How to get DQL result from the template with symfony 1.4? - php

I'm working with symfony 1.4 and Doctrine. I'm writing an app about some pubs/bars, and I've got 4 tables:
I want to get the times all products have been ordered in the first pub (i.e. = 1). This is what I've got, but I can only get the sum of the first product ( = 1) and I need the sum of all of them, in this case there are two different products in my db.
public function ordersGetCount(){
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('ProductOrder l')
->innerJoin('l.Order p ON l.id_order =')
->select('SUM(l.amount) as units')
->andWhere('p.id_pub = 1')
return $q->execute();
Here my action class:
$this->resultCount= Doctrine_Core::getTable('productorder')->ordersGetCount();
And here my template:
for($i=0; $i<2; $i++){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$resultCount[0]->getUnits()[$i]."</td>";//
echo "<td>1</td>";
echo "<td>1</td>";
echo "</tr>";
Please need help :)

I think there's nothing wrong with your query, but you should have a look at how you display your results.
echo "<td>".$resultCount[0]->getUnits()[$i]."</td>";
Firstly, you're always referring to the first element in the $resultCount array. Secondly, I'm not sure if you can use a getter for a virtual column (you're not using a column which is mapped to your model.
So I would go with something like this:
In the ordersGetCount I would use
return $q->fetchArray();
This will return an array of arrays, not an array of objects, and will allow you to access the virtual column units.
To display the results:
<?php foreach ($resultCount as $row): ?>
<?php echo $row['units']; ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
This is quite strange ;) Can you try to build the query this way: (in theory it should be the same):
$q = $this->createQuery('l')
->select('l.id_product, sum(l.amount) as units')
->where('p.id_pub = 1')

You must try remove
it reduces you results to one product.


Row within a row with JSON

I have a webpage where it shows the lists of Projects and the monitoring of its progress/finances for every quarter. As shown below:
As you can see, my table is comprises of Project Name and a lists of sub-title's underneath it. And a series of columns per each quarter. Thru PHP I was able to populate the list of sub-titles under the Project Name, which also being fetched from the server side. Here's the code:
$sql = mysqli_query($con," My SELECT Statement ");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)){
$ptitle = $row['Title'];
$iname = $row['Item'];
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
<td width="25%"><?php echo $ptitle; ?></td>
<td><?php echo "<ul style='list-style-type: none;'><li>".nl2br($iname)."</li></ul>"; ?></td>
<td contenteditable="true" name="v1"></td>
Note: ptitle = ProjectName and iname = Semi-title underneath the Project's name.
Now, as you can see, the Project Name column literally "conquer" a single row on the left. Yet, the rows under the column of each quarter, should have its own separately, and must be parallel to the every sub-title underneath the Project Name. (Please refer to the image above for this) the only problem am encountering is... how can I make an editable row from inside a row, without affecting mysqli result? coz basically my table right now is kinda look like this:
Anyone who's more experience on this? I need your help.
PS: ...and oh! You might be wondering why do I include JSON in the title? It is because, I originally use JSON for editing those table rows before I even use mysqli_fetch_array. But when I include the results of the array inside the <table> tag, everything's changed and JSON is no longer working. So as of now, I am force to do it manually, meaning typing each <td contenteditable=true> in all of those rows. Yet, its not the desired output since I need another row within an existing row. Ideas? Anyone?
Figure Two:
Figure Three:
Count the number of lines in $iname, and then use a loop to create that many rows of contenteditable cells. You can also use this in the rowspan attribute of the <td> containing the title and subtitles.
$rows = substr_count($iname, "\n") + 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
echo "<tr>";
if ($i == 0) { ?>
<td rowspan='<?php echo $rows;?>' width='25%'><?php echo $ptitle . "<br>" . nl2br($iname);?></td>
<?php }
<td contenteditable="true" name="v1"></td><td contenteditable="true" name="v2"></td>...
<?php }

mysqli php problems showing orders in groups / SELECT DISTINCT shows only one result

I'm having some trouble with my php / mysqli code, hopefully you can help me.
I'm currently working on an online shop for a school project. Customers are able to buy things, they get an order number and I'm writing their user_id, the order number, the different products and some other things in a relation.
now the administrator should be able to see all orders.
right now it looks like this (I copied my table into a word table, so it's easier to see the structure):
part of the table
So the problem is that I have two different order numbers (80425 and 14808) and I want to show each number (and the name and adress of the custumer, too) only one time, but for each order number all different ordered products.
I imagine it like this:
part of the table (more organised)
(it's german, I hope you still get what I mean)
So this is the code right now for getting all the information and show them in a table:
$selection = "SELECT * FROM kundenbestellungen, zahlart, produkte, user, status_bestellung, wohnsitz, kontodaten
WHERE b_zahlung_id = z_id
AND b_produkte_id = p_id
AND b_user_id = u_id
AND b_status_id = sb_id
AND w_user_id = u_id
AND d_user_id = u_id";
$sql = mysqli_query ($dblink, $selection) OR die (mysqli_error($dblink));
if (mysqli_num_rows ($sql) > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
<?php /*Change the status to sent*/
if ($row['b_status_id'] == '0') {
echo $row['sb_status'];
<form action="admin-bestellungen.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row['b_id']?>">
<input type="submit" name="versenden" value="versenden">
} else {
echo $row['sb_status'];
<td> <?php echo $row['b_nummer'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['u_vorname']." ".$row['u_nachname'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['p_produktname'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['b_menge_produkt'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['b_einzelpreis'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['z_art'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['b_zeitpunkt'];?></td>
I'm really confused. I tried this below the $selection part, just to start with something:
$anzahl_bestellungen = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b_nummer) AS nr FROM kundenbestellungen";
$anzahl_bestellungen = mysqli_query ($dblink, $anzahl_bestellungen) OR die (mysqli_error($dblink));
$bestell = mysqli_fetch_array($anzahl_bestellungen);
and the code counts the amount of the different order numbers (8). But if I use it without COUNT, it shows only the first order number (80425) and also counts only 1 result and doesn't get the other 7 numbers.
$anzahl_bestellungen = "SELECT DISTINCT b_nummer FROM kundenbestellungen";
$anzahl_bestellungen = mysqli_query ($dblink, $anzahl_bestellungen) OR die (mysqli_error($dblink));
$bestell = mysqli_fetch_array($anzahl_bestellungen);
$b = count($bestell['b_nummer']);
echo "<br>".$b;
I also tried to work something out with GROUP, but then the code shows only one item for each order number.
I tried to work with a for-loop as well, but that didn't work out either.
I thought about a multidimensional array, but I wasn't able to think through that whole thing, I'm not very good at php / mysqli.
So I have no idea how to go on. Maybe you can help me. This is my first question, so please let me know if I need to be more specific or you need more code or anything.
thanks a lot!

How to use sum in active records in codeigniter?

I wanted to know if my syntax is right, this is my model where I query using
active records. I wanted to sum up the column 'amount' inside select however it won't work for me. I wonder id I am possibly doing it right? Should I separate the summation part?
function result_getAssessment()
$this->db->select('register.regnum,register.studentid,accountspayable.accountno,accountspayable.accounttype,accountspayable.amount,sum(amount) AS sum');
$this->db->join('register', 'accountspayable.regnum = register.regnum');
return $query->result();
This is how I call it in the views:
<?php foreach ($query as $row){ ?>
<?php echo $row->regnum;?> <br>
<?php echo $row->studentid;?> <br>
<?php echo $row->accountno;?> <br>
<?php echo $row->accounttype;?> <br>
<?php echo $row->amount;?><br>
<?php echo $row->sum;?><br>
<?php } ?>
The overall query seems to be right, but the column name does not look right to me. Instead of naming the column sum, try naming it something else (as sum is an inbuilt function), or atleast quote the sum column in backticks e.g.
function result_getAssessment()
$this->db->select('register.regnum,register.studentid,accountspayable.accountno,accountspayable.accounttype,accountspayable.amount,sum(accountspayable.amount) AS `sum`');
$this->db->join('register', 'accountspayable.regnum = register.regnum');
return $query->result();
It will be easier to debug if you provide the output that you are getting, but my gut feeling says that the problem is right there in the column name.
Edit: It also seems that you are summing up the wrong column. See the updated code.

Loop through database record to generate table

I want to construct an html table based on the returned results from the database. Assuming I have a table called constraints in my database and a column called riskName and it has these values: Security, Financial, Legal and Technical as shown in the image below. How do i loop through my database and come up with this table. I have tried different approach but no has worked. Here is my code so far:
$optioner = 12;
$getObs = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM constraints WHERE constraintsID = ?");
$riski->bindParam(1, $optioner);
$result = $riski->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo "<tr><td>".($result['riskName'])."<td><tr>";
//...other code
<?php };
I'm not sure if this will give you the exact table you're looking for, but it should at least put you on the right lines. Also, you weren't keeping your variables the same and notice how $result is set in the while loop
$optioner = 12;
$riski = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM constraints WHERE constraintsID = ?");
$riski->bindParam(1, $optioner);
<tr> <th>i</th> <th>Importance</th> <th>How Much More?</th> <tr>
while($result = $riski->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'. $result['riskName']).'<td>';
echo '<td>';
for ($i=1;$i<10;$i++){
//radio buttons go here
//...other code
Sorry I couldn't help more.
Hope this works for you.

Linking two PHP objects together

I have these two objects:
I'm trying to get $departures->total for specific pilotid in $userinfo = $userinfo->pilotid.
However, I'm not sure how can I link them so it echoes A for B. I have something like this but it does not display anything.
<?php echo $pilotid->$departures->total; ?>
Additionally, the first object is called like this:
$pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid;
This is the structure of the table where the objects are gathered from, using a query.
Stemming from the data provided by the OP, I am assuming, that $departures has a 1:n relationship with $userinfo, $userinfo being the 1 containing the pilotid.
So, in oder to find out how many departures that pilot had in total, there's two possible ways, one by using a subquery, which would mean something like this:
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `departures` WHERE `pilot_id` = ID) as total, * FROM pilots;
In this case, your total would be in the total column of your $userinfo query.
The second attempt makes use of actual PHP. In this scenario, you do the counting yourself.
First step: Getting the pilot information:
$userinfo = array();
while($row = fetch()) {
$row->total = 0;
$row->departures = array();
$userinfo[$row->pilotid] = $row;
These lines will give you the pilot data keyed to their IDs in an array.
Step two. Glueing the departures to the pilots.
while($row = fetch()) {
if(isset($userinfo[$row->pilotid])) {
$userinfo[$row->pilotid]->departures[] = $row;
If this isn't what you're looking for, I will be needing more information from you, however like this you will be able to get the departures of the pilots either by making use of the total variable in the $userinfo object, or by simply calling count on the departures array.
Another variant, which keeps the actual departures and the pilots apart would look like this:
First step: Getting the pilot information:
$userinfo = array();
while($row = fetch()) {
$row->total = 0;
$userinfo[$row->pilotid] = $row;
These lines will give you the pilot data keyed to their IDs in an array.
Step two. Glueing the departures to the pilots.
$departures = array();
while($row = fetch()) {
if(isset($userinfo[$row->pilotid])) {
$departures[] = $row;
I hope you will find these suggestions useful.
After a few additional information from the OP, I suggest changing the query used to access the information in question.
This is the original code by the OP
$dep_query = "SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, depicao, pilotid FROM phpvms_pireps GROUP
BY depicao, pilotid ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 5";
$fav_deps = DB::get_results($dep_query);
foreach($fav_deps as $departure)
$dep_airport = OperationsData::getAirportinfo($departure->depicao);
$pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid;
<tr class="awards_table1">
<td width="10%"><?php echo $departure->depicao; ?></td>
<td width="10%"><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($dep_airport->country); ?>" /></td>
<td width="60%"><?php echo $dep_airport->name; ?></td>
<td width="20%"><?php echo $pilotid->{$departures->total}; ?></td>
First thing we'll change is the query used to get the departures. Why fetch all the information, if we actually only want the one of the pilot in question?
$pilotid = $userinfo->pilotid; //As per Chat discussion
$dep_query = "SELECT COUNT(depicao) as total, depicao FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = $pilotid GROUP BY depicao ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 5";
This query will return the Top 5 of the departures from the different airports, which have been run by the pilot in question. As for the rest:
$fav_deps = DB::get_results($dep_query);
if(is_array($fav_deps)) { //For the general use
foreach($fav_deps as $departure) {
$dep_airport = OperationsData::getAirportinfo($departure->depicao); ?>
<tr class="awards_table1">
<td width="10%"><?php echo $departure->depicao; ?></td>
<td width="10%"><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($dep_airport->country); ?>" /></td>
<td width="60%"><?php echo $dep_airport->name; ?></td>
<td width="20%"><?php echo $departure->total; ?></td> //Here is the actually changed Layout code
} else echo "This pilot didn't have any departures yet.";
With these alterations, your code should output the desired result. It is completely untested though. However it should give you the right idea.
I think what you need is this (note the curly brackets):
<?php echo $pilotid->{$departures->total}; ?>
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question...
