How to check if exists element in table (mysql) - php

I have create a database Mysql and I am using in php. I want for each user to be checked if there is data.
I have three tables. In the table User has a unique value called ID_u and isn't auto_increment, the table Application has a unique value called ID(auto_increment) and table InformationUser has a unique value called ID(auto_increment). The tables Users and InformationUser joins with table Application.
ID_u = a user with id_u-> 1234
I'am try this:
if( ID_u exists data){
location1.php ->data
location2.php -> input information
I would be thankful for any help!!

I'm not sure I understand the structure of your database, but you may take a look at this:
$query = "
SELECT * FROM users u
LEFT JOIN application a
ON u.ID_u = a.ID_u
LEFT JOIN informationuser i
ON a.ID = i.ID
//Here you can specify 'WHERE u.ID_u IN (1,2,3,4)'
" ;
$users = array() ; //Create storage for users. Use their ID as indeces
$result = $mysqli->query($query) ;
if ($result && $result->num_rows >= 1){
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
if (!isset($users[$row['ID_u'])){
$users[$row['ID_u']] = array() ; //Create array for a new user
$users[$row['ID_u']][] = array( //Fill array in with data and add it to user.
"email" => $row["email"],
"phone" => $row["phone"]
) ;
Afterwards, let's check if data exists for a user with ID = 3 (if 3 is an int):
if (!empty($users[3])){
echo "Yeah, data exists for user with ID 3" ;

First of all, if the user can only have one set of phone and email, it's better to save that data in the user table so that is has the following structure:
If you are set to keep the structure you have, my first tip is to take away the auto-increment on the table Application. That table is just meant to save the correlation between Users and InformationUser. Furthermore, the code you're looking for would be something like:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Application WHERE ID_u = '1234'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Woops!");
if ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
else {

So you have users and you have applications. On each application there might be a different e-mail and name behind it. So you need to join and see if something exists. Something of this style
select count(*)
from Application
join InformationUser on (InformationUser.ID = Application.ID)
Application.ID_U = ?
The above gives you a count = 0 if both does not exist. If you want to know if both does not exists you can use an outer join.


Many to many relationships - Moving data from many tables to a single table

I have a table with users and one with labels
A label can have many users and a user can have many labels, so a Many to Many relationship
A joining table is needed, that's why I have label_user
Below you can see pictures of what they contain with example data:
Let's say I have 5000 users and I can sort them by gender. Let's say 2800 of them are males, how can I assign them all to a label?
Here's some things I tried:
public function add_users_to_label($label_id, $condition, $value)
$db = new Database();
$conn = $db->db_connect();
$label_id = escape_string($conn, $label_id);
$query = $conn->query("INSERT INTO `label_user`(`label_id`, `user_id`) SELECT :label_id, psid FROM `iris_messenger_users` WHERE $condition = $value");
$query->bind_param("iss", $label_id, $condition, $value);
if ($query->execute()) {
return true;
else {
return "Error inserting data: " . $conn->error . "\n";
On the user side I have a simple form with select that let's you select a label and then this code:
if(isset($_POST['label-select'])) {
if ($_GET['show_only_gender'] == 'male') {
$condition = 'gender';
$user->add_users_to_label($_POST['label-select'], $condition, $_GET['show_only_gender']);
Basically, I want to get all users that are male and assign them to a label and put that into label_user with respectively the label_id and the user_id(psid)
Even if this worked I'd still have to do it 2699 times more. What can I do here to optimize and make it to run with 1 query if possible?
I don't think using foreach and running it as much times as there are users is the best option, is it?
Is there any better approach I can take to make this possible?
Although what you are describing does not make sense to have a "label" associated with a person for this specific component, the gender is already on the user table you should be able to get all male based on
select * from user where gender = 'male'
no need to JOIN to a label table on this field. Similarly if you were trying to find people based on a name starting with something... you would not create a label for the name either. Query directly from the table that has that specific component association.
Now, to answer your question, how to insert into the label table for each instance in bulk, you could do something like... I am doing this based on some label ID = 123 as just an example in your labels table that represents gender.
I am doing a LEFT-JOIN in the select so we dont try to add for any user IDs that are already on file do not try to get re-added.
insert into label_user
( label_id,
user_id )
123 as label_id, as user_id
users U
left join label_user LU
on = LU.user_id
AND LU.label_id = 123
U.gender = 'male'
AND LU.user_id IS NULL
You obviously need to adjust for php.

SQL PHP: Select virtual column if exists in another table

I'm making a notifications widget on my website and I'm trying to make it so that if a notification is marked as read, that notification ID will be inserted into another table (table 'b') along with their username so that it is marked as read. Now the problem that I run into is when displaying all notifications (whether they're read or unread) I don't know how to indicate if the notification exists in the secondary table
The currently SQL query is as follows:
$qry = "SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE (notif_recipient = '$user') ORDER BY notif_date DESC";
What I'd like to do is make the query much more complex in order to indicate if a notification exists in another table, so something along the lines of:
$qry = "SELECT notif_id,notif_message,(CASE SELECT notif_is_read AS '1' WHERE notif_id.notifications = notif_id.notifications_read ELSE SELECT notif_is_read AS '0') FROM notifications WHERE (notif_recipient = '$user') ORDER BY notif_date DESC";
Is something like this possible or is it as preposterous as my lack of ability for writing SQL queries
As Marc B had suggested, I decided to use LEFT JOIN in order to identify which messages currently exist in the secondary table, with my query looking as such:
$qrytest = "SELECT notifications.notif_id,notifications.notif_message,notifications.notif_flag,notifications.notif_poster,notifications.notif_date,notifications_read.notif_read_count FROM notifications LEFT JOIN notifications_read ON notifications.notif_id=notifications_read.notif_id WHERE ((notif_recipient = 'all') OR (notif_recipient = '$id')) ORDER BY notif_date DESC,notif_flag DESC";
This in turn will return the results of my primary table (notifications) and if the same notification id exists in my secondary table, I decided to echo out that table's ID count, if the entry does not exist it will simply return as null
$exists = $row['notif_read_count'];
if ($exists !== ''){
// When NOT returning as null do something
} else {
// When exist returns as null do something

WHERE query in MYSQL

I have two MySQL tables. One is called members and has a column called users. The other is called sex and has two columns: user_s and sex.
I am trying to create an array comprised of all users from the members table who are
1) in the sex table and 2) have "men" selected in the sex column.
When I print_r this array nothing is displayed even though I can see that there are users who met these criteria. Any thoughts?
// test.php
$iaminterestedin = "men";
$result = queryMysql("SELECT `user` FROM `members`
WHERE `user` IN(SELECT `user_s` FROM `sex` WHERE sex='$iaminterestedin')");
$combination = array();
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)))
$combination = $row['user'];
You should add values to combination using $combination[] = $row['user'] or you will always overwrite value on each loop iteration
You also ought to read something about JOIN tables, this will help you a lot with queries like that. For example you will use:
SELECT user FROM members INNER JOIN sex ON sex.user_s = members.user
WHERE sex '$iamintererstedin'
If you add a foreign key ( from sex to users this will improve query performance when it gets bigger and time becomes a problem
Try replacing the line
$combination = array();
$combination[] = $row['user'];
This is the way to insert into an array:
I replaced $combination = $row['user'];
$combination[] = $row['user'];
That did the trick.

Retrieving specific ID once

I have a table named users and has a user_id, and a table named groups and has a group_id and also have user_id that is a foreign key reference from users's user_id.The situation is here: if the user joined a group, his/her user_id is inserted into table groups. So if the user joined two different groups, the column 'user_id' in table 'groups' will insert two or more same user_id's. Well, I just want to bring the user_id once, either he/she joined two or more groups..
I have no idea how to loop it properly without getting user_id that is the same.... I just want it to loop once...
$query_groups = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups");
while ($rows_g = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_groups)) {
$g_user_id = $rows_g['user_id'];
$query_users = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id='$g_user_id'");
while ($rows_u = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_users)) {
echo $rows_u['user_id'];
change your code as follows:
$query_groups = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM groups LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id = groups.user_id GROUP BY groups.user_id");
while($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_groups))
echo $rows['user_id'];
You are using $rows_g but the variable is namend $rows in the first while loop.
$g_user_id = $rows_g['user_id'];
$g_user_id = $rows['user_id'];
But try to use joining tables, because this is an inefficient way to get the wanted data.
In your case you should use LEFT JOIN.

Summing a field from all tables in a database

I have a MySQL database called "bookfeather." It contains 56 tables. Each table has the following structure:
id site votes_up votes_down
The value for "site" is a book title. The value for "votes_up" is an integer. Sometimes a unique value for "site" appears in more than one table.
For each unique value "site" in the entire database, I would like to sum "votes_up" from all 56 tables. Then I would like to print the top 25 values for "site" ranked by total "votes_up".
How can I do this in PHP?
Thanks in advance,
You can do something like this (warning: Extremely poor SQL ahead)
select site, sum(votes_up) votes_up
from (
select site, votes_up from table_1
select site, votes_up from table_2
select site, votes_up from table_56
) group by site order by sum(votes_up) desc limit 25
But, as Dav asked, does your data have to be like this? There are much more efficient ways of storing this kind of data.
Edit: You just mentioned in a comment that you expect there to be more than 56 tables in the future -- I would look into MySQL limits on how many tables you can UNION before going forward with this kind of SQL.
Here's a PHP code snip that should get it done.
I have not tested it so it might have some typos and stuff, make sure you replace DB_NAME
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");
$tables = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$tables[] = '`'.$row["Tables_in_DB_NAME"].'`';
$subQuery = "SELECT site, votes_up FROM ".implode(" UNION ALL SELECT site, votes_up FROM ",$tables);
// Create one query that gets the data you need
$sqlStr = "SELECT site, sum(votes_up) sumVotesUp
".$subQuery." ) subQuery
GROUP BY site ORDER BY sum(votes_up) DESC LIMIT 25";
$result = mysql_query($sqlStr);
$arr = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$arr[] = $row["site"]." - ".$row["sumVotesUp"];
The UNION part of Ian Clelland answer can be generated using a statement like the following. The table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS has a column TABLE_NAME to get all tables.
select * from information_schema.columns
where table_schema not like 'informat%'
and column_name like 'VOTES_UP'
Join all inner SELECT with UNION ALL instead of UNION. UNION is doing an implicit DISTINCT (on oracle).
The basic idea would be to iterate over all your tables (using a SQL SHOW TABLES statement or similar) in PHP, then for every table, iterate over the rows (SELECT site,votes_up FROM $table). Then, for every row, check the site against an array that you're building with sites as keys and votes up as values. If the site is already in the array, increment its votes appropriately; otherwise, add it.
Vaguely PHP-like pseudocode:
// Build an empty array for use later
$votes_array = empty_array();
// Get all the tables and iterate over them
$tables = query("SHOW TABLES");
for($table in $tables) {
$rows = query("SELECT site,votes_up FROM $table");
// Iterate over the rows in each table
for($row in $rows) {
$site = $row['site'];
$votes = $row['votes_up'];
// If the site is already in the array, increment votes; otherwise, add it
if(exists_in_array($site, $votes_array)) {
$votes_array[$site] += $votes;
} else {
insert_into_array($site => $votes);
// Get the sites and votes as lists, and print out the top 25
$sorted_sites = array_keys($votes_array);
$sorted_votes = array_values($votes_array);
for($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) {
print "Site " . $sorted_sites[$i] . " has " . $sorted_votes[$i] . " votes";
"I allow users to add tables to the database." - I hope all your users are benevolent and trustworthy and capable. Do you worry about people dropping or truncating tables, creating incorrect new tables that break your code, or other things like that? What kind of security do you have when users can log right into your database and change the schema?
Here's a tutorial on relational database normalization. Maybe it'll help.
Just in case someone else that comes after you wants to find what this could have looked like, here's a single table that could do what you want:
create database bookfeather;
create user bookfeather identified by 'bookfeather';
grant all on bookfeather.* to 'bookfeather'#'%';
use bookfeather;
create table if not exists book
id int not null auto_increment,
title varchar(255) not null default '',
upvotes integer not null default 0,
downvotes integer not null default 0,
primary key(id),
You'd vote a title up or down with an UPDATE:
update book set upvotes = upvotes + 1 where id = ?
Adding a new book is as easy as adding another row:
insert into book(title) values('grails in action')
I'd strongly urge that you reconsider.
