Can anybody give me an example of how to create an Excel Scatter chart using OpenTBS/TinyButStrong? And are there any commercial/non-commercial PHP excel writers that support excel charts?
Will really appreciate your help.
Thank you for your time!
Create a basic XY chart using the wizard in Ms Word.
Save the chart without changing it. Let the values and the design.
Select the chart, and in the contextual menu, chose "Format of the zone" or something like this. In the "Alt Text" tab, in zone "Title", enter "a nice chart".
Save the template.
At the PHP side:
$template = 'demo_ms_word.docx'; $TBS->LoadTemplate($template);
$ChartNameOrNum = 'a nice chart'; // Title of the shape that embeds the chart
$SeriesNameOrNum = 1;
$NewValues = array( array( 1.5, 2.0, 3.2, 33), array(1.77, 2.88, 2.88, 2.99) );
$NewLegend = "OpenTBS is so strong";
$TBS->PlugIn(OPENTBS_CHART, $ChartNameOrNum, $SeriesNameOrNum, $NewValues, $NewLegend);
$TBS->Show(OPENTBS_FILE+TBS_EXIT, 'result.docx');
After it works, change the chart properties and the data.
I try to change chart title in .xlsx template
I open template, change cels ,write to output.
Q: How to change chart title....
$reader = IOFactory::createReader( 'Xlsx' );
$reader->setIncludeCharts( true );
$spreadsheet = $reader->load( storage_path( 'app/template.xlsx' ) );
$spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue( 'B3', 'Blabla' );
//create new from template
$writer = new Xlsx( $spreadsheet );
$writer->setPreCalculateFormulas( true );
$writer->setIncludeCharts( true );
##how to change title in all/first charts in template?
I finally found the method. There are a few things to understand.
chartIndex - In an excel file, an id assigned to the chart based on the total number of charts starting from the first left most chart on a sheetA incrementing to the last right most chart on SheetC. This index is the entire collection of all charts on all sheets starting with chart1 and ending with chartX. If you have ten charts chart1,chart2,...chart10 and delete chart5, you will then have a new index of chart1,chart2....chart9, where the orig chart6-10 are all redindexed as chart5-9. In phpspreadsheet, this index appears to be represented with $chart->getName() ;, There is no corresponding setName() that would allow you to change/alter the index.
chartName - In an excel file, if you highlight a chart, in the upper left corner of the cells, above the A column, is a "chart name" drop down. You can name your charts for organization purposes. In excel, this field can be edited. In phpspreadsheet, I have yet to have find what object can get/set this field.
chartTitle - the in chart name of a chart, IE: "Annual Revenue Projections". In phpspreadsheet, this field is represented with $chart->getTitle->get/setCaptionText
So in order to find the chart you are looking to modify, you either must already know the chart index (ie: getName()) OR the chart visual title (ie: getCaptionText() ).
Because of adding deleting moving charts, I found it easier, in the excel template, to add visual titles to your charts then search for those titles/captionText in your code. This way you don't have to have worry about tracking which chart is which index. Use the getCaptionText to then get the getName() index.
foreach ($spreadsheet->getSheetByName("SheetName")->getChartCollection() as $chart) {
// if you know TITLE of the chart
// TITLE is the visible title in the chart
// Easy to know if you set the titles yourself in the template chart
// A template chart TITLE cannot be a cell reference, will cause an error on file import
if ($chart->getTitle()->getCaptionText() == "Chart_12") {
$curIndex = $chart->getName() ; // = "chart3"
$curTitle = $chart->getTitle()->getCaptionText() ; // "Chart_12"
$chart->getTitle()->setCaption("Quarterly Revenue Chart") ;
break ;
// if you know the NAME (chart id) the chart
// NAME is like the hidden chart index
if ($chart->getName() == "chart12") {
$chart->getTitle()->setCaption("New Chart Title") ;
break ;
I am using 33_Chart_create_scatter.php to make a two line xyScatter chart. Everything is going well, except, the x-axis is not formatting as I would like it to. There is no associated error involver. Only a poor x-axis. See the first image. For the correct (desired) x-axis, see the second image. Can someone help me achive the proper x-axis format?
I got the correct format x-axis by simply right clicking the chart area and selecting "Change Chart Type". Then I select (already selected) "X Y (Scatter)" and "ok". The x-axis is changed to that shown in my correct x-axis image. So, that brings about my second question, if I can not get a code correction to get the proper x-axis format, can we include macro's in our create charts? A simple three line auto_open macro included will yield the proper chart/x-axis when the new spreadsheet is opened.
I've used both horizontal and vertical selections for source values. I've also tried using specific values for the source. See J1:R1 in my image. I can not figure out how to add my images. So, incorrect x-axis runs from 1 to about 50 by 1's And it looks like there maybe two to three sets of numbers all crunched together. The correct scale is 0 to 40 by 5's evenly spaced. this is a minutes scale. The y scale looks perfect.
Here is the code involved.
$xAxisTickValues = [
new DataSeriesValues(DataSeriesValues::DATASERIES_TYPE_NUMBER, 'Worksheet!$C$1:$C$18', null, 18),
DataSeriesValues(DataSeriesValues::DATASERIES_TYPE_NUMBER, 'Worksheet!$F$1:$F$18', null, 18)
The following code should control the x and y properties. I am able to control all the properties of the Y-axis. How ever it appears the x-axis min and max values are controlled by the x Axis Tick Values. If I don't use x Axis Tick Values, It then appears x-axis min and max values are controlled by the number of y data points?
What do I have to do so this code can be used to control x-axis min and max values?
$xaxis = new Axis();
$xaxis->setAxisOptionsProperties('low', 0, 'autoZero', null, 'in', 'out', 0, 40, 5, 0);
$title = new Title('Calorimetric Calibration');
$yAxisLabel = new Title(html_entity_decode('Temp (°C)',ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
$xAxisLabel = new Title('Time (Min)');
// Create the chart
$chart = new Chart(
'chart1', // name
$title, // title
$legend, // legend
$plotArea, // plotArea
true, // plotVisibleOnly
0, // displayBlanksAs
$xAxisLabel, // xAxisLabel
$yAxisLabel, // yAxisLabel
I have a Laravel 5.5 app that used this ConsoleTV Chart Package I used a barchart to visualize my data in a monthly report basis. I have the following query below.
$dt = Carbon::now()->year;
$anRequest = AnalysisRequest::where(DB::raw("(DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%Y'))"),date('Y'))->orderBy('service_id')
and in my chart
$barChart = Charts::database($anRequest, 'bar', 'highcharts')
->title("Monthly service request")
->elementLabel("Total requests")
->dimensions(1000, 500)
->groupByMonth(date('Y'), true);
This code is working perfectly fine and display all the data in by month but how can I add another dataSets or multipleDataSets instead of just having one sets of data to visualize.
For example I will have another query from the AnalysisRequest but with a specific resources.
Sample code below using multi
The query
$tags_jan = DB::table('tags')->whereYear('created_at', $dt)->whereMonth('created_at', '1')->count();
$tags_feb = DB::table('tags')->whereYear('created_at', $dt)->whereMonth('created_at', '2')->count();
$tags_mar = DB::table('tags')->whereYear('created_at', $dt)->whereMonth('created_at', '3')->count();
// and the list goes on which is bad
The charts using multi
$chart = Charts::multi('bar', 'highcharts')
// Setup the chart settings
->title("Total Reports for this year")
// A dimension of 0 means it will take 100% of the space
->dimensions(0, 400) // Width x Height
// This defines a preset of colors already done:)
// ->template("material")
// ->responsive(true)
// You could always set them manually
// ->colors(['#2196F3', '#F44336', '#FFC107'])
// Setup the diferent datasets (this is a multi chart)
->colors(['green', 'aqua', 'red', 'yellow'])
->dataset('Ads', [$ads_jan,$ads_feb,$ads_mar,$ads_apr,$ads_may,$ads_june,$ads_july,$ads_aug,$ads_sept,$ads_oct,$ads_nov,$ads_dec])
->dataset('Channels', [$channels_jan,$channels_feb,$channels_mar,$channels_apr,$channels_may,$channels_june,$channels_july,$channels_aug,$channels_sept,$channels_oct,$channels_nov,$channels_dec])
->dataset('Shows', [$shows_jan,$shows_feb,$shows_mar,$shows_apr,$shows_may,$shows_june,$shows_july,$shows_aug,$shows_sept,$shows_oct,$shows_nov,$shows_dec])
->dataset('Tags', [$tags_jan,$tags_feb,$tags_mar,$tags_apr,$tags_may,$tags_june,$tags_july,$tags_aug,$tags_sept,$tags_oct,$tags_nov,$tags_dec])
This code above also works fine but as you can see in the variable I am querying for each month for this year which is isn't quite good. How can I simplified this query or another way to solve this using multiple dataSets?
Appreciate if someone could help.
Thanks in advance.
The following code can be added after you have queried your database and you would like to post different graphs to the same view, I was using the code to plot a barchart and line chart on the same graph as specified below........ look at the dataset position 2 its line and bar
$chart = new unclaimed;
$chart->labels( $days );
$chart->dataset('Daily Visitors Bar', 'bar', $totalNumber )->color('white')->backgroundColor(['#009900','#8a8a5c','#f1c40f','#e67e22','#16a085','#2980b9']);
$chart->dataset('Daily Visitors Line', 'line', $totalNumber )->color('black') ->fill(false)->backgroundColor(['##8a8a5c','009900','#f1c40f','#e67e22','#16a085','#2980b9']);
Reject? I am sure I am not the first that has ran into this issue.
I am trying to create a chart using PHPExcel and the Excel5 library to produce an .xls file of the '95 format.
All goes well except for the creation/save of the chart itself. The file is saved/downloaded/opened without any errors alerted by either, PHPExcel during creation/save, or by Excel during opening the file.
The only real issue is, there is no chart visible within the Excel '95 .xls file created.
I have checked to be sure the MIME type is being set to the '95 .xls format application/ It is.
Here is the code relating to the chart creation, its a little messy currently, but like I said, works like a charm for the 2007 version:
$labels = array(
new PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', "'Report Summary'!C1", null, 1),
new PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', "'Report Summary'!D1", null, 1)
$chrtCols = "'Report Summary'!B2:B$rowNum";
$chrtVals = "'Report Summary'!C2:C$rowNum";
$chrtVals2 = "'Report Summary'!D2:D$rowNum";
$periods = new PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', $chrtCols, null, $rowNum-1);
$values = new PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('Number', $chrtVals, null, $rowNum-1);
$values2 = new PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('Number', $chrtVals2, null, $rowNum-1);
$series = new PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries(
$layout = new PHPExcel_Chart_Layout();
$plotarea = new PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea($layout, array($series));
$chart = new PHPExcel_Chart('sample', null, null, $plotarea);
$chart->setTopLeftPosition('A1', 24, 24);
$chart->setBottomRightPosition('B18', -24);
The issue seems to be with the '95 version only as the exact same code works to create a valid 2007 version of the file (using the Excel_2007 class rather than Excel5).
Any thoughts? Are line-charts constructed differently (or labels defined differently) in Excel_07 as compared to Excel_95? Any other declarations in the $series array I should add/modify/delete to get the chart to appear Excel_95?
Yes, I am including $objWriter->setIncludeCharts(TRUE); prior to writing the file.
$rowNum is the last row of data.
PHPExcel only supports charts for the Excel2007 Reader/Writer; that feature has not been written for the Excel5 Reader/Writer
This is the current code that I have in order to retrieve the sizes for a particular product, however when an item has multiple drop-downs such as this one does for color. You must first select the color before retrieving the sizes for that color. I will need to retrieve both sets of data; colors and sizes.
It seems if I am not mistaken that this site uses the JSON structure.
I am a VERY novice learner and would like guidance on what to do next in order to retrieve the data using php...
Thanks in advance! :)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
#$doc ->loadHTMLFile('');
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$size = $xpath->query('//*[contains(#class, \'product_dropdown\')]');
foreach ($size as $sizes)
echo $sizes->nodeValue .PHP_EOL;
update: I was able to use Google Chrome (developer tools) to retrieve this information. I believe this is confirmation that it is in fact JSON.
"description" : "The Lace Inset Tie Front Woven Top by Apple Bottoms features:\r\n<br>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li> US sizing</li>\r\n<li> Pieced lace accents on shoulders</li>\r\n<li> Metal stud trim</li>\r\n<li> Two chest pockets</li>\r\n<li> Button-down closure</li>\r\n<li> Sleeveless cut</li>\r\n<li> Waist tie on front</li>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n<b> Model is wearing size 1X</b>\r\n</ul>",
"sizes" : [
"id" : "1533783",
"display" : "1X"
"id" : "
"display" : "2X"
i don't think that is the url for the actual JSON object, with the google chrome developer tools can you find the object url?