following sql query was working fine, i don't whats wrong i did its stopped fetching records.
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM product_table where pid=$saa1 OR gpid=$saa1 OR
category_id=$saa1 ORDER BY autoid desc limit $no2,20")
or die(mysql_error());
when i remove or clause its works fine for example
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM product_table ORDER BY autoid desc limit
or die(mysql_error());
please have a look and let me know where i am doing mistake....
It seems,your query is OK, but when you use WHERE clause, you limit the results , so perhaps there is no recored for display, especially when you use LIMIT for starting offset and number of results.
Your query is ok but there is no record to satisfy your where part. go to your database and create some new rows with your criteria.
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM product_table where (pid=$saa1 OR gpid=$saa1 OR
category_id=$saa1) ORDER BY autoid desc limit $no2,20")
or die(mysql_error());
I'm trying to find a solution to select a list of rows coming after a certain Id from an ordered list.
For example, first I select 1000 rows. Then, on a subsequent request, i want to fetch another 1000 rows coming from after the last id of the first request. I know i can do it with limit, but suppose there has been 100 rows added between the first and second request, there will be 100 rows that will be from the first request.
Both queries will be ordered by the date of the entries.
Here's an example of the query I thought of:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id AFTER $id ORDER BY date DESC";
$query = "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` > '$id' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1000";
Two ways to do this:
"SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` > '$id' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT $length"
"SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT $start, $length"
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id > $id ORDER BY date LIMIT 1000";
You're asking about logic, not code so here it is.
The first request selects the first 1000.
$query = "SELECT * FROM the_table ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0,1000";
NB date is a reserved word so needs escaping if you've called a column "date" which you shouldn't.
$rs=$db->selectMany($query); // replace this with however you select the rows. $rs is results set
Do stuff with PHP and save the maximum id. They may not be in order.
foreach ($rs as $r){
// whatever you need to do with your results
$maxid=max($maxid, $r->id);
Your subsequent select uses the last id
$query = "SELECT * FROM the_table WHERE id > $maxid ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1000";
BUT you need to take note that you're ordering by date and using id to find a breakpoint which sounds like it would cause data to be missed.
Perhaps you mean to use WHERE`date`> $maxdate? If so you can figure that out from the code given.
This is my query:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY 'timestamp' LIMIT $startAt, $perPage";
I'm trying to sort the results by the latest (latest on top), so I tried to add DESC.
But where ever I put it in the query it gives me an error, the only way it doesn't give an error is like this:
$query = "SELECT * FROM movies ORDER BY 'timestamp' DESC LIMIT $startAt, $perPage";
But even though it doesn't give an error, it still doesn't work.
This probably seems like a silly thing to ask but it's really driving me crazy
Timestamp is the datatype in MySQL. So, always try to avoid such column name in your table. Even, if you have a column named as timestamp, you must have to use backtick. So, use below query:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT $startAt, $perPage";
Try backtick on timestamp :
$query = "SELECT * FROM movies ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT $startAt, $perPage";
Using backticks permits you to use alternative characters
I think however, instead of mandating whether or not you can use backticks, they should have a standard for names. It solves more 'real' problems.
Do not use quote in field name. Try this:
$query = "SELECT * FROM movies ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $startAt, $perPage";
This is my script atm, and it doesn't load more images. I really don't know what i'm doing wrong? I've tried first converting my mysql to pdo, it loads the first set of images, but when i visit my website, it already says, "No more content" at top, and can't scroll to infinite.
See the new code!
Oke so I did it step by step and this doesn't work well. I tried it like this:
$result2 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM scroll_images ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT ?");
Doesn't work, only when I use it like this:
$result2 = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM scroll_images ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $set_limit");
Why is that?
So the data thing is working, now the index. The first statement works, because it load's the first images. But now the rest of the query for getting all the rows in one query and get it with FOUND_ROWS()
$result = $pdo->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM scroll_images ORDER BY id ASC limit 12"); // This works, but don't know about the sql_calc_found rows part.
$resultALL = $pdo->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS rowcount");
$actual_row_count = $resultALL->rowcount; // doesn't return anything.
I'm trying to limit the array mysql_fetch_assoc($query), and am unsure on how I would go about it.
$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id DESC');
while($output = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
//do something
Do you add a counter or something? How do you add this counter?
I'm really confused about mysql_query and mysql_fetch_assoc. Please Help!
After your ORDER BY id DESC, add LIMIT 100 (or whatever number you want). For the next 100 rows, use LIMIT 100,100, then LIMIT 200,100 and so on.
You can limit the results directly in the SQL query. To get the top 100 records do
Haven't you seen phpMyAdmin always limiting to 30?
i have following sql query, everything works fine but when i put "and posted_date<>$datetime" its not retrieving data as per given command.
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM product_table where category_id=$cat1 or
pid=$par or gpid=$gpar and posted_date<>$datetime
ORDER BY autoid desc limit $no2,$cacount")
or die(mysql_error());
please check is that line is ok maybe i am doing mistake somewhere where category_id=$cat1 or pid=$par or gpid=$gpar and posted_date<>$datetime
maybe i need two where one for or and another for and...
Try to group your condition and use DATE()
FROM product_table
where (category_id=$cat1 or
pid=$par or gpid=$gpar) AND DATE(posted_date) <> DATE($datetime)
ORDER BY autoid desc
LIMIT $no2, $cacount