I have a foreach loop in php that searches through a directory, finds any other directories, and then using hide/show in javascript, the subdirectories names are made into links that drop down to reveal the files inside of that specific subdirectory. I hope that makes sense. The problem I have is that because I am using a loop to find any present subdirectories, I can’t give each of the subdirectories a different id. As a result, all of the links have the id of the first link and when any of them are clicked, the first link always drops down. Do I need to use JQuery for this?
<!--Code for the javascript part:-->
<script language="javascript">
function showOrHide(){
var div = document.getElementById("showOrHideDiv");
if (div.style.display == "block"){
div.style.display = "none";
else {
div.style.display = "block";
<!-- A subdirectory has been found and is called $subDir -->
<!-- Below is the show/hide part of my html/php code -->
<?php echo $subDir;?>
<div id="showOrHideDiv" style="display: none">
<!-- The rest of the code that prints the files from the subdirectory -->
One approach would be to use a counter and use that to vary the IDs:
<?php echo $subDir;?>
<div id="showOrHideDiv_<?php echo $counter;?>" style="display: none">
Then your javascript changes:
<script language="javascript">
function showOrHide(num){
var div = document.getElementById("showOrHideDiv_" + num);
if (div.style.display == "block"){
div.style.display = "none";
else {
div.style.display = "block";
How I can show a specific modal depending on a variable in php which is modified in the url.
I'm using as responsive framework Bootstrap.
I have a page containing several modals, each corresponding to a product. I need to make a link from other parts of the site to go to page "products.php" and automatically display the required product.
So far, I have only succeed in showing the modal when loading the page, but if I add or change the variable, it has no effect, not working at all.
This is what I have:
At the beginning
//Variable to choose which modal to show, default = 1
$prod = 1;
Then the modal which has an id for identification.
<div class="modal fade" id="product1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
<!-- Content of the modal -->
Then the script that show the modal when the page loads.
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php if ($prod == 1) {
echo "$(document).ready(function () {var a = 'PD1'; alert(a); });";
echo "$('#product1').modal('show');";
}elseif ($prod == 2) {
echo "$(document).ready(function () {var a = 'PD2'; alert(a); });";
echo "$('#product2').modal('show');";
Any idea?
You not gathering the value of the product variable from the URI. To accomplish this at the top of the page where you have $prod=1; you can put the following line of code :
$prod = (isset($_GET['prod']))?$_GET['prod']:"1";
This tells the system to get the value of the prod= in your url if it can't find it then use "1" as a default.
This is not the ideal answer, there are quite a few reasons not to access $_GET/$_POST variables in this way without proper filtering. I leave that for you to research.
You are doing opposite, should be
<?php if ($prod == "1") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var a = 'PD1';
<?php } elseif ($prod == "2") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var a = 'PD2';
<?php } ?>
I want to hide a div from a Wordpress theme, when a stop word appear in the post title.
<?php if (in_category('10')) { ?>
<div id="adsense-top">the adsense code</div>
<?php }else { ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id="adsense-bottom">the adsense code</div> - this is manually inserted
Basically, I need to remove the two divs from the post when the certain word is present in the title.
Here is a simple way to acheive this in Javascript.
<script type="text/javascript">
var title = document.title; //title of the page is returned
if(title.indexOf('stop') !== -1) { //If not found, it will return -1
document.getElementById('adsense-bottom').style.display = 'none';
But in php, you need to do like
<?php if (in_category('10')) { ?>
<div id="adsense-top">the adsense code</div>
<?php }else { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var title = document.title;
if(title.indexOf('stop') !== -1) {
document.getElementById('adsense-bottom').style.display = 'none';
<?php } ?>
Hope like this you need to add. I'm not sure this is the right place.
I am trying to make a div where I include PHP web pages into it, however when I click any link inside the div, it loads in new window.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I also tried using an iframe instead of a div but it caused other problems.
HTML code:
<div id="cover5">
<div id="warning">
<?php include 'SignIn.php'; ?>
<p align="center">
JS code:
function cover5() {
var cover = document.getElementById('cover5');
if (vis) {
vis = 0;
else {
vis = 1;
You have to make a distinction bitween the client-side and the server-side of a Web application.
<?php include 'SignIn.php'; ?> is a server-side command, because of the <?php ?>, which means that the user will never see that line exactly.
If your SignIn.php file contains for example my link, the user will only get the ouput of that inclusion, i.e.
<div id="warning">
<a href="go-there.php">my link</a
When the user clicks on the link, his browser will load it as if this <a /> would have been hard written within your HTML code directly, and then open it in a new window.
I don't no how to do it using native JS, but with jQuery, you can try something like this:
$(function() {
$("#warning a").each(function() {
To render html from a specific link within an element on the page you need to run an ajax GET call, and load the html. Then insert the response in your div.
using jQuery:
$("a").click(function(){ //calls function when anchor is clicked
var link = $(this).prop("src"); //finds the link from the anchor
$.get(link,function(data, status, xhr){ //makes an ajax call to the page
$("#myDiv").html(data); //replaces the html of #myDiv with the returned page
Hope that helps
<div id="cover5">
<div id="links">
<p align="center">
<div id="warning">
<?php include 'SignIn.php'; ?>
and JS code:
function cover5() {
var cover = document.getElementById('warning');
if (vis) {
vis = 0;
else {
vis = 1;
Whenever an user click on the link in "links" div it will call JS function "cover5()"
You can use jQuery or ajax to pop-up "warning" div
In your code you added the links to the worning div so as when in second time ti will hide all the links form there.
hi i am building a php mysql database pagination page, so i have a list of records 2 rows long at the bottom of the record i want a div which opens up when the span above it is clicked, how do i set up the jquery to make it so that it takes the id of the <p> and expands it in jquery
<span id="button1">Toggle</span>
<p id="p1">
$("#button1").click(function () {
when i output it in php mysql the button will all have a different id and the p will have different ids as well
//Jquery Code which calls toggle_visibility function
.toggle( function() {
}, function() {
//HTML Code
<div id="parts_toogle_one">
<p class="pOne">Add Records <span>[+]</span></p>
<div id="msg_body_one">
// Javascript code
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
if(e.style.display == "inline") {
e.style.display = 'none';
else if(e.style.display == "none") {
e.style.display = "inline";
Something like this..
You can use a dynamic id retrieving, so you don't have to worry about the number of results..
For example:
<?php $i = 0;?>
<?php foreach($resultset as $result) : ;?>
<span class="activator" id="result<?php echo $i;?>">CLICK HERE</span>
<div id="panel_result<?php echo $i;?>">SLIDER DIV</div>
<!-- Do the rest of you processing of $result here; it just doesn't matter, for here you only need some identification, I used a number for convenience. -->
<?php ++$i;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
Your jquery:
var the_id = $(this).attr('id');
var the_panel = $('#panel_' + the_id);
So you don't have to write a jQuery command for each line you print in php, use just this snippet and it will work out by itself which panel to slide, according to which span is clicked.
I'm reading up all I can on jQuery, but this week I like(need) to finish a website and I could find a solution to this problem in the last eight hours.
I'm using a ajaxed wp theme which I'm customising to my own liking.
I've wrote a simple function to change the header image and the header text when you click on the main navigation links.
The function does work in the header.php but doesn't work in a custom front page (main_navp.php) I've included in index.php.
On navp.php there's an image when onclicked should do the same changes as a click on the nav bar.
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="main-content"><div id="inside">
<?php get_template_part('main_navp'); ?>
<?php if// HERE IS THE WP LOOP (not used so left out) //?>
<div class="pagination">
<span class="older"><?php next_posts_link('« Older Entries') ?></span>
<span class="newer"><?php previous_posts_link('Newer Entries »') ?></span>
<?php else : ?>
<h1>no posts...</h1>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
The function is included in the header.php in the ..head>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#main_logo").css("background-image","url(<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/header/gig_header_flip.png)");
$("#main_logo").css("background-image","url(<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/header/play_header.png)");
$("#main_logo").css("background-image","url(<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/header/les_header.png)");
$("p[id='les_mp']").live("click", function()
$("#main_logo").css("background-image","url(<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/header/les_header.png)");
$("#main_logo").css("background-image","url(<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/header/header_arty.png)");
In the main_navp.php (included in index.php afther the header.php) the function does not work on this item. But it should be triggered by $("p[id='les_mp']").live("click", function() as seen above.
<div id="boxred_b">
<div class=head_box><a>Gitaarles</a></div>
<p class="homeles" id="les_mp">
<img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/les_mp.jpg" />
The main jquery is caled in the header.php
<script src='<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/jjquery-1.5.2.min.js'></script>
In the footer.php are all of the rest of the jquery functions.
<!-- http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-urlinternal-plugin/ -->
<script src='<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/jquery.ba-urlinternal.min.js'></script>
<!-- http://www.asual.com/jquery/address/ -->
<script src='<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/jquery.address-1.3.2.min.js'></script>
// Original JavaScript by Chris Coyier
// Updated October 2010 by Stewart Heckenberg & Chris Coyier
$(".home li.home").removeClass("home").addClass("current_page_item");
$("#column-wrap").append("<img src='<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/ajax-loader.png' id='ajax-loader' />");
$("#s").focus(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "Search...") {
if ($(".widget_categories li").length%2 != 0) {
$(".widget_categories ul").append("<li><a> </a></li>");
if ($(".widget_tag_cloud a").length%2 != 0) {
$(".widget_tag_cloud").append("<a> </a>");
// The reason this JavaScript is in footer.php instead of its own file is basically the next line.
var base = '<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>',
$mainContent = $("#main-content"),
$ajaxSpinner = $("#ajax-loader"),
$searchInput = $("#s"),
$allLinks = $("a"),
$('a:urlInternal').live('click', function(e) {
$el = $(this);
if ((!$el.hasClass("comment-reply-link")) && ($el.attr("id") != 'cancel-comment-reply-link')) {
var path = $(this).attr('href').replace(base, '');
return false;
// Default action (go to link) prevented for comment-related links (which use onclick attributes)
$('#searchform').submit(function() {
var s = $searchInput.val();
if (s) {
var query = '/?s=' + s;
return false;
$.address.change(function(event) {
if (event.value) {
.load(base + event.value + ' #inside', function() {
var current = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname;
if (base + '/' != current) {
var diff = current.replace(base);
location = base + '/#' + diff;
I've tried to keep things as short as possible. If you like any more information please ask.
using the live function in the header doesn't seem to solve the problem.
I'm using XAMPP to run the website locally. If it helps I could make an online wp installation or could provide the webside (html/java) source.
Because you are Ajax-ing your page, the events are not subscribed to your new elements. Try using the .live() command.
Also, is this ok?
$("p[id='les_mp']").click(, function()...
Don't know for sure about that comma.
I've tried using the live function in the code like this.
$("p[id='les_mp']").live("click", function()
$("#main_logo").css("background-image","url(<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/header/les_header.png)");
in the
{ .... }
in header.php
Still it doesn't work when be onclicked in main_nav.php
When I put the code out of the main_nav in to the header.php
it works.
You may want to use the method in the link below to refactor the ajax stuff to a separate file. Not sure if it helps with the original problem, but i've seen things work after doing that http://www.garyc40.com/2010/03/5-tips-for-using-ajax-in-wordpress/#js-global
basically you get your url into a variable that is being printed and your scripts have access to using wp_localize_script