Please help me to retrieve data from a table by multiple condition in Cakephp
I have one table name: article; I have tried to retrieve data with the code below
I want to get specific id as given in the parameter; article_price > 0 and article_status > 1
public function getArticle($artID = ''){
return $this->find('all', array(
'condition' => array(
'article_id =' => $artID,
'article_price' => '> 0',
'article_status = ' => '1'),
'order' => 'article_id DESC'
// the out put was selected all data without condition that I want.
What was the problem with my code?
What I found out is I print: echo $this->element ('sql_dump'); and I got the following sql statement:
SELECT `article`.`article_id`, `article`.`name`, `article`.`article_price`, `article`.`article_status` FROM `db_1stcakephp`.`article` AS `article` WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY `article_id` DESC
Please help me.
If your model name is Article:
public function getArticle($art_id) {
return $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Article.article_id' => $art_id,
'Article.article_price >' => 0,
'Article.article_status >' => 1,
Using 'Model.field' syntax is optional, until your models have relationship and have the same names - for example Article.status and Author.status.
Moving comparison sign into array's key part allows you to do:
'Article.price >' => $minPrice,
'Article.price <=' => $maxPrice,
And I didn't really notice typo in 'conditions'.
I am using subquery for id field.
$db = $this->AccountRequest->getDataSource();
$subQuery = $db->buildStatement(
'fields' => array('MAX(id)'),
'table' => $db->fullTableName($this->AccountRequest),
'alias' => 'MaxRecord',
'limit' => null,
'offset' => null,
'order' => null,
'group' => array("user_id")
$searching_parameters = array(
#" IN " => "(SELECT MAX( id ) FROM `account_requests` GROUP BY user_id)"
" IN " => "(".$subQuery.")"
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
#'fields' => array('AccountRequest.*'),
'conditions' => $searching_parameters,
'limit' => $limit,
'page' => $page_number,
#'group' => array("AccountRequest.user_id"),
'order' => array(
'' => 'DESC'
$data = $this->Paginator->paginate('AccountRequest');
This structure is producing a query is:
`syonserv_meetauto`.`account_requests` AS `AccountRequest`
`AccountRequest`.`id` IN '(SELECT MAX(id) FROM `syonserv_meetauto`.`account_requests` AS `MaxRecord` WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP BY user_id)'
`AccountRequest`.`id` DESC
In the subquery, its add an extra single quote so it's producing an error.
So, How can I remove these single quotes from this subquery?
What are you trying to achieve with the sub query?
The MAX(id) just means it will pull the id with the largest value AKA the most recent insert. The sub query is completely redundant when you can just ORDER BY id DESC.
using MAX() will return only one record, if this is what you want to achieve you can replicate by adding LIMIT 1
If the sub query is just an example and is meant to be from another table I would just run the query that gets the most recent id before running the main query. Getting the last inserted id in a separate query is very quick and I cant see much of a performance loss. I think it will result in cleaner code that`s easier to follow to.
edit 1: From the comments it sounds like all your trying to get is a particular users latest account_requests.
You dont need the sub query at all. My query below will get the most recent account record for the user id you choose.
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'fields' => array('AccountRequest.*'),
'conditions' => array(
'AccountRequest.user_id' => $userID // you need to set the $userID
'page' => $page_number,
'order' => array(
' DESC' //shows most recent first
'limit' => 1 // set however many you want the maximum to be
The other thing you cold be meaning is to get multiple entries from multiple users and display them in order of user first and then the order of recent to old for that user. MYSQL lets you order by more than one field, in that case try:
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'conditions' => array(
'AccountRequest.user_id' => $userID // you need to set the $userID
'page' => $page_number,
'order' => array(
'AccountRequest.user_id', //order by the users first
' DESC' //then order there requests by recent to old
If the example data you have added into the question is irrelevant and you are only concerned about how to do nested subqueries it has already been answered here
CakePHP nesting two select queries
However I still think based on the data in the question you can avoid using a nested query.
I have a find method that uses a DISTINCT clause to get results from my Model. The Controller code looks like below
$options = array(
'limit' => 10,
'fields' => array(
'DISTINCT id', 'title',
'contain' => array(
'Dealer' => array('id'),
'paramType' => 'querystring'
$this->Paginator->settings = $options;
$cars = $this->Paginator->paginate('Car'); // returns 6 distinct rows
The above query return 6 distinct rows and 12 total rows. So when I am displaying, the screen shows 6 distinct rows
However in the View, when I use
echo $this->Paginator->param('count'); // returns 12
I get a count of 12
I checked the SQL Log and noticed that the count query is not using the distinct clause. Any idea how I can override the Paginator count query to use the DISTINCT clause?
Found the solution,
In controller add distinct as an array parameter with other pagination options. So if I was trying to retrieve a list of Cars in my inventory with 10 cars at a time, the options would have a DISTINCT clause in the fields parameter and a separate parameter called distinct would also be added as shown below
$options = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'joins' => $joins,
'limit' => 10,
'fields' => array(
'DISTINCT', 'title', 'user_id'),
'contain' => array(
'Dealer' => array('id'),
'paramType' => 'querystring',
'distinct' => ''
$this->Paginator->settings = $options;
$cars = $this->Paginator->paginate('Car');
In Model, use the below function to override the original paginateCount method
public function paginateCount($conditions = null, $recursive = 0, $extra = array()) {
$parameters = compact('conditions', 'recursive');
if (isset($extra['distinct'])) {
$parameters['fields'] = 'DISTINCT ' . $extra['distinct'];
$count = $this->find('count', array_merge($parameters, $extra));
} else {
// regular pagination
$count = $this->find('count', array_merge($parameters, $extra));
return $count;
No change in View
I have a table called items and a table called item_pics.
item_pics has an item_id, file_name and a rank field (among others).
What I'm looking for is for each item my index page's $items array to contain the file_name from the item_pics matching the item's item_id with the lowest rank. So I can access like (or something like) this in my Items/index.ctp:
foreach ($items as $item):
$img = $item['Item']['ItemPic']['file_name'];
I'm pretty new to CakePHP, this is my first project. I thought that this within the Item model would cause item_pics data to be pulled (although I figured all related item_pics for each item would get pulled rather than just the one with the lowest rank):
public $hasMany = array(
'ItemPic' => array(
'className' => 'ItemPic',
'foreignKey' => 'item_id',
'dependent' => false
but I can see that no item_pics data is loaded (at the bottom of items/index):
SELECT `Item`.`id`, `Item`.`title`, `Item`.`description`, `Item`.`created`, `Item`.`modified`, `Item`.`type`, `Project`.`id`, `Project`.`item_id`, `Project`.`title`, `Project`.`description`, `Project`.`rank`, `Project`.`created`, `Project`.`modified`
FROM `laurensabc`.`items` AS `Item`
LEFT JOIN `laurensabc`.`projects`
AS `Project`
ON (`Project`.`item_id` = `Item`.`id`)
WHERE `Item`.`type` IN (1, 2)
also, while I would like projects to be joined in the view pages, I don't really need them in the index page.
I've done some searching and haven't been able to find exactly what I'm looking for. I suppose I could do a query within the index view item loop, but I'm trying to make sure I do things the right way... the CakePHP way. I assume I need to change something about my model relationships but I haven't had any luck.
CakePHP - Associations - HasMany, this makes it seem like I could order by rank and limit 1. But this didn't work... and even if it did, I wouldn't want that to affect the view pages but rather just the index page.
My Controller looks like this:
public function index($type = null) {
$this->Item->recursive = 0;
$conditions = array();
if ($type == "sale") {
$conditions = array(
"Item.type" => array(self::FOR_SALE, self::FOR_SALE_OR_RENT)
} else if ($type == "rent" ) {
$conditions = array(
"Item.type" => array(self::FOR_RENT, self::FOR_SALE_OR_RENT)
} else {
$conditions = array("Item.type !=" => self::HIDDEN);
$paginated = $this->Paginator->paginate($conditions);
$this->set('items', $paginated);
$this->set('title', ($type == null ? "Items for Sale or Rent" : "Items for " . ucwords($type)));
I have also tried this on my controller, but it doesn't seem to do anything either:
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'joins' => array(
'alias' => 'ItemPic',
'table' => 'item_pics',
'type' => 'left',
'conditions' => array('ItemPic.item_id' => ''),
'order' => array('ItemPic.rank' => 'asc'),
'limit' => 1
$paginated = $this->paginate($this->Item);
First, set containable behavior in AppModel (or if you don't want it on each model, put it on Item model):
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
Then, on your find query:
$items = $this->Item->find('all', array(
'contain' => array(
'ItemPic' => array(
'fields' => array('file_name'),
'order' => 'rank',
'limit' => 1
Then the result array you can access it like:
foreach ($items as $item):
$img = $item['ItemPic']['file_name'];
Edit: Then you should put it on the paginate query:
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => array(
'ItemPic' => array(
'fields' => array('file_name'),
'order' => 'rank',
'limit' => 1
In this case, I would probably order by rank and limit 1 as you said, and make that a dynamic association just for the index page (See So use $this->Item->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('ItemPic' => $options))); (which I believe should replace your current settings for HasMany ItemPic, but you may have to unbindmodel first)
Associations created through bindModel will go through for the next query only, then it'll revert to your normal settings, unless you specifically set an option to keep using the new association.
As for why it's not getting ItemPics with Items, or why trying to order by rank and limit 1 didn't work for you, I can't really say without seeing more of your code.
No matter what I do I can't get it to respect the order I specify.
$this->paginate = array(
'Car' => array(
'limit' => 6,
'order' => array(
'Car.year' => 'desc'
'table' => 'cars'
Generated SQL:
SELECT `Car`.`id`, ... `Car`.`year`,... FROM `cars` AS `Car` WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT 6
Turns out I was using a :sort in my url parameters. Once I took that out all was well :)
If you only have one item, you don't need/shouldn't use an array:
//one thing
var $order = "Model.field DESC";
//multiple things
var $order = array("Model.field" => "asc", "Model.field2" => "DESC");
(per this page)
Note too that virtual fields are ignored by default when paginating.
See "Control which fields used for ordering" in Cake 2.0 Pagination documentation.
$this->MyModel->virtualFields['count'] = 0;
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'fields' => 'COUNT(id) AS MyModel__count',
'group' => ('MyModel.group_id'),
'order' => array('MyModel__count' => 'DESC'),
// IMPORTANT: pass sortable fields including the virtual field as 3rd parameter:
$log = $this->Paginator->paginate('MyModel', null, array('MyModel__count', 'id'));
How do I use DISTINCT to get unique user id with highest value for total_time_driven_at_this_trip and also pull user_name from another table which has belongsto relations based on user_id?
I tried this...
$this->set('tripNsws', $this->TripNsw->find('all',array('limit' => 20,'fields' => array('DISTINCT(TripNsw.user_id)','TripNsw.total_time_driven_at_this_trip'),'group' => array('TripNsw.user_id') ,'order' => array('TripNsw.total_time_driven_at_this_trip desc'))));
but it's not working.
I suppose you need to get below....
SELECT DISTINCT(user_id),`total_time_driven_at_this_trip` FROM `trip_nsws` order by `total_time_driven_at_this_trip` desc
// see below url
'conditions' => array('Model.field' => $thisValue), //array of conditions
'recursive' => 1, //int
'fields' => array('Model.field1', 'DISTINCT Model.field2'), //array of field names
'order' => array('Model.created', 'Model.field3 DESC'), //string or array defining order
'group' => array('Model.field'), //fields to GROUP BY
'limit' => n, //int
'page' => n, //int
'offset'=>n, //int
'callbacks' => true //other possible values are false, 'before', 'after'
// or try this
function some_function() {
$total = $this->Article->find('count');
$pending = $this->Article->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Article.status' => 'pending')));
$authors = $this->Article->User->find('count');
$publishedAuthors = $this->Article->find('count', array(
'fields' => 'DISTINCT Article.user_id',
'conditions' => array('Article.status !=' => 'pending')
Correct Syntax for DISTINCT keywork in cakephp
$this->set('banners', $this->Banner->find('all',array('fields'=>'DISTINCT')));
Make sure DISTINCT uses in fields array.
The correct syntaxis is
$this->set('tripNsws', $this->TripNsw->find('all',array('fields'=>'DISTINCT TripNsw.user_id')));
I've always used a GROUP BY in the query to get the same result as DISTINCT
You can consider setting it as a Virtual Field ( )
$this->Model->virtualFields['distinct_user'] = 'DISTINCT Model.user_id';
'fields' => array('DISTINCT Model.Modelfield')
'fields' => array('','DISTINCT Model.Modelfield')