Not sure if the title explains what I am trying to do correctly however I was unable to word it.
I am trying to create an output for a some graphs. The output I am aiming for is just the total value of some rows in a mySQL table grouped by a category ID. My tables are as follows:
TransactiondID | TransactionName |TransactionCategory| Value
1 | GenericText1 | 1 | 30
2 | GenericText2 | 1 | 38
3 | GenericText2 | 2 | 38
And my Reference Data for TransactionCategory
TranCatID | TransCatName
1 | Tranportation
2 | Petrol
So what I want to do is do is a SUM of the value field by each category. So I would get an output of.
Category | Value
Transportation | 68
Petrol | 30
I got this but it does not work. I think it is completely incorrect but wanted to show my attempt.
SELECT SUM( `TransactionValue`) AS Value,
FROM Transactions
JOIN transaction_category on Transactions.TransactionID = transaction_category_id
Grouping by either "TransactionCategory" or "TranCatID" will give you the desired result shown as follows:
SELECT TransactionCategory.TransCatName, SUM( `Value`) AS Value FROM Transactions JOIN TransactionCategory on Transactions.TransactionCategory = TransactionCategory.TranCatID GROUP BY TransactionCategory.TransactionCategory;
SELECT TransactionCategory.TransCatName, SUM( `Value`) AS Value FROM Transactions JOIN TransactionCategory on Transactions.TransactionCategory = TransactionCategory.TranCatID GROUP BY TransactionCategory.TranCatID;
This should do the trick
SELECT TransactionCategory.TransCatName,
SUM(Transactions.Value) as Value
FROM Transactions
LEFT JOIN TransactionCategory ON TransactionCategory.TranCatID = Transaction.TransactionCategory
You can use this :
SELECT tc.TransCatName Category, SUM(t.Value) as Value
FROM TransactionCategory tc
LEFT JOIN Transactions t ON tc.TranCatID = t.TransactionCategory
group by tc.TransCatName
Category | Value
Petrol | 38
Transportation | 68
Please notice the SUM for PETROL, it should 38 as above, which is wrongly written 30 in your question description!
I have 2 different tables as want to get records in a single query. Currently, I am using 2 queries then merging the array result and then displaying the record. Following is my current code:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query1 = "SELECT as cId, a.title, a.parent_id,a.level FROM `categories` AS a WHERE ( a.title LIKE '%keyword%' )";
$result1 = $db->setQuery($query1)->loadObjectlist(); //gives selected records
$query2 = "SELECT as indId, b.indicator , b.cat_id, b.subcat_id, b.section_id FROM `indicator` as b WHERE ( b.indicator LIKE '%keyword%' )";
$result2 = $db->setQuery($query2)->loadObjectlist(); //gives selected records
$_items = array_merge($result1,$result2); //then using $_items in php code to display the data
It is in Joomla however I just want to know how we can merge these 2 queries into one. I tried the following but it gives the result of first query from categories table.
(SELECT id as cId, title, parent_id,level, NULL FROM `categories` WHERE ( title LIKE '%birth%' ))
(SELECT id as indId, indicator , cat_id, subcat_id, section_id FROM `indicator` WHERE ( indicator LIKE '%birth%' ))
Desired output:
| cId | title | parent_id | level | indId | indicator | cat_id | subcat_id | section_id
| 2874 | births | 2703 | 2 | null | null | null | null | null |
| 13 | birth weight| 12 | 3 | null | null | null | null | null |
| null | null | null | null | 135 | resident births| 23 | 25 | 1 |
| null | null | null | null | 189 | births summary | 23 | 25 | 1 |
This above output will help to get proper pagination records. I tried to use join but JOIN needs a common column in ON clause. Here, I want all the columns and their values. Basically I want to combine the 2 table records in one query. Any help would be appreciated
Here is an example,
There are a number of ways to do this, depending on what you really want. With no common columns, you need to decide whether you want to introduce a common column or get the product.
Let's say you have the two tables:
parts: custs:
+----+----------+ +-----+------+
| id | desc | | id | name |
+----+----------+ +-----+------+
| 1 | Sprocket | | 100 | Bob |
| 2 | Flange | | 101 | Paul |
+----+----------+ +-----+------+
Forget the actual columns since you'd most likely have a customer/order/part relationship in this case; I've just used those columns to illustrate the ways to do it.
A cartesian product will match every row in the first table with every row in the second:
> select * from parts, custs;
id desc id name
-- ---- --- ----
1 Sprocket 101 Bob
1 Sprocket 102 Paul
2 Flange 101 Bob
2 Flange 102 Paul
That's probably not what you want since 1000 parts and 100 customers would result in 100,000 rows with lots of duplicated information.
Alternatively, you can use a union to just output the data, though not side-by-side (you'll need to make sure column types are compatible between the two selects, either by making the table columns compatible or coercing them in the select):
> select id as pid, desc, '' as cid, '' as name from parts
select '' as pid, '' as desc, id as cid, name from custs;
pid desc cid name
--- ---- --- ----
101 Bob
102 Paul
1 Sprocket
2 Flange
In some databases, you can use a rowid/rownum column or pseudo-column to match records side-by-side, such as:
id desc id name
-- ---- --- ----
1 Sprocket 101 Bob
2 Flange 101 Bob
The code would be something like:
select, a.desc,,
from parts a, custs b
where a.rownum = b.rownum;
It's still like a cartesian product but the where clause limits how the rows are combined to form the results (so not a cartesian product at all, really).
I haven't tested that SQL for this since it's one of the limitations of my DBMS of choice, and rightly so, I don't believe it's ever needed in a properly thought-out schema. Since SQL doesn't guarantee the order in which it produces data, the matching can change every time you do the query unless you have a specific relationship or order by clause.
I think the ideal thing to do would be to add a column to both tables specifying what the relationship is. If there's no real relationship, then you probably have no business in trying to put them side-by-side with SQL.
As #Sinto suggested the answer for union and dummy column names following is the whole correct query:
(SELECT id as cId, title, parent_id,level, NULL as indId, NULL as indicator , NULL as cat_id, NULL as subcat_id, NULL as section_id FROM `jm_categories` WHERE ( title LIKE '%births%' )) UNION ALL (SELECT NULL as cId, NULL as title, NULL as parent_id,NULL as level, id as indId, indicator , cat_id, subcat_id, section_id FROM `jm_indicator_setup` WHERE ( indicator LIKE '%births%' ))
We have to match the column names from both tables so that we get records as a combination.
My site allows users to guess the result of a sports match. At the end of the match the guesses should be compared to the actual result. The winner(s) are the members with the closest correct guess
Im looking for a way to return all members who guessed the correct result and score difference IF NO (zero) member guessed correctly return members who guessed closest to the correct result
I modified the script to change fixed values taking variables as you can see below
foreach($_POST['winner'] as $id =>$winner){
$winScore = $_POST['score'][$id];
$sql="SELECT p.*
FROM Multiple_Picks p
WHERE p.event_id='$matchId' AND
p.pick='$winner' AND
abs(p.score-'$winScore') = (SELECT min(abs(p2.score-1))
FROM Multiple_Picks p2
Where p2.pick=p.pick AND
p2.event_id = p.event_id)";
My problem is if I run this script on the following table:
NOTHING gets displayed even if I put result exactly correct:
My variable values are correct in the sql statment so that is not the problem
Any help will be welcomed...
example: if user A won 4 of the picks and user B won 5 of the picks then user B is the winner of the round
Why don't you want just
SELECT p.*, abs(p.score-'$winScore') as diff
FROM Multiple_Picks p
WHERE p.event_id='$matchId' AND p.pick='$winner'
This will return the closest member for the event. Remove the LIMIT if you need a few of them.
Also, never put your parameters directly into the SQL query, even trusted ones (not your case) and even if you're sure they will always be integer or non-string type. Use prepared statements.
In this answer I call a "Best" pick any pick that has chosen the correct winner for a particular match, and has the closest score to the actual match score.
These scripts also respect the different "rounds" in the competition, since that is an important complication.
This answer comes in two parts: first a query that is similar to the one in the question that returns all the "Best" picks for a particular match. To make it easier to run in SQL Fiddle, I have used MySQL variables instead of PHP variables.
Schema with test data:
create table Multiple_Picks (
pick_id int,
member_nr int,
event_id int,
pick varchar(100),
score int
insert into Multiple_Picks
Queries to show all picks and then best picks for a particular match:
set #matchId = 2;
set #winner = 'Waratahs';
set #winScore = 8;
-- Show all picks for a particular match
select * from Multiple_Picks
where event_id = #matchId;
-- Show best picks for a particular match
select p.*
from Multiple_Picks p
where p.event_id = #matchId
and p.pick = #winner
and abs(p.score - #winScore) =
(select min(abs(other.score - #winScore))
from Multiple_Picks other
where other.event_id = #matchId
and other.pick = #winner
SQL Fiddle to show picks for particular match
-- Show all picks for a particular match
| pick_id | member_nr | event_id | pick | score |
| 12 | 100 | 2 | Waratahs | 10 |
| 22 | 200 | 2 | Waratahs | 10 |
| 32 | 300 | 2 | Waratahs | 12 |
-- Show best picks for a particular match
| pick_id | member_nr | event_id | pick | score |
| 12 | 100 | 2 | Waratahs | 10 |
| 22 | 200 | 2 | Waratahs | 10 |
Now we need to work towards finding the winner of each round of the competition.
First we have extra test data that contains the actual scores for Matches in rounds 1 and 2.
create table Matches (
event_id int,
winner varchar(100),
score int,
round int
insert into Matches
Now select the best picks for all Matches. The subselect (aliased as m) calculates best_diff for each match as the minimum difference between the actual score and every guessed score. This subselect is then joined to every pick so that only "Best" picks are returned.
-- Show all best picks for all Matches
select p.*, m.round
from Multiple_Picks p
join (
select m2.event_id, m2.winner, m2.score, m2.round,
min(abs(m2.score-p2.score)) as best_diff
from Matches m2
join Multiple_Picks p2
on p2.event_id = m2.event_id and p2.pick = m2.winner
group by m2.event_id, m2.winner, m2.score, m2.round
) as m
on p.event_id = m.event_id and p.pick = m.winner
and abs(m.score - p.score) = m.best_diff
order by m.round, p.event_id
It is then easy to get a count of Best picks for each player for each round by just grouping the previous query by member_nr and round:
-- Show a count of best picks for each player for each round
select p.member_nr, m.round, count(*) as best_count
from Multiple_Picks p
join (
select m2.event_id, m2.winner, m2.score, m2.round,
min(abs(m2.score-p2.score)) as best_diff
from Matches m2
join Multiple_Picks p2
on p2.event_id = m2.event_id and p2.pick = m2.winner
group by m2.event_id, m2.winner, m2.score, m2.round
) as m
on p.event_id = m.event_id and p.pick = m.winner
and abs(m.score - p.score) = m.best_diff
group by p.member_nr, m.round
order by m.round, count(*) desc
SQL Fiddle for all best picks and counts for all matches
-- Show all best picks for all Matches
| pick_id | member_nr | event_id | pick | score | round |
| 31 | 300 | 1 | Crusaders | 15 | 1 |
| 21 | 200 | 1 | Crusaders | 15 | 1 |
| 11 | 100 | 1 | Crusaders | 15 | 1 |
| 12 | 100 | 2 | Waratahs | 10 | 1 |
| 32 | 300 | 2 | Waratahs | 12 | 1 |
| 22 | 200 | 2 | Waratahs | 10 | 1 |
| 23 | 200 | 3 | Lions | 4 | 1 |
| 41 | 100 | 4 | Crusaders | 20 | 2 |
| 42 | 100 | 5 | Waratahs | 20 | 2 |
-- Show a count of best picks for each player for each round
| member_nr | round | best_count |
| 200 | 1 | 3 |
| 300 | 1 | 2 |
| 100 | 1 | 2 |
| 100 | 2 | 2 |
The final stage is to select only those players for each round who have the highest number of Best picks. I tried modifying the above queries, but the nesting becomes two confusing, so my solution was to create a few logical views so that the final query can be more easily understood. The views basically encapsulate the logic of the queries I have explained above:
create view MatchesWithBestDiff as
select m.event_id, m.winner, m.score, m.round,
min(abs(m.score-p.score)) as best_diff
from Matches m
join Multiple_Picks p
on p.event_id = m.event_id and p.pick = m.winner
group by m.event_id, m.winner, m.score, m.round
create view BestPicks as
select p.*, m.round
from Multiple_Picks p
join MatchesWithBestDiff m
on p.event_id = m.event_id and p.pick = m.winner
and abs(m.score - p.score) = m.best_diff
create view BestPickCount as
select member_nr, round, count(*) as best_count
from BestPicks
group by member_nr, round
So that the query that shows the winners of each round is simply:
-- Show the players with the highest number of Best Picks for each round
select *
from BestPickCount p
where best_count =
select max(other.best_count)
from BestPickCount other
where other.round = p.round
order by round
SQL Fiddle for players with most Best picks for each round
-- Show the players with the highest number of Best Picks for each round
| member_nr | round | best_count |
| 200 | 1 | 3 |
| 100 | 2 | 2 |
This whole investigation has reminded me how tricky it can be to get SQL to do much manipulation where records need to be selected depending on maximums and sums. Some of these types of queries can be much easier with window functions (the OVER and PARTITION BY clauses), but they are not available in MySQL.
While designing the above queries, I found a few interesting restrictions:
MySQL does not allow joins to subqueries in views definitions.
ANSI SQL does not allow an aggregate in a subquery to reference both a column from the inner query and a column from the outer query. MySQL seems to sometimes allow this, but I couldn't find clear guidance as to when it is allowed, so I chose to code the above queries to avoid this "feature".
I believe that result in this situation should be empty result because everyone has made a mistake.
It seems to be already working in your code example except one mistake in select.
abs(p.score-'$winScore') = (SELECT min(abs(p2.score-1))
Instead of constant 1 (one) it should be variable '$winScore'
and to control the number of users you get, you may limit your results so you will get something like this:
$sql="SELECT p.*
FROM Multiple_Picks p
WHERE p.event_id='$matchId' AND
p.pick='$winner' AND
abs(p.score-'$winScore') = (SELECT min(abs(p2.score-'$winner'))
FROM Multiple_Picks p2
Where p2.pick=p.pick AND
p2.event_id = p.event_id)
order by limit '$numberOfMembers'";
Same as in the previous question.
You can achieve this using same query just replace the LIMIT with 'rank' function, and also if you will get several closest scores, but you have to limit their number according to their voting order by id, for this purpose I suggest sorting.
So final query will be:
$sql="select * from (SELECT p.*,
abs(p.score-'$winScore') scr_diff,
#rownum := #rownum + 1 rank
FROM Multiple_Picks p,
(SELECT #rownum := 0) rank_gen
WHERE p.event_id='$matchId' AND
p.pick='$winner' AND
abs(p.score-'$winScore') = (SELECT min(abs(p2.score-'$winner'))
FROM Multiple_Picks p2
Where p2.pick=p.pick AND
p2.event_id = p.event_id)
order by
) sq
where sq.scr_diff = 0
or sq.rank < '$numberOfMembers'";
Best guesser for one match
First find the member(s) who picked the winner and had the closest score guess:
( SELECT MIN(ABS(score-'$winScore')) AS closest
FROM Multiple_Picks
WHERE event_id = '$matchId'
AND pick='$winner'
) AS c
JOIN Multiple_Picks p
WHERE p.event_id = '$matchId'
AND p.pick = '$winner'
AND ABS(score-'$winScore') = c.closest
If that return no results, then what should happen? (It would be because no one picked the winner for a particular event.)
But, I think your question is much more complex. However, the above gives a mapping from (event_id, pick) -> list-of-members who "won". Starting over...
Missing info
There is a mystery -- Where do the event results come from? I will assume this table is already populated:
event_id ..., -- which game
winnner ..., -- who won
score ... -- by what score
Best guesser overall
So, create a table of BestGuessers(event_id, member). The details of "all game" and "round" are a bit vague. So I will carry this at least one step further.
event_id ...,
member_nr ... -- who guessed the best for that event
SELECT p.event_id, p.member_nr
( SELECT w.event_id, w.winner, MIN(ABS(mp.score-w.score)) AS closest
FROM Multiple_Picks AS mp
JOIN Win AS w ON mp.event_id = w.event_id
AND mp.pick = w.winner
GROUP BY w.event_id, w.winner
) AS c
JOIN Multiple_Picks p
ON p.event_id = c.event_id
AND p.pick = c.pick
AND p.score = c.closest
Now, from that, you can pick the best guesser(s).
SELECT y.member_nr
FROM BestGuessers
GROUP BY member_nr
) AS x -- the max number of correct guesses
( SELECT member_nr, COUNT(*) AS ct
FROM BestGuessers
GROUP BY member_nr
) AS y -- the users who guessed correctly that many times
USING (ct);
All this is pretty complex; I may have some typos, even logic errors. But maybe I came close.
It seems an additional table to store the actual results would help here.
E.g let's say this is in a table called results with sample values as follows:
event_id winner result
1 Crusaders 16
2 Waratahs 15
3 Chiefs 4
4 Crusaders 17
5 Reds 12
0 Rebels 14
7 Cheetahs 15
8 Crusaders 14
This can then be JOINed on each row and results compared as follows:
, CASE WHEN ABS(p.score - r.result)
- CASE WHEN p.pick = r.winner THEN 999999 ELSE 0 END
= (SELECT MIN(ABS(p2.score - r2.result)
- CASE WHEN p2.pick = r2.winner THEN 999999 ELSE 0 END)
FROM picks p2
JOIN results r2
ON p2.event_id = r2.event_id
WHERE p2.event_id = p.event_id)
END AS win
FROM picks p
JOIN results r
ON p.event_id = r.event_id;
The rightmost win column is 1 if the member is calculated to have won or drawn the event, otherwise it is 0. The method used is similar to the one in your post, with the main difference being the team and score are combined. The main thing to be explained here is the 999999, which is subtracted when a correct team is picked - so this can be sure to eclipse the score difference. (Of course, an even bigger value could be picked if needed).
SQL Fiddle Demo
I have two tables.
deviceID | PartA-present | PartB-present
123 | 0 | 1
254 | 1 | 0
152 | 1 | 1
Table 2:
deviceID | PartA-Data | PartB-Data
123 | 0 | 13
152 | 4 | 25
123 | 0 | 67
152 | 38 | 32
Now, the presence of partA, partB, etc are dynamic based on user settings. How can I form a query to export only those columns from table2 for which the parts are present (As indicated in table 1)?
In this case, for deviceID=123, I need to export only partB-Data from table 2
Based on the answers I got, I think I should clarify. I have some idea of JOIN, but I cannot figure out how to get the following result.
Desired Result (for deviceID123):
deviceID | PartB-Data |
123 | 13 |
123 | 67 |
Desired Result (for deviceID 152):
deviceID | PartA-Data | PartB-Data
152 | 4 | 25
152 | 38 | 32
What I was looking for was to get different number of columns in the output based on query, but thanks to #Alex, I realized it is not possible. In that sense, I can simply export table 2 for deviceID=xxx bcz the non relevant data is 0 anyways.
Your goal is not clear. But just as a start point try this fiddle!9/0bb4d/1
SELECT t1.*, t2.*
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.deviceid = t2.deviceid
WHERE t1.deviceID = 123
AND (t1.partA OR t2.partB)
EDIT 1 it is not about your table1 fields, it is about logic
check this fiddle:!9/a7984/5
and this query
SELECT t1.deviceid,
IF(t1.partA=1, t2.partA, IF(t1.partB=1,t2.partB,null))
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.deviceid = t2.deviceid
WHERE t1.deviceID = 123
AND (t1.partA OR t2.partB);
even if it brings expected result for deviceid=123, does it still work for deviceid=152?
EDIT 2 Hope I get your goal correctly. Check new fiddle:!9/a7984/7
SELECT t1.deviceID,
IF(t1.partA=1, t2.partA, null),
IF(t1.partB=1, t2.partB, null)
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.deviceid = t2.deviceid
WHERE t1.deviceID = 123
AND (t1.partA OR t2.partB);
Your query should look like this:
SELECT table2.*, table1.*
FROM table2
INNER JOIN table1 ON table1.deviceID = table2.deviceID
WHERE table2.deviceID = 123
AND (table1.PartA-present = 1 OR table1.PartB-present = 1)
This will join the two tables together and will only return rows when the a is present.
You should select all entries in table 2 where one of the parts is present and then just check using php
if ($row['PartA-present'] == 1) {
echo $row['PartA-Data'];
It might make more sense to simply make your table look like this though:
Table 2:
deviceID | PartA-Data | PartB-Data
123 | -1 | 13
123 | -1 | 25
A -1 indicates the part isn't present. That way your queries will be faster and simpler because you'll be eliminating the join which adds time and complexity to the query.
I'm making a search function in PHP and I have three tables that I wish to join to a single one; the three tables looks as follow:
ID | bands
1 | Muse
2 | Coldplay
3 | etc.
ID | releases
1 | Showbiz
2 | Origin of Symmentry
3 | etc.
ID | tracks
1 | Sunburn
2 | Muscle Museum
3 | etc.
I want these tables to be put into this:
ID | band_id | release_id | track_id
1 | 1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 1 | 2
3 | etc.
So that the table with the SQL code looks like this:
ID | bands | releases | tracks
1 | Muse | Showbiz | Sunburn
2 | Muse | Showbiz | Muscle Museum
3 | etc.
I want to INNER JOIN these tables. I joined one but I can't really figure out how the get the last joined as well.
FROM band
INNER JOIN discografic
ON = discografic.band_id
This should probably have its own question; I also want to be able to search this database, but only have the result show up once, and also reference to the band every time. For example, if I search "Showbiz" it will give me "Muse", and only show it once.
Note: This is for testing purposes only, security is none of my concerns.
Try with this query:
select,b.bands,r.releases,t.tracks from discografic as d INNER JOIN band as b on INNER JOIN release as r on INNER JOIN track as t on GROUP BY
Try This query
Select a.ID,b.bands,c.releases,d.tracks from discografic as a
inner join band as b on a.band_id = b.ID
inner join release as c on a.release_id = c.ID
inner join track as d on a.track_id = d.ID
where b.bands = 'Muse'
Use this query to insert the data like you wanted:
Insert into discograpy
SELECT band.ID,bands,releases,tracks
FROM band
INNER JOIN releases
ON =
inner join track
on =
Use this query to show you only one band:
Declare #releases varchar(50)
Set #releases = 'showbiz'
SElect distinct bands from discograpy where releases = #releases
Here any variable can be passed or set in place of showbiz. This is an example