I'm developing an app using Laravel 4 and I have a question I'd like to be asked before fully commit to it.
I've created some custom classes and facades that has been added with success to laravel's configuration file.
For example:
namespace Helpers;
class Ftp {
public function connect($data)
// Do something
I'm actually using the php's use statement to access to the facades as I do commonly in Laravel:
namespace Helpers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
class Ftp {
public function Connect($data)
$file = File::get('text.txt');
Now what's the correct way to use laravel's facades inside a custom class? I don't feel that this is a good choice, expecially thinking about the testability. Any suggestion is appreciated!
Just use File. In app/config/app.php the facades gets aliases.
<?php namespace Helpers;
class Ftp {
public function Connect($data)
$file = \File::get('text.txt');
I have an abstract question for you.
How can a subclass that extends an abstract class register itself to the abstract class or another class?
Guess we have a module master named ModuleMaster and maybe someone else writes another modules to handle a specific problem without modifying the master class and named it ModuleA. For that reason we want to implement a dynamic loading of problem solutions.
My idea:
File: Extensions.php:
namespace Project\Extensions;
class Extensions
public function getLoadedModules()
File: Modules\ModuleMaster.php:
namespace Project\Extensions\Modules;
abtract class ModuleMaster
public const LOADED_MODULES = array();
File: Modules\ModuleA.php:
namespace Project\Extensions\Modules;
class ModuleA extends ModuleMaster
I hope you understand what I mean and can help with that abstract problem.
This is very strange to use. It's probably a better design to have an external registry for your module. But I think you're asking for this:
File: Extensions.php:
namespace Project\Extensions;
use \Project\Extensions\Modules\ModuleMaster;
class Extensions
public function getLoadedModules()
File: Modules\ModuleMaster.php:
namespace Project\Extensions\Modules;
abstract class ModuleMaster
public static function getLoadedModules() {
$parent = self::class;
return array_values(array_filter(\get_declared_classes(), function ($class) use ($parent) {
return in_array($parent, class_parents($class));
File: Modules\ModuleA.php:
namespace Project\Extensions\Modules;
use \Project\Extensions\Modules\ModuleMaster;
class ModuleA extends ModuleMaster
Example use:
$e = new \Project\Extensions\Extensions;
Example result:
array(1) {
string(34) "Project\Extensions\Modules\ModuleA"
Please note that the code only works if all your class files are included into the context before running getLoadedModules(). PHP won't know your class exists if it is not already loaded into the context.
You seem to be trying to create a capability in the parent class which is not required or inappropriate in the child class. This is the opposite of inheritance and hence an anti-pattern. Further, even though it might be considered as an extension of reflection, you are trying to put runtime data in a class - that's not what classes are for.
You've also not explained in any way that I can understand why you want to do this.
I suspect you really want to implement a factory, strategy or a registry object.
I'm using Laravel 5.5 and trying to get used to code by psr-2 standard (just started learning). I analyze all my code with Quafoo QA and go step by step fixing the errors and record them.
By using facades i get this error "Avoid using static access to class". Because of it i'm trying to avoid using them.
On my controller i have this code:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Events\FileLoaded;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
use Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper;
use \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory as ViewFactory;
class LoadDataController extends Controller
public function index()
$viewfactory = app(ViewFactory::class);
return $viewfactory->make('LoadData/index');
//more code
Besides the View Facade i also use DB, Input, Validator and Storage
Is this the correct way, are there others?
You don't need to avoid Facades - they are a key part of the framework. But if you want to, you can use dependency injection to include the classes you need as arguments in the controller methods:
class LoadDataController extends Controller
public function index(ViewFactory $viewFactory)
return $viewfactory->make('LoadData/index');
//more code
Or if you need that in all the controller methods:
class LoadDataController extends Controller
private $viewFactory;
public function __construct(ViewFactory $viewFactory)
$this->viewFactory = $viewFactory;
public function index()
return $this->viewFactory->make('LoadData/index');
//more code
Of course, this doesn't actually change the functionality of the code you've written, it just rearranges it. I wouldn't take the word of the code analyzer you mentioned as something you are doing wrong. These are standard patterns to use in Laravel.
Thanks to all in advance.
I am trying to create Facades for my custom and common functions in laravel 5.0 also I don`t want to create controller for that so I am using Facades.
I have tried almost every tutorial but it do not help me.
Please help me to create facade without using Composer in Laravel 5.0.
Thanks again.
First of all you're creating a class of facade like this:
namespace App\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class SomeFacade extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'someService';
then You create a service class that hold your functionalities:
namespace App\Services;
class SomeService { ... }
Finally you have to register it and set an alias (not required) for it:
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProivider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('someService', function () {
return new \App\Services\SomeService();
$this->app->alias('SomeServiceFacade', \App\Facades\SomeFacade::class);
Now you can call your methods from SomeService with:
In several controllers i have to use the same method to show results as table with column sorting functionality:
public function showSearchResults(Request $req){
$query=Service::where('title', $req->search);
// Columns sorting
if ($req->has('order')){
$order= $req->order=='asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
$order_inverse=$req->order=='asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
} else {
return View::make('services.search_results')
->with('results', $results)
->with('sortby', $sortby)
->with('order', $order)
->with('order_inverse', $order_inverse);
What is the best approach to avoid DRY in such case?
Sharing methods among Controllers with Traits
Step 1: Create a Trait
<?php // Code in app/Traits/MyTrait.php
namespace App\Traits;
trait MyTrait
protected function showSearchResults(Request $request)
// Stuff
Step 2: use the Trait in your Controller:
<?php // Code in app/Http/Controllers/MyController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Traits\MyTrait; // <-- you'll need this line...
class MyController extends Controller
use MyTrait; // <-- ...and also this line.
public function getIndex(Request $request)
// Now you can call your function with $this context
Now you can use your Trait in any other controller in the same manner.
It is important to note that you don't need to include or require your Trait file anywhere, PSR-4 Autoloading takes care of file inclusion.
You can also use Custom Helper classes as others have mentioned but I would recommend against it if you only intend to share code among controllers. You can see how to create custom helper classes here.
You can use traits (as ventaquil suggested) or you can create custom helpers file and add helpers there.
After that, you'll be able to use this helper from any class (controllers, models, custom classes, commands etc) like any other Laravel helper.
Use traits? More available here: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.traits.php
You can create a helper file in your app directory. for eg. MethodHelper.php
In this file you can mention the method that you require using anywhere.
For instance,
<?php namespace App;
class MethodHelper
public static function reusableMethod()
You can use this method anywhere, by using the namespace and calling the method.
In the above eg.
The namespace would be:
The method call function would look like:
You can send parameters too based on your functional requirements.
In your eg. you could have
public function showSearchResults(Request $req){
instead of reusableMethod().
Your call would be:
I have followed some tutorials to create some global helper functions to use in blade views.
I have created ViewHelpers.php file in App\Helpers folder. This file contains the following code:
class ViewHelpers {
public static function bah()
echo 'blah';
Here is my service provider which loads my helpers (currently just one file):
<?php namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class HelperServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register()
foreach (glob(app_path().'/Helpers/*.php') as $filename){
echo $filename; // for debugging - yes, I see it is getting called
I have added it to config\app.php in 'providers' section:
And now I call my helper in a blade view:
For now it works fine.
But if I change my ViewHelper namespace to this:
<?php namespace App\Helpers;
class ViewHelpers {
// omitted for brevity
my views fail with Class 'ViewHelpers' not found.
How do I make my views to see the ViewHelpers class even if it is in a different namespace? Where do I add use App\Helpers?
Another related question - can I make an alias for ViewHelpers class to make it look like, let's say, VH:bah() in my views?
And I'd prefer to do it in simple way, if possible (without Facades and what not) because these are just static helpers without any need for class instance and IoC.
I'm using Laravel 5.
You will get Class 'ViewHelpers' not found because there is no ViewHelpers, there is App\Helpers\ViewHelpers and you need to specify namespace (even in view).
You can register alias in config/app.php which will allow you to use VH::something():
'aliases' => [
// in the end just add:
'VH' => 'App\Helpers\ViewHelpers'
If your namespace is correct you do not even have to use providers - class will be loaded by Laravel.