Multiple database connections using multiton or any design pattern - php

I have following code for multiple database connections. It's not good design. Everything is static. But don't know how to improve it. i can add more functions like prepare query, but presently I want good/clean design. I tried to make multiton design pattern. The requirements is like, first I will connect with 1 database, then get database details of all other mysql clients, then loop and connect with each database and do something. So, I need multiple connections.
class db_class{
private static $instance = array();
private function __construct(){ }
public static function get_instance($type , $db_detail_array=array()){
$host = $db_detail_array['host'];
$username = $db_detail_array['username'];
$database = $db_detail_array['database'];
$password = $db_detail_array['password'];
if(empty($host) or empty($username) or empty($database) or empty($password)){
if(empty(self::$instance[$type])) {
self::$instance[$type] = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);
if (#self::$instance[$type]->connect_errno) {
echo self::$last_err = "Connect failed";
static function fetch_assoc($query,$type){
$db_query = self::run_query($query,$type);
$rows = array();
while($row = #$db_query->fetch_assoc()){
$rows[] = $row;
static function escape($type,$value){
$value = self::$instance[$type]->real_escape_string($value);
static function run_query($query,$type){
$db_query = self::$instance[$type]->query($query);
echo self::$last_err = self::$instance[$type]->error;echo "<p>$query, $type</p>";
return($db_query) ;
static function num_rows($query,$type){
$db_query = self::run_query($query,$type);
$num_rows = $db_query->num_rows;
static function disconnect($type){

Please have a look at PDO.
It is an unifier database object exposing a common and effective interface.
It supports server types other than mysql too.
Even using it plainly will be satisfactory.


MySQL close timing

I write a class to load data and export as SMARTY format through MySQLi
public function myRow($sql)
$rec = $this->conn->query($sql);
$this->recordCount = $rec->num_rows;
if ($this->makeRecordCount) {
$this->totalRecordCount = $this->recordCount;
if ($this->recordCount > 0) {
$names = array();
$result = array();
$temp = array();
$count = $rec->field_count;
// Get fields name
while ($fields = mysqli_fetch_field($rec)) {
$names[] = $fields->name;
while ($row = $rec->fetch_assoc()) {
foreach ($names as $name) {
$temp[$name] = $row[$name];
array_push($result, $temp);
} else {
$result = null;
return $result;
Then I can to something like
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table`";
$datas = $class->myRow($sql);
$smarty->assign('datas', $datas);
There are maybe many data need to be loaded in one page, and I only want to connect to database once, but I want to do it all in class, I don't want to do something like
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table`";
$datas = $class->myRow($sql);
$smarty->assign('datas', $datas);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table2`";
$datas = $class->myRow($sql);
$smarty->assign('data2s', $data2s);
I feel it's ugly, but if I do this in class, that means I open and close connection when each data is loading, how to do it more beautiful?
maybe i'm wrong but you don't need to force a mysql connection to close because of the fact that if the connection is not persistent the php garbage collector close all connections after the script execution.
so i suggest you not to force the mysql close, let the garbage collector handle this task and only close the connection by yourself if you're sure that no more mysql transactions are required.
You simply don't need to (and shouldn't) open/close the connection inside your myRow() function.
Option 1 (naive approach): handle the connection at class level
class MyDAOClass {
private static $connection = null;
public function __construct() {
if (self::$connection === null) {
// establish connection here
public function myRow(...) {
// use self::$connection here
Option 2:
Handle the connection from outside the class altogether (possibly in a singleton class), since all objects from your application probably can share the same object.
Your second suggestion is what I would do.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table`";
$datas = $class->myRow($sql);
$smarty->assign('datas', $datas);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table2`";
$datas = $class->myRow($sql);
$smarty->assign('data2s', $data2s);
You connect to the database once. As PHP is single threaded, you will load the first result, then go right away and load the second result. Once everything is done, you close the connection. No connection is kept alive longer than it has to, which is good.
What I usually do it make a method associated with Smarty that closes my database-connection too. That way I don't have to worry about closing it.
Something like this:
// Store reference to Smarty in Class
// Done with all database fetching, now display the template
// Example inplementation of the class
Class YourClass {
private $smarty;
public function setSmarty($smarty) {
$this->smarty = &$smarty;
public function display($tpl) {

The lifecycle of an object in PHP

I have two PHP scripts that I included below. Both of them attempt to do the same thing, but one works and one does not. I'm looking for someone to explain what PHP is doing under the covers. I'm new to PHP and I suspect that my Java experience is poisoning my thought process when I work in PHP.
What I'm attempting to do is functionally very simple -- Insert a question into a mySQL database table, retrieve the primary key of the inserted row, and then insert five answers into another table with a foreign key relationship to the question.
My original logic looked like this:
echo "begin <br>";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
echo "manageQuestion <br>";
$query = new Query;
$query->executeCreateUpdateDelete("INSERT INTO question (question) VALUES ('".$_POST['question']."'); ");
$question_pid = $query->getLastInsertedId();
$query->commitTransaction(); // Need to figure out how to do dirty reads so I can remove this.
echo $question_pid."<br>";
$result = $query->executeRead("SELECT question_pid FROM question where question_pid = '".$question_pid."';");
echo count($result)."<br>";
//if (count($result) === 1) {
$query->createTransaction(); // Need to figure out how to do dirty reads so I can remove this.
foreach($_POST['answer'] as $answer) {
$correctAnswers = 0;
$query->executeCreateUpdateDelete("INSERT INTO answer (question_fid, answer, isCorrect) VALUES ('".$question_pid."','".$answer['answer']."','".$answer['isCorrect']."')");
if ($answer['isCorrect'] === 1) {
$correctAnswers = $correctAnaswers + 1;
if ($correctAnswers > 1){
echo "Failed to insert answers";
echo "Success";
/* } else {
echo "Failed to insert question";
} */
class Query
private $host="<censored>";
private $username="<censored>";
private $password="<censored>";
private $db_name="<censored>";
private $pdo;
private $pdo_statement;
private $pdo_exception;
public function executeCreateUpdateDelete($pQuery)
$this->pdo_statement = $this->pdo->prepare($pQuery);
return $this->pdo_statement->execute();
public function executeRead($pQuery)
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$this->host;dbname=$this->db_name", $this->username, $this->password);
$result = $dbh->query($pQuery);
$dbh = null;
return $result->fetchAll();
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
public function createTransaction()
$this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$this->host;dbname=$this->db_name", $this->username, $this->password);
public function commitTransaction()
public function rollBackTransaction()
public function getLastInsertedId()
When I rewrote my logic to not use a separate query class, I was able to do what I wanted to do. The only thing I've been able to find online about the life cycle of a PHP object is that it begins at the start of a script and ends at the end of a script. Does that imply that my query object is instantiated every time I call one of its methods and garbage collected when that particular method ends? Moving the logic out of that class and into the script caused my logic to work. This is what it looks like now:
echo "Begin <br>";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
echo "manageQuestion <br>";
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db_name", $username, $password);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO question (question) VALUES ('".$_POST['question']."'); ");
$question_pid = $pdo->lastInsertId();
echo $question_pid."<br>";
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT question_pid FROM question where question_pid = '".$question_pid."';");
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
echo count($result)."<br>";
foreach($_POST['answer'] as $answer) {
$correctAnswers = 0;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO answer (question_fid, answer, isCorrect) VALUES ('".$question_pid."','".$answer['answer']."','".$answer['isCorrect']."')");
echo "Success";
Even though this fixed my issue, I don't understand why. If someone could explain that, I would be extremely grateful.
Does that imply that my query object is instantiated every time I call one of its methods and garbage collected when that particular method ends?
No. It's per request, not per method call. So the query object is instantiated every time the script is called and it gets unset (and not necessarily garbage collected) when the script ends.
However you could better manage the resource of the PDO object inside your Query class because you create a new instance (which would mean that it connects again to the database server which is not that cheap). So some lazy loading does not seem bad:
class Query
/** #var PDO */
private $pdo;
private function getPdo() {
if (!$this->pdo) {
$this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$this->host;dbname=$this->db_name", $this->username, $this->password);
return $this->pdo;
public function executeRead($pQuery)
try {
$dbh = $this->getPdo();
$result = $dbh->query($pQuery);
return $result->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
public function createTransaction()

PHP, DB connection in Function. Is Separate Connection Mandatory?

I am using in my PHP file a function which is defines inside the PHP file. He structure of the code is like below
//--- db connection
$dbconn = pg_connect(...
// function definition
function myfunction(){
$f_stmt = '.....'
$f_result = pg_query_params($dbconn,$f_stmt, ....
$val = pg_fetch_result($f_result, 'COL_VAL');
return $val;
//---- general logic
$stmt = '....'
$result = pg_query_params($dbconn,$stmt, ....
while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo myfunction()
When I am trying to use the same connection in the function $dbconn like tje sample above I am receiving a connection error. When I create a new connection $dbconn2 inside the function for its own usage it works. If this is the solution isn't it bad for the performance? or is there a proper way?
make your connection variable $dbconn to global variable ,
function myfunction(){
global $dbconn;
$f_stmt = '.....'
$f_result = pg_query_params($dbconn,$f_stmt, ....
$val = pg_fetch_result($f_result, 'COL_VAL');
return $val;

PHP How do you define an array and reference it in a class?

I have written a php class to use in a small script to just run any query that I like from other scripts. This is NOT going to be used publicly or in production, and I'm aware of the huge security issue this poses!
I have done this as an excercise to see learn about classes etc... I seem to be having problems with one specific line in the code which is causing an error somewhere. I think it might be because I'm trying to return an array, and I think I haven't defined it properly in the class.
$this->resultOfQuery = mysqli_fetch_array($this->out_Resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
This is the whole code.
class GetRandomRecord {
public $CUDBName;
public $CUHost;
public $CUUser;
public $CUPassword;
public $in_SQL;
public $out_Resource;
public $CULink;
public $message;
public $errors = array(); // is this correct?
public $resultOfQuery = array(); // is this correct?
public function setSQL($value){
$this->in_SQL = $value;
return $this->in_SQL;
public function setConnectionString($db,$host,$user,$password){
$this->CUDBName = $db;
$this->CUHost = $host;
$this->CUUser = $user;
$this->CUPassword = $password;
public function runSQL() {
$this->CULink = mysqli_connect( $this->CUHost , $this->CUUser , $this->CUPassword , $this->CUDBName);
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
$this->message = "Connection failed: ".mysqli_connect_error();
return $this->message;
$this->out_Resource = mysqli_query($this->in_SQL , $this->CULink);
if (!$this->out_Resource)
$this->errors['sql'] = $this->in_SQL;
$this->errors['eeDBName'] = $this->CUDBName;
$this->errors['eeLink'] = $this->CULink;
$this->errors['status'] = "false"; //There was a problem saving the data;
return json_encode($this->errors);
// success
$this->resultOfQuery = mysqli_fetch_array($this->out_Resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
return $this->resultOfQuery;
} // if (!mysql_query( $CUDBName , $sql , $CULink))
$recordGet = new getRandomRecord();
// select count from database
$tableName = "userList";
$countSQL = "select count(*) from $tableName";
$result = $recordGet->runSQL();
Can you help me identify the problem?
EDIT: Actually I haven't got a specific error message. I have an HTTP Error 500 which usually means my code is duff, and I narrowed it down by commenting sections of code until I found the line that caused it.
You have an extra close-paren on line 64.
$this->resultOfQuery = mysqli_fetch_array($this->out_Resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
The line should be:
$this->resultOfQuery = mysqli_fetch_array($this->out_Resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC);

PDO and PHP OOP Code Advice

I am very new to PHP Object Orientated Programming so was wondering if I could get some good advice on a database object I created.
I call the class db and include my class into every page load and initiate the database object using $db = new db. I then call the method inside this for each action I may need (building a menu from the database, getting login information etc.) with different parameters depending on what it is i want to do.
It takes its first parameter as the query with the ? symbol as replacements for values I want to bind, the second parameter is the values to bind to it in an array that is then looped through inside the prepared_statement method and the third parameter is the type ( FETCH_ARRAY returns an array of a SELECT statements rows, NUM_ROWS returns the amount of rows affected and INSERT returns the last inserted ID).
An example of how I would call this function is below:
$db->prepared_execute( "SELECT * FROM whatever WHERE ? = ? ", array( 'password', 'letmein' ), NUM_ROWS );
The second and third parameters are optional for if there are no parameters to be bound or no return is needed.
As I am new to OOP I am finding it hard to get my head around exactly when to use correctly and what are public, private, static functions/variables and design patterns (Singleton etc.).
I've read many tutorials to get as far as I hav but I feel now I need to take it here to get further answers or advice on where to go next with OOP and with this class I've built.
It works as it is which for me is a good starting place except for any error handling which I will add in next but I want to make sure I am not making any obvious design errors here.
The code for the class is below:
class db {
var $pdo;
public function __construct() {
$this->pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=' . DB_NAME . ';host=' . DB_HOST . ';charset=utf8', DB_USER, DB_PASS);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
public function prepared_execute( $query, $bind_values = null, $type = null ) {
$preparedStatement = $this->pdo->prepare( $query );
if( $bind_values ) {
$i = 1;
foreach( $bind_values as $bind_value ) {
$preparedStatement->bindValue($i, $bind_value);
} }
if( $type == FETCH_ARRAY ) { return $preparedStatement->fetchAll(); }
elseif( $type == NUM_ROWS ) { return $preparedStatement->rowCount(); }
elseif( $type == INSERT ) { return $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); }
else{ return true; }
Your code is a bit outdated. You should use one of the visibility keywords instead of var to declare your properties. In this case you probably want to use protected so that it cant be modified from outside the class but so that any future sub classes can modify it internally. Youll also probably want to add a getter in-case you need to work with PDO directly (which you will - see my final statements below my class example).
Its bad to hard code you PDO connection information in the class. You should pass these in as parameters same as you would if using PDO directly. I would also add the ability to pass in a pre-configured PDO instance as well.
While not required, its a good idea to conform to PSR-0 through PSR-2; Sepcifically in your case im speaking about Class and method naming which should both be camelCase and the first char of the class should be capital. Related to this your code formatting is also ugly particularly your block statements... If thats jsut an issue with copy and paste then ignore that comment.
So overall i would refactor your code to look something like this:
class Db {
protected $pdo;
public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pass, $options = array()) {
if($dsn instanceof PDO) {
// support passing in a PDO instance directly
$this->pdo = $dsn;
} else {
if(is_array($dsn)) {
// array format
if(!empty($options)) {
$dsn['options'] = $options;
$dsn = $this->buildDsn($options);
} else {
// string DSN but we need to append connection string options
if(!empty($options)) {
$dsn = $this->buildDsn(array('dsn' => $dsn, 'options' => $options));
// otherwise just use the string dsn
// ans create PDO
$this->pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
// set PDO attributes
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
public function getConnection()
return $this->pdo;
protected function buildDsn($options) {
if($isDbParts = isset($options['dbname'], $options['hostname']) || !($isDsn = isset($option['dsn']))) {
throw new Exception('A dsn OR dbname and hostname are required');
if($isDsn === true) {
$dsn = $options['dsn'];
} else if {
$format = '%s:dbname=%s;host=%s';
$driver = isset($options['dbtype']) ? $options['dbtype'] : 'mysql';
$dsn = sprintf($format, $options['dbtype'], $options['dbname'], $options['host']);
if(isset($options['options'])) {
$opts = array();
foreach($options['options'] as $name => $value) {
$opts[] = $name . '=' . $value;
if(!empty($opts)) {
$dsn .= ';' . implode(';', $opts);
return $dsn;
public function preparedExecute( $query, $bind_values = null, $type = null ) {
$preparedStatement = $this->pdo->prepare( $query );
if( $bind_values ) {
$i = 1;
foreach( $bind_values as $bind_value ) {
$preparedStatement->bindValue($i, $bind_value);
if( $type == FETCH_ARRAY ) {
return $preparedStatement->fetchAll();
elseif( $type == NUM_ROWS ) {
return $preparedStatement->rowCount();
elseif( $type == INSERT ) {
return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
else {
return true;
Lastly, unless this is just for educational purposes I wouldnt do this. There are a ton of different queries that have varying part assemblies which arent considered here so at some point this is not going to support what you need it to do. Instead i would use Doctrine DBAL, Zend_Db or something similar that is going to support greater query complexity through its API. In short, dont reinvent the wheel.
I have developed something similar and it can helps you.
public function select($sql, $array = array(), $fetchMode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC){
$stmt = $this->prepare($sql);
foreach ($array as $key => $value){
$stmt->bindValue("$key", $value);
return $stmt->fetchAll();
public function insert($table, $data){
$fieldNames = implode('`,`', array_keys($data));
$fieldValues = ':' .implode(', :', array_keys($data));
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table (`$fieldNames`) VALUES ($fieldValues)";
$stmt = $this->prepare($sql);
foreach ($data as $key => $value){
$stmt->bindValue(":$key", $value);
