Set form dropdown depending on PHP variable - php

I have a drop down form item with four options.
<select required name=\"priority\">
<option default value=\"1\">1 - 10 days</option>
<option value=\"2\">2 - 5 days</option>
<option value=\"3\">3 - 48 hours</option>
<option value=\"4\">4 - 24 hours</option>
These values are already stored in the SQL database with either 1,2,3,4. The page I am working on is an edit page of sorts, so I would like to have whichever value is set in the database be selected on the drop down, so the user does not have to reselect the value upon submission. How can I get it to find the value and select the correct option depending what is set? I have no problem doing this with a text field like this:
echo "<p>Cost: <input required type=\"text\" name=\"cost\" value=\"".$cost."\">";
Do I have to do four different if statements for each value (if ($priority == 1) {...}) etc.?

If the options were stored in an associative array, you could write something like:
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
echo '<option value="', $value, '"', ($dbValue == $value ? ' selected="selected"' : ''), '>', $label, '</option>';

You do not have to do four different if statements for each value. You have to do four if statements, one for each value.

foreach ($options as $value => $label)
if(isset($_POST['priority']) && $_POST['priority']==$value)
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
echo '<option value="'. $value. '" '.$selected.'>'. $label. '</option>';


Codeigniter in select option default value not working

Hi I am the beginner of Codeigniter. The following is my code. The issue is, it does not display the default value in select opinion menu. Please assist, Thank you.
<select name="taskOption1" class="form-control">
<option value="" disabled selected> -- select an option -- </option>
foreach($stagesData as $key => $value):
echo '<option value="'. $value -> stage_id . '"' .
set_select('taskOption1', $rows[0] -> stage_reject_id) . '>' . $value -> stage_name . '</option>';
<select name="taskOption2" class="form-control">
<option value="" disabled selected> -- select an option -- </option>
foreach($rejectsData as $key => $value):
echo '<option value="'. $value -> reject_id . '"' .
set_select('taskOption2', $rows[0] -> stage_reject_id, ((($value -> reject_id) == ($rows[0] -> reject_id))?true:false)) . '>' . $value -> reject_name . '</option>';
First of all, if you have a default option, I guess that should be the one selected? If so, you don't need <option value="" disabled selected> -- select an option -- </option>. But I may have understood this the wrong way.
Second, if you want to set a default value with set_select() in CodeIgniter, you must use the third parameter, like this:
set_select('taskOption1', $rows[0] -> stage_reject_id, TRUE)
You are using Form Helper, I see, so why don't you use from_dropdown or for multiple use form_multiselect
form_dropdown([$name = '', $options, $selected, $extra)
$name (string) – Field name
$options (array) – An associative array of options to be listed
$selected (string) – Selected Value
$extra (mixed) – Extra attributes
For your code
<?php $stagesData = ['' => '--select--'] + $stagesData; ?>
<?php echo form_dropdown('taskOption1', $stagesData, ''); ?>

How can I set multiple default values in an HTML select control using the values in a PHP array?

This is sort of an extension of the problem solved here: Set default value for HTML select control in PHP however I would like to fill in Multiple values that match, with the values to fill in stored in an additional array:
This is my code so far:
<select name="genres[]" id="genres_edit" multiple>
$genrelist = array(
for($i = 0;$i < count($genrelist);$i++) {
echo "<option value=\"$genrelist[$i]\"";
for ($g = 0; $g < count($genre);$g++) {
if ($genrelist[$i] == $genre[$g]) {
echo "selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">$genrelist[$i]</option>";
$genrelist is the array of all possible genres that will be used to fill up the select control, and the array of actual genres is stored in $genre.
Basically I want it to highlight the values in the selectbox that match any of the values in the $genre array.
i.e. if the genres stored in $genres are: Adventure, Cooking, Western, then those 3 values will be highlighted in the select box, out of the 6 available genres in the box.
Here's how I'd do it ...
$genres = array(
$genrelist = array(
foreach ($genrelist as $k=>$v) {
$sel = (array_search($v,$genres) !== false) ? ' selected' : '';
echo '<option value="'. $k .'"'. $sel .'>'. $v .'</option>';
Here's the sandbox ...
Assuming your form in being set with method="get" then the $_GET superglobal should have an array in it called genres (as defined by the fact that your multiple select box is called genres[]).
So when looping through your output you should be able to check if the current genre (from the $genrelist array) exists in the $_GET['genres'] array ... like so:
$genrelist = array(
<select name="genres[]" id="genres_edit" multiple="multiple">
<?php foreach($genrelist as $genre): ?>
<?php $sThisSelected = in_array($genre, $_GET['genres']) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""; ?>
<option value=\"<?= $genre; ?>\"<?= $sThisSelected; ?>><?= $genre; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
There's no sanity checking or sanitisation in this but that's the theory anyway.
If you want multiple selection you must specify your select tag with multiple option
<select multiple="1">
<option selected>option1</option>
<option selected>option1</option>
<option selected>option1</option>
The drawback is that the select menu is no more a dropdown, if that matter for you, let me know and I will try to tune in the solution.

Making Select Boxes Have Database Entry Set As Selected in PHP

How would I go about setting the "selected" attribute to one of these boxes, based on what value is stored in the $genre variable?
i.e. If $genre == "Puzzle" then
<option value=Puzzle>
<option value=Puzzle selected>
Here is my current code:
$query = "SELECT * FROM release_dates WHERE id = $id";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$genre = $row['game_genre'];
<select name=genre>
<option value=Action>Action</option>
<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>
<option value=Puzzle>Puzzle</option>
<option value=RPG>RPG</option>
<option value=Horror>Horror</option>
<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>
<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>
<option value=Sport>Sport</option>
<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>
Also, for extra brownie points, how would this apply to select boxes with the "multiple" attribute?
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Well, that's pretty simple actually:
<option value=Action <?php $genre == "Action" ? "selected":""?> >Action</option>
Just use a ternary operator (condition) ? true:false to input "selected" if the value is set. Simply duplicate that logic on all the options:
<option value=Action <?php $genre == "Action" ? "selected":""?> >Action</option>
<option value=Adventure <?php $genre == "Adventure" ? "selected":""?> >Adventure</option>
<option value=Puzzle <?php $genre == "Puzzle" ? "selected":""?> >Puzzle</option>
<option value=RPG <?php $genre == "RPG" ? "selected":""?> >RPG</option>
Hope that helps!
You could use a foreach loop to iterate over your options, and each time, perform a check using an if statement to see if it matches:
foreach ($genres as $genre) {
if ($genre === "Puzzle") {
echo '<option value="'.$genre.'" selected>'.$genre.'</option>';
else {
echo '<option value="'.$genre.'">'.$genre.'</option>';
By the way, you shouldn't be using mysql_* functions anymore as they are unsafe, deprecated, and will be removed from PHP in the future. Take a look at PDO.
<option value="Strategy" <?php if($genre == "Strategy"){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> >Strategy</option>
I came up with a version that keeps everything in PHP
$query = "SELECT * FROM release_dates WHERE id = ". $id;
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
// possible options
$genre_options = array(
// loop over the options, and wrap them in tags
$options = '';
foreach ($genre_options as $genre) {
// check if we have a match
$selected = '';
if ($genre == $row['game_genre']) {
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$options .= '<option value="'. $genre .'" '. $selected .'>'. $genre .'</option>'
echo '
<select name=genre>
'. $options .'
What this does is create an array of possible genre's, loop over them, and see if any of them match the genre that was returned from the query. If thats the case it will add the selected="selected" attribute.
Unfortunately I'll be missing out on the "brownie points", because I'm not able to help you with the multi-select.
Let me know if this helps!
EDIT: I also noted that in your query you where passing the $id variable as a string. Fixed that in the query in my example.
Instead of defining your genres using plain HTML, create an array with all your genres.
To do so:
$genres = array(
foreach($genres as $currentGenre) {
echo "<option value="'.$currentGenre.'" '.($currentGenre == $genre ? "selected" : "").'>'.$currentGenre.'</option>';
What this does, is loop over all your genres and create a single <option> for each of them. If the $currentGenre (so one of the genres from the array $genres) matches $genre (which you pulled from MySQL), it selects that option using a inline if-statement.

$_POST only receives default value from select control

I have a select control that will load next to each user and the value defaults to which floor that user is located on based on the result from the MySQL Database. Whomever is editing the list can change which floor that user is located on and submit the change to push to the database. However when I receive the $_POST['selFloor'] value it is always whichever the default selected value is. No matter if the user changes it or not.
$floors = array('1st'=>"First",
'6th Control'=>"Sixth");
$query = "SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY name asc";
$result = $db->query($query);
$i = 0;
while ($row = $result->fetch_array())
echo '<select name="field['.$i.'][floor]"';
foreach($floors as $key=>$val) {
echo ($key == $row['floor']) ? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$key\">$val</option>":"<option value=\"$key\">$val</option>";
echo '</select>';
} ?>
A sample of the select control. If the $row['floor'] returns ['1st'] it will make that option the selected value, but once the user changes it to '2nd' and hits submit, $_POST only see's the select value for whichever option has the selected argument.
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach($val as $subkey => $sub) {
echo $sub['floor'] // Outputs first option that got selected set
HTML Output of Select:
<select name="field[1][floor]">
<option value="1st">First</option>
<option value="2nd">Second</option>
<option selected="selected" value="3rd">Third</option>
<option value="4th">Fourth</option>
<option value="5th">Fifth</option>
<option value="6th">Sixth</option>
I don't see any errors in your HTML, except for the fact, that you are checking $_POST['selFloor'], while the name of select is field[1][floor]. Try to change it to 'selFloor':
echo '<select name="selFloor">';
And I don't see closing angle bracket (>) for select.
Because each one of your <option> menus has a selected attribute, the browser doesn't know which one is selected even though it is firing the change event.
Try placing the selected attribute on the first <option> only.
foreach($floors as $key=>$val) {
// if first, place selected attribute
echo ($key == $row['floor'])
? "<option value=\"$key\">$val</option>" // selected att was removed
:"<option value=\"$key\">$val</option>";

php multiple select drop down

here is my mysql and php code layout:
I have 3 tables
tableA stores unique "person" information
tableB stores unique "places" information
tableC stores not unique information about a person and places they have "beenTo".
here is how i layed out my form:
-one big form to insert into "person" tableA; "beenTo" tableC
in the form, a person mulitple selects "places" which get inserted into "beenTo"
my question is, when i am editing a "person" how do i display what the user has already selected to appear on my multiple select options drop down menu?
my drop down menu at the moment query "places" table and displays it in a multiple select drop down menu. its easier when a person have beenTo one place, the problem arrises when there is more than one "beenTo" places?
Foreach option, check if they have beenTo it. Then add the selected="selected" attribute to the tag if true.
<select multiple="multiple">
<option selected="selected">Rome</option>
<option selected="selected">Underpants</option>
And in PHP this might look like:
$beenTo = array("Rome","Underpants");
$places = array("Rome","France","Underpants");
?> <select multiple="multiple"> <?php
foreach($places as $place) {
echo "<option";
$found = false;
foreach($beenTo as $placeBeenTo) {
echo "value='$place'";
if ($placeBeenTo == $place) {
$found == true;
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
if (!$found) echo ">";
echo $place . "</option>";
?> </select> <?php
There's probably a much more efficient way to do this.
For clarification, you will want to have a name attribute for your select tag which allows for multiple selected options to function correctly.
<form method="post" action="">
<select name="places[]" multiple="multiple">
$_POST += array('places' => array());
$places = array('fr' => 'France', 'cn' => 'China', 'jp' => 'Japan');
$beenTo = array_flip($_POST['places']);
foreach ($places as $place => $place_label) {
$selected = isset($beenTo[$place]) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
echo '<option value="' . $place . '"' . $selected . '>' . $place_label . '</option>';
<input type="submit" value="Save Changes" />
<option id = 'example' <? if ($_POST['example']) echo 'selected' ?>>
But you'll be using a $_SERVER['cookies'] or other cache to store the past visits, not the $_POST array.. edit with extreme predjudice
