PHP foreach overwrite value with array - php

I'm making a simple PHP Template system but I'm getting an error I cannot solve, the thing is the layout loads excellent but many times, can't figure how to solve, here my code
Class Template {
private $var = array();
public function assign($key, $value) {
$this->vars[$key] = $value;
public function render($template_name) {
$path = $template_name.'.tpl';
if (file_exists($path)) {
$content = file_get_contents($path);
foreach($this->vars as $display) {
$newcontent = str_replace(array_keys($this->vars, $display), $display, $content);
echo $newcontent;
} else {
exit('<h1>Load error</h1>');
And the output is
Title is : Welcome to my template system
Credits to [credits]
Title is : [title]
Credits to Credits to Alvaritos
As you can see this is wrong, but don't know how to solve it.

You're better off with strtr:
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$new = strtr($content, $this->vars);
print $new;
str_replace() does the replaces in the order the keys are defined. If you have variables like array('a' => 1, 'aa' => 2) and a string like aa, you will get 11 instead of 2. strtr() will order the keys by length before replacing (highest first), so that won't happen.

Use this:
foreach($this->vars as $key => $value)
$content = str_replace($key,$value,$content);
echo $content;


How to break string by separator into multidimensional array in PHP

I have a string 'value1/value2'. The required output is $_SESSION['value1']['value2']. i tried using explode and then array_reduce over explode values but with no success.
My code looks like
function set($key, $value){
/* code */
set('key1/key2', 'some_text');
required output like $_SESSION['key1']['key2'] = 'some_text';
key1/key2 is not fixed it may be 'key1' or 'key1/key2/key3' and so on.
Anyone be make fiddle of it is Highly appreciable.
Accessing a value via a key-path string, as in your original question, using your original idea and let array_reduce do the work looks like:
$session = ['value1' => [ 'value2' => [ 'value3' => 'there you are!' ]]];
$path = explode('/', 'value1/value2/value3');
$val = array_reduce($path,
function(&$carry, $key) { return $carry[$key];},
echo $val
--> "there you are!"
Setting a value can be done e.g. like this, following the path by reference, creating arrays as needed:
function set($path, $value) {
$path = explode('/', $path);
$key = array_pop($path);
$arr = &$_SESSION;
foreach($path as $part) {
// carefull, this might lose values to accommodate
// the structure wanted with $path
(isset($arr[$part]) && is_array($arr[$part])) || ($arr[$part] = []);
$arr =& $arr[$part];
$arr[$key] = $value;
Try this
$string = 'value1/value2';
$array = explode("/",$string);
$_SESSION[$array[0]][$array[1]] = "ccccccc";//$_SESSION['value1']['value2']
For a general case (i.e. for more than two pieces), you'll need to iterate over the segments, and incrementally index further into your target array:
$string = 'value1/value2/value3';
$_SESSION = ['value1' => ['value2' => ['value3' => 'My String']]];
$target = $_SESSION;
foreach (explode('/', $string) as $piece) {
$target =& $target[$piece];
echo $target; // My String

Creating a function that takes arguments and passes variables

I am creating a script that will locate a field in a text file and get the value that I need.
First used the file() function to load my txt into an array by line.
Then I use explode() to create an array for the strings on a selected line.
I assign labels to the array's to describe a $Key and a $Value.
$line = file($myFile);
$arg = 3
$c = explode(" ", $line[$arg]);
$key = strtolower($c[0]);
if (strpos($c[2], '~') !== false) {
$val = str_replace('~', '.', $c[2]);
$val = $c[2];
This works fine but that is a lot of code to have to do over and over again for everything I want to get out of the txt file. So I wanted to create a function that I could call with an argument that would return the value of $key and $val. And this is where I am failing:
* #author Jason Moore
* #copyright 2014
global $line;
$key = '';
$val = '';
$myFile = "player.txt";
$line = file($myFile); //file in to an array
$arg = 3;
$Character_Name = 3
function get_plr_data2($arg){
global $key;
global $val;
$c = explode(" ", $line[$arg]);
$key = strtolower($c[0]);
if (strpos($c[2], '~') !== false) {
$val = str_replace('~', '.', $c[2]);
$val = $c[2];
echo "This character's ",$key,' is ',$val;
I thought that I covered the scope with setting the values in the main and then setting them a global within the function. I feel like I am close but I am just missing something.
I feel like there should be something like return $key,$val; but that doesn't work. I could return an Array but then I would end up typing just as much code to the the info out of the array.
I am missing something with the function and the function argument to. I would like to pass and argument example : get_plr_data2($Character_Name); the argument identifies the line that we are getting the data from.
Any help with this would be more than appreciated.
Thanks to the answers I got past passing the Array.
But my problem is depending on the arguments I put in get_plr_data2($arg) the number of values differ.
I figured that I could just set the Max of num values I could get but this doesn't work at all of course because I end up with undefined offsets instead.
$a = $cdata[0];$b = $cdata[1];$c = $cdata[2];
$d = $cdata[3];$e = $cdata[4];$f = $cdata[5];
$g = $cdata[6];$h = $cdata[7];$i = $cdata[8];
$j = $cdata[9];$k = $cdata[10];$l = $cdata[11];
return array($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$i,$j,$k,$l);
Now I am thinking that I can use the count function myCount = count($c); to either amend or add more values creating the offsets I need. Or a better option is if there was a way I could generate the return array(), so that it would could the number of values given for array and return all the values needed. I think that maybe I am just making this a whole lot more difficult than it is.
Thanks again for all the help and suggestions
function get_plr_data2($arg){
$myFile = "player.txt";
$line = file($myFile); //file in to an array
$c = explode(" ", $line[$arg]);
$key = strtolower($c[0]);
if (strpos($c[2], '~') !== false) {
$val = str_replace('~', '.', $c[2]);
$val = $c[2];
return array($key,$val);
list($key,$val) = get_plr_data2(SOME_ARG);
you can do this in 2 way
you can return both values in an array
function get_plr_data2($arg){
/* do what you have to do */
$output['key'] =$key;
$output['value']= $value;
return $output;
and use the array in your main function
you can use reference so that you can return multiple values
function get_plr_data2($arg,&$key,&$val){
/* do job */
//use the function as
what ever you do to $key in function it will affect the main functions $key
I was over thinking it. Thanks for all they help guys. this is what I finally came up with thanks to your guidance:
$ch_file = "Thor";
$ch_name = 3;
$ch_lvl = 4;
$ch_clss = 15;
list($a,$b)= get_char($ch_file,$ch_name);//
Echo $a,': ',$b; // Out Puts values from the $cdata array.
function get_char($file,$data){
$myFile = $file.".txt";
$line = file($myFile);
$cdata = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($line[$data]));
return $cdata;
Brand new to this community, thanks for all the patience.

Parse Wordpress like Shortcode

I want to parse shortcode like Wordpress with attributes:
[include file="header.html"]
I need output as array, function name "include" and attributes with values as well , any help will be appreciated.
Here's a utility class that we used on our project
It will match all shortcodes in a string (including html) and it will output an associative array including their name, attributes and content
final class Parser {
// Regex101 reference:
const SHORTOCODE_REGEXP = "/(?P<shortcode>(?:(?:\\s?\\[))(?P<name>[\\w\\-]{3,})(?:\\s(?P<attrs>[\\w\\d,\\s=\\\"\\'\\-\\+\\#\\%\\!\\~\\`\\&\\.\\s\\:\\/\\?\\|]+))?(?:\\])(?:(?P<content>[\\w\\d\\,\\!\\#\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\\\)\\s\\=\\\"\\'\\-\\+\\&\\.\\s\\:\\/\\?\\|\\<\\>]+)(?:\\[\\/[\\w\\-\\_]+\\]))?)/u";
// Regex101 reference:
const ATTRIBUTE_REGEXP = "/(?<name>\\S+)=[\"']?(?P<value>(?:.(?![\"']?\\s+(?:\\S+)=|[>\"']))+.)[\"']?/u";
public static function parse_shortcodes($text) {
preg_match_all(self::SHORTOCODE_REGEXP, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$shortcodes = array();
foreach ($matches as $i => $value) {
$shortcodes[$i]['shortcode'] = $value['shortcode'];
$shortcodes[$i]['name'] = $value['name'];
if (isset($value['attrs'])) {
$attrs = self::parse_attrs($value['attrs']);
$shortcodes[$i]['attrs'] = $attrs;
if (isset($value['content'])) {
$shortcodes[$i]['content'] = $value['content'];
return $shortcodes;
private static function parse_attrs($attrs) {
preg_match_all(self::ATTRIBUTE_REGEXP, $attrs, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$attributes = array();
foreach ($matches as $i => $value) {
$key = $value['name'];
$attributes[$i][$key] = $value['value'];
return $attributes;
print_r(Parser::parse_shortcodes('[include file="header.html"]'));
[0] => Array
[shortcode] => [include file="header.html"]
[name] => include
[attrs] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => header.html
Using this function
$code = '[include file="header.html"]';
$innerCode = GetBetween($code, '[', ']');
$innerCodeParts = explode(' ', $innerCode);
$command = $innerCodeParts[0];
$attributeAndValue = $innerCodeParts[1];
$attributeParts = explode('=', $attributeAndValue);
$attribute = $attributeParts[0];
$attributeValue = str_replace('"', '', $attributeParts[1]);
echo $command . ' ' . $attribute . '=' . $attributeValue;
//this will result in include file=header.html
$command will be "include"
$attribute will be "file"
$attributeValue will be "header.html"
I also needed this functionality in my PHP framework. This is what I've written, it works pretty well. It works with anonymous functions, which I really like (it's a bit like the callback functions in JavaScript).
//The content which should be parsed
$content = '<p>Hello, my name is John an my age is [calc-age day="4" month="10" year="1991"].</p>';
$content .= '<p>Hello, my name is Carol an my age is [calc-age day="26" month="11" year="1996"].</p>';
//The array with all the shortcode handlers. This is just a regular associative array with anonymous functions as values. A very cool new feature in PHP, just like callbacks in JavaScript or delegates in C#.
$shortcodes = array(
"calc-age" => function($data){
$content = "";
//Calculate the age
if(isset($data["day"], $data["month"], $data["year"])){
$age = date("Y") - $data["year"];
if(date("m") < $data["month"]){
if(date("m") == $data["month"] && date("d") < $data["day"]){
$content = $age;
return $content;
function handleShortcodes($content, $shortcodes){
//Loop through all shortcodes
foreach($shortcodes as $key => $function){
$dat = array();
preg_match_all("/\[".$key." (.+?)\]/", $content, $dat);
if(count($dat) > 0 && $dat[0] != array() && isset($dat[1])){
$i = 0;
$actual_string = $dat[0];
foreach($dat[1] as $temp){
$temp = explode(" ", $temp);
$params = array();
foreach ($temp as $d){
list($opt, $val) = explode("=", $d);
$params[$opt] = trim($val, '"');
$content = str_replace($actual_string[$i], $function($params), $content);
return $content;
echo handleShortcodes($content, $shortcodes);
The result:
Hello, my name is John an my age is 22.
Hello, my name is Carol an my age is 17.
This is actually tougher than it might appear on the surface. Andrew's answer works, but begins to break down if square brackets appear in the source text [like this, for example]. WordPress works by pre-registering a list of valid shortcodes, and only acting on text inside brackets if it matches one of these predefined values. That way it doesn't mangle any regular text that might just happen to have a set of square brackets in it.
The actual source code of the WordPress shortcode engine is fairly robust, and it doesn't look like it would be all that tough to modify the file to run by itself -- then you could use that in your application to handle the tough work. (If you're interested, take a look at get_shortcode_regex() in that file to see just how hairy the proper solution to this problem can actually get.)
A very rough implementation of your question using the WP shortcodes.php would look something like:
// Define the shortcode
function inlude_shortcode_func($attrs) {
$data = shortcode_atts(array(
'file' => 'default'
), $attrs);
return "Including File: {$data['file']}";
add_shortcode('include', 'inlude_shortcode_func');
// And then run your page content through the filter
echo do_shortcode('This is a document with [include file="header.html"] included!');
Again, not tested at all, but it's not a very hard API to use.
I have modified above function with wordpress function
function extractThis($short_code_string) {
$shortocode_regexp = "/(?P<shortcode>(?:(?:\\s?\\[))(?P<name>[\\w\\-]{3,})(?:\\s(?P<attrs>[\\w\\d,\\s=\\\"\\'\\-\\+\\#\\%\\!\\~\\`\\&\\.\\s\\:\\/\\?\\|]+))?(?:\\])(?:(?P<content>[\\w\\d\\,\\!\\#\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\\\)\\s\\=\\\"\\'\\-\\+\\&\\.\\s\\:\\/\\?\\|\\<\\>]+)(?:\\[\\/[\\w\\-\\_]+\\]))?)/u";
preg_match_all($shortocode_regexp, $short_code_string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$shortcodes = array();
foreach ($matches as $i => $value) {
$shortcodes[$i]['shortcode'] = $value['shortcode'];
$shortcodes[$i]['name'] = $value['name'];
if (isset($value['attrs'])) {
$attrs = shortcode_parse_atts($value['attrs']);
$shortcodes[$i]['attrs'] = $attrs;
if (isset($value['content'])) {
$shortcodes[$i]['content'] = $value['content'];
return $shortcodes;
I think this one help for all :)
Updating the #Duco's snippet, As it seems like, it's exploding by spaces which ruins when we have some like
[Image source="myimage.jpg" alt="My Image"]
To current one:
function handleShortcodes($content, $shortcodes){
function read_attr($attr) {
$atList = [];
if (preg_match_all('/\s*(?:([a-z0-9-]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)")|(?:\s+([a-z0-9-]+)(?=\s*|>|\s+[a..z0-9]+))/i', $attr, $m)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[0]); $i++) {
if ($m[3][$i])
$atList[$m[3][$i]] = null;
$atList[$m[1][$i]] = $m[2][$i];
return $atList;
//Loop through all shortcodes
foreach($shortcodes as $key => $function){
$dat = array();
preg_match_all("/\[".$key."(.*?)\]/", $content, $dat);
if(count($dat) > 0 && $dat[0] != array() && isset($dat[1])){
$i = 0;
$actual_string = $dat[0];
foreach($dat[1] as $temp){
$params = read_attr($temp);
$content = str_replace($actual_string[$i], $function($params), $content);
return $content;
$content = '[image source="one" alt="one two"]';
[source] => myimage.jpg,
[alt] => My Image
Updated (Feb 11, 2020)
It appears to be following regex under preg_match only identifies shortcode with attributes
preg_match_all("/\[".$key." (.+?)\]/", $content, $dat);
to make it work with as normal [contact-form] or [mynotes]. We can change the following to
preg_match_all("/\[".$key."(.*?)\]/", $content, $dat);
I just had the same problem. For what I have to do, I am going to take advantage of existing xml parsers instead of writing my own regex. I am sure there are cases where it won't work
$file_content = '[include file="header.html"]';
// convert the string into xml
$xml = str_replace("[", "<", str_replace("]", "/>", $file_content));
$doc = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
echo "name: " . $doc->getName() . "\n";
foreach($doc->attributes() as $key => $value) {
echo "$key: $value\n";
$ php example.php
name: include
file: header.html
to make it work on ubuntu I think you have to do this
sudo apt-get install php-xml
If you have lots of these strings in a file, then I think you can still do the find replace, and then just treat it all like xml.

Function explode simple text file

I have a simple text file (see below).
I want to simply extract all names before |. So the output should look like:
Below is the string I've attempted to use. I've also tried file('visitornames.txt') etc. I'm not sure what im doing wrong :(. Tried a lot of things.
$string = file_get_contents('visitornames.txt');
$names = explode('|', $string);
foreach($names as $key) {
echo $key . '"<br/>';
No errors, but its simply not doing it correctly.
I would use file-function instead of file_get_contents. It returns file as array where every line is own item. Then you can foreach file content array. Variable you are looking for is first part of the line and that's why you can just echo $names[0].
$file = file('visitornames.txt');
foreach ($file AS $line) {
$names = explode('|', $line);
echo $names[0] . '<br/>';
You can extract all lines of a file with the file function, then take each first part of the explode and assign it to the result:
$names = array();
foreach (file('visitornames.txt') as $line)
list($names[]) = explode('|', $line, 2);
Alternatively there is SplFileObject that is similar but you can more easily extend from it:
class Names extends SplFileObject
public function current() {
list($name) = explode('|', parent::current(), 2);
return $name;
$names = new Names('visitornames.txt');
foreach ($names as $name)
echo $name, "<br />\n";

an array of parameter values

function test()
$content = "lang=en]text en|lang=sp]text sp";
$atts = explode('|', $content);
What I'm trying to do is to allow myself to echo $param[en] to get "text en", $param[sp] to get "text sp". Is that possible?
the $content is actually from a database record.
$param = array();
$langs = explode('|', $content);
foreach ($langs as $lang) {
$arr = explode(']', $lang);
$key = substr($arr[0], 5);
$param[$key] = $arr[1];
This is if you are sure $content is well-formatted. Otherwise you will need to put in additional checks to make sure $langs and $arr are what they should be. Use the following to quickly check what's inside an array:
echo '<pre>'.print_r($array_to_be_inspected, true).'</pre>';
Hope this helps
if this is not hard coded string in $content
function test()
$content = "lang=en]text en|lang=sp]text sp";
$atts = explode('|', $content);
foreach($atts as $att){
$tempLang = explode("]", $att);
$params[array_pop(explode("=", $tempLang[0]))] = $tempLang[1];
I think in this case you could use regular expressions.
$atts = explode('|', $content);
foreach ($atts as $subtext) {
if (preg_match('/lang=(\w+)\](\w+) /', $subtext, $regs)) {
$param[$regs[0]] = $regs[1];
Although it seems that you have a bad database structure if that value comes from a database - if you can edit it, try to make the database adhere to make the database normal.
