Dynamic if-statement with variables? - php

I'm trying to create a dynamic if-statement. The reason I want to do this, is because I need to check server-sided whether inputfields match my regex and are not empty. However, some of my inputfields can be removed in my CMS, meaning there would be more/less inputfields accordingly.
Ideally I would add variables in my if-statement but I'm not 100% sure if that's allowed, so perhaps I would need an other way to solve this problem. Here's what I tried:
if ($f_naw['streetname'] == 1)
$streetname= $_POST['streetname']; //Used in INSERT query
$cstreetname = " || $_POST['streetname'] == ''"; //Used to check if field is empty
$pstreetname = " || !preg_match($streetnameReg,$_POST['streetname'])"; //Used to check if it matches my regex
//These variables define variables if inputfields are not shown
$streetname= ''; //No streetname means it's excluded in INSERT query
$cstreetname = ''; //Not needed in check
$pstreetname = ''; //Also not needed in check
// more of these if/else statements
if ($_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' $cstreetname $cpostalcode $chometown $ctelnr $csex $cdateofbirth)
echo 'One of the fields is empty.';
//Regex check, after that more code
My idea was to check if a specific field is shown on the front-end and in that case I'm creating some variables that I want to paste in my if-statements.
I'm getting an error saying Server error meaning my php-code would be invalid.
Is it even possible at all to make a dynamic if-statement? If yes, at what part am I failing?
Help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

First of all, since it looks like you need to combine all of the conditionals with ||, you can correct your program by writing it like this:
if ($f_naw['streetname'] == 1)
$streetname= $_POST['streetname']; //Used in INSERT query
$cstreetname = $_POST['streetname'] == ''; //Used to check if field is empty
$pstreetname = !preg_match($streetnameReg,$_POST['streetname']); //Used to check if it matches my regex
//These variables define variables if inputfields are not shown
$streetname= ''; //No streetname means it's excluded in INSERT query
$cstreetname = false; //Not needed in check
$pstreetname = false; //Also not needed in check
if ($_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $cstreetname || $cpostalcode || $chometown || $ctelnr || $csex || $cdateofbirth)
echo 'One of the fields is empty.';
This would work, but it's unwieldy. A much better solution would be to use an array (let's name it $errors that gets dynamically populated with errors resulting from validating your fields. Like this:
$errors = array();
if ($f_naw['streetname'] == 1)
$streetname= $_POST['streetname']; //Used in INSERT query
if ($streetname == '') {
$errors[] = 'Streetname cannot be empty.'; // message is optional
if (!preg_match($streetnameReg,$streetname)) {
$errors[] = 'Streetname is invalid.'; // message is optional
And then:
if ($errors) {
echo 'There are errors with the data you submitted.';
If you provided human-readable error messages you can also arrange for them to be displayed so that the user knows what they need to fix. And of course there are lots of variations of this technique you can use -- e.g. group the error messages by field so that you only show one error for each field.

If you want to check for empty $_POST fields you can do something like this
$error = False;
foreach($_POST as $k => $v)
$error .= "Field " . $k . " is empty\n";
echo "We don't have any errrors, proceed with code";
echo "Ops we have empty fields.\n";
echo $error;
And after you are sure that all the fields are not empty you can do other stuff.


php is not detecting all empty fields

I've got the following line of code in PHP at the top of the page making sure all form fields have content in them and not submitted empty...
if(!isset($_POST['name'])) { $err_name = 1; }
if (!isset($_POST['phone'])) { $err_phone = 1; }
if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { $err_email = 1; }
if ((!isset($_POST['serve'])) && ($_POST['other'] == "")) { $err_serve = 1; }
name is a text input
email is a text input
phone is a text input
serve is a checkbox array
other is a text input
Then below that I've got the following lines which allow the php code to continue if there are no errors (above)
if (($err_name != 1) && ($err_phone != 1) && ($err_email != 1) && ($err_serve != 1)) {
$name = $_POST['name']; // required
$email_from = $_POST['email']; // required
$phone = $_POST['phone']; // required
$serve = $_POST['serve'];
$other = $_POST['other'];
Then I've got this next to each form field...
<?php if ($err_name == 1) { echo '<font color="red">Name cannot be empty</font>'; } ?>
<?php if ($err_phone == 1) { echo '<br /><font color="red">Phone cannot be empty</font>'; } ?>
<?php if ($err_email == 1) { echo '<font color="red">Email cannot be empty</font>'; } ?>
<?php if($err_serve == 1) { echo '<br /><font color="red">You must choose at least 1 area to serve</font>'; } ?>
Can someone please help me figure out WHY its doing the following...
if I take && ($err_serve != 1) out of the 2nd code, everything
except phone shows error messages
if I leave it in, ONLY err_serve throws error. The others are
ignored and no error is displayed.
Phone refuses to throw error messages. This is everything where $_POST
handling is in the php.
Note that all tests are done by submitting a completely empty form
The values will be set whether or not they are filled with a value. If it's an empty value, it's still a value.
Instead of using isset(), use empty(). It checks both if:
The value exists at all
The value is something other than 0, an empty string, false, etc.
The reason it works for the checkbox, is because when a checkbox is not checked, the browser does not send the value at all. This is contrary to text fields. A browser will send the value of a text field whether or not it's empty.

PHP - Check if one of two form fields is filled?

My form has Phone and Email fields.
Many people might not be wanting/able to put both,
so I thought, that the validator would require only
one of those two filled, instead of requiring the both filled.
I've tried thinking of different ways to do it but I'm pretty new to PHP,
so I couldn't come with any.
Would this be possible?
if (empty($_POST["name"]))
{$nameErr = "Name is required";}
{$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);}
if (empty($_POST["email"]))
{$emailErr = "Email is required";}
{$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);}
if (empty($_POST["phone"]))
{$phone = "";}
{$website = test_input($_POST["website"]);}
if (empty($_POST["comment"]))
{$comment = "";}
{$comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]);}
Thank you.
As your title states, 1 / 2 form fields is filled in.
Inside of your statements:
if (empty($_POST["phone"])) {
$phone = "";
} else {
$website = test_input($_POST["website"]);
Now at the end, if
if ($i < 2) { // IF $i IS LESS THAN 2
} else { // IF $i IS 2 OR MORE
Hope this is somewhat useful!
or as stated above, you can use an
if (#$A && #$B) { // REQUIRES BOTH TO BE TRUE
} elseif (#$A || #$B) { // REQUIRES ONLY ONE TO BE TRUE
} else { // NONE ARE TRUE
if you are wondering about the # signs above, they are simply checking if they are set, you could change the code to !empty($A) which is what you used above. Putting the ! before the empty function checks that it is false or that $A is actually set.
If i would have to check a form like you, i'd do it this way:
$res = '';
$res .= 'The name is required.<br>';
$res .= 'The email is required.<br>';
if(empty($_POST['phone']) && empty($_POST['email']))
$res .= 'You need to enter phone or email.<br>';
if(strlen($res) > 0) {
echo 'We have these errors:';
echo $res;
else {
echo 'No Errors!';
If you want to show only one error each time, use this code:
$res = '';
$res = 'The name is required.<br>';
$res = 'The email is required.<br>';
elseif(empty($_POST['phone']) && empty($_POST['email']))
$res = 'You need to enter phone or email.<br>';
if(strlen($res) > 0) {
echo $res;
else {
echo 'No Error!';
Even if i think it's very basic, i'll explain the mentioned part, even if you could look it up from php.net:
$res .= 'The name is required';
The ".=" operator adds the part 'The name is required' to the variable $res. If this happens the first time, the variable will be empty, because i initialized it as an empty string. With every ongoing line, another error Message will be added to the string.
if(strlen($res) > 0) {
strlen() will return the length of the string in $res. If no error occured, it would still be empty, so strlen() would return 0.

PHP- Validate on certain fields

I've a form,in the form only few fields are mandatory.When a fields is not mandatory,it should not check for empty data validation.If the non mandatory field contain data then it shoudl check the data,validation should happen only when data present.
My below code check for all fields.For eg:Say phone is not mandatory in below code,how to change the code.
$validate = array(
array($x, '/^[a-z\d ]{4,20}$/i', "Please enter valid name."),
array($y, '/^[a-z\d ]{4,20}$/i', "Please enter a real category."),
array($phone, '/^\(?[0-9]{3}\)?|[0-9]{3}[-. ]? [0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}$/' , "Please enter a valid phone number")
$error = '';
foreach ($validate as $validation)
if (!preg_match($validation[1],$validation[0]))
$error .= $validation[2];
if($error != '')
echo $error;
Comment on this post,if it is not clear.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to check if at least required fields have been submitted, you can check whether they have been set and have a truthy value using the isset and empty functions.
For example:
if ( isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']) &&
! empty($_POST['username']) && ! empty($_POST['password']) ) {
// validation here
That would check if the username and password fields were submitted and have a value, whereas for example an email field wouldn't necessarily have been filled in for the above condition to return true.
If you know the mandatory fields before hand I'll suggest you group them in an array and test for based on the current key. If a key is in not mandatory but holds value you can test otherwise do your regular check.
$error = '';
$mandatoryFields = array('key1', 'key2' 'key3');
foreach ($validate as $validation)
if (!in_array($validation[0], $mandatoryFields) && strlen(trim($validation[0])) > 0)
// There is data in a non mandatory field.
// Perform your test.
else {
// Do your regular test.
if (!preg_match($validation[1],$validation[0]))
$error .= $validation[2];
You can give this a try.

make an ifnot statement and if statement in one line

I'm trying to make an if statement with 2 conditions. One that checks if one variable is NOT present & does NOT matches the word "good2go" and the other that checks to make sure "body" variable is present. I'm trying to trip the error message here. Here is what I have and what I've tried, and none of it seems to work.
if (stripos($_POST['check'], 'good2go') == FALSE && $_POST['body']) {
$error = true; }
if (!$_POST['check'] == 'good2go' && $_POST['body']) {
$error = true; }
if (!stripos($_POST['check'], 'good2go') && $_POST['body']) {
$error = true; }
if ((!stripos($_POST['check'], 'good2go')) && $_POST['body']) {
$error = true; }
How do I get this to work?
here's the entire code of contact_us.php this has the validation code and the email code.
$error = false;
if (isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'send')) {
// Winnie the pooh check
//$t = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['verify']);
if (!isset($_POST['check']) && !$_POST['check']=='good2go' && isset($_POST['body'])) {
$error = true;
} else { // Winnie the pooh Check
$name = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['name']);
$email_address = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['email']);
//IP recorder start
$ipaddress = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$ip = "\n\nIP: " . $ipaddress;
$content = "\n\nName: ".$name."\n\nComments: ".$_POST['enquiry'];
$product = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['product']);
if ($product) {
$product_text = "\n\nProduct Interest: ".$product; }
$content_ip = $content . $product_text. $ip;
$enquiry = tep_db_prepare_input($content_ip);
//IP recorder end
// BOF: Remove blank emails
// if (tep_validate_email($email_address)) {
// tep_mail(STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_SUBJECT, $enquiry, $name, $email_address);
// tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US, 'action=success'));
// } else {
// $error = true;
// $messageStack->add('contact', ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_CHECK_ERROR);
if (! tep_validate_email($email_address)) {
$error = true;
$messageStack->add('contact', ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_CHECK_ERROR);
if ($enquiry == '') {
$error = true;
$messageStack->add('contact', ENTRY_EMAIL_CONTENT_CHECK_ERROR);
if ($error == false) {
tep_mail(STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_SUBJECT, $enquiry, $name, $email_address);
tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US, 'action=success'));
// EOF: Remove blank emails
Solution to your updated problem:
if (!isset($_POST['check']) || !$_POST['check']=='good2go' || !isset($_POST['body'])) {
$error = true;
The reason for the pipes vs ampersands is that you want to throw an error if ANY of the fields has issue. Also, you want to check if body is NOT set vs IS set. Glad this worked out for you!
and the other that checks to make sure "body" variable is not present.
if(stripos($_POST['check'], "good2go") !== false && !isset($_POST['body'])){
//code here
According to PHP docs regarding the stripos function:
This function may return Boolean FALSE, but may also return a non-Boolean value which evaluates to FALSE. Please read the section on Booleans for more information. Use the === operator for testing the return value of this function.
So you need to change the first line to:
// Doing stripos checks you MUST use === (not ==)
if (stripos($_POST['check'], 'good2go') !== FALSE && $_POST['body']) {
$error = true; }
And to check if there is no $_POST['body'] you can change the above to:
if (stripos($_POST['check'], 'good2go') !== FALSE && (!isset($_POST['body'])) {
-- Update --
According to your comment, you need $_POST['check'] to equal 'good2go', then you shouldn't be using stripos as it will check for the existence of good2go regardless if it's exactly equal, or part of a string; 'wow this hamburger is good2go'.
So I would change the conditional to:
if (((isset($_POST['body'])) && (strlen($_POST['body']) > 0)) && ((!isset($_POST['check'])) || ($_POST['check'] !== 'good2go'))) {
// Post body has a value and Post check DOES NOT equal good2go, someone is hax0rin!
You may want to read up on Cross-site request forgery as it seems right inline with what you are working on.
One that checks if one variable is present & matches the word "good2go"
isset($_POST['check']) AND $_POST['check'] == 'good2go'
and the other that checks to make sure "body" variable is not present.
so, just put them together
if (isset($_POST['check']) AND $_POST['check'] == 'good2go' AND !isset($_POST['body'])) {
$error = true;
try this:
if(!empty($_POST['check']) && $_POST['check']=='good2go' && empty($_POST['body'])) { $error=true; }
Consider using empty instead of isset if your $_POST['body'] can be present with an empty value.
No need for all those unneeded functions. What you are trying to achieve is:
if (isset($_POST['check']) && $_POST['check']=='good2go' && !isset($_POST['body']) {
// your code
However, As per the title of the question: Use a ternary statement. Syntax is as such
$var = <condition> ? <true> : <false>;

Multiple conditions in PHP

I know this is embarrassing easy but I cannot get this to work right now, keep getting syntax errors, I just added in a jquery code that pre-fills in a form filed and when you select the form field it will clear the default value. The result though is if a user submits the form without changing the default value, I need to see if it exist in addition to my normal string sanitations
In this snippet below of PHP I need to run 2 conditions on $fname but below will not work, can someone help please
$fname = 'first name';
if (trim($fname) == '') && ($fname != 'first name') {
$err .= "error";
$err .= "all good";
For karim79
this code below from your example, exactly like this gives me this error
Fatal Error: Can't use function return value in write context on line 5
$fname = '';
if(empty(trim($fname))) {
echo "First name is empty";
$fname = 'first name';
if (trim($fname) == '' || $fname != 'first name') {
$err .= "error";
} else {
$err .= "all good";
I would prefer to use strcmp:
if (trim($fname) == '' || strcmp($fname,'first name') !== 0) {
$err .= "error";
} else {
$err .= "all good";
If the case of the first name is not important, you should consider using strcasecmp instead. Also note you can use empty to test for the empty string:
$fname = '';
$fname = trim($fname);
if(empty($fname)) {
echo "First name is empty";
} else {
echo "Not empty";
When using empty, beware the following (from the manual):
Note: empty() only checks variables as
anything else will result in a parse
error. In other words, the following
will not work: empty(trim($name)).
$fname = 'first name';
if (trim($fname) == '' || $fname == 'first name') {
$err .= "error";
$err .= "all good";
PS: I assumed you want to raise an error if the string is either empty or the standard value. If that's wrong let me know.
I would NOT recommend using empty() for anything. It has some tricky return patterns, including telling you that a 0 is empty, and things of that nature. This, unfortunately, is a shortcoming of PHP.
Instead, try this algorithm (The following assumes your form POSTs):
$err = array();
// this is for sticklers..with E_STRICT on, PHP
// complains about uninitialized indexes
if( isset($_POST['name']) )
$name = trim($_POST['name']);
$name = '';
if( strlen($name) == 0 )
$err[] = "First name is required.";
// after validation is complete....
if( count($err) > 0 )
echo "There are errors!";
// probably something more elaborate here, like
// outputting an ordered list to display each error
echo "It's all good!";
