IF statement not working in self-referencing form - php

I'm trying to use an if statement in PHP to create a directory to upload files into. I'm using a form that references itself, so that I can create another folder and upload another set of files to a different folder with a different name, or another set of files to the same folder if I so choose, once the first has completed. The problem is that the if statement I'm using doesn't seem to work. When I submit the form, it created the folder a second time whether the folder already exists or not.
What is going on with my if statement?
$dirname = $_REQUEST['dirname'];
$taken = $_REQUEST['taken'];
$location = $_REQUEST['location'];
$subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
$urldirectory = $_REQUEST['urldirectory'];
function makeDirectory($dirname) {
mkdir(trim($dirname, 0777));
mkdir(trim($dirname.'/thumbs', 0777));
if (file_exists($dirname)) {
echo "the directory exists and it is called: " . trim($dirname);
} else {
//........... code omitted from here for brevity............
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="upload2.php">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload" />

There are some problems in the way how you handle directory creation and checking:
You check if $dirname exists and if it doesn't you create trim($dirname, 0777).
trim expects a string as second parameter, but you pass an integer (i.e. 0777). My guess is, you want to pass 0777 to mkdir, not to trim.
I don't know about the second point, but the first point definitely can lead to file_exists($dirname) failing on two consecutive form submissions with the same form values. I suggest to sanitize request values as early as possible, i.e. to use
$dirname = trim($_REQUEST['dirname']);
and use $dirname from there on without the need for any further trimming


Image uploader working perfectly for an insert form but not for an update form

I know there are already many similar questions like this and I apologize in advance for adding to the file, but I am a little short on time to do research and I need quick help. I am trying to finish an overdue assignment and my image upload function is working perfectly when I add a product, but not when I update it. I have no idea why. My code to update the image is here:
require_once 'file-util.php'
// Check if the file exists before setting it
if (isset($_FILES['imageFile1'])) {
// Retrieve the name of the file based on what it was called on the client computer
$filename = $codeInput . '.png';
// Make sure the filename exists
if (!empty($filename)) {
// Store the temporary location of where the file was stored on the server
$sourceLocation = $_FILES['imageFile1']['tmp_name'];
// Build the path to the images folder and use the same filename as before
$targetPath = $image_dir_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
// Move file from temp directory to images folder
move_uploaded_file($sourceLocation, $targetPath);
This is the exact same code that I have in my insert_product file.
And my file_util is here:
$image_dir = 'images';
$image_dir_path = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $image_dir;
Everything else works perfectly, but it is just this little thing that isn't seeming to do anything, so it seems to me like there's a little detail I'm missing for this to work in update_product. Is there something else I need to do to get this to work, or is it something else I'm unaware of?
Edit: Turns out that I just forgot to set the encryption type in my add_product_form. If anyone else has this silly issue, double check your forms for this near the top of the body:
<form action="insert_product.php" method="post"
You need to check if your updating form tag has the proper enctype attribute value...
and please be aware to use more validation on the uploaded file, your checking for file name exists or not will always be true as you are setting a value for it in the previous line.
Apparently, my code was right but I just forgot to go "enctype="multipart/form-data" in update_product_form.php.

How to get the path of a selected file in input type="file" using php?

I want to get the path of a selected file and store it in the database for future use.
I have the following code but it does not work.
$path = $_FILES['txtImage']['tmp_name'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO tblquestions (q_category, q_question, q_image, q_correct, q_answer2, q_answer3, q_answer4) VALUES ('$_POST[txtCategory]','$_POST[txtQuestion]','$path','$_POST[txtCorrect]','$_POST[txtChoice2]','$_POST[txtChoice3]','$_POST[txtChoice4]')";
txtImage is the name of my input type="file" and $path is the code i am using but it does not work. IT just returns blank.
Anyone who can help me or lead me to a different, hopefully easier method? Thank you in advance. :)
PHP will store submitted files in a temporary directory, which you shouldn't be storing in the database as it'll be volatile.
Use PHP's move_uploaded_file function to move the file to where you'd like in your file system, and then store that path in your database.
Docs: http://php.net/manual/en/function.move-uploaded-file.php
$tmp_path = $_FILES['txtImage']['tmp_name'];
$dest_path = path_where_in_your_server_you_want_this_image_to_be_moved.$_FILES['textImage']['name']; (eg: 'images/'.$_FILES['name'])
if(move_uploaded_file($tmp_path,$dest_path)){ //this will move the file from tmp location in server to the destination you provide in the second parameter
$sql = "INSERT INTO tblquestions (q_category, q_question, q_image, q_correct, q_answer2, q_answer3, q_answer4) VALUES ('$_POST[txtCategory]','$_POST[txtQuestion]','$dest_path','$_POST[txtCorrect]','$_POST[txtChoice2]','$_POST[txtChoice3]','$_POST[txtChoice4]')";
echo "Image could not be uploaded"
Also keep in mind that there can be permission issues (with the directory that you want the image to be uploaded to) while uploading the file.
Good Luck!
Have you set your form enctype correctly on the HTML side so that it is correctly able to work as it should.
Secondly, TMP is just a temporary location, you MUST move that file to a server readble directory using PHP function move_uploaded_file
Read about enctypes, in this answer or on w3 schools.
<form name="YourForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">

Add php delete button to foreach upload statement

I am using a foreach php statement to list all of the uploaded files within a directory.
It looks like this:
$path = "$dir/";
foreach (glob("$path*") as $filename) {
$path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
$result = $path_parts['filename'];
echo "<li><a href='" . $filename ."'/>". $result . "</a></li><tr>";
This prints out a nice simple list of all files.
What I would like to do for each item, is add a delete button next to it. I am thinking the only way to do this, would be to add a form into the foreach statement, with just a button that posts the $filename variable to some PHP with the delete function in.
The only thing I am uncertain of is if the best way to get the filename to the new php.
I am thinking along the lines of:
$path = "$dir/";
foreach (glob("$path*") as $filename) {
$path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
$result = $path_parts['filename'];
echo "<li><a href='" . $filename ."'/>". $result . "</a></li><tr>";
echo "<form method='post' action='delete.php'>
<button type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' />
So using that, I can create a button next to the filename for deletion, but the only way I can think of taking the actualy filename through to the delete PHP file, is to add in a hidden text field with the filename as the value.
This would work but seems a bit clunky. Can anyone advise if this is acceptable or if there is a better alternative?
The addition of the filename/id/whatever to the form is not really that clunky .. it's more of a necessity unless you want javascript to be mandatory (then you can get the filename from the sibling li or something. However, there are a couple problems:
You have a random tr tag (should this be br) at the end of each list. Your li are outside of a ul or ol block, and the form must be inside of an li (that is you cannot have <ul><li /><form /></ul> as valid markup). Not a huge deal, but this may cause some display problems for you.
It would be pretty annoying to have to click individual "deletes" on a long list of files, and it looks like there is no way to recover from this. Even better would be to have them be check boxes so you could delete multiple files at once and change your mind before your final decision. Then, you only need one form and it makes even more sense to have individual inputs for each file.
I'm not sure how you get $dir (I really hope register globals isn't on), but you should make absolutely certain that requested file deletions contain a valid path to delete and preferably don't contain ../ or a leading / or something. You should validate this input.
A hidden field with the file name would suffice, you can use php's $_POST to get the filename in the other script. Another option would be to post it to the script using a get parameter with the filename, so you only change the get parameter part.
The real problem is that you should sanitize the input the second script receives. It is just very important that people can only delete files they're allowed to delete.
At the very minimum you should check if the file is in a specific folder. Other options are only deleting files from one folder (so not accepting paths) or abstracting filenames away behind id's

PHP move chosen files from A folder to B folder

This is a tricky one and I'm not sure where to start, so any help will be grateful.
I have a parent folder called 'source' (c:/dev/source) which contains several child folders.
I need a PHP script that will display the child folders with checkboxes next to each, and a text field for a new folder name, allowing users to tick the checkboxes of the ones they want to copy to a 'destination of c:/dev/destination/the_folder_name_they_typed_in
When they click submit, the selected child folders will be copied from c:/dev/source to c:/dev/destination/the_folder_name_they_typed_in
This is all running on a local internal development server. The child folders will always be in c:/dev/source/
Somme advice:
Use a whitelist for allowed characters in destination folder. Only commit the operation if it matches:
You can use array indices for directory names. This way you can iterate thru the ckeckboxes with foreach ($_POST["dirs"]) { ... }
<input type="checkbox" name="dirs[directory_name]"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="dirs[other_dir_name]"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="dirs[third_directory_name]"/>
Always checkthe directory names against a whitelist like above. (If you allow characters like . or / or many other it can be a security risk).
Here's a not well known little bit of code called DirectoryIterator. It's not fully documented on the PHP site, but heres the jist of it:
Create a list of files and folders with checkboxes next to them, slap them all in an array.
$Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('c:/dev/source');
$Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($Directory);
?><form method="post"><?
foreach($Iterator as $r){
if($r->isDot()) continue;
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"copy[]\" value=\"".($r->getSubPathName())."\"> ".$r->getSubPathName() . " <br>";
Now add this part to the top of the file
if(is_array($_POST['copy'])) foreach($_POST['copy'] as $c){
#copy($c, str_replace('c:/dev/source','c:/dev/dest', $c));
echo "copied: $c to ". str_replace('c:/dev/source','c:/dev/dest', $c) . "<br>";
I'm not fully sure what result you get from $r->getSubPathName() can you let me know if it outputs an array? if so it might be that you replace that with $r->getSubPath() and then add the "c:/dev/source" to the variable $c when you copy it?
Further Reading:

Why i am not able to delete the files(PHP)?

I use a form where i have listed the data from database like title, date etc. from the database and using checkboxes i use the multiple delete operation
For example my code look like this
<form method="post" action="action.php">
<input name="checkbox[]" type="checkbox" id="checkbox[]" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>"/>
<input name="delete" type="submit" id="delete" value="Delete"/>
and in the action.php the code is like this
$checkbox = $_POST['checkbox'];
//count the number of selected checkboxes in an array
$count = count($checkbox);
//Create a for loop to delete
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
$del_id = $checkbox[$i];
$sql = "DELETE FROM news WHERE id='$del_id'";
$result_delete_data = mysql_query($sql);
Now the table i want to delete actually have 5 table entities like title, timestamp,pic_title,pic_brief,pic_detail the last three entities i.e pic_title, pic_brief and pic_detail is actually storing the path of the image for example the value stored in one of the 3 entity would look like this upload/file/pic_title1.jpg
My problem is when i run my first for loop it successfully deletes the table without any problem but the file which exist in the file directory remains intact. i want to delete that file too, to remove that file i thought of adding another for loop which i did something like this
$delete_id = $checkbox[$j];
$query = "SELECT news.pic_title, news.pic_brief, news.pic_detail FROM news WHERE id = '$delete_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
The above code is unable to delete the requested file, my Query string is perfectly working fine i tested it by removing the unlink function and printing the values, it prints all the selected value , but it is refusing to delete the file and when i try to run the loop it shows error in the last three line, while i am pretty sure that, $row['pic_title'], $row['pic_brief'], $row['pic_brief'], have the full path of the image.
where i am going wrong?
P.S: There is nothing wrong with file permission because when i individually try to run the function unlink it deletes the file from the same directory.
EDIT : This is the error message i get
Warning: unlink() [function.unlink]: No error in C:\wamp\www\bn\admin-login\action.php on line 580
Warning: unlink() [function.unlink]: No error in C:\wamp\www\bn\admin-login\action.php on line 581
Warning: unlink() [function.unlink]: No error in C:\wamp\www\bn\admin-login\action.php on line 582
To be more precise i tested this function individually in php and it is working perfectly fine
$target = 'upload/file/file1.jpg';
and for this reason i dont think the file permission is causing the error, i guess i am going wrong somewhere with the logic.
#Lekensteyn got me the solution, thank you Lekensteyn.
actually i had to first hold the value in a variable and then unlink the file. the working code looks like this.
$delete_id = $checkbox[$j];
$query = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE id = '$delete_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$pic_title = $row['pic_title'];
$pic_brief = $row['pic_brief'];
$pic_detail = $row['pic_detail'];
It could be file permissions. You need to be the owner of the file in order to delete it.
Some hosters run the website under the user 'apache' (or similar), but the files are owned by the ftpuser (accountxxxx for example).
Check the current working dir too, with echo getcwd() if the paths not absolute.
Your script is vulnerable to SQL injection too, a post request with checkbox[]='||1||' deletes everything.
at the top of your script.
Your problem is program flow related and can be found only by using debugging.
Start from displaying ALL errors occurred and repair them. This will most likely lead you to the reason you could not delete your files.
Probably your path to upload is the problem. In your test script:
$target = 'upload/file/file1.jpg';
I bet you ran that from a directory right below 'upload/' right?
And this delete script, it's probably not in the same directory?
I recommend using the full path to the 'upload/file/' directory; this will vary depending on your configuration, but probably looks like /www/htdocs/upload/file or /var/www/public_html/upload/file.
To make the script more transportable, you can use the PHP constant FILE to figure out the directory. I usually set this app/site wide in a bootstrap or universal configuration file, along the lines of
define('PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); # sets PATH with the directory name of the bootstrap file where this code lives
I sometimes key on something in my path I can rely on, say my app name. Say my bootstrap is here:
I might split on 'golf-scorecard'.
list($path,) = explode('golf-scorecard',dirname(__FILE__)); # $path should be /www/apps/
define('PATH', $path.'golf-scorecard'); # since I split on it, I have to add it back in
This means if I move the app/site to another server, or clone it from a repository onto a machine where the document root is, say /home/username/apps/golf-scorecard/htdocs/, then it won't matter. It does couple the app name but I am okay with that.
first thing is you need to check the file permissions .you need to give 777 permission to the folder.and then follow below code
$target = 'upload/file/file1.jpg';
