Shift all data to one table to another table - php

I have two tables A and B both table are same, if I will insert today some values on table A and I want to all inserted table A data automatic insert on table B after 2 days. for example today is 15 June 2013 and all table A data shifted automatic on 17 June 2013.
Please give me any script.
Thanks in advance.

You'll need to add a timestamp field to your rows in Table A, then you can do this:
insert into b (select * from A where datediff(curdate(), postdate)>=2)
where postdate is your timestamp.
To automate this you can use the mySQL event scheduler (see CREATE EVENT for the syntax) if it's enabled on your server, or use a cron job as suggested elsewhere

insert into tableb select * from tablea;
Full documentation here

Maybe you're looking for something like:

As already said the SQL code for this is "insert into b (select * from A)"
to call this automatically you can write a small PHP-Cronjob, add this to the crontab of your server and let it execute every x min/hour/days (what you need)


SQL select all files where a value in table A is the same as in table B (same database)

I'm building a sales system for a company, but I'm stuck with the following issue.
Every day I load .XML productfeed into a database called items. The rows in the productfeed are never in the same order, so sometimes the row with Referentie = 380083 is at the very top, and the other day that very same row is at the very bottum.
I also have to get all the instock value, but when I run the following query
SELECT `instock` FROM SomeTable WHERE `id` > 0
I get all values, but not in the same order as in the other table.
So I have to get the instock value of all rows where referentie in table A is the same as it is in table B.
I already have this query:
select * from `16-11-23 wed 09:37` where `referentie` LIKE '4210310AS'
and this query does the right job, but I have like 500 rows in the table.
So I need to find a way to automate the: LIKE '4210310AS' bit, so it selects all 500 values in one go.
Can somebody tell me how that can be done?
I'm not even sure I understand your problem...
Don't take this personally, but you seem to be concerned/confused by the ordering of the data in the tables which suggests to me your understanding of relational databases and SQL is lacking. I suggest you brush up on the basics.
Can't you just use the following query?
SELECT a.referentie
, b.instock
FROM tableA a
, tableB b
WHERE b.referentie = a.referentie

How to update on union

I have a query that does a union on 2 tables. I want to update a column of the result.
something like this:
select * from(
select a.*,'10' as srv from px_conversions_srv10 a
union all
select b.*,'12' as srv from px_conversions_srv12 b
) as ff where ff.adv_transaction_id in(1333764016);
update ff SET ff.`status`=8;
Just run two updates:
update px_conversions_srv10
set status = 8
where adv_transaction_id in (1333764016);
update px_conversions_srv12
set status = 8
where adv_transaction_id in (1333764016);
You can run these inside a single transaction if you want them to take effect at exactly the same time.
Note: having multiple tables with the same columns is usually a sign of a poor database design. There are reasons why this might be useful (say, the tables have different replication requirements or different security requirements). But, in general, a single table is a better idea.
Since it is coming from two different tables you need to find out from which table the result comes. You can do this by adding a column to the query and later decide from the column value which table to update. You do this already with the srv column!
The update statement must be on the original table, since the union is only produced by the query. It is not a physical table in the database.
By extension of this logic, to answer the question in the title, you CANNOT execute an UPDATE on the result set of a SELECT query.
Maybe create a view table and then update it:
select * from(
select a.*,'10' as srv from px_conversions_srv10 a
union all
select b.*,'12' as srv from px_conversions_srv12 b
) as ff where ff.adv_transaction_id in(1333764016);
update ff SET ff.`status`=8;

How to program a recurring billing/invoice system using PHP and MySQL

I have already programmed a basic invoicing system using PHP/MySQL which has a table structure as follows;
Invoice table; invoice_id, invoice_date, customer_id, etc
Invoice line table; invoice_line_id, invoice_id, quantity, price, description, etc
I need the system to automatically generate future invoices at set intervals (for example every 1 week or every 2 months, etc). I was thinking of creating a new table as follows;
Invoice schedule table; invoice_schedule_id, invoice_id, interval (e.g. 1), interval_unit (months), start date, next_processing_date
My idea was to then setup a cron job which would execute a PHP file once a day. The PHP file would then generate an invoice when the next_processing_date matched today's date and update the next_processing_date in the database. I'm comfortable on how to achieve this but what I'm stuck with is how to actually insert the new invoice into the table/database. Does MySQL have any type of 'copy row' feature as the new invoice would be identical to the original one except for the invoice_date having to be updated.
Cron sounds good. (Also it is worth to mention the MySQL Event Scheduler, but again I would go for a Cronjob)
A copy would be something like this SQLFIDDLE:
create table t ( id int, d date );
insert into t values( 0, CURDATE() );
insert into t values( 2, CURDATE() );
insert into t values( 1, CURDATE() );
insert into t ( select id+1,curdate() from t order by id desc limit 1 );
Above example is to copy the latest order as a copy, of course you could put a where clause where id=1 or what id your reference order is.
BigScar's reference of "How to copy a row and insert in same table with a autoincrement field in MySQL?" seems to solve your copy-insert problem.
However, since you are mostly doing a specific group of DB queries, instead of cronjobs, you may use MySQL events. If your MySQL version supports them (check in phpmyadmin: select a DB and look to the top menu bar, you can create them there without even have to know the syntax), it's a good practical alternative.

Mysql insert only if limit has not been reached

I hope I have got the title right as I don't really know how to word this!!
Here's the background...
I have a app inserting data to a db. The db holds a date field and data field (there are others but for simplicity these two are the only ones needed). There can only be 8 entries on the same date, no more. In normal operation this is not really an issue but twice a month the database gets hit hard towards the end of the day.
The way I currently do it, is to query how many records there are for a date. If that's less than 9 I insert the data.
It has never happened yet but my concern is that request A comes in and checks the DB and finds there are 7 records. OK to insert. But before A can insert, request B comes in and finds only 7 records. OK to insert. But that would then enter 9 records on one date. This can't happen.
I think there are two solutions to this but would like to know A, if I'm right at all! or B is there a better solution.
I think...
A) I could do it in a transaction. However, would I still no encounter the same problem? As far as I am aware as long as no queries in a transaction fail then it runs anyway.
B) Use a stored procedure to check first then insert. I have had very little experience with stored procedures so I must admit I have no idea what I'm talking about here!
Alternatively, is there a way to get a single query to check first if there is less than 9 entries??
Many Thanks in advance,
You are afraid of that someone would insert a new record before other one insert it even in the million second?
I have this question too, so I just searched something for you, you can do this with two ways:
For example if you have a table which named date_table and it looks like:
A) Count the rows, then insert it when it's under 8 rows. (Using PHP and MySQL)
First, get how many rows are there by this:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num FROM date_table WHERE date_field = '1998-07-13'
so you'll get a Num field which told you how many rows were 1998-07-13,
then using PHP to prevent user insert the same date when it's equal 8 by:
<?php if($DB['Num'] >= 8) exit('Sorry, no more same value'); ?>
otherwise insert the row.
Or you don't trust PHP, or you think someone would insert the row more earlier than 1 million second
B) Insert it when it's only under 8 rows were same with only one query:
INSERT INTO date_table (date_field)
SELECT '1998-07-13'
FROM dual
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM date_table WHERE date_field = '1998-07-13') < 9;
BEWARE: dual is a mysql system table, so you don't need to create it
If you don't understand how the above query works:
from dual
where (select count(*)
where THE_FIELD_YOU_WANT_TO_CHECK = '1998-07-13'
EDIT: add more fields change the following lines:
INSERT INTO date_table (field1, field2, field3)
SELECT value1, value2, value3

Select Mulitple Records based on One record's column value

I have a table which contains related records (multiple revisions of the same record). Each record has a string field that resembles a date (date, time, and microtime). I want to select all records that are older than a specific date. If a record has a related record newer than the specific date, I do not want to select any of those related records. Any ideas for that select statement? Eventually, it will be a REMOVE statement.
Edit: Some Sample Rows
id shared_id date type other_data...
1 2 2010-01-01 01:02:03.1234567 original ...
2 3 2010-01-15 11:12:03.1234733 original ...
3 2 2010-02-01 03:04:04.5465654 amendment ...
If my cut-off date was "2010-01-31", I would want to select id #2 only because id #1 has an amendment newer than the cut-off date.
I found this link helping me generate the select statement.
FROM table T WHERE = (
SELECT MAX( date ) FROM table WHERE shared_id = T.shared_id )
AND < 'my_cut_off_date_string'
This seems to work for me. Thanks for everyone's help.
Maybe you can try the DATEDIFF() function, check this out:
Link 1
Or this one: Link 2
Or maybe you can try the classic query (SELECT FROM table WHERE data <= anotherdata), but in this case you need to convert both data in timestamp format
DELETE from tablename where relatedField = 'relatedValue' AND dateField <= dateToDeleteFrom
Something along those lines should do what you need it to do, if I understand your scenario. If you provide a sample data set I can adjust the statement to more accurately represent your need, but I think this is a good starting point.
