Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Service + php - php

I try integrate my web applacation with Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Service.
I found this
But I don't understand what is it $connection_ticket, where I can get it?

A "connection ticket" is a token you get from Intuit, which allows you charge credit cards through their API. It's sort of like a username/password, or an OAuth token if you're familiar with that.
If you read the documentation included in the example scripts, you'll find the documentation says...:
IMPORTANT * In order to use this example, you'll need to go through the Intuit application registration process first! This is documented
If you then follow that URL, you'll find instructions to get your connection ticket.
The easiest way to get a connection ticket is to use DESKTOP mode. HOSTED mode will work too, but it's much more difficult to get a connection ticket in HOSTED mode.
Here's a direct link:
QuickBooks Merchant Services - get your connection ticket in DESKTOP mode

I went through the same hazzle a few years ago. It is not an obvious issue. A connection ticket is actually an approval from the Intuit Payment underwriting to allow your app integtration with the Payment gateway. In my particular situation, I was a merchant account holder which allowed me to accept credit card using sent QuickBooks Online invoices and the use of a virtual terminal at the Intuit Merchant Solution website.
But to my surprise, this does not mean that you get automatic authority to develop apps to do the same thing. In my particular scenario, I want to link my website shopping cart to Intuit Payments. But at the end of hundreds of hours invested in this development work, I was decnied a connection ticket.
Again, this happened about 4 years ago. I am not sure if now days there are flexible about these things or have finally come to trust their own SKD or API tools issue to developers.


Integrate Quickbooks as a payment method on website

I need to integrate QuickBook as a payment method with a website. For this, I would like to connect to QuickBook and create an invoice or payments links and redirect customers to them as I do it with Paypal and after catch the webhooks from QuickBooks about payment status.
Here is a page for paying with Quickbook (You can make a payment link manually in your account):
I want to create such links with api for php (laravel). There is no api for directly creating payment link though api, but there is an option to create invoices with link. I've managed to create such invoices calling the QuickBooks api through Postman but that link doesn't work. It opens an error page.
Here is that page:
There is no much information about paying on the website with QuickBooks, so I am not quite sure is this task a achievable. But if anyone did something similar or has some experience with integration QuickBook to e-commercial websites, please give me a hint
The thing was that the QB has an error in sandbox mode. If you try to call this route in live mode everything will work. Here is a link for my issue on the Intuit Developer Forum
The first thing you want to do is set up your application on Quickbooks Online. Here is a Quickstart guide:
Then you should consider using the PHP client library for OAuth:
Then you can start looking through the Quickbooks Online API, and see if they have API to solve your needs:

How to correctly integrate PayPal's API with paypal payments pro?

I just finished building a donation form on a client's website, which processes payments through PayPal's classic api. It works fine in Sandbox mode, but I'm getting a 10501 - This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration. error.
I know that this error is caused by PayPal payments pro not being enabled on the account the API is trying to access. That is were I'm somewhat confused. The account I'm connecting this donation form to is subscribed to Paypal Payments Pro.
When I first encountered the 10501 error, I thought that PayPal may require myself to log in and enable the Payments Pro service. I found a "get started" button under the payments pro section of the site, but when I click it, I'm taken to a page which only provides a link to the API documentation.
I've never worked with PayPal's API before or launched a live paypal application. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Just to make it clear, the PHP donation form DOES work in PayPal's sandbox mode
I have acquired the correct API keys from the live account and I know for a fact that I did not mix up the live credentials with the sandbox.
this donation form is on a website, not an mobile app (do I still need to register it as a paypal app?)
A lot of times what happens is that PayPal enables the Virtual Terminal for you, but not the DoDirectPayment API. I would just give them a call and let them know you have Pro, but your DDP calls are resulting in this error, and they can probably get it enabled for you.
It's also possible that your version of Pro requires you to use the PayFlow API instead of DoDirectPayment. That's something they can tell you when you call them.

Paypal We are unable to complete your request at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for the inconvenience

I am attempting PayPal's express checkout this week for an online system I am building. I am running a LAMP server hosted on virtual machine service) and they have no "web admin" panel. When I attempted the sandbox integration using the appropriate API URLs and API Username, Password, and Signature, it worked fine. No problems. However, when I decided to go live, using the appropriate URLs and API Username, Password, and Signature, I get the following error on the PayPal page:
We are unable to complete your request at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for the inconvenience.
To answer common questions, I have:
Switched API Urls to vs
Tried deleting old API info and replacing it with new Username, Password, and Signature
Contacted PayPal support, and created a ticket.
Switched between selling "Physical" and "Digital" goods, to no avail
My account is a PayPal "business" account.
Any help would be appreciated!
Found the answer. When going live with PayPal, you have to go into the PayPal developer portal and create a new application and get it approved because you're working with real money. Silly me.

connect to QuickBooks online via PHP

Short Version:
How do I connect to my company's QuickBooks Online subscription via a PHP script to retrieve some relatively simple information like a list of Customers or a list of Invoices?
Long Version:
Okay, so I've spent all day trying to figure out how to connect to QuickBooks Online via PHP, and I'm still stuck. Either I'm an idiot, or this whole thing is more complicated than trying to make my wife happy. It looks like the QuickBooks API changes every couple years, any many of the posts from the recent past are now incorrect.
Basically, I am simply trying to write a php script which connects to my company's QuickBooks Online account. I need to do very simple things like retrieve a list of customers, retrieve a list of invoices, and so on. While researching, I found this post from June 2013:
The post says to use qbXML, download the QuickBooks PHP Dev Kit, and look at the example in "docs/example_online_edition.php":
So, I downloaded the QuickBooks PHP Dev Kit (from here: and went into "docs/example_online_edition.php". This php file now says "DO NOT USE THIS FILE ANYMORE!" It also says that "All QuickBooks Online implementations should now be using the v3 REST APIs.".
Therefore, my understanding at this point is this: Before I even connect to my company's QuickBooks Online account, I first have to create a developer account at (aka Intuit Partner Platform aka IPP).
So, I registered with IPP, and now I'm just stuck with nowhere to go. My IPP account is not connected to my company's QuickBooks Online account - am I supposed to connect these somehow?
Can anyone explain to me in somewhat plain English how I would connect to my company's QuickBooks Online account via PHP?
I am written extensively on the basics of connecting to QuickBooks. The articles are Rails based but a user of any programming environment can benefit from them.
Get started integrating Rails 4 and QuickBooks Online (QBO)
I simplified my own question here.
And the nice guys at Intuit responded fairly quickly. Their answer, as I understand it, is that I need to build an application under my QuickBooks IPP account, then use OAuth to tie it to my QuickBooks Online account.

flagship Merchent Account Payment gateway

hello i have to integrate flagship merchant services on my project.But i don't have any idea about this.if any person any idea about this or have any api regarding this please let me know .I have also integrate reoccurring payment service in this.So if any body has worked on this payment express please provide me the api or the flow so i can integrate this as soon as possible
My project is in php so need api in php
I believe you're referring to this Flagship Merchant Services. According to their FAQ, you need an Internet merchant account with them before they'll provide you with the First Data Global Gateway API to interface with their payment gateway.
I worked on similiar integration code with a local credit card processing provider and they only provide the interface API only when the client has signed up an account with the provider. Presumably, it's for security purposes (at least security through obscurity)
