CakePHP SoapClient drops fields? - php

My app uses CakePHP (2.2.5) to get data from a SOAP server. I put logging into the SoapSource.php connector to see the XML returned and to display the array returned:
$result = $this->client->__soapCall($method, array('parameters' => $tParams));
Logger::write('SOAP Last Response', $this->client->__getLastResponse(), 3, 'transaction');
Logger::write('SOAP Last Response Object', print_r($result, TRUE), 3, 'transaction');
But what I'm seeing in the log is that two (recently-added) fields present in the XML are missing from the array, specifically, the last two before the RPList (formatted here but otherwise verbatim):
<Title>The Young and the Restless</Title>
Followed by:
[transactionResult] => stdClass Object
[id] => test
[resultCode] => 0
[ReadScheduledRecordingsRsp] => stdClass Object
[RecordingDefinitionList] => stdClass Object
[RecordingDefinition] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[RDId] => d8c16d8f-67c6-469a-83c3-d51d8f8859a9
[Title] => The Young and the Restless
[SeriesId] => 4422
[KeepUntil] => SpaceIsNeeded
[StartPadSeconds] => 0
[EndPadSeconds] => 0
[Frequency] => EveryDay
[KeepAtMost] => 0
[Priority] => 23
[ShowType] => Any
[RPList] => stdClass Object
I'm guessing I just forgot or didn't know to do something, but I don't know what. It's just very suspicious that the two fields that don't work are the two that were just added, but I can't find any place where the fields are enumerated.
The WSDL doesn't specify any fields at all, just that there will be a bunch of data inside a transactionResult.
In the connect call, the options likewise don't specify any fields.
It all worked fine until the back-end added those two fields, and it all still works fine, except that I can't see the 2 new fields in the object.
Any ideas?

It would be nice to see the XML for RPList. What version of PHP/libxml?
Have you actually validated the XML returned by __getLastResponse()?
It sounds to me like your using WSDL mode for the client but your WSDL file lacks precision. Try using a WSDL which actually describes the data being served up by the API.
Am I understanding that the $result object when dumped lists RPList but the value is not what you expect? If so you might be able to get away with adding the SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS option to the clients constructor: new SoapClient($wsdl, array('features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS));. That's a long shot though. Need to see WSDL and full output from __getLastResponse().
Any errors? Try wrapping the call like so:
try {
$client = new SoapClient ('',
array("trace" => 1,
"exceptions" => true,
"cache_wsdl" => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
$result = $client->SomeMethod($data);
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
Short of fixing the WSDL/XML response your workaround seems like the best solution.


Issue with Google API People :: AddContact

I have implemented the Google API in PHP as a service and using the Google_Service_ServicePeople() to add a contact. That works and I am getting back a proper result as a paople object. In addition when I call the people_connections->listPeopleConnections method I am getting back the contacts that I have created in my tests. However, when I go to no contact will be shown.
Maybe it is a missunderstanding from my site, but I thought that based on the appsettings on my account, the new contacts will be created (added) to my account, won't they?
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName ('VABS-CONTACT-TEST');
$client->addScope (Google_Service_Peopleservice::CONTACTS);
$peopleService = new Google_Service_PeopleService($client);
$person = new Google_Service_PeopleService_Person();
$name = new Google_Service_People_Name();
$name->setDisplayName ('FirstName LastName');
$name->setFamilyName ('LastName');
$email = new Google_Service_People_EmailAddress();
$email->value = 'xxx#xxx.xx';
$person->setNames ($name);
$person->setEmailAddresses ($email);
$result = $peopleService->people->createContact ($person);
The response looks like:
Google_Service_PeopleService_Person Object
[collection_key:protected] => userDefined
[addressesType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_Address
[addressesDataType:protected] => array
[ageRange] =>
[ageRangesType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_AgeRangeType
[ageRangesDataType:protected] => array
[biographiesType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_Biography
[biographiesDataType:protected] => array
[birthdaysType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_Birthday
[birthdaysDataType:protected] => array
[braggingRightsType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_BraggingRights
[braggingRightsDataType:protected] => array
[coverPhotosType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_CoverPhoto
[coverPhotosDataType:protected] => array
[emailAddressesType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_EmailAddress
[emailAddressesDataType:protected] => array
[eventsType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_Event
[eventsDataType:protected] => array
[gendersType:protected] => Google_Service_PeopleService_Gender
[modelData:protected] => Array
[metadata] => Array
[sources] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => CONTACT
[id] => 494c65970e1a12eb
[etag] => #QkUwvJtiLVY=
[updateTime] => 2018-04-04T13:58:27.710001Z
Using the
lists all the created contacts as expected.
But on my page no contact will be shown. I am logged in as the same user I have created and granted access to the API.
Any ideas, hwy the contacts won't be shonw on
Many thanks!
After several tries it wasn't possible for me to get it solved. Therefore I have tried it now via the RapidWeb Solution. Now it is working and "the setup" with a guide - even though it tooks also 3 steps of getting the right account in place - is simple.
The main problem I had is to understand the logfic of OAuth2 and their possibilities to setup the correct OAuth2 Client.
In my case I needed to setup a Native Client (just choose "Other" as ApplicationType on the second screen in the Google API Console after creating a new OAuth2 ClientId)
Anyway. Many thanks for all who tried to help me! Much appreciated!

PHP Soap - SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object hasn't 'checkConnectivityRequest' property

I'm having a problem getting a particular SOAP call to work -most of them work fine, but this one is giving me a headache.
The WSDL is, and the request I am generating is:
$result = $soap->checkConnectivity(
array('checkConnectivityRequest' =>
'requestType' => 'SITE',
'requestMode' => array(
'requestId' => date("Ymdhis"),
'siteAddress' => array(
'postalZipCode' => $this->postcode,
'connectivityType' => 'COLT FIBRE',
'bandwidth' => '2M',
However I'm getting a SOAP error back (which I believe means it's not even passing it to the web service), so not sure if I'm mis-reading the WSDL?
If you search in the content of you will notice that there is not wsdl:operation named checkConnectivityRequest. The closest i saw was checkConnectivity so, try to replace checkConnectivityRequest with checkConnectivity and let me know.
Happy coding

PHP/SOAP dont create desired xml request

I am trying to use a WSDL web service with php/soap. And it always gives a deserializing error which is exactly:
Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Test'. OperationFormatter encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find node type 'Element' with name 'Test' and namespace ''. Found node type 'Element' with name 'parameters' and 'namespace'
When I test the WSDL source with WcfTestClient software nothing goes wrong and it returns with desired results.
When I compare the request XML which created by SOAP and XML which created by WcfTestClient software, I see that difference may be the problem. It seem like something wrong with namespace and prefixes, but I don't know how to solve it, or maybe it is something else causes the problem.
The request XMLs is this:
In case you need PHP code, this is the code I am using.
$soap_options = array(
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
'trace' => TRUE
$soap = new SoapClient(
'', $soap_options
$a = $soap->Test(
array("login" =>
"FirmaId" => 15,
"KullaniciAdi" => "Asdf",
"Parola" => "Xyxy",
} catch (Exception $e) {
I cant find the exact cause and solution but this seems like working.
First, when you give object instead of array for the wsdl method, you can get rid of item, value nodes. Node will be created by object name
$a = $soap->Test(
(object)array("login" =>
"FirmaId" => 15,
"KullaniciAdi" => "Asdf",
"Parola" => "Xyxy",
After that i realized an < parameters> node instead of < WsdlMethod> node created in request xml. With overriding __doRequest method and replacing strings, can get rid this problem but still cant see the response. Need to wrap < wsdlMethodResponse> node with < parameter> via str_replace and finally get desired response.
As i said this may be a temporary solution. But working for me :)

cakephp: with saveAll(), imported (non-form-related) associated data not saving

My question relates to pulling data from a remote source and saving it to a local database. With the saveAll(), the parent data gets saved correctly, but not the child data.
protected function _saveLocal($_rekeyedData) {
//Set the invoice header and line items models
if (!isset($this->LocalHeader)) {
// $this->LocalHeader->set($_rekeyedData);
if (!isset($this->LocalDetail)) {
if ($this->LocalHeader->saveAll($_rekeyedData, array('validate' => 'first'))) {
$this->Session->setFlash('Your data has been saved.');
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Data load failed.');
debug( $this->LocalDetail->invalidFields() );
In this function, I load the models, then attempt to saveAll(). A sample record looks like this:
[1] => Array
[LocalHeader] => Array
[SOPNUMBE] => CR014076
[DUEDATE] => 2012-04-10 00:00:00
[DOCDATE] => 2012-04-10 00:00:00
[DOCAMNT] => 12000.00000
[SUBTOTAL] => 12000.00000
[LocalDetail] => Array
[0] => Array
[QUANTITY] => 1.00000
[UOFM] => EA
[UNITPRCE] => 12000.00000
[TAXAMNT] => .00000
[CONTSTARTDTE] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
[CONTENDDTE] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
[SOPNUMBE] => CR014076
All that gets saved is the LocalHeader record. My hunch is that it has something to do with the array('validate' => 'first'). I think I need to do something separate like validateMany when using saveAll(), but I can't remember where I saw something like that or if I just made it up.
I've read many of the related questions in SO, but none of the offered solutions worked for me.
Any help is appreciated. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
This is the header model and this is the detail model.
I think the issue is that neither of those records exists yet. According to the docs
If neither of the associated model records exists in the system yet
(for example, you want to save a new User and their related Profile
records at the same time), you’ll need to first save the primary, or
parent model.
You can read more here with an example.

CakePHP 1.3 validation errors not showing with numerical indexed array

I've looked at loads of forums about validation errors not showing and tried various things but to no avail...
Basically, the validation is correctly recognising the fields do not have values when they should, however the error messages don't 'automagically' appear below the input boxes.
Model validation rule is shown below:
var $validate = array(
'description' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'Please enter a description of the change'
echo pr($this->data); output is shown below:
[Change] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 3237
[cn_id] => 5132
[req_id] => 25
[description] =>
[1] => Array
[id] => 3238
[cn_id] => 5132
[req_id] => 22
[description] =>
[2] => Array
[id] => 3239
[cn_id] => 5132
[req_id] => 4
[description] =>
echo pr($this->Change->invalidFields()); output is shown below:
[0] => Array
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
[1] => Array
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
[2] => Array
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
So, it is generating the errors messages for display, but they don't actually display in the view, and I don't know why?
Excerpt from the 'view' code is show below:
<?php echo $form->input('Change.'.$i.'.description',
array('value' => $cn['Change'][$i]['description'],
'label' => $engReq['Req']['description'])); ?>
Does anybody have ideas why the error messages are not showing?
I experienced the same issue with a hasMany model (where the form had numerically indexed fields) and came up with a validation solution that worked for me.
Quick answer: Before trying to actually save the data, I validated the data separately like (notice 'validate'=>'only'):
if($this->ModelName->saveAll($this->data, array('validate' => 'only'))) {
// proceed to save...
Doing it this way gave me the model's validation error message in the form, right under the input field that failed the validation (the normal Cake way of showing the validation error).
Note: I could not use saveAll() to actually save my data (I'll explain why in a minute). If I could use saveAll() to actually save the data, I could have gotten the validation at the same time as I saved by using (notice 'validate' => 'first'):
if($this->ModelName->saveAll($this->data, array('validate' => 'first')))
However, I could not use saveAll() to actually save the data, due to the fact that I needed to use a transaction to save several models at once, where some of the models were not directly related to other models. saveAll() will only save the model on which it is called, plus models directly related to it. Since Cake does not currently support nested transactions, and saveAll() uses one transaction automatically, I had to use save() on my models and start and end my transaction manually. However, this caused me to loose the validation message in my form on the hasMany items, even if I saved by using "$this->ModelName->save($this->data, array('validate'=>'first')".
Further explanation: The issue does seem to be related to using numerically indexed fields in the form. For example:
It seems this indexing scheme is the proper way to handle hasMany items in the form, but the validation messages would not find their way to this form input. It is interesting to notice that my view did in fact have access to the validation error. This can be seen in the view by using (notice no numerical index in these lines):
if($this->Form->isFieldError("ModelName.field_name")) {
echo $this->Form->error("ModelName.field_name");
Putting these lines after the '$this->Form->input("ModelName.0.field_name")' inserted a the validation message into the page, just not in the same div as the input field (and thus it didn't look ideal).
I couldn't figure out a way to tell Cake to use that validation message in the '$this->Form->input("ModelName.0.field_name")'. So I resorted to the 'validate' => 'only' method described earlier, which is working well for me.
shouldnt it be
var $validate = array(
'description' => array(
'notEmpty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'Please enter a description of the change'
