There's a piece of code:
if(DataEndpoint::isAjaxRequest()) {
if(isset($_POST['controller']) && !empty($_POST['controller']) && isset($_POST['action']) && !empty($_POST['action'])) {
$controllerName = $_POST['controller'];
$actionName = $_POST['action'];
if(class_exists($controllerName.'Controller')) {
$controller = new $controllerName.'Controller';
if(method_exists($controller, $actionName)) {
// if id's been passed
// if method signature accepts the parameter
// invoke... ?
} // if(DataEndpoint::isAjaxRequest()) {
I can check whether given action exists but don't know how to pass/invoke the action with additional parameters like id (let's suggest it is a string and it is optional). How do I solve this?
use ReflactionClass and ReflactionMethod. look at here:
$action_ref = new ReflectionMethod($controller, $action);
$action_required_params = $action_ref->getParameters();
$parameters = array(/*...*/);
$action_ref->invokeArgs($controller, $parameters);
I have a function where I save a group. I want to "access" it from the page (when the user makes a new group with a form) and from a controller, too (when a process makes a new group, for example when I create a new tenant)
My code is so far:
$this->saveGroup($tenantId, 'Default group');
public function saveGroup(Request $request, $tenantId = 0, $nameFromFunction = ''){
$name = $request -> name;
} elseif($nameFromFunction != ''){
$name = $nameFromFunction;
} else {
$name = '';
if($tenantId > 0 && $name != ''){
$group = new ConversationGroup;
$group -> group_name = $name;
$group -> tenant_id = $tenantId;
if($nameFromFunction != ''){
return $group -> id; //if a function calls it
} else {
return redirect("/{$tenantId}/groups"); //if the new group was made from the page
If I test it with the page's group creation form it works fine, but when I run it from the controller I got the following error:
GroupController::saveGroup() must be an instance of Illuminate\Http\Request, integer given
What I must change if I want to earn this logic?
you could use global request() helper and completely avoid passing Request object to your function, like:
public function saveGroup($tenantId = 0, $nameFromFunction = ''){
//get input named 'name' or default to $nameFromFunction
$name = request('name', $nameFromFunction);
The reason this is happening, is because in your function definition, first parameter is not $tenantId, but the object of class request.
So you have to pass an object of request class as a first parameter to get this working.
You should try this way,
public function otherFunction()
$this->saveGroup(new Request(['name' => 'Default Group']), $tenantID);
$this->saveGroup(new Request(), $tenantID, "Default Group");
public function saveGroup(Request $request, $id = 0, $nameFromFunction = '')
echo 'here-your-code';
I'm making a toolkit for php applications. I've a made a routing system based on some conventions, it works well but i would like to learn how to make mod_rewrite rules or any other stuff to finally make the url good to see and good for seo.
The route system starts from a config file that set the app and url roots.
$app_root = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."/";
$app_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'].'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/';
The route always get start from index.php, wich makes instances of controllers#actions from GET parameters controllers=?&action=?
This is the index.php
include_once 'controller/Frontend.php';
require 'libraries/Router.php';
$c = $_GET['controller'];
$a = $_GET['action'];
// add all query string additional params to method signature i.e. &id=x&category=y
$queryParams = array_keys($_GET);
$queryValues = array_values($_GET);
for ($i=2;$i<count($queryParams);$i++) {
$params[$queryParams[$i]] = $queryValues[$i];
if ($_POST) {
// add all query string additional params to method signature i.e. &id=x&category=y
$queryParams = array_keys($_POST);
$queryValues = array_values($_POST);
for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST);$i++) {
$params[$queryParams[$i]] = $queryValues[$i];
include_once APP_ROOT."/controller/$c.php";
$controller = new $c();
} else {
//attiva controller predefinito
$controller = new Frontend();
This allow to select what controller and what action the router must call.
The router function here get the APP URL from settings.php in the root. You give im the two controllers#action params as string and it make the URL like so:
require './settings.php';
function router($controller,$action,$query_data="") {
$param = is_array($query_data) ? http_build_query($query_data) : "$query_data";
$url = APP_URL."index.php?controller=$controller&action=$action&$param";
return $url;
function relativeRouter ($controller,$action,$query_data=""){
$param = is_array($query_data) ? http_build_query($query_data) : "$query_data";
$url = "index.php?controller=$controller&action=$action&$param";
return $url;
function redirectToOriginalUrl() {
header("location: $url");
function switchAction ($controller, $action) {
$r = router($controller, $action);
header("location:$r", true, 302);
In templates file i call router('controller,'action') to retrive url's to actions and also pass GET/POST data (collected from index.php that put's them into the method signature as array).
Don't blame me for using global POST/GET without filtering i'm still developing the thing, security things will be made after ;)
What i would like to ask if someone could share some thoughts on how to make pretty urls like site/page/action....
For example
(Actually the N params in the router function ($query_data) works this way, you pass array['id' => '1'] and you get ?id=1)
What are best strategies to make good urls?
Thank you so much, still learning PHP.
If there are best way to do such things just give your feedback.
I found myself an answer to the question, i post here maybe it's useful.
I've added a .htaccess file in the root:
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]
This will return each request to the root/index.php file.
Index file collect routes from the HTTP request, check if the route exist in the "routes.json" file.
URL are written in this way: GET params are written as follows[params]/[value]...... This output for example
That should be also fine for REST.
Here the index.php
require 'controller/Frontend.php';
require 'Class/Router.php';
//require 'libraries/Router.php';
$app_root = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."/";
$app_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'].'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/';
$basepath = implode('/', array_slice(explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), 0, -1));
$uri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($basepath));
//echo $uri;
if ($uri == "/") {
$frontend = new Frontend();
} else {
$root = ltrim ($uri, '/');
//$paths = explode("/", $uri);
$paths = parse_url($root, PHP_URL_PATH);
$route = explode("/",$paths);
$request = new \PlayPhp\Classes\Request();
// controller
$c = $route[0];
// action
$a = $route[1];
$reverse = Router::inverseRoute($c,$a);
switch ($rest) {
case 'PUT':
case 'POST':
if (Router::checkRoutes($reverse, "POST")) {
foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
} else {
case 'GET':
if (Router::checkRoutes($reverse, "GET")) {
for ($i = 2; $i < count($route); $i++) {
$request->setGet($route[$i], $route[++$i]);
} else {
case 'HEAD':
case 'DELETE':
case 'OPTIONS':
include_once APP_ROOT.'controller/'.$c.'.php';
$controller = new $c();
The Router class:
include 'config/app.php';
* Copyright (C) 2015 yuri.blanc
require 'Class/http/Request.php';
class Router {
protected static $routes;
private function __construct() {
Router::$routes = json_decode(file_get_contents(APP_ROOT.'config/routes.json'));
public static function getInstance(){
if (Router::$routes==null) {
new Router();
return Router::$routes;
public static function go($action,$params=null) {
$actions = explode("#", $action);
$c = strtolower($actions[0]);
$a = strtolower($actions[1]);
// set query sting to null
$queryString = null;
if(isset($params)) {
foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
$queryString .= '/'.$name.'//'.$value;
return APP_URL."$c/$a$queryString";
return APP_URL."$c/$a";
public static function checkRoutes($action,$method){
foreach (Router::getInstance()->routes as $valid) {
/* echo $valid->action . ' == ' . $action . '|||';
echo $valid->method . ' == ' . $method . '|||';*/
if ($valid->method == $method && $valid->action == $action) {
return true;
public static function inverseRoute($controller,$action) {
return ucfirst($controller)."#".$action;
public static function notFound($action,$method) {
die("Route not found:: $action with method $method");
I use the json_decode function to parse the json object in stdClass().
The json file looks like this:
{"action":"Frontend#index", "method":"GET"},
{"action":"Frontend#register", "method":"GET"},
{"action":"Frontend#blog", "method":"GET"}
This way i can whitelist routes with their methods and return 404 errors while not found.
System is still quite basic but gives and idea and works, hope someone will find useful.
I do not know how to set a callback function for the view record page in codeigniter.
I use the callback_column function and it does what I need in the grid view, but on the view record page it does not work.
I searched their site and forum and did not found anything that could help me.
My code looks like:
$zeus = new grocery_CRUD();
// $zeus->set_language('romanian');
$zeus->columns(array('id_client', 'id_sala', 'denumire', 'numar_persoane', 'observatii'));
$cod = $zeus->render();
public function _test_function($row, $value)
return '0';
write this lines in \libraries\Grocery_CRUD.php
at line number 3530
protected $callback_read_field = array();
than put this function after constructor call
public function callback_read_field($field, $callback = null)
$this->callback_read_field[$field] = $callback;
return $this;
//Now update this function to manage the field outputs using callbacks if they are defined for the same
protected function get_read_input_fields($field_values = null)
$read_fields = $this->get_read_fields();
$this->field_types = null;
$this->required_fields = null;
$read_inputs = array();
foreach ($read_fields as $field) {
if (!empty($this->change_field_type)
&& isset($this->change_field_type[$field->field_name])
&& $this->change_field_type[$field->field_name]->type == 'hidden') {
$this->field_type($field->field_name, 'readonly');
$fields = $this->get_read_fields();
$types = $this->get_field_types();
$input_fields = array();
foreach($fields as $field_num => $field)
$field_info = $types[$field->field_name];
if(isset($field_info->db_type) && ($field_info->db_type == 'tinyint' || ($field_info->db_type == 'int' && $field_info->db_max_length == 1))) {
$field_value = $this->get_true_false_readonly_input($field_info, $field_values->{$field->field_name});
} else {
$field_value = !empty($field_values) && isset($field_values->{$field->field_name}) ? $field_values->{$field->field_name} : null;
$field_input = $this->get_field_input($field_info, $field_value);
$primary_key = $this->getStateInfo()->primary_key;
$field_input = $field_info;
$field_input->input = call_user_func($this->callback_read_field[$field->field_name], $field_value, $primary_key, $field_info, $field_values);
switch ($field_info->crud_type) {
case 'invisible':
case 'hidden':
$this->read_hidden_fields[] = $field_input;
$input_fields[$field->field_name] = $field_input;
return $input_fields;
than call same as other callback functions
As far as I'm aware GroceryCRUD doesn't provide callbacks or another means of overriding the default output in the view state.
The solution to customising this would be to create a custom view to which you will insert the data from your record. This way you can customise the layout and other presentation.
What you would then do is unset the default read view with:
And add a new action where there are details on how to do this here.
What to do with the new action is point it to a URL that you map in routes.php if necessary and handle it with a new function in your controller. You'll either have to write a model function to retrieve the data since this isn't passed from GC or you can use the action to target a callback and feed $row to it via POST or something so that the data for the record is accessible in the view. (Look at the example in the link above).
Imagine I have a URL that loads a controller if the name matches (Ignoring any security issues with this at the moment hehe)
public function Load( $controller, $action = "Index" )
require_once( "Controllers/" . $controller . "Controller.php" );
$controllerName = $controller . "Controller";
$loadedController = new $controllerName();
$actionName = "ActionResult_" . $action;
Now imagine I want a log in form to send its $_POST details as parameters of the receiving controller launched above:
class ExcelUploadController extends Controller
public function ActionResult_Login( $username = NULL, $password = NULL )
// The parameters need to be mapped to the $_POST parameters names probably from the Load method somewhere and pumped in to the $loadedController->$actionName();
$post_username = $username;
$post_password = $password;
$this->ReturnView( "ExcelUpload/Index" );
But also so that it does not matter what order the parameters are declared, it matches the parameter in the function based on the $_POST key.
How might I go about doing this, any ideas?
So to clarify if this doesn't make sense.. the method might look something like this:
public function Load( $controller, $action = "Index" )
require_once( "Controllers/" . $controller . "Controller.php" );
$controllerName = $controller . "Controller";
$loadedController = new $controllerName();
$actionName = "ActionResult_" . $action;
$checkIfPostData = $_POST;
if( isset( $checkIfPostData ) )
// Do some funky wang to map the following $loadedController->$actionName();
// with the username and password or any other $_POST keys so that in the calling method, I can grab hold of the $_POST values
What your are looking for is call_user_func_array()
EDIT, to reply to comment :
You have two options: rewrite all your function so that they accept only one array() as argument and you parse that array for values. A bit fastidious but it can be useful in some cases. Or you can request for the required argument of a function:
// This will create an object that is the definition of your object
$f = new ReflectionMethod($instance_of_object, $method_name);
$args = array();
// Loop trough params
foreach ($f->getParameters() as $param) {
// Check if parameters is sent through POST and if it is optional or not
if (!isset($_POST[$param->name]) && !$param->isOptional()) {
throw new Exception("You did not provide a value for all parameters");
if (isset($_POST[$param->name])) {
$args[] = $_POST[$param->name];
if ($param->name == 'args') {
$args[] = $_POST;
$result = call_user_func_array(array($instance_of_object, $method_name), $args);
That way your array will be properly constructed.
You can also add some specific treatment whether a parameter is optional or not (I guess you can understand how to do it from the code I gave you ;)
Since the data is being sent through POST you don't need to pass any parameters to your method:
class ExcelUploadController extends Controller {
private $userName;
private $login;
public function ActionResult_Login() {
$this->userName = $_POST['username'];
$this->login = $_POST['login'];
Don't forget to sanitize and validate the user input!
I wonder how Zend_Form validates inputs, I mean how does it know which input fields to validate. I looked to php globals($_POST, $_GET) and I didn't see anything set as an identifier(for example ) in order to know how validate. Can anyone suggest me any guide for this stuff?
Well, the best option to find out is to look at the code of Zend_Form:
* Validate the form
* #param array $data
* #return boolean
public function isValid($data)
if (!is_array($data)) {
require_once 'Zend/Form/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Form_Exception(__METHOD__ . ' expects an array');
$translator = $this->getTranslator();
$valid = true;
$eBelongTo = null;
if ($this->isArray()) {
$eBelongTo = $this->getElementsBelongTo();
$data = $this->_dissolveArrayValue($data, $eBelongTo);
$context = $data;
foreach ($this->getElements() as $key => $element) {
if (null !== $translator && $this->hasTranslator()
&& !$element->hasTranslator()) {
$check = $data;
if (($belongsTo = $element->getBelongsTo()) !== $eBelongTo) {
$check = $this->_dissolveArrayValue($data, $belongsTo);
if (!isset($check[$key])) {
$valid = $element->isValid(null, $context) && $valid;
} else {
$valid = $element->isValid($check[$key], $context) && $valid;
$data = $this->_dissolveArrayUnsetKey($data, $belongsTo, $key);
foreach ($this->getSubForms() as $key => $form) {
if (null !== $translator && !$form->hasTranslator()) {
if (isset($data[$key]) && !$form->isArray()) {
$valid = $form->isValid($data[$key]) && $valid;
} else {
$valid = $form->isValid($data) && $valid;
$this->_errorsExist = !$valid;
// If manually flagged as an error, return invalid status
if ($this->_errorsForced) {
return false;
return $valid;
which means in a nutshell, Zend_Form will iterate over all the configured elements in the form and compare them against the values in the array you passed to it. If there is a match, it will validate that individual value against the configured validators.
So, you create form in action and then check is there post|get data. You can check is_valid form right here. You need pass $_POST or $_GET data to isValid() function. Example:
if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
isValid() is function Zend_Form class. Form runs all validations for each element (just if you dont set to stop in first validation fail) and then for subforms too.
Look at Zend_Form quickstart, it's a very bright example on how to start dealing with forms in Zend.
Validating a text input looks like this:
$username = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('username');
// Passing a Zend_Validate_* object:
$username->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());
// Passing a validator name:
Or you can use:
$username_stringlength_validate = new Zend_Validate_StringLength(6, 20);
$username = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('username');
$username->setLabel('Username: ')
->addFilters(array('StringTrim', 'HtmlEntities'))
->setAttrib('minlength', '6')
->setAttrib('class', 'required')
->setDecorators(array(array('ViewHelper'), array('Errors')))