Create php variable from part of referring URL - php

I am trying to work out a script to log IPs from poll votes on a message board, that will only be fired off if a vote is cast in one of our polls. Edit: I'm doing this via a web beacon, because I don't have access to the poll's programming. /edit
When the script fires off, it needs to know which poll is being voted in, since there are often multiple polls that are open at the same time, and log the IP of voters in a flat file that is dedicated to that poll.
First, I grab the referring URL, which is formatted like this:,action=vote
If 'vote' is found in the referring URL, the next thing I want to do is grab that t# and turn it into a variable, so I can log info in a file named t12345.txt or 12345.txt, either-or doesn't really matter, as long as it matches the topic number of the poll.
The numbers after the /t are the only thing that should change in this URL. There are currently 5 digits here, and I don't expect this to change any time soon.
My question is: How do I grab this t# from the URL and create a variable from it?
Thank you in advance!

Check out preg_match
preg_match('|/t[0-9]{5}|', $url, $matches);
if (count($matches)) {
$t_number = $matches[0]; // "/t12345"
$number = substr($t_number, 2, strlen($t_number)); // 12345
1) The referring url will never have the pattern t#####. (
2) You will always have five digits. (if this changes, you can do {5,6} to match 5-6 instances

Curtis already answered, but here's a non-regex alternative:
Use parse_url on the URL to get the "path".
Use explode with a comma delimiter to get your t# as array element 0 in the result.
(optional) Use explode on element 1 of the result from 2 with a delimiter of = to get "action" in element 0 and "vote" in element 1 of this new result.
$url = ",action=vote";
$url_pieces = parse_url($url);
$path = str_replace("/","",$url_pieces["path"]);
$args = explode(',',$path);
t_number_thingy = $args[0];
Edit: added str_replace as parse_url will include slash on the path.

Non regex solution (don't know about performance) and there is probably a better way but it works.
$var = ",action=vote;";
$remove = "";
$intCount = 5;
echo substr($var, strpos($var, $remove) + strlen($remove), $intCount);

You dont need to use regex on this you can also use str_replace(); and basename();
$ref = ",action=vote";
$ref = basename(str_replace(',action=vote','',$ref));
echo $ref; //t12345
Or a one liner:
$ref = (substr($ref,-4)==="vote") ? basename(str_replace(',action=vote','',$ref)) : "Unknown";


Getting another value with regular expression with preg_split

I am stuck for several hours with the following problem. I got my own cms where i use a shortcode [plugin-pluginname] to activate a plugin. Now i want to assign a group within that shortcode which is later used in the include once file as variable for a query to select that certain id.
On the moment, I got the following code:
$regex = '~\[plugin-([^]]+)]~';
$content_one = htmlspecialchars_decode($page['content_one']);
$parts = preg_split($regex, $content_one, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach($parts as $k => $v){
if($k & 1)
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($v);
This checks where there is [plugin-testplugin](testplugin as an example) and includes that certain file. Now i want to write something like this [plugin-testplugin 2]where not only the above code still works of course, but also that the number is stored in a variable where is can use the query SELECT * FROM 'database' WHERE 'group' = "'.$var_from_shortcode.'"
Any help and answers to approach and solve this problem are welcome!
Could you use this regex then save group 1 value in a variable?
\[plugin-[A-Za-z ]*(\d+)?\]
Or use this regex to find [plugin-testplugin 2] then use \d* to find the number in it?

Get last word from URL after equals sign

I can't find a solution for this problem. I have this URL and I want to get the very last word after the = sign, using PHP only. "skill-type" stays the same all the time Thanks in advance :)
This snippet should do:
$url = '';
$skillType = explode('&', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY))['skill-type'];
Check parse_url for more details.
If you meant that the request comes in to that particular url, just use $_REQUEST['skill-type'] to retrieve the value.
Considering you already have the URL in a variable, let's say
$url = ';
One possible way (certainly there are others) would be:
$urlArray = explode('=',$url);
$last = $urlArray[sizeof($urlArray)-1];
only applicable if you don't know how the URL comes, if you do, consider on using $_GET
Use the PHP $_GET Global Variable
$skill_type = $_GET['skill-type'];
PHP will automatically parse GET variables for you. To access the value of the skill-type variable, you need only use $_GET['skill-type']. For instance:
echo $_GET['skill-type'];
Will display
Generate your url by $_SERVER variable and then split it like this
$url = "";
$array = explode("=", $url);
$last_word = $array[1];
Use substr (url, posstr (url,'=')+1) or if this is the page being loaded $_GET ['skill-type']

How To Get The Unique Name Count With PHP?

Let's say I have text file Data.txt with:
and it keeps going.
It has many different names in column 2.
Please tell me, how do I get the count of unique names, and how many times each name appears in the file using PHP?
I have tried:
$counts = array_count_values($item[1]);
echo $counts;
after exploding ||, but it does not work.
The result should be like:
and so on.
Thanks for any help...
Read in each line, explode using the delimiter (in this case ||), and add it to an array if it does not already exist. If it does, increment the count.
I won't write the code for you, but here a few pointers:
fread reads in a line
explode will split the line based on a delimiter
use in_array to check if the name has been found before, and to determine whether you need to add the name to the array or just increment the count.
Following Jon's advice, you can make it even easier for you.
Read in line-by-line, explode by delimiter and dump all the names into an array (don't worry about checking if it already exists). After you're done, use array_count_values to get every unique name and its frequency.
Here's my take on this:
Use file to read the data file, producing an array where each element corresponds to a line in the input.
Use array_filter with trim as the filter function to remove blank lines from this array. This takes advantage that trim returns a string having removed whitespace from both ends of its argument, leaving the empty string if the argument was all whitespace to begin with. The empty string converts to boolean false -- thus making array_filter disregard lines that are all whitespace.
Use array_map with a callback that involves calling explode to split each array element (line of text) into three parts and returning the second of these. This will produce an array where each element is just a name.
Use array_map again with strtoupper as the callback to convert all names to uppercase so that "jim" and "JIM" will count as the same in the next step.
Finally, use array_count_values to get the count of occurrences for each name.
Code, taking things slowly:
function extract_name($line) {
// The -1 parameter (available as of PHP 5.1.0) makes explode return all elements
// but the last one. We want to do this so that the element we are interested in
// (the second) is actually the last in the returned array, enabling us to pull it
// out with end(). This might seem strange here, but see below.
$parts = explode('||', $line, -1);
return end($parts);
$lines = file('data.txt'); // #1
$lines = array_filter($lines, 'trim'); // #2
$names = array_map('extract_name', $lines); // #3
$names = array_map('strtoupper', $names); // #4
$counts = array_count_values($names); // #5
print_r($counts); // to see the results
There is a reason I chose to do this in steps where each steps involves a function call on the result of the previous step -- that it's actually possible to do it in just one line:
$counts = array_count_values(
array_map(function($line){return strtoupper(end(explode('||', $line, -1)));},
array_filter(file('data.txt'), 'trim')));
See it in action.
I should mention that this might not be the "best" way to solve the problem in the sense that if your input file is huge (in the ballpark of a few million lines) this approach will consume a lot of memory because it's reading all the input in memory at once. However, it's certainly convenient and unless you know that the input is going to be that large there's no point in making life harder.
Note: Senior-level PHP developers might have noticed that I 'm violating strict standards here by feeding the result of explode to a function that accepts its argument by reference. That's valid criticism, but in my defense I am trying to keep the code as short as possible. In production it would be indeed better to use $a = explode(...); return $a[1]; although there will be no difference as regards the result.
While I do feel that this website's purpose is to answer questions and not do homework assignments, I don't acknowledge the assumption that you are doing your homework, since that fact has not been provided. I personally learned how to program by example. We all learn our own ways, so here is what I would do if I were to attempt to answer your question as accurately as possible, based on the information you have provided.
$unique_name_count = 0;
$names = array();
$filename = 'Data.txt';
$pointer = fopen($filename,'r');
$contents = fread($pointer,filesize($filename));
$lines = explode("\n",$contents);
foreach($lines as $line)
$split_str = explode('|',$line);
$name = strtolower($split_str[2]);
$names[] = $name;
echo $unique_name_count.' unique name'.(count($unique_name_count) == 1 ? '' : 's').' found in '.$filename."\n";

How to access array index when using explode() in the same line?

Can't wrap my head around this...
Say, we explode the whole thing like so:
$extract = explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse);
Then we want to get a value at index 1:
$finish = $extract[1];
My question is how to get it in one go, to speak so. Something similar to this:
$finish = explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse)[1]; // does not work
Something like the following would work like a charm:
$finish = end(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse));
// or
$finish = array_shift(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse));
But what if the value is sitting somewhere in the middle?
Function Array Dereferencing has been implemented in PHP 5.4. For older version that's a limitation in the PHP parser that was fixed in here, so no way around it for now I'm afraid.
Something like that :
end(array_slice(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse), 1, 1));
Though I don't think it's better/clearer/prettier than writing it on two lines.
you can use list:
list($first_element) = explode(',', $source);
[1] would actually be the second element in the array, not sure if you really meant that. if so, just add another variable to the list construct (and omit the first if preferred)
list($first_element, $second_elment) = explode(',', $source);
// or
list(, $second_element) = explode(',', $source);
My suggest - yes, I've figured out something -, would be to use an extra agrument allowed for the function. If it is set and positive, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string. So, if we want to get, say, a value at index 2 (of course, we're sure that the value we like would be there beforehand), we just do it as follows:
$finish = end(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse, 3));
explode will return an array that contains a maximum of three elements, so we 'end' to the last element which the one we looked for, indexed 2 - and we're done!

How can I replace a variable in a get query in PHP?

I have an URL
which I want to tranform by replacing the page=4 through page=XYZ
how can I do that with preg_replace?
Yes, you can use
$oldurl = ""
$newurl = preg_replace("/page=\d+/", "page=XYZ", $oldurl);
Or you can reconstruct the URL from $_GET superglobal.
Do you want to set the value of xyz to the page value? I think you might need to specify a bit more. But this is easy to modify if you dont know regex.
$url = '';
$urlQuery = parseUrl($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($urlQuery, $queryData);
$queryData['page'] = $queryData['xyz'];
$query = http_build_query($queryData);
$outUrl = substr_replace($url, $query, strpos($url, '?'));
$url = '';
preg_match('/xyz=([^&]+)/', $url, $newpage);
$new = preg_replace('/page=([^&]+)/', $newpage[0], $url);
$new = preg_replace('/xyz=([^&]+)&/', '', $new);
This will turn
Forgive me if this isn't what you were looking to do, but your question isn't quite clear.
I'm sure you could do something with a regular expression. However, if the URL you've given is the one you're currently handling, you already have all the request variables in $_Request.
So, rebuild the URL, replacing the values you want to replace, and then redirect to the new URL.
Otherwise, go find a regexp tutorial.
If this is your own page (and you are currently on that page) those variables will appear in a global variable named $_GET, and you could use something like array_slice, unset or array_filter to remove the unwanted variables and regenerate the URL.
If you just have that URL as a string, then what exactly are the criteria for removing the information? Technically there's no difference between
so just removing all but the first parameter might not be what you want.
If you want to remove everything except the xyz param. Take a look at parse_url and parse_str
What exactly are you trying to do? The question is a little unclear.
$XYZ = $_GET['xyz'];
$PAGE = $_GET['page'];
Are wanting to replace each value with another, or replace both with one?
