Magento gather attributes as multidimensional array keys - php

I need to gather all of the available attributes for the given product and then create a multidimensional array with them. Hopefully you can create a multidimensional array with more than two dimensions? The resulting array declarations should look like this:
First I'm gathering all the attributes then adding them to a string where I can call each one later:
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
//Gather all attribute labels for given product
foreach($_attributes as $_attribute){
$attributeString .= '[$child -> get' . ucfirst($_attribute->getLabel()) . '()]';
Then I'm attempting to append that string to the array to declare it:
foreach($childProducts as $child) { //cycle through simple products to find applicable
//CAITLIN you are going to need way to search for other attributes, GET list of attributes
$simpleArray. $attributeString =$child->getPrice();
Mage::log('The attributeString is '. $simpleArray. $attributeString, null, 'caitlin.log'); //This is logging as "The attributeString is Array74"
Any suggestions?

You'll need to use recursion to do what you're requesting without knowing the attribute names while writing the code.
This will loop through and provide all of the child product prices, in a multi dimensional array based on the configurable attributes. It assumes that $_product is the current product.
$attrs = $_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($_product);
$map = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$map[] = $attr['attribute_code'];
$childPricing = array();
$childProducts = $_product->getTypeInstance()->getUsedProducts();
foreach($childProducts as $_child) {
// not all of the child's attributes are accessible, unless we properly load the full product
$_child = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_child->getId());
$topLevel = array($child->getData($map[sizeof($map)]) => $_child->getPrice());
$childProducts = array_merge($childProducts,$this->workThroughAttrMap($map,$_child,$topLevel));
//print_r childProducts to test, later do whatever you were originally planning with it.
In the same controller include this:
protected function workThroughAttrMap(&$map,$child,$topLevel) {
$topLevel = array($child->getData($map[sizeof($map)]) => $topLevel);
if(sizeof($map) > 0) return workThroughAttrMap($map,$child,$topLevel);
else return $topLevel;
I haven't tested this code so there may be a few minor bugs.
There are a few things you could do to make the code a bit cleaner, such as moving the first $topLevel code into the function, making that an optional parameter and initializing it with the price when it doesn't exist. I also haven't included any error checking (if the product isn't configurable, the child product doesn't have its price set, etc).


Associative array's loaded from database and display as 'columns'

I am trying to create an overview of product properties, for an invoice system.
So far, most things are comming together using classes and PDO.
I have the following issue.
In my class, i've created a function that builds my products array.
It loads some information from the database, to build this array.
This array, i want to use to display all the products i have selected:
$prod1 - $prod1Name - $prod1Descr - $prod1Price
$prod2 - $prod2name - $prod2Descr - $prod2Price
I figured that the Associative array would help me creating columns.
Though the problem is, that i do not understand a bit how to create multiple lines and columns this way.
I was thinking of something like:
$prod[1]["name"] - $prod[1]["descr"] - etc
Then to use this in a foreach loop to create as many new lines as required.
The only thing i could come up with is on my index.php (as shown below), cause using an index (the [1] defenition) does not seem to work the way i think it should be implemented.
For my understanding, i assigend the var in my class as an array, then redefine an array when loading the database information.
Could anyone tell me how i could try to solve this issue?
I have the following class:
class Invoice{
var $vendorID;
var $product = array();
function product_array(){
global $db;
$query = $db->conn->prepare('
SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription, ProductDuration, ProductPriceInclVat, ProductPriceExclVat, ProductVatType
FROM products WHERE VendorID = :VendorID
$array = array (
'VendorID' => $this->vendorID
$result = $query->fetchall();
if (empty($result)){
echo"Could not find any products matching your criteria.";
} else {
foreach($result as $row) {
$this->product = array("Name" => $row['ProductName'],
"Description" => $row['ProductDescription'],
"Duration" => $row['ProductDuration'],
"PriceExclVat" => $row['ProductPriceExclVat'],
"PriceInclVat" => $row['ProductPriceInclVat'],
"VatType" => $row['ProductVatType']
and then i have the following code on my index.php:
$invoice = new Invoice();
foreach ($invoice->product as $key => $value){
echo $key . "<br>";
echo $value . "$value";
echo "<br>";
When you are assigning the result arrays to the product property you are overwriting the array every time. You need to append to the array instead, so something like:
$this->product = array();
foreach($result as $row) {
$this->product[] = array(...);
Alternatively, you could just assign the results of fetchAll to the product property if you don't need to rename the field keys (or you could alias them in the SQL).
$query = $db->conn->prepare('
SELECT ProductName as Name,
ProductDescription as Description,
ProductDuration as Duration,
ProductPriceInclVat as PriceInclVat,
ProductPriceExclVat as PriceExclVat,
ProductVatType as VatType
FROM products WHERE VendorID = :VendorID
$array = array (
'VendorID' => $this->vendorID
$product = $query->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
The $product is now in the format you require.
After this you can avoid foreach loop in class invoice.
Other thing i noticed that you have made function product_array() which is not called,
so in index.php you are getting empty array (defined in class Invoice).
So in Invoice class it should be
$product = product_array()
and product_array function should return the value.

Accessing image field of line items in Drupal 7 module

I am creating custom emails to be sent to customers wanting to share their cart with others. So far, I have each product's quantity, SKU, price, path (node/XYZ), and title. The last item I need in the email is the product's image path.
I found all the other information with the following:
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($user->uid);
foreach($wrapper->commerce_line_items as $d => $line_item_wrapper) {
$sku = $line_item_wrapper->line_item_label->value();
Printing out the following I was able to see a protected "data" property for the wrapper object:
Then, I tried finding the getter method for the field_image property with the following:
I ended up here with entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get() but I don't know what parameters to pass. Also, in the last print statement above I didn't see anything else of value.
I'm wondering if I need to query for this data, and what table / columns to query for? Or maybe use something like node_load()? However, i'm not finding it too easy to find the node ID from the line item wrapper.
I was able to solve the above problem with this code:
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($user->uid);
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
$result = array();
foreach($wrapper->commerce_line_items as $d => $line_item_wrapper) {
$product = array();
$product['quantity'] = $line_item_wrapper->quantity->value();
$product['sku'] = $line_item_wrapper->line_item_label->value();
$product['path'] = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_display_path->value();
$product['price'] = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->amount->value();
$product['title'] = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_product->title->value();
$product['image'] = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_product->field_image->value();
$product['image'] = $product['image'][0]['filename'];
array_push($result, $product);
I have to say, finding all these discrete functions was quite difficult. I did not find any clear documentation about Drupal Commerce metadata_wrappers. If anyone could provide further information I'd love to take a look.
In general, I used a lot of print_r(); to find these values.

Magento: paginate filtered product collection

i want to filter and paginate a product collection. everything is fine - except pagination. im just getting the whole collection back, instead of 3 items for the first page.
//fetch all visible products
$product_collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
//set wanted fields (nescessary for filter)
$product_collection->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', array('neq' => 1));
//filter by name or description
//filter for max price
foreach ($product_collection as $key => $item) {
if($item->getPrice() >= $priceTo){
//pagination (THIS DOESNT WORK!)
foreach ($product_collection as $product) {
echo $product->getName().'<br />';
thanks for your support!
You are so close! Try moving that $product_collection->setPageSize(3)->setCurPage(1); line before the first foreach() iteration over the collection.
Magento collections are lazy-loaded. Until you directly load() them (or implicitly load them via a call to count() or foreach()) you can modify the collection properties which affect the underlying query (EDIT: see note below). Once the collection has been loaded explicitly or implicitly though you will only get the members of the _items property that have been set.
FYI you can call clear() to leave the original query-affecting properties (filters, sorters, limits, joins, etc) in place and then add further properties.
EDIT: Actually, adjusting query properties is always possible regardless of _items load state, but the effect won't be visible until the collection is regenerated.
Thanks #Ben! You gave me the right hint. Now it does work! Basically I'm creating another collection and filter this one by the ids of the already filtered items. Afterwards its easy to add pagination to that new collection. That's the working code:
//fetch all visible products
$product_collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
//set wanted fields (nescessary for filter)
$product_collection->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', array('neq' => 1));
//filter by name or description
//filter for max price
foreach ($product_collection as $key => $item) {
if($item->getPrice() >= $priceTo){
//build id array out of filtered items (NEW!)
foreach($product_collection as $item){
//recreate collection out of product ids (NEW)
$product_filtered_collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$product_filtered_collection->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', array('in'=>$arrProductIds));
//add pagination (on new collection) (NEW)
foreach ($product_filtered_collection as $product) {
echo $product->getName().'<br />';

Create a Dynamic Nav on the Fly

I'm looking for the best way to create a complex navigation element on the fly. I have all of the elements in a database (title, id, parentId) and I want to efficiently take them out of the DB and display them correctly. I also want to collapse all of the navigation elements that aren't active. So if I was browsing through "Sofas" I wouldn't see "Chandeliers" or any of the categories under lighting but I would see "Lighting".
This is what I want the final product to look like:
Living Room
Floor Lamps
Rugs & Textiles
My current method is
write one SQL query that pulls down all of the category names, ids, and parent ids
Iterate through the categories and put into a sorted multi-dimensional array with child categories stored under their parents.
Iterate through the new array and add another entry to mark the appropriate categories as open (all categories are closed by default)
iterate through the array and write HTML
I'm trying to to this with as few interations as possible and I'm sure the code I have right now is inefficient. Especially step 2 I iterate through the array several times. There has to be a general solution to this (common?) problem.
Consider adding a new field to your database table: level.
Main-categories will have level 0.
Sub-categories will have level 1.
Sub-sub-categories will have level 2.
This trick will help you to know which sub-categories to disable without 2nd iteration of the array.
I believe this is the perfect place to generate your html code using recursion.
I used this function a while ago. It is working with a multi-dimensional array (tree)
function buildMenu($menu_array, $is_sub=FALSE) {
$attr = (!$is_sub) ? 'id="menu"' : 'class="submenu"';
$menu = "<ul $attr>\n";
foreach($menu_array as $id => $elements) {
foreach($elements as $key => $val) {
if(is_array($val)) {
$sub = buildMenu($val, TRUE);
else {
$sub = NULL;
$$key = $val;
if(!isset($url)) {
$url = $id;
$menu .= "<li>$display$sub</li>\n";
unset($url, $display, $sub);
return $menu . "</ul>\n";
echo buildMenu($menu_array);
This adds css properties too. If you wish to mark the currently active page you can use the strpos() function to find your current url. If you need some more functionality you can easily add them to buildMenu()
Using level as mentioned in the answer above will help too. If you were using the nested set model in your database I could also help you with my query which is a single select returning the whole menu data.

magento memory problem, cannot unset objects

i am writing a magento product exporter, that writes a couple of attributes into a csv file. one attribute is called the "category string" and its method looks like:
foreach($products as $_product) {
$productId = $_product->getSku();
$productCategory = getCategoryString($_product['category_ids']);
function getCategoryString($numbers) {
$catString = '';
$catModel = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->setStoreId(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID);
$ex = explode(',', $numbers);
foreach ($ex as $i => $e) {
if ($i > 0) {
$catString .= $catModel->load($e)->getName();
if ($i < (count($ex)-1))
$catString .= ' > ';
$ex = NULL;
$numbers = NULL;
$catModel = NULL;
return $catString;
but after each iteration the method call costs about 1MB for each product and i have about 9000 products! i cannot clean up the $catModel variable! the $catModel = NULL and unset($catModel) lines have no effects. what am i doing wrong? how can i force to unset the object?!
We had the same problem with a cron for Magento, I know that it isn't the best way to do it but we needed to do it quickly.
Our solution was creating a new PHP file with the necessary code to do one single operation. From magento we get a product list and then call with exec() to this external PHP file product by product.
Something like this:
foreach($products as $_product) {
exec("do_the_work.php {$_product->getSku()}");
Hope it helps.
so your script would be so much cooler if you
get all catalog ids from all the products you have as an array
load the category collection with IN() clause with the category names you need
foreach your product collection one more time and select the neccecary category id's from preloaded collection with just the right elements
profit $$$$ cause you are not using memory like its unlimited for you
much much cooler thing would be joining the category names directly to product collection, that would consume even less resources
