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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to edit entries dynamically, as in: say I am the admin and I see an error in this post I can click edit and then Edit the text. Is this possible using php/symfony2/doctrine? or should I just go with Ajax/jQuery?
If by dinamycally you mean "in the page where I am without reloading the full page" => then it has to see first with Ajax and so maybe JQuery (or any other JS Framework you enjoy). Behind this may stand symfony2 with Doctrine2 or whatever you want for your logic.
I can add that Symfony2 + the Doctrine2 Bundle provides default commands to generate CRUD on your entities (can be seen here)
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to know the way to use my multiple homepage design in Laravel. And User can switch homepage design from site settings like wordpress. Can anyone help me to find the way to make laravel website with multiple home page system?
The question is quite general so I'll share my personal approach:
I create several template folders in my view directory with the same blade file structure inside.
Then from the Controller, I just change the call to the view according to the requested template:
return view($template_name . '.index');
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new in symfony. I came from codeigniter. I'm trying to study symfony but I'm confuse about using the model. Unlike codeigniter, there is a model folder added when I download it. How can add model in symfony? I try to search it to google and I found this link. I don't know if this is the right one.
I'm only partially familiar with codeigniter. My guess is Doctrine would be similar to the model.
That link you show is a really old version, don't use it at all.
Here's the latest link to the Doctrine documentation:
Also, you can click on the "Documentation" link menu for other useful "latest" documentation.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to create an application that will have some similar looking pages. I am not sure what is the best way to do this.
Each page will have a header, side bar, content and footer.
The tricky part here is the sections will be similar but not the same. For example the header can have a combobox and different pages will have different data. One page will have a textbox.
The data will come from SQL server via PHP.
What would be the best way to handle this?
If you are using PHP then take a look into - the templates will allow you to create similar structures and keeping them maintanable most importantly.
You can then have base template which encapsulates all of the similarities and extend sub templates from that which make each page unique.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I tried to override the layouts of fos user bundle and everything is ok but if I want to have two different login views I cannot find a good solution for that.
I never tried it, but I think you need to override the controller from FOSUserBundle and put the logic to decide what view to render.
More info:
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new to moodle. I need your suggestions to create plugin which will add a custom field on Add/edit courses page and will also store the input value in mdl_course table.
As of now Moodle does not allow you to add custom fields to a course from the web interface.
However there is a patch available for v1.9 in the Moodle Tracker(MDL-18319).
Please be aware that the patch is for Moodle-1.9 and applying it directly may corrupt your source code if you are using Moodle version > 1.9