I am trying to parse a query string into Eloquent that involves 'OR' statements.
This is part of a much larger function that has other filters etc being applied, but I want to make an or_where group.
My confusion comes with the closure.. and how to make sure the right values are passed through. If I do as code below, it says the closure has the wrong arguments, but otherwise I cannot give it access to the $or_list variable.
($thing_query is the query that's being built over the course of this and other functions.)
elseif (strstr($column, 'or|')){
//in format or|=tablename-id=240,tablename-id=8
$or_list = explode(',', $value);
var_dump(explode(',', $value));
$thing_query->where(function($q, $or_list)
$count = 0;
foreach ($or_list as $or) {
$arr = explode('=', $or);
$col = $arr[0];
$val = $arr[1];
$col = str_replace('-', '.', $col);
if($count == 0){
$q->where($col, '=', $val);
} else {
$q->or_where($col, '=', $val);
Try this:
$thing_query->where(function($q) use($or_list)
I have a problem with filtering information using a form,
Here is my code
$cooperation = Cooperation::with('user')->get();
$search_results = [];
$search = Input::get('q');
$category = Input::get('c');
$land = Input::get('l');
if(!empty($search || $category || $land)){
$search_results = $cooperation;
if (!empty($search)){
$search_results = $search_results->where('title', 'like', '%'. $search .'%');
if (!empty($category)){
$search_results = $search_results->where('category', $category);
if (!empty($land)){
$search_results = $search_results->where('land', $land);
$exist_s = true;
$not_s = false;
return view('cooperation.index', compact('cooperation', 'search_results', 'exist_s', 'not_s'));
$not_s = true;
$exist_s = false;
return view('cooperation.index', compact('cooperation', 'search_results', 'exist_s', 'not_s'));
After retrieving data from the form I am trying to filter through the array in sequence by each variable but nothing happens, the only thing that works is filtering in $ category but I do not know why the rest does not work.
I'm looking for a solution as to how to filter data efficiently, I could do it if () after if () but with more variables it would be a very inefficient solution.
If anyone has any idea in advance thank you.
If you want to have an efficient search according to your requirements you can have following input variables:
$columns, $searchColumns, $search_operator, $search_input
$columns can be the columns through which you can order, searchColumns can be the columns through which you want to have search and search_operator as in like, <, <=, in, >, >= etc, you can even improvise with the direction as asc or dsc in values, so you can have something like this:
return $query
->orderBy($request->column, $request->direction)
->where(function($query) use ($request, $searchColumns) {
if($request->has('search_input')) {
for($x = 0, $l = count($searchColumns); $x < $l; $x++) {
if($request->search_operator == 'in') {
$query->whereIn($searchColumns[$x], explode(',', $request->search_input));
} else if($request->search_operator == 'like') {
$query->orWhere($searchColumns[$x], 'LIKE', '%'.$request->search_input.'%');
else {
$query->orWhere($searchColumns[$x], $this->operators[$request->search_operator], $request->search_input);
I don't know why your request is not working. However, if you are looking for a generic way of filtering your results I believe a simple foreach loop with an array of your filters variables would do the trick :
$filters = []; //your variables such as category and land go in there
foreach ($filters as $column => $value){
$search_results = $search_results->where($column, $value);
I have a rather ugly query, and the results from the query are then post-processed using php which turns each row into it's own multidimensional array.
I want to refactor the query but need to make sure I do not change what it returns in any way.
So What I want to do is copy the original query and call that, store the results.
then run the function again with my new query.
Loop over the two arrays of results and compare them for any differences what so ever (keys, values, missing entries, type differences etc).
What is the easiest way to do this?
Essentially I know how to call the two queries etc,
I guess my real question is, at the end once I have my two arrays of the results how do I go through and compare them.
What I would love to end up with is a side by side "print_r" type output with a red line or similar going across highlighting any differences.
First of all, you can use array_uintersect_assoc() like this.
// First get intersecting values
$intersect = array_uintersect_assoc($expected, $results, "checkStructure");
//Then print results that are in intersecting set (e.g. structure of $expected, value of $results
print_r(array_uintersect_assoc($results, $intersect, "checkStructure"));
function checkStructure($x, $y) {
if (!is_array($x) && !is_array($y)) {
return 0;
if (is_array($x) && is_array($y)) {
if (count($x) == count($y)) {
foreach ($x as $key => $value) {
if(array_key_exists($key,$y)) {
$x = checkStructure($value, $y[$key]);
if ($x != 0) return -1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
return -1;
return 0;
If still not, take help of array_diff()
and array_diff_assoc(). Or try following code.
function multidimensional_array_diff($a1,$a2)
$r = array();
foreach ($a2 as $key => $second)
foreach ($a1 as $key => $first)
if (isset($a2[$key]))
foreach ($first as $first_value)
foreach ($second as $second_value)
if ($first_value == $second_value)
$true = true;
if (!isset($true))
$r[$key][] = $first_value;
$r[$key] = $first;
return $r;
Why don't you just make a VIEW that turns an ugly query into something you can just SELECT against? What you're talking about is making a materialized view, something that MySQL doesn't handle as well as other database platforms.
Why not write the results of each query out to a text files then compare the two text files with the diff command?
I have the following PHP code which works out the possible combinations from a set of arrays:
function showCombinations($string, $traits, $i){
if($i >= count($traits)){
echo trim($string) . '<br>';
foreach($traits[$i] as $trait){
showCombinations("$string$trait", $traits, $i + 1);
$traits = array(
showCombinations('', $traits, 0);
However, my problem is that I need to store the results in an array for processing later rather than just print them out but I can't see how this can be done without using a global variable.
Does anyone know of an alternative way to achieve something similar or modify this to give me results I can use?
Return them. Make showCombinations() return a list of items. In the first case you only return one item, in the other recursive case you return a list with all the returned lists merged. For example:
function showCombinations(...) {
$result = array();
if (...) {
$result[] = $item;
else {
foreach (...) {
$result = array_merge($result, showCombinations(...));
return $result;
In addition to the other answers, you could pass the address of an array around inside your function, but honestly this isn't nearly the best way to do it.
Using the variable scope modifier static could work. Alternatively, you could employ references, but that's just one more variable to pass. This works with "return syntax".
function showCombinations($string, $traits, $i){
static $finalTraits;
if (!is_array($finalTraits)) {
$finalTraits = array();
if($i >= count($traits)){
//echo trim($string) . '<br>';
$finalTraits[] = $string;
} else {
foreach($traits[$i] as $trait){
showCombinations("$string$trait", $traits, $i + 1);
return $finalTraits;
$traits = array(
echo join("<br>\n",showCombinations('', $traits, 0));
Of course, this will work as expected exactly once, before the static nature of the variable catches up with you. Therefore, this is probably a better solution:
function showCombinations($string, $traits, $i){
$finalTraits = array();
if($i >= count($traits)){
$finalTraits[] = $string;
} else {
foreach($traits[$i] as $trait){
$finalTraits = array_merge(
showCombinations("$string$trait", $traits, $i + 1)
return $finalTraits;
although the solution by Lukáš is the purest as it has no side effects, it may be ineffective on large inputs, because it forces the engine to constantly generate new arrays. There are two more ways that seem to be less memory-consuming
have a results array passed by reference and replace the echo call with $result[]=
(preferred) wrap the whole story into a class and use $this->result when appropriate
the class approach is especially nice when used together with php iterators
public function pageslug_genrator($slug,$cat){
if($page_check[0]->page_parents != 0 ){
return $cat;
this function doesnt return any value but when i m doing print_r $cat it re
store the results in a $_SESSION variable.
How to send an indexes name for php array vairable.
the array is
$array = array('Somthing'=>array('More'=>array('id'=> 34)));
and now I want to display this thing but with a variable name I don't know how to explain so I write what I want to have.
$index_name = '[Something][More][id]';
Is it possible in any way ?
Not in one go like that. Here's how you'd do it:
If you particularly wanted access multidimensional arrays with a single string, then you could build a function to do that:
function array_multi(Array $arr, $path) {
$parts = explode(".", $path);
$curr =& $arr;
for ($i = 0, $l = count($parts); $i < $l; ++$i) {
if (!isset($curr[$parts[$i]])) {
// path doesn't exist
return null;
} else if (($i < $l - 1) && !is_array($curr[$parts[$i]]) {
// path doesn't exist
return null;
$curr =& $curr[$parts[$i]];
return $curr;
// usage:
echo array_multi($array, "Something.More.id"); // 34
echo array_multi($array, "Something.More"); // array("id" => 34)
Recursive version supporting your syntax with square brackets:
$array = array('Something'=>array('More'=>array('id'=> 34)));
$string = '[Something][More][id]';
echo scan_array($string, $array);
function scan_array($string, $array) {
list($key, $rest) = preg_split('/[[\]]/', $string, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if ( $key && $rest ) {
return scan_array($rest, $array[$key]);
} elseif ( $key ) {
return $array[$key];
} else {
return FALSE;
Ok, I know this is how people get shot. But c'mon, eval() is not always the wrong answer.
$array = array('Something'=>array('More'=>array('id'=> 34)));
$index_name = '[Something][More][id]';
eval('$val = $array'.$index_name.';'); // Wrap in a function or something
You could do this with eval():
$array = array('Somthing'=>array('More'=>array('id'=> 34)));
$index_name = "['Somthing']['More']['id']";
$stmt='echo $array'.$index_name.';';
It seems some SO users are uncomfortable with the idea of using eval(). I think it makes sense to read this thread which discusses the pros and cons before deciding whether to use this in your own code.
If you've cornered yourself into needing to do something like this, there's a pretty good chance you've done something else in a poor way. There's valid reasons to do this, but not very often.
function key_path($arr, $keys) {
return $keys ? key_path($arr[array_shift($keys)], $keys) : $arr;
$arr['Something']['More']['id'] = 34;
$keys = array('Something', 'More', 'id');
var_dump( key_path($arr, $keys));
This is probably a simple question, but how do you iterate through an array, doing something to each one, until the last one and do something different?
I have an array of names. I want to output the list of names separated by commas.
Joe, Bob, Foobar
I don't want a comma at the end of the last name in the array, nor if there is only one value in the array (or none!).
Update: I can't use implode() because I have an array of User model objects where I get the name from each object.
$users = array();
$users[] = new User();
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo $user->name;
echo ', ';
How can I achieve this and still use these objects?
Update: I was worrying too much about how many lines of code I was putting in my view script, so I decided to create a view helper instead. Here's what I ended up with:
$array = array();
foreach($users as $user) {
$array[] = $user->name;
$names = implode(', ', $array);
Use implode:
$names = array('Joe', 'Bob', 'Foobar');
echo implode(', ', $names); # prints: Joe, Bob, Foobar
To clarify, if there is only one object in the array, the ', ' separator will not be used at all, and a string containing the single item would be returned.
EDIT: If you have an array of objects, and you wanted to do it in a way other than a for loop with tests, you could do this:
function get_name($u){ return $u->name; };
echo implode(', ', array_map('get_name', $users) ); # prints: Joe, Bob, Foobar
$array = array('joe', 'bob', 'Foobar');
$comma_separated = join(",", $array);
output: joe,bob,Foobar
Sometimes you might not want to use implode.
The trick then is to use an auxiliary variable to monitor not the last, but the first time through the loop.
$names = array('Joe', 'Bob', 'Foobar');
$first = true;
$result = '';
foreach ($names as $name)
if (!$first)
$result .= ', ';
$first = false;
$result .= $name;
implode(', ', $array_of_names)
integer sigh=container.getsize();
integer gosh=0;
foreach element in container
looking at all the other answers, it seems PHP has gotten a lot more syntactic S since I last wrote anything in it :D
I come accross this a lot building SQL statements etc.
$joiner = " ";
foreach ($things as $thing) {
echo " $joiner $thing \n";
$joiner = ',';
FOr some reason its easier to work out the logic if you think of the ",", "AND" or "OR" as an option/attribute that goes before an item. The problem then becomes how to suppress the the "," on the first line.
I personally found the fastest way (if you're into micro optimization) is:
if(isset($names[1])) {
foreach ($names as $name) {
$result .= $name . ', ';
$result = substr($result, 0, -2);
} else {
$result = $names[0];
isset($names[1]) is the fastest (albeit not so clear) way of checking the length of an array (or string). In this case, checking for at least two elements is performed.
I actually find it easier to create my comma delimited text a little differently. It's a bit more wordy, but it's less function calls.
$nameText = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($nameArray); $i++) {
if ($i === 0) {
$nameText = $nameArray[$i];
} else {
$nameText .= ',' . $nameArray[$i];
It adds the comma as a prefix to every name except where it's the first element if the array. I have grown fond of using for as opposed to foreach since I have easy access to the current index and therefore adjacent elements of an array. You could use foreach like so:
$nameText = '';
$nameCounter = 0;
foreach ($nameArray as $thisName) {
if ($nameCounter === 0) {
$nameText = $thisName;
} else {
$nameText .= ',' . $thisName;