I'm trying to add a watermark to a video file but i'm having problems with the background of the watermark because i want it to be transparent.
My approach is like this: i make a png file the size of the video with transparent background like this
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$almostblack = imagecolorallocate($im,254,254,254);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,0);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
// Write the string at the top left
imagestring($im, 5, 0, 0, 'Hello world!', $textcolor);
imagepng($im, $img);
and then i add it to the video like this
exec("/usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i '$file->path' -sameq -vf 'movie=$img [logo]; [in][logo] overlay=main_w-overlay_w:main_h-overlay_h [out]' '$new_path'");
the watermark is added but it's background is not transparent.
Any idea what i'm doing wrong ?
UPDATE: it turns out it works just fine for other png images so the problem must be in the way i build the png file any ideas why it doesn't work that way ?
I created a white background and add a Png image. But upon doing trails & error still the png image show light backgroung color , it should be 100% transparent with no bg color.
This is my code after doing trails and error, but it still shows a ligh background color in png image. It should be 100% transparent. I tried a lot guys but not got any solutions upto now.
$img_h = imagesy($image);
$img_w = imagesx($image);
// create new image (canvas) of proper aspect ratio
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($canvas_w, $canvas_h);
$background = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $background);
$xoffset = ($canvas_w - $img_w) / 2;
$yoffset = ($canvas_h - $img_h) / 2;
imagealphablending($img, true);
imagesavealpha($img, true);
imagecopyresampled($img, $image, $xoffset, $yoffset, 0, 0, $img_w, $img_h, $img_w, $img_h);
I expected png image will be seen transparent on white background. But the code adds a light background color on png image.
Image preview -
I want to remove the white background of any image uploaded on the site working on PHP platform. The uploading function is done but messed up with this functionality.
Here is the link I found here:
Remove white background from an image and make it transparent
But this is doing reverse. I want to remove the colored background and make it image with transparent background.
Since you only need single-color transparency, the easiest way is to define white with imagecolortransparent(). Something like this (untested code):
$img = imagecreatefromstring($your_image); //or whatever loading function you need
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
imagecolortransparent($img, $white);
imagepng($img, $output_file_name);
function transparent_background($filename, $color)
$img = imagecreatefrompng('image.png'); //or whatever loading function you need
$colors = explode(',', $color);
$remove = imagecolorallocate($img, $colors[0], $colors[1], $colors[2]);
imagecolortransparent($img, $remove);
imagepng($img, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$filename);
transparent_background('logo_100x100.png', '255,255,255');
Try ImageMagick it did the trick for me. You can also control the amount of color that needs to be removed. Just pass image path, bgcolor as an array of RGB, and fuzz in percent. As long as you have ImageMagick installed on your system/hosting. I had my hosting provider install it for me as a module.
I'm using ImageMagick version 6.2.8
$image = "/path/to/your/image.jpg";
$bgcolor = array("red" => "255", "green" => "255", "blue" => "255");
$fuzz = 9;
remove_image_background($image, $bgcolor, $fuzz);
protected function remove_image_background($image, $bgcolor, $fuzz)
$image = shell_exec('convert '.$image.' -fuzz '.$fuzz.'% -transparent "rgb('.$bgcolor['red'].','.$bgcolor['green'].','.$bgcolor['blue'].')" '.$image.'');
return $image;
get the index of white color in the image and set it to transparent.
$whiteColorIndex = imagecolorexact($img,255,255,255);
$whiteColor = imagecolorsforindex($img,$whiteColorIndex);
you can alternatively use imagecolorclosest() if you don't know the exact color.
The function from #geoffs3310 should be the accepted answer here, but note, that the png saved does not contain an alpha channel.
To remove the background and save the new png as a transparent png with alpha the following code works
$_img = imagecreatefrompng($_filename);
$_backgroundColours = explode(',', $_backgroundColour);
$_removeColour = imagecolorallocate($_img, (int)$_backgroundColours[0], (int)$_backgroundColours[1], (int)$_backgroundColours[2]);
imagecolortransparent($_img, $_removeColour);
imagesavealpha($_img, true);
$_transColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($_img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($_img, 0, 0, $_transColor);
imagepng($_img, $_filename);
Use the php image processing and GD, read the image pixel by pixel
if the RGB components are all 255 (The pixel is white), set the alpha
channel to 255 (transparent). You may have to change the filetype of the image
depending if the uploaded filetype supports an alpha channel.
Version to conversion from URL and return on page:
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg('http://mypage.com/image.jpg');
$remove = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); // Define color rgb to remove
imagecolortransparent($img, $remove);
$imgData = ob_get_clean();
$data_img = 'data:image/png;base64,'.base64_encode($imgData);
echo '<body style="background: #f00;"><img src="'.$data_img.'"></body>';
I'm trying to create a URL, that spits back a 1x1px png with a certain alpha value e.g. www.mysite/com/png.php?alpha=50 which will output a 1x1 png, with the background colour set to black, and having the opacity at 50%.
I've searched through lots of tutorials and posts trying to figure out how to do this, but I can't find anything that works. Is this possible to do with PHP alone?
Here's the closest I've gotten
header('Content-Type: image/png');
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(500, 300);
$red = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$black = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 255, 255, 50);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 500, 300, $black);
// Save the image
However, that seems to overlay a 50% black colour on top of a white background.
Set the white to transparent, by adding these lines after $black = ...
$colourWhite = imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255);
I want to remove the white background of any image uploaded on the site working on PHP platform. The uploading function is done but messed up with this functionality.
Here is the link I found here:
Remove white background from an image and make it transparent
But this is doing reverse. I want to remove the colored background and make it image with transparent background.
Since you only need single-color transparency, the easiest way is to define white with imagecolortransparent(). Something like this (untested code):
$img = imagecreatefromstring($your_image); //or whatever loading function you need
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
imagecolortransparent($img, $white);
imagepng($img, $output_file_name);
function transparent_background($filename, $color)
$img = imagecreatefrompng('image.png'); //or whatever loading function you need
$colors = explode(',', $color);
$remove = imagecolorallocate($img, $colors[0], $colors[1], $colors[2]);
imagecolortransparent($img, $remove);
imagepng($img, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$filename);
transparent_background('logo_100x100.png', '255,255,255');
Try ImageMagick it did the trick for me. You can also control the amount of color that needs to be removed. Just pass image path, bgcolor as an array of RGB, and fuzz in percent. As long as you have ImageMagick installed on your system/hosting. I had my hosting provider install it for me as a module.
I'm using ImageMagick version 6.2.8
$image = "/path/to/your/image.jpg";
$bgcolor = array("red" => "255", "green" => "255", "blue" => "255");
$fuzz = 9;
remove_image_background($image, $bgcolor, $fuzz);
protected function remove_image_background($image, $bgcolor, $fuzz)
$image = shell_exec('convert '.$image.' -fuzz '.$fuzz.'% -transparent "rgb('.$bgcolor['red'].','.$bgcolor['green'].','.$bgcolor['blue'].')" '.$image.'');
return $image;
get the index of white color in the image and set it to transparent.
$whiteColorIndex = imagecolorexact($img,255,255,255);
$whiteColor = imagecolorsforindex($img,$whiteColorIndex);
you can alternatively use imagecolorclosest() if you don't know the exact color.
The function from #geoffs3310 should be the accepted answer here, but note, that the png saved does not contain an alpha channel.
To remove the background and save the new png as a transparent png with alpha the following code works
$_img = imagecreatefrompng($_filename);
$_backgroundColours = explode(',', $_backgroundColour);
$_removeColour = imagecolorallocate($_img, (int)$_backgroundColours[0], (int)$_backgroundColours[1], (int)$_backgroundColours[2]);
imagecolortransparent($_img, $_removeColour);
imagesavealpha($_img, true);
$_transColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($_img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($_img, 0, 0, $_transColor);
imagepng($_img, $_filename);
Use the php image processing and GD, read the image pixel by pixel
if the RGB components are all 255 (The pixel is white), set the alpha
channel to 255 (transparent). You may have to change the filetype of the image
depending if the uploaded filetype supports an alpha channel.
Version to conversion from URL and return on page:
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg('http://mypage.com/image.jpg');
$remove = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); // Define color rgb to remove
imagecolortransparent($img, $remove);
$imgData = ob_get_clean();
$data_img = 'data:image/png;base64,'.base64_encode($imgData);
echo '<body style="background: #f00;"><img src="'.$data_img.'"></body>';
I have an image with size 88x31 and would like to make it 100x100 without resizing the actual image but only its canvas/frame, maybe by copying it in the center of the new blank white image with 100x100 size. Any ideas how to do it?
The correct method is to create a new image and then copy the old image into the middle of it (assuming the starting image is is a JPEG and smaller than 100x100):
$oldimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
$oldw = imagesx($oldimage);
$oldh = imagesy($oldimage);
$newimage = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 100); // Creates a black image
// Fill it with white (optional)
$white = imagecolorallocate($newimage, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($newimage, 0, 0, $white);
imagecopy($newimage, $oldimage, (100-$oldw)/2, (100-$oldh)/2, 0, 0, $oldw, $oldh);
You can see here: Thumbnail generation with PHP tutorial