PHP - Access JSON data value in array - php

I'm sorry if this is newbie question but I don't understand how to access the [ids] value in the JSON array via PHP.
Why is this not working?
$jsonResponse = json_decode($response,true);
print $jsonResponse[2]["ids"];
This is the JSON array:
[0] => analytics#gaData
[1] =>,ga:eventAction,ga:eventLabel&metrics=ga:visits,ga:pageviews&start-date=2013-01-01&end-date=2020-01-01
[2] => Array
[start-date] => 2013-01-01
[end-date] => 2020-01-01
[ids] => ga:123455
[dimensions] => ga:eventCategory,ga:eventAction,ga:eventLabel
[metrics] => Array
[0] => ga:visits
[1] => ga:pageviews
[start-index] => 1
[max-results] => 1000
[3] => 1000
[4] => 9

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your code. Your code should be printing, what seems to me, the object ga:123455 if the code is executed. When printing this, this object will be converted to a string. PHP will do (string) ga:123455 (invoke the __toString() method on ga:123455) to convert an object to a string. If this method is absent, there must be a warning that ga:123455 cannot be converted to a string. __toString() might also return an empty string.
I would suggest debugging it by doing print var_dump( $jsonResponse[2]["ids"] ); and print var_dump( (string) $jsonResponse[2]["ids"] );.


Output the imtId value

Please tell me how to output the imtId value, the array is not complete, I will not output further, but the meaning should be clear.Thank you in advance
[id] => mavrin-wildberries-1635334576193516728
[jsonrpc] => 2.0
[result] => stdClass Object
[cards] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => d3c33a3f-f5b3-5647-8e7a-ad50d27d4417
[imtId] => 30306963
[userId] => 0
[supplierId] => e9b901b9-b663-5648-97b8-6313d0e245ba
[imtSupplierId] => 0
I tried:
echo ['result']['cards'][0]['nmId']
A few things:
You need to echo an actual variable, not just a series of indexes.
The item inside "result" is an object, not an array
So is the item within the "0" index.
There is no such index as "nmld" - you said you wanted "imtId" instead, so I don't know why you didn't use that?
Therefore, if this data is contained in a variable called $arr then something like
echo $arr["result"]->cards[0]->imtId;

Get variable from JSON output with special character in object name

I cannot find how to get the results from this JSON post in PHP.
stdClass Object
[api_job_id] => 398438bf-c0a5-46fc-8774-70d2425e1ce7
[data] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[type] => MESSAGE
[message_id] => 15125005817130024103
[to] => xxx
[error_code] => 0
[#meta] => stdClass Object
[error] => stdClass Object
[error_desc] => NO_USER
[error_code] => 9
as you can see the meta has a # icon before it.
I can read all data to vars instead of the data in the #meta
I tried many ways like:
$result = $arrayResponse['#meta']['error']['error_desc'];
it's not working in PHP because of the # icon.
Any idea how I can get the values from these errors in #meta?
To refer to an object attribute with a name that doesn't make a valid variable, you can use braces:
$foo = json_decode($string);
Or pass a truthy value to json_decode() as the second argument, and you'll get back an array instead of an object:
$foo = json_decode($string, true);

get value from JSON string

I have a object as shown below and i want to extract data from
stdClass Object
[day1] => stdClass Object
[0] => 12.06.2015
[part1] => Array
[0] => 19.00
[1] => 22.00
[part2] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
How will i get date as shown above with key 0. I can get others as
How can i get date "12.06.2015" ? This seems to be complicated.
JSON string for reference
used json_decode to decode it.
You can use this:
echo $string->day1->{0};
Or my preference, decode as an array with the second argument set to true in json_decode() to use this:
echo $string['day1'][0];

Count results from ElasticSearch with PHP regex

I would like to save my count result when ElasticSearch return this line:
I wish to save the total result into a variable, but I don't found the good regex rule to save "2242".
Why do you think you need a regex? Just use json_decode and access it like this; closed your JSON for this example:
$raw_json = '{"took":13,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":2242,"max_score":1.0,"hits":[{"_index":"999999"}]}}';
$decoded_json = json_decode($raw_json);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
The output would be this:
stdClass Object
[took] => 13
[timed_out] =>
[_shards] => stdClass Object
[total] => 5
[successful] => 5
[failed] => 0
[hits] => stdClass Object
[total] => 2242
[max_score] => 1
[hits] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[_index] => 999999
Then knowing that you just access the total under hits like this:
$hits_total = $decoded_json->hits->total;
echo $hits_total;
Or if objects are not easy for you to parse, just set json_decode to return an array by setting the second parameter to true.
$decoded_json = json_decode($raw_json, true);
And then access it like this:
$hits_total = $decoded_json['hits']['total'];
echo $hits_total;
You could use the count API facility in ElasticSearch to reduce data size for parsing.
But anyway you should use json_decode to parse returned results.

Kaltura KalturaMetadataListResponse print_r result

I get the following returned result from a print_r of a variable returned from a $metadataPlugin->metadata->listAction($filter, $pager) function. I am trying to echo out the [xml] piece but can't figure out how to do it.
KalturaMetadataListResponse Object ( [objects] => Array ( [0] => KalturaMetadata Object ( [id] => 1 [partnerId] => 8 [metadataProfileId] => 2 [metadataProfileVersion] => 1 [metadataObjectType] => 1 [objectId] => 0 [version] => 1 [createdAt] => 1353093894 [updatedAt] => 1353093894 [status] => 1 [xml] => 1353049200 ) ) [totalCount] => 1 )
I have tried
echo $result['objects'][0]->xml;
echo $result[0]->xml;
with no success.
It looks like it should be
Just remember when looking at print_r or var_dump results that any time you see Object (...) that you will need to use -> to access the property listed for that object.
So in this case, you have a base Object set as $result, which you then need to get the objects property from. That property contains an array. At index 0 of the array, is another Object, which is the Object where your xml property resides.
