I am trying to use custom validation rules for file inputs in Laravel. The file input name is "photo". I am trying to apply a rule called "validate_art", to this file input. I know there's "image" validation rule, but I want to apply my own customized rule to this file input.
Here's the code :
$rules = array('name'=>'required|unique:user,name','startyear'=>'numeric','endyear'=>'numeric'
// returning false just for testing purpose
return false;
What happens is, it doesn't apply the rule to the field at all. When I try to use this rule to some other field for testing purposes, it works without failure. Am I doing something wrong? Or custom validation cannot be applied for file inputs? Please someone, throw some light at this. I would really appreciate that.
first you should modify your input data
foreach ($inputs as $k=>$input){
if($input instanceOf \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile)
then send $input to validator $validator=Validator::make($input,$rules)
I have a template that allows adding new lines. Example: I want to add multiple products at once to a store, so I can add them all at once, through those lines that replicate themselves. The problem is that I need to validate these fields, they are all mandatory. I'm implementing so that I can walk through each one and leave it compulsory. However, I came across another problem, Laravel is telling me that my field is empty, but it is not. I would like to know how I can solve it, thank you in advance.
Here is my code to FormRequest
public function rules()
$rules = [];
foreach($_POST['esp'] as $key => $esp){
$name_field = "esp[" . $key . "]" . "[esprqe]"; //name of my field is complicated even as it is time based
$rules[$name_field] = 'required';
return $rules;
My template is big, no need to show.
message I receive: esp[1553533952015][esprqe]: ["The esp[1553533952015][esprqe] field is required."]
My input is not empty, I do not know what the problem is
You state the name of your field 'esprqe' is time based and complicated. This is likely the cause of your problem.
The esp['.$key.'] field is probably fine, as this field is transferred from your form. However, the value that goes into esprqe, if that is being generated in your server side code above (I don't know, you haven't provided how this field is generated), and if the rules are looking for that field to match a time-based generated field on the form... those values won't match and you will have a non-value coming into your method above.
This would very likely generate a message
["The esp[1553533952015][esprqe] field is required."]
If this is your issue, you can test by first creating a simple numbered index for the esprqe field that will be matched on both form and method. If this succeeds, you can then increase the complexity using a common generator so that the rules section knows exactly what the name of the field is. Time can't be common between form creation and rules creation - thus perhaps the reason for the failure.
You need use "dot notation" to validate attributes within an array.
$name_field = "esp.$key.esprqe";
Laravel Docs: validating arrays
I am making an application where users can upload questions, and questions can have multiple correct answers. The correct answers have names of the form correctAnswer1 correctAnswer2 etc.
I want to know how to require all submitted fields matching this pattern; I was thinking of using something analogous to
/correctAnswer[0-9]/ => 'required'
I'm not sure of the logic behind your requirement, kinda seems you should do things in a different manner, but again I do not know how your app works so I can't be a judge of that. So if the user can add new correct answers fields on the form, and you wan't them to not be empty it makes some sense.
You can't have a regex in the rule name but you can do the following:
$rules = [
// your other rules
$correctAnswers = preg_grep( '/^correctAnswer[1-9]{1}$/', array_keys($this->all()));
// use $this->all() when in Http\Requests\YourRequest
// if you are not using the request method of validation (you validate in controller)
// simply replace $this->all() with $request->all() or Input::all().
foreach ($correctAnswers as $correctAnswer) {
$rules[$correctAnswer] = 'required';
return $rules;
This assumes you are using the Laravel 5, Http\Requests to validate your input. If you are doin'g the validation elsewhere (in controller for example), just replace $this->all() with $request->all() or Input::all(). I can't give the exact choice as I do not know exactly how you do the validation and what version of laravel you use.
PS: This will match only correctAnswer1 to correctAnswer9. If you want more just play with the [0-9]{1} part of the regex.
I have a question about enabling the is_unique() rule for form validation in CodeIgniter.
In another explanation (link), they don't include the model query builder for standard usage of is_unique()
I need to use the rule is_unique(table.field) for my id field.
What should I do for making this function work on my model file to initiate table.field from my database? Because at documentation, I didn't see an explanation for enabling the is_unique rule.
My current code is still use matching data manually, but I need to know how to use this rules
$this->form_validation->set_rules('siteid', 'Site ID', 'trim|required|max_length[100]|is_unique[site_tower.site_id_tlp]');
I have just gone through the link you posted, There are 2 ways to use such validation. If you have set in your configuration files.
With that you can use the code as is is_unique[TABLE_NAME.FIELD] and it will work automatically. But at times this logic might not necessarily meet your need and you will need something more complex.
For example lets say you have a members registration that requires you to check if the email already exists, you can run is_unique and it will work perfectly. Now let's say you want to edit the same member, running is_unique on an edit function will render the user unable to save the data if no data is edited. WHY? because is_unique would determine that the email is already registered although it belongs to the current user that is being edited.
How do we fix this? We run our own callback in which we specify the logic.
You do it by specifying a method within the controller (or a model -- slightly different) but you prefix the method name with callback_ so that it is detected.
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'callback_username_check');
This will then look for a method in your controller called 'username_check'
public function username_check($str)
if ($str == 'test')
$this->form_validation->set_message('username_check', 'The {field} field can not be the word "test"');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Of course you can use a query within the callback to check against the db rather than check for just a string as it shows in the example.
more information can be found on Ci3 documentation.
Use CTRL + F and search for callback or is_unique
You might have missed this?
works instantly after adding database lib.
I am trying to register a custom validation rule but it does not seem to work. I need either of 2 fields to be filled in. One is a URL(link) field and other is a File input(file_upload).
Here is my custom validation:
Validator::register('file_check', function($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
if (!trim($value) == "" || array_get(Input::file($parameters[0]), 'tmp_name')) {
return true;
return false;
$messages = array(
'file_check' => 'Please upload a file or provide a link to files.',
$rules = array(
'link' => 'url|file_check:file_upload',
'file_upload' => 'mimes:jpg,jpeg,gif,png,psd,ai,bmp,xls,xlsx,doc,docx,zip,rar,7z,txt,pdf'
$validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
if ($validation - > fails()) {
return Redirect::to('page') - > with_errors($validation - > errors) - > with_input();
Need help :)
Also, I just noticed that the validation rule should accept "PSD" files but when I try to upload a PSD file it redirects with the error "Invalid file type".
I am maybe late in party but may be somebody will find it useful, in case you need to create implicit rule which will be called even if field is not present in Input (like required,required_if....) use
Validator::extendImplicit( 'validator_name', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
Check this out
I was just struggling with this myself! It turns out that except when a few specific rules are applied to them, Laravel doesn't pass empty fields through the Validator at all. So a custom either-this-or-that rule can't work, since at least one of the two fields is likely to not be visible to it.
You can get around this by moving from the registering-a-new-rule approach to the alternate extend-the-Validator-class approach. Your new class will inherit all the methods of the standard Validator, including a method called "implicit" (you can find the original on line 215 of the standard Validator class), which specifies a whitelist of rules that Laravel should pass fields along to even if they are empty. Add your new rule to that list and you should be good to go.
Jason is right, but there is one thing that can be confusing.
Laravel's 'registering a new rule' approach uses the syntax 'Validator::extend(...'. As described elsewhere, this is convenient when you want to customize in a special situation. However, if you want to add a number of reusable rules, then you probably want to use the extend-the-Validator-class approach. In that case, IF you have a rule conditionally requires something, you need to override the existing implicitRules array with a new one adding your rule.
If the first rules you add don't conditionally require, you will think you have it nailed, then you will spend hours trying to figure out why your new 'RequireWhenBlaBla...' rule is invisible.
With the new version of CodeIgniter; you can only set rules in a static form_validation.php file. I need to analyze the posted info (i.e. only if they select a checkbox). Only then do I want certain fields to be validated. What's the best way to do this, or must I use the old form validation class that is deprecated now?
You cannot only set rules in the config/form_validation.php file. You can also set them with:
More info on: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/form_validation.html#validationrules
However, the order of preference that CI has, is to first check if there are rules set with set_rules(), if not, see if there are rules defined in the config file.
So, if you have added rules in the config file, but you make a call to set_rules() in the action, the config rules will never be reached.
Knowing that, for conditional validations, I would have a specific method in a model that initializes the form_validation object depending on the input (for that particular action). The typical situation where I've had the need to do this, is on validating shipping and billing addresses (are they the same or different).
Hope that helps. :)
You could write your own function which checks whether said checkbox is selected, and applies the validation manually.
function checkbox_selected($content) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['checkbox'])) {
return valid_email($content);
$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'callback_checkbox_selected');
If you want to avoid writing your own validation function, I came across this site which suggests that, if you're dynamically setting your rules using the Form Validation class, you can simply build up the rule string argument to set_rules() dynamically.
You first test the POST data to determine if your condition is satisfied (eg. checkbox selected) and then, as necessary, add a "|required" to the rule string you pass to set_rules().