Memcached - Test with telnet - strange result - php

I'm storing my PHP session with memcached using $memcached->set('sessions/'.$sessionId, json_encode($_SESSION), 1000); which works just fine within PHP. But if I open a connection with telnet and type get sessions/123123 it results in strange signs like Â$Áª"P«UMέuë].ùç where I expect to have some JSON string.
Any idea on that would be much appreciated.


Sending compressed text over Amazon SQS from PHP to NodeJS

I seem to be stuck at sending the compressed messages from PHP to NodeJS over Amazon SQS.
Over on the PHP side I have:
'QueueUrl' => $queueUrl,
'MessageBody' => 'article',
'MessageAttributes' => Array(
'json' => Array(
'BinaryValue' => bzcompress(json_encode(Array('type'=>'article','data'=>$vijest))),
'DataType' => 'Binary'
NOTE 1: I also tried putting compressed data directly in the message, but the library gave me an error with some invalid byte data
On the Node side, I have:
body = decodeBzip(message.MessageAttributes.json.BinaryValue);
Where message is from sqs.receiveMessage() call and that part works since it worked for raw (uncompressed messages)
What I am getting is TypeError: improper format
I also tried using:
gzcompress() - zlib.inflateraw()
gzdeflate() - zlib.inflate()
gzencode() - zlib.gunzip()
And each of those pairs gave me their version of the same error (essentially, input data is wrong)
Given all that I started to suspect that an error is somewhere in message transmission
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT 1: It seems that the error is somewhere in transmission, since bin2hex() in php and .toString('hex') in Node return totally different values. It seems that Amazon SQS API in PHP transfers BinaryAttribute using base64 but Node fails to decode it. I managed to partially decode it by turning off automatic conversion in amazon aws config file and then manually decoding base64 in node but it still was not able to decode it.
EDIT 2: I managed to accomplish the same thing by using base64_encode() on the php side, and sending the base64 as a messageBody (not using MessageAttributes). On the node side I used new Buffer(messageBody,'base64') and then decodeBzip on that. It all works but I would still like to know why MessageAttribute is not working as it should. Current base64 adds overhead and I like to use the services as they are intended, not by work arounds.
This is what all the SQS libraries do under the hood. You can get the php source code of the SQS library and see for yourself. Binary data will always be base64 encoded (when using MessageAttributes or not, does not matter) as a way to satisfy the API requirement of having form-url-encoded messages.
I do not know how long the data in your $vijest is, but I am willing to bet that after zipping and then base64 encoding it will be bigger than before.
So my answer to you would be two parts (plus a third if you are really stubborn):
When looking at the underlying raw API it is absolutely clear that not using MessageAttributes does NOT add additional overhead from base64. Instead, using MessageAttributes adds some slight additional overhead because of the structure of the data enforced by the SQS php library. So not using MessageAttributes is clearly NOT a workaround and you should do it if you want to zip the data yourself and you got it to work that way.
Because of the nature of a http POST request it is a very bad idea to compress your data inside your application. Base64 overhead will likely nullify the compression advantage and you are probably better off sending plain text.
If you absolutely do not believe me or the API spec or the HTTP spec and want to proceed, then I would advise to send a simple short string 'teststring' in the BinaryValue parameter and compare what you sent with what you got. That will make it very easy to understand the transformations the SQS library is doing on the BinaryValue parameter.
gzcompress() would be decoded by zlib.Inflate(). gzdeflate() would be decoded by zlib.InflateRaw(). gzencode() would be decoded by zlib.Gunzip(). So out of the three you listed, two are wrong, but one should work.

How can I get information about CPU loading on UNIX, using php?

I need to get the information (loading CPU in this moment) from server and write this in the variable. sys_getloadavg() returns an array with three samples (last 1, 5 and 15 minutes), but I need loading CPU in this moment.
There is not a direct way of doing it. My suggestion of a work around is to use a function like exec or its equivalents. With a exec you can invoke a unix command like top to get the desirable stats. Then you have to parse the return value of exec and get the information you are searching for. There is also the file /proc/stat which you can read an get the information you want.
It was easy, I had to turn to the first array variable:
$cpu_loading_array = sys_getloadavg();
$cpu_loading = $cpu_loading_array[0];

ldapmodify: invalid format (line 5) entry: " ... " on LDIF (passed from PHP)

I'm attempting to write a bit of code that will allow users to change their expired Active Directory passwords via a PHP web interface. Due to limitations with PHP's ldap library's*, it seems the only way to do this is by generating an ldif and then passing this directly to ldapmodify.
The code I've come up with (minus the vars) is:
ldapmodify -H {$ad_server} -D '{$dn}' -w {$old} <<!
dn: {$dn}
changetype: modify
delete: unicodePwd
unicodePwd:: {$oldPassword}
add: unicodePwd
unicodePwd:: {$newPassword}
The code appears to work fine when I paste the generated code straight in to my console, but so far I've had no luck running it from PHP.
I originally tried passing the code to exec, only to get exitcode 247(which doesn't appear to be a real thing)
I then attempted to use proc_open instead, which provided the current error
ldapmodify: invalid format (line 5) entry: " ... "
So far as I can see the only thing on line 5 is a "-". So I'm a bit stuck as to what could be wrong.
P.S. I also read this post LDIF file error?? Invalid Format? which reported a similar problem, although assuming the encoding of the "-" character is the issue, I'm not sure what I can really do with it from with PHP (mb_string_encoding the whole string into utf-8 doesn't appear to have any effect)
This is also running on a solaris machine which may also be a factor.
*PHP is unable to perform two actions within a single command, somthing that is required in order to do a user password change in AD. (so far as I'm aware)
Edit: No sure why this is getting downvotes, but I'd be happy to be told I'm an idiot if I'm doing something patently stupid without noticing (so long as you point out what that is, as I've been stuck on this for a while now)
Thanks to some help from the #ldap channel on freenode it turns out I am indeed an idiot (especially considering that I've been poking and prodding this for most of the day).
It seems ldapmodify does not like it when an LDIF contains a windows new line characters after the "-" Switching line endings from windows to unix in sublime has fixed the problem for me*.

Parsing SNMP responses with PHP

I'm currently successfully reading out several properties on our switches over SNMP with php. Now i'm looking at making the resulting output of snmpget and snmpwalk actually usefull for the consumers of our API's.
Problem is that the responses look like this: INTEGER: up(1) and INTEGER: 10103 ...
Is there any convention/standard on how to parse this response format or is the response vendor specific for each device we are trying to read?
Is there by any chance already a PHP library, function or extension that can cast these responses in php native variables or at least something usefull that we can work with?
I've found out a few new things namely that there are indeed several libraries in php that can parse binary ASN.1 strings which basically are BER encoded strings if i'm right. Problem is that i can't seem to find a way to get the binary data from the devices with php ...
You can simply use this function at the beginning of your script :
It will returns only the value you are searching for, without the leading "INTEGER" or so ;)
Hope this helps !
I'm not sure about your particular PHP methods, but the difference between your two INTEGER examples is likely to be whether your system has an SNMP MIB corresponding to the OID (e.g. to determine that 1 means "up").
If you only want the integers, you should be able to pass a parameter to your get or walk command. For example, net-snmp's snmpget or snmpwalk commands will take -Oe to remove symbolic labels. From the manpage:
$ snmpget -c public -v 1 localhost ipForwarding.0
IP-MIB::ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: forwarding(1)
$ snmpget -c public -v 1 -Oe localhost ipForwarding.0
IP-MIB::ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: 1
If you are parsing net-snmp output, I recommend reading the snmpcmd man page as it has a lot of output options that will interest you especially the display of other types such as timeticks and strings.
If you do want to retrieve SNMP in PHP you could look at how Cacti does it.

phptelnet vs phpseclib

I am trying to connect a unix server from php and execute .exe (C language). Earlier I used phptelnet for this purpose, but now I need to shift to phpseclib due to security issues. I had 100% success rate when I use phptelnet. I could run some of the external programs like 'C' programs with arguments as input in php script. In phptelnet I use
$telnet->DoCommand('cd public_html');
$telnet->DoCommand('cd abc');
$telnet->DoCommand("$inputs", $result);
echo $result;
This works perfect. But now I am using phpseclib. I could connect to the unix server via ssh and execute programs in which the inputs are hard coded in the program. I am using
echo $ssh->exec('./demo.exe');
Now the problem is how to provide inputs to the program. How can I use exec() to accept arguments as inputs. For example, demo.exe is a program to add two numbers. so can I say
echo $ssh->exec("./demo.exe, '10 20'");
Also how can I use exec() to execute multiple lnes of code in a single execution. I am a bit confused. Any inputs on this are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Where you have multiple options to commands you'd use:
$ssh->exec("./demo.exe '10' '20'");
Leave out the comma, and enclose individual parameters each. Or convert a list with $opts = implode(" ", array_map("escapeshellarg", $opts)).
If you are using a SSH1 connection, you can only execute one command at a time. If you are connecting to a Windows server (which this looks like), then you can't have two commands on a line.
Only for a BSD/Linux server you could use:
$ssh->exec("cmd1 ; cmd2");
