PHP Dependency Injection and Loose Coupling - php

I am pondering a few different approaches here and would really appreciate some input! I am considering the two choices below. There are 2 things going on there I have questions on.
Is it preferred to inject the dependencies into the constructor of the main "container" class, or to instead create new instances inside the container class?
In the second example, the class' dependencies are injected via constructor and then maintained within via a property of the class. Then when the methods (route(), render()) are called, the dependencies are called from within. I began with this approach, but am now favoring something more along the lines of the first example. I think the first example is preferable, but are there any benefits to using the DI approach in the second example?
There really is no need to store anything in the class as a property. I can probably rearrange everything to use that technique without much trouble, and I think I like it better. This way I can also move all of the of work out of the constructors, and simply access everything via method later. Am I on the right track here?
class App
private $config;
private $router;
private $renderer;
public function __construct(IConfig $config, IRouter $router, IRenderer $renderer)
$this->config = $config;
$this->router = $router;
$this->renderer = $renderer;
public function run()
$data = $this->router->route(new Request, $config->routes);
class App
private $config;
private $router;
private $renderer;
public function __construct()
$this->config = new Config;
public function run()
$this->router = new Router(new Request, $config->routes);
$this->renderer = new Renderer($this->router->getData());

It is better to inject dependencies into the constructor.
Creating instances within the constructor creates a tight coupling between the two classes. With a constructor with a clear signature like
public function __construct(IConfig $config, IRouter $router, IRenderer $renderer)
I can immediately tell what this component needs to do it's job.
Given a constructor like
public function __construct();
There is no clue what the component needs to function. It creates a strong coupling to specific implementations of your each your router, your request and to your renderer, none of which are apparent until you dig down into the guts of your class.
In summary the first approach is well documented, extendable and testable.
the second approach is opaque, highly coupled, and not easily testable.

While Orangepill makes a good point, I thought I'd chip in, too. I tend to define my constructors with a clear constructor, too, but I don't expect the required objects to be passed when creating an instance.
Sometimes, you create an instance that retrieves data either from a DB, or some sort of Http request. In your case, the first example expects three dependencies to be passed, but who's to say that you'll always need all three of them?
Enter Lazy-Loading. The code sample below is quite lengthy, but it is (IMO) well worth looking into. If I use a service, I don't want to load all dependancies unless I'm sure I'll be using them. That's why I defined the constructor so that I can create an instance in either one of the following ways:
$foo = new MyService($configObj);
$bar = new MyService($configObj, null, $dbObj);//don't load curl (yet)
$baz = new MyService($configObj, $curlObj);//don't load db (yet)
If I wanted to run some test, I can still inject the dependencies when constructing my instance, or I can rely on a test-config object or I could use the setDb and setCurl methods, too:
Sticking to the first way of constructing the instance, I can safely say that, if I only invoke the getViaCurl method, the Db class will never be loaded.
The getViaDb method is a bit more elaborate (as is the getDb method). I don't recommend you working with methods like that, but it's just to show you how flexible this approach can be. I can pass an array of parameters to the getViaDb method, which can contain a custom connection. I can also pass a boolean that'll control what I do with that connection (use it for just this one call, or assign the connection to the MyService instance.
I hope this isn't too unclear, but I am rather tired, so I'm not all too good at explaining this stuff ATM.
Here's the code, anyway... it should be pretty self explanatory.
class MyService
private $curl = null;
private $db = null;
private $conf = null;
public function __construct(Config $configObj, Curl $curlObj = null, Db $dbObj = null)
$this->conf = $configObj;//you'll see why I do need this in a minute
$this->curl = $curlObj;//might be null
$this->db = $dbObj;
public function getViaCurl(Something $useful)
$curl = $this->getCurl();//<-- this is where the magic happens
return $curl->request($useful);
public function getViaDb(array $params)
if (isset($params['custom']))
$db = $this->getDb($params['custom'], $params['switch']);
$db = $this->getDb();
return $db->query($params['request']);
public function getCurl()
{//return current Curl, or load default if none set
if ($this->curl === null)
{//fallback to default from $this->conf
$this->curl = new Curl($this->conf->getSection('CurlConf'));
return $this->curl;
public function setCurl(Curl $curlObj)
{//inject after instance is created here
if ($this->curl instanceof Curl)
{//close current connection
$this->curl = $curlObj;
public function setDb(Db $dbObj)
if ($this->db instanceof Db)
{//commit & close
$this->db = $dbObj;
//more elaborate, even:
public function getDb(Db $custom = null, $switch = false)
if ($custom && !!$swith === true)
return $this->db;
if ($custom)
{//use custom Db, only this one time
return $custom;
if ($this->db === null)
$this->db = new Db($this->conf->getSection('Db'));
return $this->db;


PHP Classes - global or __construct

So I've come across a "problem" with PHP classes.
I have a few classes that require functions from one another, so at the moment I am doing the following:
$db = new blueConnect;
$core = new blueCore($db);
$users = new blueUsers($db, $core);
then within the file:
public function __construct(blueConnect $db, blueCore $core) {
$this->db = $db;
$this->core = $core;
However instead of doing this for each file that required additional functions, would it be better to write
global $db, $core
within each of the functions that require it?
The Name of the Pattern that you are talking about is called "Dependency Injection" or DI in short.
Depending on your Project using global might solve the problem in a short term but if you plan to create a big project that you later on test and share with multiple people you would like to avoid using global at all. - You can not test or debug that stuff well.
A (bad) solution is to make your database and core Class use the Singleton Pattern to avoid global but have the same effect. (not testable, not configurable)
public function __construct() {
$this->db = blueConnect::getInstance();
$this->core = blueCore::getInstance();
The solution for this is usually to create a Factory function that creates all of your Services that need the Database and the Core.
public function createService($name) {
$serviceClass = 'blue'.ucfirst($name).'Service';
return new $serviceClass($this->getDatabase(), $this->getCore());
And this Function is usually part of a Registry or better an DI Container like for example PIMPLE
Example with Only one Instance of each Service:
public function createService($name) {
$serviceClass = 'blue'.ucfirst($name).'Service';
static $services = array();
if(!isset($services[$name])) {
$services[$name] = new $serviceClass($this->getDatabase(), $this->getCore());
return $services[$name];
Be aware that you should NOT test with your Registry / DI Container since you have a "global" state inside of your container. (e.g. fetching the same service twice)
I would not use globals.
It's just not the OOP way.
Hard to debug.
The resulting code would not be testable. If you want your application to be covered by unit tests you should use Dependcy Injection as you currently do. I'll try to briefly explain why. Unit testing as its name implies is just that: testing a single unit of your application, i.e. your classes (their public methods).
Now let's suppose you use global variables that get set somewhere in your app. You won't be able to test your blueUsers class as a standalone unit because you will need the $db and $core objects to be instantiated. Therefore you won't be able to just include the blueUsers.php file and test the class because you will need other parts of your application (those which define the global variables $db and $core).
If on the other hand you used Dependcy Injection you wouldn't face such an issue. The only things you'll need to do in order to test the blueUsers class would be to include the class, create mocks of the dependencies $db and $core, and pass them to the blueUsers constructor.
Here's a nice source for more detailed explanation on how to write testable and maintainable code.
And here you could find more information about mocking and whether and what you can benefit from using it.
I'd use a singletone to contain the global objects. It's easily accessible by other objects and it provides a safe access to those variables:
final class GlobalObjects
public static function Instance()
static $inst = null;
if ($inst === null) {
$inst = new GlobalObjects();
return $inst;
private function __construct() {
$db = new blueConnect;
$core = new blueCore($db);
public function getDb() { return $this->db; }
public function getCore() { return $this->core; }
// ...
public function __construct() {
$this->db = GlobalObjects::Instance()->getDb();
$this->core = GlobalObjects::Instance()->getCore();
Another approach that comes into my mind, a simpler and dirtier one, is: as those variables are global objects it might be worth to define them as constants to avoid mistakes:
define( "db", new blueConnect );
define( "core", new blueCore($db) );
$users = new blueUsers($db, $core);
And then
public function __construct() {
global $db, $core;
$this->db = $db;
$this->core = $core;
If the parameters are dynamic and variable, you should pass them in constructor, so new blueUsers($db, $core, ...) is better. But if these are static parameter, and you don't need to pass them when initialization of the class, you should define as global.

Singleton v Single Instance DB Connection in PHP

I'm moving onto teaching myself OOP in PHP.
I'm creating a couple of little web apps and have followed a lot of tutorials that either create the database (using PDO) via a Singleton, or via passing the global around. I've read that these are pretty much the same thing and are both to be avoided like the plague.
So I've watched the Google Tech Talks on clean code, and read almost every SO article on dependency injection and the like. I have a couple of questions.
The clean code videos suggest you shouldn't do 'work' in your constructors. Is this 'work' in reference to business logic. Ie. If my class's job is to create another object, is that an OK kind of 'work'?
For example, in trying to conform to single repsonibility classes I created three.
Class DB - which actually connects to the database.
Class DBFactory - which creates the DB object which connects to the database.
Class DBInstance - which returns a single instance of the DBFactory created PDO object.
Please note that I'm trying to create a single instance, without creating a Singleton pattern.
So I try and pass my dependencies for each class up the chain. I find myself in a position where I have to create all of the objects (from DB down) so I can inject the dependencies. For some reason I thought it would work the other way, I'd create the first object, which would create the second for me etc. I'm clearly missing something?
Hopefully this helps others as well - there seems to be a myriad of questions relating to this stuff and databases but very little good examples.
(I should mention this does work, I do get a list of hotel names out of the database!)
include './classes/DB.php';
include './classes/DBFactory.php';
include './classes/DBInstance.php';
include './classes/Location.php';
$db = new DB;
$dbfactory = new DBFactory($db);
$dbinstance = new DBInstance($dbfactory);
$dbh = $dbinstance->getDbInstance();
//Example business logic
$location_names = Location::getLocationNames($dbh);
Class DB.php:
class DB {
private $_dbhost = 'myhost';
private $_dbname = 'myname';
private $_dbuser = 'myuser';
private $_dbpass = 'mypass';
private $_error;
public function connect() {
try {
return new PDO("mysql:host=$this->_dbhost;dbname=$this->_dbname",
$this->_dbuser, $this->_dbpass);
catch (PDOException $e) {
$this->_error = 'Error! ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br />';
public function getError() {
if (isset($this->_error)) {
return $this->_error;
Class DBFactory.php
class DBFactory {
private $_dbh;
public function __construct(DB $db) {
$this->_dbh = $db;
public function Create() {
return $this->_dbh->Connect();
Class DBInstance.php
class DBInstance {
private static $_dbinstance;
public function __construct(DBFactory $dbfactory) {
if (!isset(self::$_dbinstance)) {
self::$_dbinstance = $dbfactory->Create();
public function getDbInstance() {
return self::$_dbinstance;
Your code seems to do what you want it to.. but maybe we can use less object instantiation using inheritance and maybe we can avoid static properties in instanciated classes.
Also in regard to using a pattern of dependency injection that is able to handle multiple connections, but support using a single instance of it. exemple first, classes after
$params = array
'charset'=>'utf8'); // passing the charset explicitely is great
$handle = new handle($params);
$db = $handle->getInstance();
we can either pass the $db to our functions
$location_names = Location::getLocationNames($db);
or the whole $handle. as long as $handle is not reconstructed, it will always return the same database connection.
$location_names = Location::getLocationNames($handle);
if I want to reconstruct I need the whole $handle
$handle->__construct(/* params but with another database infos */);
$db2 = $handle->getInstance();
As for the classes, I think we want the params to arrive from the instanciated class, so we can change them later.
class db {
function __construct($params) {
foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
$this->{$param} = $value; // assigns the connections infos
protected function connect() {
$dsn = 'mysql:host='.$this->host.';dbname='.$this->db.';charset='.$this->charset;
return new PDO($dsn,$this->user,$this->pass);
the factory creates a connection from params and passes it to something else, good factory
class factory extends db {
protected function create() {
return $this->connect();
now we want to have our object to keep it's connection as long as we do not rebuild it. so we give it to instance
class instance extends factory {
function instantiate() {
$this->instance = $this->create();
and last but not least, our handle which returns the instance. it could be in instance class.....................
but I feel like having four and find no real reason not to.
class handle extends instance {
function __construct($params) {
$this->instantiate(); // when we construct a handle, we assign an instance to the instance property
function getInstance() {
return $this->instance;
Don't make things more complex than they are, of course this is just my opinion, but as I see it you are building a complex solution for a problem that someone else says might exist is some cases.
Php is not multi threaded so there goes one of the biggest arguments overboard. (in very rare-occasions it might be)
I'm using singletons for my database connections for about 15 years now and never ever had a problem with them, I do play around with different connections having one singleton handle several connection instances, but whatever... it works great and everyone that looks at the code.. understands it directly.
I'm not using globals because they can be overwritten and are kind of hard to predict (when it holds the correct object, and when/why they don't)
Use OOP to make your code cleaner, easier to work with and more flexible.
Don't use it to fix problems that aren't there and make your code more complex because others tell you to.
An very simple example of a db-connection singleton class handling several different connections.
class singleton{
private static $_instances=array();
public static function getInstance($connectionName){
return self::$_instance[$connectionName];
just my 2 cents
Why do you have a factory if you have a singleton? This is needless.
This is a never-ending debate, but I'm advocate of do not use singletons for database connections.
As far as in most applications, you have only one data channel, you can consider your database connection unique, but this might not be always true.
In deed, the effort made to create a singleton database connection is even bigger than just create a regular one.
Also, your class DB is not configurable, therefore, you need to change it when your connection parameters change. And I think DB is a very bad name for this.
I'd rather call this Storage and do something like:
inteface Storage {
public function insert($container, array $data);
public function update($container, array $data, $where);
public function delete($container, $where);
public function getAll($container);
public function getOne($identifier);
final class PdoStorage implements Storage {
private $dbh;
private $dsn;
private $user;
private $pswd;
public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pswd) {
$this->dsn = $dsn;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pswd = $pswd;
// Lazy Initialization
private function connect() {
if ($this->dbh === null)
$this->dbh = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->user, $this->pswd);
public function insert($container, array $data) {
// ... omitted for brevity
Now, when you need a database storage, you do:
$someObj = new SomeClass(new PdoStorage(...));
Now you might be wondering if you will need to create an PdoStorage for each single object that depends on it.
The answer is: no!
Now you can use a factory to simplify your life.
class SomeFactory {
private $defaultStorage;
public function __construct(Storage $storage) {
$this->defaultStorage = $storage;
public function create($type) {
// Somehow fetches the correct class to instantiate and put it into $class variable , for example... and then
return new $class($this->defaultStorage); // Or you'd better do this with reflection
$factory = new SomeFactory(new PdoStorage(...));
This way, you can have just one database connector or more if you need.

Dependency Injection in PHP using pimple

I'm new to DI ,using Pimple. Using: php 5.3.5 (wamp), namespaces as well.
I'm refactoring code, using it, but came to a problem (s):
I have my Container that extends from Pimple, lets call it PContainer.php:
class ReuseableContainer extends Pimple{
private function initOutterClass(){
$this['special_location_class'] = '\SpecialLocation';
$this['special_location'] = function($c){return new $c['special_location_class']($c['location_details'],$c['location']);};
private function initGlobalFunctions(){
$this['getGeneralDataFromArray'] = function($c){
// returning a function
return function($arr){
foreach ($arr as $key => $value){
// do something
$new_data = $c['general_data_type'];
$new_data->id = $value['id'];
$new_data->name = $value['name'];
public function __construct(){
$this['location_class'] = '\Location';
$this['location_details_class'] = '\LocationDetails';
$this['general_data_type_class'] = '\GeneralDataType';
// define some objects
$this['location'] = function ($c) {
return new $c['location_class']();
$this['location_details'] = function ($c) {
return new $c['location_details_class']();
$this['general_data_type'] = function ($c) {
return new $c['general_data_type_class']();
global $container ;
$container = new Pimple();
// embed the SomeContainer container
$container['embed'] = $container->share(function () { return new ReuseableContainer(); });
Ok. So i got a SpecialHelper.php which holds:
final class SpecialLocation{
public $name;
public $location;
public $picture;
public function __construct($location){
$this->location; // dependent on class: Location
final class SpecialUser{
private $id;
private $location;
public function __construct(\Location $location,$id=''){
$this->id = $id;
$this->location = $location; // $container['embed']['location'];
and we got our GeneralHelper.php which holds:
final class Location{
public $lat;
public $lng;
public function __construct($lat='',$lng=''){ $this->lat = $lat; $this->lng = $lng;}
final class LocationDetails{
public $id;
public $addresss;
public function __construct($id='',$address=''){$this->id = $id; $this->address = $address;}
class GeneralDataType{
public $id;
public $name;
public function getName(){ return $this->name;}
public function getId(){ return $this->id;}
and we have our "Special Class" controller, which looks something like this:
final class SpecialController{
public function foor($some_array){
private function doSomething($ret_value){
// do something
$arr = array();
foreach($ret_value as $key => $value){
$something = $container['embed']['getGeneralDataFromArray']($value);
$special_location = $container['embed']['special_location'];
$arr[] = special_location;
return $arr;
Finally we have our main "driver", main.php
$some_array = array(....);
$special_controller = new SpecialController();
1) I had to add initOutterClass function inside ReuseableContainer to decouple the "Special" classes, how could have i decoupled them in a better way? creating a new "special" 9container or something? as EVERYTHING now sitts inside the container.. same goes to the initGlobalFunctions()
2) regarding SpecialHelper.php: i have there SpecialLocation, which one of its properties is a \Location class, i've put it in the constructor , but if i have 20 object properties that are dependent, i must put them all as INPUT params for the constructor?? same goes to the SpecialUser class, it has a $location which if i could i would have made $this->location = $container['embed']['location']; instead of $this->location = $location; resulting in a dependent on the DI! :/
3) I've had to create SpecialHelper.php in a different file, despite wanting to put it in the "special class controller", just so there won't be any unknowns (due to require statement order)
4) MOST importantly: about the "Special class" controller, how do i solve the doSomething method? i must create "Special Location" object inside the loop but i get that $container is unrecognized (despite being global, as of scope probably) but more over it's really dependent! and it's a private function, i don't wish to pass the container to EVERY class i'll use from now on, it isn't IoC right?
Any help is appriciated... i'm trying to understand the best practices..
Thank you
4)Most important: IoC is correct. That an implementation is not correctly working does not reflect the principle of IoC itself.
If you want to use the global $container within a function, then should you use the global keyword within that function. That is how PHP works. Making it static is solving the problem of reference, but does not make a real difference.
An IoC container resolves the dependencies for the caller. The caller does not have to know anything about the internals of the callee - and he doesn't care either. So, there should be some kind of contract by which the exchange of data is regulated. If you have that situation, then you have IoC.
3)That problem is too vague to answer, but imo also not relevant from a practical perspective. Does it work? Ok, good to know. :-)
2)The clue of IoC is the use of contracts. The IoC container is there to connect the caller to the proper contract. The contract resolves to a concrete callee. The callee will return information inline with the contract. The caller understands the answer. Therefor will you need that the input and output in this process is independent of a certain implementation at a certain time. So don't use 20 object properties as input, but use an array or general object instead.
1) I get the idea that you are mixing functional flow (data flow) with technical flow (relationships between classes). An IoC container serves the purpose of the technical flow, it optimizes the dependency in the relationships between classes. For instance, if you want to connect to a database, then might you reuse an existing connection instead of creating new connections all the time. Or if you want to use a special functionality on several moments in your flow, then might you use IoC for that.

PropelORM, Symfony 2 and Unit testing

I'm used to the habit of writing like this:
$results = SomeModelQuery::create()->filterByFoo('bar')->find();
However this does not scale for unit testing because I can't inject a mock object, i.e. I can't affect what data is returned. I'd like to use fixture data, but I can't.
Nor does it seem great to inject an object:
class Foo
public __construct($someModelQuery)
$this->someModelQuery = $someMOdelQuery;
public function doSthing()
$results = $this->someModelQuery->filterByFoo('bar')->find();
DI feels horrible. I have tens of query objects to mock and throw. Setting through constructor is ugly and painful. Setting using method is wrong because it can be forgotten when calling. And it feels painful to always for every single lib and action to create these query objects manually.
How would I elegantly do DI with PropelORM query classes? I don't want to call a method like:
$oneQuery = OneQuery::create();
$anotherQuery = AnotherQuery::create();
// ... 10 more ...
$foo = new Foo($oneQuery, $anotherQuery, ...);
In my opinion (and Martin Folowers's) there is a step between calling everything statically and using Dependency Injection and it may be what you are looking for.
Where I can't do full DI (Zend Framework MVC for example) I will use a Service Locator. A Service Layer will be the place that all your classes go to get there dependencies from. Think of it as a one layer deep abstraction for your classes dependencies. There are many benefits to using a Service Locator but I will focus on testability in this case.
Let's get into some code, here is are model query class
class SomeModelQuery
public function __call($method, $params)
if ($method == 'find') {
return 'Real Data';
return $this;
All it does is return itself unless the method 'find' is called. Then is will return the hard-coded string "Real Data".
Now our service locator:
class ServiceLocator
protected static $instance;
protected $someModelQuery;
public static function resetInstance()
static::$instance = null;
public static function instance()
if (self::$instance === null) {
static::$instance = new static();
return static::$instance;
public function getSomeModelQuery()
if ($this->someModelQuery === null) {
$this->someModelQuery = new SomeModelQuery();
return $this->someModelQuery;
public function setSomeModelQuery($someModelQuery)
$this->someModelQuery = $someModelQuery;
This does two things. Provides a global scope method instance so you can always get at it. Along with allowing it to be reset. Then providing get and set methods for the model query object. With lazy loading if it has not already been set.
Now the code that does the real work:
class Foo
public function doSomething()
return ServiceLocator::instance()
Foo calls the service locator, it then gets an instance of the query object from it and does the call it needs to on that query object.
So now we need to write some unit tests for all of this. Here it is:
class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected function setUp()
public function testNoMocking()
$foo = new Foo();
$this->assertEquals('Real Data', $foo->doSomething());
public function testWithMock()
// Create our mock with a random value
$rand = mt_rand();
$mock = $this->getMock('SomeModelQuery');
->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls($mock, $rand));
// Place the mock in the service locator
// Do we get our random value back?
$foo = new Foo();
$this->assertEquals($rand, $foo->doSomething());
I've given an example where the real query code is called and where the query code is mocked.
So this gives you the ability to inject mocks with out needing to inject every dependency into the classes you want to unit test.
There are many ways to write the above code. Use it as a proof of concept and adapt it to your need.

How to remove multiple instances and just have one instance while multiple function calls in php?

public function getHelperInstance()
$user = new Helper();
return $user;
I am calling getHelper() class multiple times and if $user is not empty than am calling getHelperInstance(), now in my case getHelperInstance() always creates a new instance of Helper() class and so every time I call getHelperInstance() function am creating a new instance of Helper() so is there any way where can I can just create one instance of Helper() and use it multiple times instead of creating a new instance everytime. Any suggestions !!!
public function getHelper()
$user = array();
if (!empty($user))
$user = $this->getHelperInstance();
return $user;
Here is what Erich Gamma, one of the Singleton pattern's inventors, has to say about it:
"I'm in favor of dropping Singleton. Its use is almost always a design smell"
So, instead of a Singleton, I suggest to use Dependency Injection.
Create the Helper instance before you create what is $this. Then set the helper instance to the $this instance from the outside, either through a setter method or through the constructor.
As an alternative, create a Helper broker that knows how to instantiate helpers by name and pass that to the $this instance:
class HelperBroker
protected $helpers = array();
public function getHelper($name)
// check if we have a helper of this name already
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->helpers)) {
// create helper and store for later subsequent calls
$this->helpers[$name] = new $name;
return $this->helpers[$name];
This way you can lazy load helpers as needed and will never get a second instance, without having to use Singleton. Pass an instance of the broker to every class that needs to use helpers.
Example with a single helper
$helper = new Helper;
$someClass = new Something($helper);
class Something
protected $helper;
public function __construct($helper)
$this->helper = $helper;
public function useHelper()
$return = $this->helper->doSomethingHelpful();
Inside $something you can now store and access the helper instance directly. You don't need to instantiate anything. In fact, $something doesn't even have to bother about how a helper is instantiated, because we give $something everything it might need upfront.
Now, if you want to use more than one helper in $someClass, you'd use the same principle:
$helper1 = new Helper;
$helper2 = new OtherHelper;
$something = new Something($helper1, $helper2);
This list will get rather long the more dependencies you insert upfront. We might not want to instantiate all helpers all the time as well. That's where the HelperBroker comes into play. Instead of passing every helper as a ready instance to the $something, we inject an object that knows how to create helpers and also keeps track of them.
$broker = new HelperBroker;
$something = new Something($broker);
class Something
protected $helperBroker;
public function __construct($broker)
$this->helperBroker = $broker;
public function doSomethingHelpful()
$return = $this->getHelper('foo')->doSomethingHelpful();
public function doSomethingElse()
$return = $this->getHelper('bar')->doSomethingElse();
Now $something can get the helpers it needs, when it needs them from the broker. In addition, any class that needs to access helpers does now no longer need to bother about how to create the helper, because this logic is encapsulated inside the broker.
$broker = new HelperBroker;
$something = new Something($broker);
$other = new Other($broker);
The broker also makes sure that you only have one helper instance, because when a helper was instantiated, it is stored inside the broker and returned on subsequent calls. This solves your initial problem, that you don't want to reinstance any helpers. It also doesn't force your helpers to know anything about how to manage themselves in the global state, like the Singleton does. Instead you helpers can concentrate on their responsibility: helping. That's clean, simple and reusable.
It sounds like you are interested in the singleton pattern. If you are using PHP5+, you should be able to take advantage of PHP's OOP stuff.
Here's an article on how to implement a singleton in php4. (But I would strongly suggest updating to php5 if that is an option at all)
class Singleton {
function Singleton() {
// Perform object initialization here.
function &getInstance() {
static $instance = null;
if (null === $instance) {
$instance = new Singleton();
return $instance;
PHP 4 Singleton Pattern
FYI, if you have any control over which PHP version you use you really should migrate to PHP 5.
