Recently we launched a in store activation that has you take a photo with a Galaxy Tab 2 and then feeds it to our central server. This is Done with Phonegap. On the server we use PHP and GD2 to generate the images. Everything works on the server and the images are created perfectly, the problem comes when we want to print these photos out with a printer. Currently we are using a HITI Photo Printer, but the same issue occurs on our normal in house printer, on the in house printer it does print the photo but its comes out so small no bigger than 4mm X 2mm on the page.
Below is the code I am using for generating the JPEG on the sever with PHP:
//define image name
$image_name = $this->genUID() .'.jpg';
//get image attributes
list($curWidth, $curHeight, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($files['my_picture']['tmp_name']);
//create image in today's directory
$nI = imagecreatefromjpeg($files['my_picture']['tmp_name']);
$nP = imagecreatetruecolor($this->minimum_image_width, $this->minimum_image_height);
$widthResizeRatio = ($this->minimum_image_width / $curWidth);
$newWidth = $this->minimum_image_width;
$newHeight = round(($curHeight * $widthResizeRatio),0);
$offsetX = 0;
$offsetY = 180;
imagecopyresampled($nP, $nI, 0, 0, $offsetX, $offsetY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $curWidth, $curHeight);
imageinterlace($nP, true);
imagejpeg($nP, $this->image_directory .'/'. $this->curDate .'/'. $image_name, 100);
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
You said all the images on the server are created perfectly...I would test this claim more carefully. If it is indeed true, the issue lies with how you send the images to your printer or how the printer handles the images once it receives them. In either situation I don't think you are going to get much help here.....I could be wrong. GL.
What basically I am trying to do is to create a cover page for my personal website, just like facebook. Basically I am after the same layout of the cover as on facebook, so that user can get the same result while using the same cover on my site as well as on facebook.
The part I am stucked at is the "Drag image to position cover" thing.
The Facebook uses some algorithm to convert the cover image size to something different during dragging thing. For example, if the original image dimensions are 920x720, the dimensions of same image while it is on facebook setting-cover page(drag image to position cover thing), the dimensions of the image are 851x638.
I just wanted to know what algorithm facebook uses to set the image dimensions(from 720 to 638)
NOTE: The cover has to be the pixel perfect
I know that the cover dimension of facebook is 851x315, so here is what I am doing:
//$x = X origin cordinate variable obtained by dragging image
//$y = Y origin cordinate variable obtained by dragging image
list($k, $l) = getimagesize($src); // $src == image source
//$w = Needs to be calculated
//$h = Needs to be calculated
$img_r = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
$dst_r = ImageCreateTrueColor( 854,316 );
$img_name = writeToImage($src, $des); //writeToImage() is just a demo function created by me to do some other things with them which do not affect this part of code
echo $img_name;
I need to figure out how facebook calculates the new dimension of the image from previous one. Is it dependent of the actual(original) size of the image or is it dependent on some other factors?
The formulas for scaling images are quite simple.
$aspect_ratio = $original_width / $original_height;
$new_width = $new_height * $aspect_ratio;
$new_height = $new_width / $aspect_ratio;
I'v searched all day for a function to resize my pictures on the server on the fly, without saving them.The code works, it shows the full size images, now I want to make them smaller.
This is the function:
function resize_image($file, $width, $height) {
if (file_exists($file)){
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
list($orig_width, $orig_height) = getimagesize($file);
$ratio = $orig_width / $orig_height;
if ($ratio < 1) {
$width = $height * $ratio;
} else {
$height = $width / $ratio;
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagecopyresized($new_image, $image,
0, 0, 0, 0,
$width, $height,
$orig_width, $orig_height);
// header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
imagejpeg($new_image, NULL, 80);
From what I searched today I need to put the header (Content-type: image/jpeg') for the browser to recognize the output as an image but if I do that it stops the script.
This is the page using it:
<? include('resize.php');
$query=$db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `test_db` WHERE `test_db`.`Chapter` LIKE :? ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 0, 6");
$query->bindValue(1, $chapter, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$rows= $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($rows as $row){
echo "<li><h2>".$row['Name']."</h2></li>" ;
resize_image("_images/".$row['img_number'].".jpg", 300, 190);
You cannot output html and images to the browser in the same script.
You should either:
use a separate script to output the image and call that from the html like (simple example):
<img src="your_script.php?id=XX&size_x=XX&size_y=XX">
save the images to a file and link to that file from your html.
You could also encode the images as base64 strings and use that in your image tags but that would lead to a very large html file unless you are talking about simple buttons.
Don't put your closing tag in PHP. It will output whitespace after the closing tag which will alter the result.
Since when are headers stopping the script?
And yes, the reason why resized files are saved, is (1) you'll probably need them again, (2) the content type makes them an image in stead of text. If you want to resize those 'inline' you'll need two content types, and I guess that won't work that well...
What you could do, is resize and save the file, serve it and delete it. Like a temporary image file. A more direct way doesn't exist, according to me. But if I'm wrong, please point that out in the comments for me. I like to learn new stuff ;)
Edit: okay, EXCEPT when the script only handles the image resizing. Just thinking about that one right now. Sorry :)
I have a simple PHP script that enables users to upload images on a server. I am after some help in displaying these images as thumbnails in an HTMl page and then letting the user click on these thumbnails and then the original picture is displayed in a new page.
Can I use straight HTML for this? Or do I need some combination of javascript or PHP variant?
I know that there are many questions about this on stackoverflow, and I have tried them, but nothing is what I am after.
I would prefferably like the thumbnails be created on the 'fly' rather than me personally having to create each thumbnal when a user uploads an image.
So basically what language should I use to do this? And also can I have some source code if possible?
Creating thumbnails every time they are requested is a very bad idea - it takes a lot of processing power, which would be easily saved by keeping them around the first time you create them. I would suggest putting the thumbnail creation in the php script that processes the file upload, so that you save the image and its thumbnail to disk at the same time. You can also keep the thumbnail in memory, or wait until the first time it's requested to create it, but either way you cannot re-generate it every time it is requested.
It is possible to use html to change an image's size, by simply setting the width and/or height properties:
<img src='foo.jpg' alt='foo' width='500' height='300'/>
However, this is a bad idea if you aren't certain that the user will later want to view the full-sized image. The reason is that a thumbnail has a smaller filesize than the full image: if the client only wants to view the thumbnail, then you don't want to waste bandwidth (= your money and the client's time) sending them the full image.
As for your interface, you don't need javascript to accomplish that, just html. However, you will need a server-side script to create the thumbnails that your html page links to.
There are plenty of php thumbnail scripts out there.
Either you use a rewriter to still show the original path, but server a php thumbnail version. Or you have to have the url change to something like:
<img src="thumb.php?file=path/to/picture.jpg&size=128" />
Mighty Stuff
Are just such two. Best configured to utilize the cached folder. I use a modified version of the first script at work.
Here's a PHP script you can build appon only works with jpg images.
It will scan through a directory, normalize the image to a decent dimension and also make a thumb on the fly, then on next refresh it wont need to reprocess the image as its already present in the thumbs dir. Hope it helps...
Script placement
// config section
$path = "./images/";
$thpath = $path."thumbs/";
// end configration
// Open the directory
$do = dir($path);
// now check if the thumb dir is available if not, create it!!
if (!is_dir($thpath)){
$output = '<div>';
while (($file = $do->read()) !== false){
if (is_dir($path.$file)){
$info = pathinfo($path.$file);
$fileext = $info['extension'];
if (strtolower($fileext) == 'jpg'){
if (!is_file($thpath.$file)){
//Normalize Super lrg Image to 750x550
thumb_it($path, $file, $path,750,550,99);
//Make Thumb 200x125
thumb_it($path, $file, $thpath,200,125,99);
$output .='<p><img src="'.$thpath.$file.'" title="" alt="" /></p>';
$output .='<p><img src="'.$thpath.$file.'" title="" alt="" /></p>';
$output .='</div>';
echo $output;
function thumb_it($dirn, $file, $thumbdir,$rwidth,$rheight,$quality){
$filename = $dirn.$file;
$thfilename = $thumbdir.preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]/s', '_', $file);
// get the filename and the thumbernail directory
if (is_file($filename)){
// create the thumbernail from the original picture
$im = #ImageCreateFromJPEG($filename);
if($im==false){return false;}
$width = ImageSx($im); // Original picture width is stored
$height = ImageSy($im); // Original picture height is stored
if (($width < $rwidth) && ($height < $rheight)){
$n_height = $height;
$n_width = $width;
// saveing the aspect ratio
$aspect_x = $width / $rwidth;
$aspect_y = $height / $rheight;
if ($aspect_x > $aspect_y){
$n_width = $rwidth;
$n_height = $height / $aspect_x;
$n_height = $rheight;
$n_width = $width / $aspect_y;
$newimage = imagecreatetruecolor($n_width, $n_height);
// resizing the picture
imageCopyResized($newimage, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $n_width, $n_height, $width, $height);
// writing to file the thumbnail
if(file_exists($thfilename)){chmod($thfilename, 0777);}
Imagejpeg($newimage, $thfilename, $quality);
I need to show multiple posts on my website. These posts are combined of internal and external posts. The external posts are periodically imported and saved in my DB using a cronjob.
Before showing the posts I extract the text from all HTML. In addition I try to locate the first image contained in the post, continuing until I find an image which height & width meets my requirements. (I only show a small version of the text, and one picture from the post as a teaser)
For the purpose of finding the most suitable picture, I use getimagesize, but unfortunately this often creates PHP Execution time of several seconds!
How can I speed up my function below? I'm desperate for tips and good tweaking methods!!
Thanks in advance
//extract text without tags from blog post
$content = str_get_html("".$post_text."")->plaintext;
$max_width = 475;
$picture_id = 0;
//fetch images from blog post
foreach($html->find('img') as $e) {
//get picture attributes
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize((is_absolute_url($e->src) ? $e->src : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$e->src));
//adjust image width & height, so it's the size of the page
$new_width = $max_width;
$new_height = $new_width / $width * $height;
//find percentage of current width versus max width
$percentage = ($width / $max_width) * 100;
//select picture for display and resizing if the picture is large enough (we don't want to stretch it too much)
if($percentage >= 60) {
$e->width = $new_width;
$e->height = $new_height;
$picture = array('src' => $e->src, 'width' => $e->width, 'height' => $e->height);
//stop after first picture is found :: we only need one per post
if (++$picture_id == 1) break;
Reason: It is a very well known issue that getimagesize works slow on remote files.
Solution: It is advised to store the files on your local server (temporarily) and then do getimagesize on it.
When you pass a url as a parameter to getimagesize, it gets the image through HTTP, what is a slow process.
You should get its size only the first time and save it in a database for the future.
I am working on improving one of my Facebook apps by allowing the user to upload an image and apply a styled border, or frame to it (i.e. clouds, stars, sky etc). The user chould also be able to save the image, with the border after it has been applied. This explains a little better what I need:
If you have any other questions or need more details, please let me know.. I'll edit this post.
Use imagecopy(). The example on that page is done using the transparency option with imagecopymerge() but I don't think you need that.
Using imagecopy() you'll specify the X/Y coordinates to use for positioning:
imagecopy( $borderimage, $topimage, 20, 20, 0, 0, $width, $height);
Where $width and $height will be the entire width and height of the top image. You'll want to replace 20 and 20 with the measurement for how much of the border image will be showing around the borders. You will probably have to resize the top image to the exact dimensions you want, or else it might overlap the border a little too far to the right or bottom. (see imagecopyresampled())
Here's a rough way to do the whole process (assuming chosenborder.png is the border they chose, and uploadedimage.png is the image they uploaded. If it's a different image type you'll use the corresponding function).
$borderx = 20; // The width of our border
$border = imagecreatefrompng("chosenborder.png");
$topimage = imagecreatefrompng("uploadedimage.png");
$bordersize = getimagesize($border);
$topimagesize = getimagesize($topimage);
/* The new dimensions of topimage. $borderx*2 means we account for
the border on both left and right, top and bottom. */
$newx = $bordersize[0] - ($borderx*2);
$newy = $bordersize[1] - ($borderx*2);
imagecopyresampled( $topimage_scaled, $topimage, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$newx, $newy, $topimagesize[0], $topimagesize[1]);
/* Merge the images */
imagecopy( $border, $topimage_scaled, $borderx, $borderx,
0, 0, $width, $height);
/* Output the image */
imagepng($border, "newimage.png");
/* Free up the memory occupied by the image resources */
After the user uploads their image, find chosenborder.png and uploadedimage.png, run the above script, then display newimage.png to the user and you're good to go. Just make sure you call imagedestroy() on the temporary image resources or they'll eat up memory.
If you don't want to keep the generated image on your server, you can omit the second argument to imagepng() which will make it send the image information directly as an image to the browser, in which case you'll want to write the correct image HTTP headers.
Client-side solution by using css3:
checkout the css3 property border-image
(dosen't meet the requirement of saving the img with the border)
Server-side solution by merging 2 different images:
$imgFile = 'img.jpg';
$brdFile = 'brd.jpg';
$img = addBorder($imgFile,$brdFile);
function addBorder($imgFile,$brdFile)
$imgSize = getimagesize($imgFile);
$brdSize = getimagesize($brdFile);
//NOTE: the border img MUST be bigger then the src img
$dst_x = ceil(($brdSize[0] - $imgSize[0])/2);
$dst_y = ceil(($brdSize[1] - $imgSize[1])/2);
imagecopymerge ( $brd, $img, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $imgSize[0], $imgSize[1] ,100 );
return $brd;
function outputImage($img)
header('Content-type: image/png');