded very helpful but it's for an old version of cake and requires a modified version of index.php. I'm no longer sure how to change the file to make it work in the new version of cakePHP.
I'm on Windows if it matters, but I have complete access to the server. I'm currently planning to schedule a simple cmd "php run.php" style script.
Using CakePHP's shells, you should be able to access all of your CakePHP app's models and controllers.
As an example, I've set up a simple model, controller and shell script:
class Post extends AppModel {
var $useTable = false;
class PostsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Posts';
var $components = array('Security');
function index() {
return 'Index action';
App::import('Component', 'Email'); // Import EmailComponent to make it available
App::import('Core', 'Controller'); // Import Controller class to base our App's controllers off of
App::import('Controller', 'Posts'); // Import PostsController to make it available
App::import('Sanitize'); // Import Sanitize class to make it available
class PostShell extends Shell {
var $uses = array('Post'); // Load Post model for access as $this->Post
function startup() {
$this->Email = new EmailComponent(); // Create EmailComponent object
$this->Posts = new PostsController(); // Create PostsController object
$this->Posts->constructClasses(); // Set up PostsController
$this->Posts->Security->initialize(&$this->Posts); // Initialize component that's attached to PostsController. This is needed if you want to call PostsController actions that use this component
function main() {
$this->out($this->Email->delivery); // Should echo 'mail' on the command line
$this->out(Sanitize::html('<p>Hello</p>')); // Should echo <p>Hello</p> on the command line
$this->out($this->Posts->index()); // Should echo 'Index action' on the command line
var_dump(is_object($this->Posts->Security)); // Should echo 'true'
The whole shell script is there to demonstrate that you can have access to:
Components that you load directly and that are not loaded through a controller
Controllers (first import the Controller class, then import your own controller)
Components that are used by controllers (After creating a new controller, run the constructClasses() method and then the particular component's initialize() method as shown above.
Core utility classes, like the Sanitize class shown above.
Models (just include in your shell's $uses property).
Your shell can have a startup method that is always run first, and the main method, which is your shell scripts main process and which is run after the startup.
To run this script, you would enter /path/to/cake/core/console/cake post on your command line (might have to check the proper way to do this on Windows, the info is in the CakePHP book (
The result of the above script should be:
Index action
This works for me, but maybe people who are more advanced in CakePHP shells could offer more advice, or possibly correct some of the above... However, I hope this is enough to get you started.
As of CakePHP 2, the shell scripts should now be saved to \Console\Command. There is good documentation at
