Different results - SQL Server and PHP (PEAR DB) - php

I'm trying to run a query using php pear db and is not returning any value. However, when I run using SQL Server I get the data
In PHP I'm already setting:
select A.nome, count(sa.id_sala) as Atendimentos, cast( avg( case when (coalesce(sa.dt_final, sa.dt_ping_internauta) > sa.dt_inicio_atendimento) then datediff(minute, coalesce(sa.dt_inicio_atendimento, sa.dt_inicio), coalesce(sa.dt_finalAtendimento, coalesce(sa.dt_final, sa.dt_ping_internauta)) ) else 0 end ) as money) as [media em minutos] from sala SA join atendente A on (A.id_atendente = SA.fk_id_atendente) where sa.interno = 0 and coalesce(sa.dt_inicio_atendimento, sa.dt_inicio) between '2012-01-01' and '2012-12-31' and SA.fk_id_empresa = 1 group by A.nome order by 2 desc
"The safe datetime string formats to use in SQL Server is
SQL Error : The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

"The safe datetime string formats to use in SQL Server is
SQL Error : The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value


mySQL Workbench Error: Syntax Error, unexpected single quotes

I was trying to make a SQL statement in PHP, to convert a string into a time(6). But I have tried everything, for the last 12 hours, and have not made an inch of progress. I have tried these statements, all yield the same error.
UPDATE scheduling SET start='03:42PM' WHERE activityid=2;
UPDATE scheduling SET start=CONVERT(TIME(6),'03:42PM');
INSERT INTO scheduling(start) VALUES (start=CONVERT(TIME(6),'03:42PM'));
INSERT INTO scheduling(start) VALUES (start=CONVERT(TIME(6),'03:42PM'));
INSERT INTO scheduling(start) VALUES (start=CONVERT(TIME(6),'15:42'));
The error is
Syntax Error: unexpected '03:42PM'(single quoted text)"
I do not know how to fix this, the table exists, and i have sucesfully got other info using statements like SELECT activityid=2 FROM xxxxxx.scheudling
I guess I have two questions, either answer would work.
In my PHP document, how would I convert a string I get in from an Android Studio volley to a date. (I get the variable correctly, with $start=$_Post("start"), so that works, but I cant convert it into a time. I looked online, and tried everything that looked like it work work.
Conversion through SQL Code, I already tried CAST and CONVERT, neither works. My start column is type TIME(6).
I recommend testing expressions using a SELECT statement.
Firstly, the MySQL CONVERT function arguments are flipped around backwards.
The syntax is CONVERT(expr,type)
And type is supplied as a keyword, not a string literal. For example:
To convert to a TIME datatype
SELECT CONVERT( '15:42' ,TIME(6)) // => 15:42:00.000000
The 'PM' part of the string literal will be ignored.
SELECT CONVERT( '03:42PM' ,TIME(6)) // => 03:42:00.000000
We can use the STR_TO_DATE function to return a TIME value from a string that contains the AM/PM indicator
SELECT STR_TO_DATE( '03:42PM' ,'%h:%i%p')
And there's no need to cast that to TIME(6), we can do this:
UPDATE scheduling
SET start = STR_TO_DATE( '03:42PM' ,'%h:%i%p')
WHERE activityid = 2
The STR_TO_DATE function is documented here:
The format patterns for STR_TO_DATE are documented here, under DATE_FORMAT:
USE test;
CREATE TABLE scheduling (activityid INT PRIMARY KEY, start TIME(6));
-- 0 row(s) affected
INSERT INTO scheduling (activityid) VALUES (2);
-- 1 row(s) affected
execute the update statement in the answer above
UPDATE scheduling SET start = STR_TO_DATE( '03:42PM' ,'%h:%i%p') WHERE activityid = 2 ;
-- 1 row(s) affected
SELECT * FROM scheduling WHERE activityid = 2;
-- activityid start
-- ---------- ---------------
-- 2 15:42:00.000000
Use same sql_mode setting reported by OP:
SELECT STR_TO_DATE( '03:42PM' ,'%h:%i%p')
But this more complicated expression:
SELECT TIME(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(CURRENT_DATE(),' ', '03:42PM' ),'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i%p'))
The more complicated expression is a workaround to avoid behavior imposed by the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES and NO_ZERO_DATE in the sql_mode.

Converting Date column to ODBC canonical format in SQL Server 2005

I'm dealing with the issue of converting a Date column to an ODBC canonical format in my Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
I have the following SQL query in php:
$sql_query = "UPDATE [$connectionInfo[Database]].[dbo].[log_record] SET [lock]='0' WHERE CONVERT [Date] = '".json_encode($value['Date']['date'])."'
Basically, the part '".json_encode($value['Date']['date'])."' works and is printed as '"2017-06-01 00:00:00"'. But it's the [Date] column that's the problem. How can I compare them? It generates the following error:
error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from
character string. query: UPDATE [dba_sql].[dbo].[log_record] SET
[lock]='0' WHERE [Date] = '"2017-06-01 00:00:00"'
I attempted the following, but in vain:
$sql_query = "UPDATE [$connectionInfo[Database]].[dbo].[log_record] SET [lock]='0' WHERE CONVERT CONVERT(varchar, Date, 120) = '".json_encode($value['Date']['date'])."'
Get rid of the double quotes, and remove the convert hanging in your code. There is no need to convert the date in your table to a character type for your comparison.
The following is valid: select convert(date,'2017-06-01 00:00:00')
This is not: select convert(date,'"2017-06-01 00:00:00"')
rextester demo: http://rextester.com/NUNAD13593
Also note: The only truly safe formats for date/time literals in SQL Server, at least for datetime and smalldatetime, are: YYYYMMDD and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.nnn]
Reference: Bad habits to kick : mis-handling date / range queries - Aaron Bertrand
For example, if you have a language setting that implicitly sets the dateformat to dmy, then the same input for two different conversions can yield different output, if not an error:
set language 'british';
select toDatatype = 'datetime' ,val = convert(char(10),convert(datetime,'2017-06-01 00:00:00'),120)
union all
select toDatatype = 'date', val = convert(char(10),convert(date,'2017-06-01 00:00:00'),120)
| toDatatype | val |
| datetime | 2017-01-06 |
| date | 2017-06-01 |
and select convert(datetime,'2017-06-13') would return an error where as select convert(date,'2017-06-13') would return 2017-06-13.

How to explicitly convert date to string date in php for entering date field in oracle?

When I try to insert a record in to the oracle using oci8 extension, I'm getting invalid month error.
But if I try:
It works. What could be the problem? And how can I solve it?
Unless you've explicitly set your session parameters you're probably using the database default date format; something like DD-MON-RR.
Check your session date formats using select * from nls_session_parameters.
To address your problem you can either:
set your session to recognise the date format you want to use:
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = ...
or explicitly convert strings to dates in the statement:
... to_date('2015-01-13', 'YYYY-MM-DD') ...

oci_execute(): ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format

I am currently receiving the following error message from oci in php (I've been on it for a few hours).
oci_execute(): ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format
It strange, because when I run the query within SQL Developer it seems to work fine.
This makes me think that when I bind the parameter it is turning the dates into a type that is not able to calculate using conventional operators in oracle.
$startDateTime = '2015-03-06 00:00:00';
$endDateTime = '2015-04-06 00:00:00';
$value = '20';
$type = '$';
$SQL = "SELECT count(*) AS \"COUNT\"
FROM bonus where value = :d_value
AND TYPE = :d_type
AND ((:d_valid_from between valid_from AND valid_till) OR (:d_value_till between valid_from AND valid_till) OR (:d_valid_from < valid_from AND valid_till < :d_valid_till))";
$this->stmnt = $this->conn->prepare($SQL);
$this->stmnt->bindParam('d_valid_from', $startDateTime);
$this->stmnt->bindParam('d_valid_till', $endDateTime);
$this->stmnt->bindParam('d_value', $value);
$this->stmnt->bindParam('d_type', $type);
I am unable to find many resources that deal with php directly with this problem in hand. Does anybody have any experience with it?
I think that your dates are being bound as strings in the query. Assuming that the columns you are comparing it to (e.g. valid_from) are dates, then the string value is being converted to a date using the default date format for the sessions. The difference in behavior in SQL Developer is probably because the default format is different.
Anyway, the solution is to follow a very simple and important rule, which is not to rely on default type conversion. Explicitly convert the string to a date in your query, specifying the appropriate format:
TO_DATE( :d_valid_from, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' )

PHP mssql_query errors when converting date and/or time from character string

I am using PHP to query some data on SQL Server 2008 R2 and receiving the following errors:
PHP Warning: mssql_query(): message: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. (severity 16) in /var/www/html/BSC_Entry.php on line 14
PHP Warning: mssql_query(): General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server (severity 16) in /var/www/html/BSC_Entry.php on line 14
Here's the code block:
3 <?php // Initialise all database actions
4 //IP of server
5 $server = 'x.x.x.x';
7 // Connection to MSSQL - possibly use password file
8 $link = mssql_connect($server, 'user', 'pass');
9 if (!$link) {
10 die('Something went wrong while connecting to MSSQL');
11 }
13 // Declare query to return BSC_Name, BSC_Owner and
14 $qBSCInfo = mssql_query('SELECT * FROM dbo.BSC_Info;', $link);
16 ?>
Initially, I was passing the SQL below as a parameter to mssql_query, but after receiving the errors, created the database view above 'BSC_Info' (with appropriate permissions) in case the query was too complex for mssql_query to handle:
120), 7), 2) + '01')) AS Periods_to_Current
ON dbo.BSC.BSC_ID = dbo.BSCDataSet.BSC_ID
GROUP BY dbo.BSC.BSC_ID, dbo.BSC.BSC_Name, dbo.BSC.BSC_Owner
To clarify, the query works in SQL Server Management Studio returning some fields from a table along with the difference (in months) between the current date and an earlier date (stored in the database as a VARCHAR - YYYYMM format). In order to prevent any issues with partial months, I've set the compared dates to the first day of the month. I am sure there's a more graceful way of doing this, but I have very little SQL Server experience, or PHP for that matter!
Data types are:
BSC_ID - numeric(5,0)
BSC_Name - varchar(50)
BSC_Owner - varchar(50)
Periods_to_Current - int
Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers all!
So there were a number of issues with this code:
php.ini file needed the mssql setting: mssql.datetimeconvert = 0
Any CONVERT-ed date fields needed the date format 121
the original code tried to perform conversions, date arithmetic and MAX() functions on a potentially NULL date field - oops
I have now amended the code to a more appropriate (and working):
CASE maxview.maxDate
ELSE DATEDIFF(M,CONVERT(DATETIME, LEFT(maxview.maxdate, 4)+ RIGHT(maxview.maxdate, 2) + '01', 121),GETDATE())
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT BSC_ID, MAX(dbo.BSCDataSet.DatePeriod) as maxDate
FROM dbo.BSCDataSet GROUP BY BSC_ID) maxview
ON dbo.BSC.BSC_ID = maxview.BSC_ID;
Hopefully this will help someone out!
