How to open (View) a file in PHP - php

I am using XAMPP Virtual Server. In my PHP code, I create a word document and write to it. The document is saved in the same directory of the php file. Now, after I've written to this document, I want it to automatically open, so that the user can view it. Is that possible in PHP? If so, then How? Below is the part that opens the file and writes to it. I am missing the file view part. Thank you.
$fp = fopen( $fileName, 'w+');
fwrite($fp, $report);
Note: I don't want to download the file. (Consider that the server and the client is the same machine). I just want the file to open.

Have you tried: header("location: file:///C:\xampp\public_html\docs\worddocument.doc");

Wow, didn't ever done this, but it worked:
`notepad c:/xampp/htdocs/bitnami.css`;
This is for the case that you want that PHP opens others apps. Be aware of the execution time limit of the PHP.


Cannot download using fpassthru

I'm trying to serve a file for download to a user, and I'm having trouble with fpassthru. The function I'm using to download a file is:
Note that the file is successfully created from a blob, and is in fact the file I want the user to download. The script exits successfully, and reports no errors, but the file is not downloaded. I can't for the life of me think what's wrong.
EDIT: I removed the error suppression from fopen(), but it still reports no error. Somehow the data in the output buffer is never being told to be downloaded by the browser.
I tried your code (without the blob part), and it worked fine. I can download a binary file. Based on my experience, here are something to check:
Has the file been completely saved before you initiate the reading? Check the return value of file_put_contents.
How large is the file? fpassthru reads the whole file into memory. If the file is too large, memory might be insufficient. Please refer to for more information.
Instead of downloading the file to local server (reading the whole file into server’s memory, and letting the client download the file from the server), you can create an SAS URL, and simply redirect the browser to the URL. Azure will take care of download automatically. You many want to refer to for a sample.
I was able to download the file by passing a stream obtained with the Azure API directly to fpassthru, without creating a file. Unfortunately, I can't show the code because it belongs to a project that I have finished working on and the code is no longer available to me.

PHP - Is file being written to?

My mailserver writes to a file every minute, this is fine and I'm happy for it to do that.
However on my WebServer, I want to check if that file is currently being written to and if it isn't, show the user a download link.
Is there any way I can do this..
For example: run a loop that will keep looking until the file is no longer being written to then, show a download link to the file?
I've read about flock() but I don't think this will help as another process / os is actually creating the file!
Your writting script/app/process should write lock file (empty file like filename.lock before it starts writting to main file, and then it shall remove when done. It's regular locking approach but the your script will just need to check if filename.lock is present or not. If it is, then file is being written to.
You can only acquire a read or write lock if no-one else is currently writing. You shouldn't have to do this.
Also, when the user downloads the file it could be the file has changed in the mean time. Are you sure you've got the right mental image of what you want?

Browser won't download file correcty

I've looked through the site and can't find an answer to my question. I'm trying to make a winrar file (which is 1GB) downloadable from my server and whenever I try, it gives me a winrar file with the same name that is only like 9kb. Here's what I have for the headers. I'm really new to downloadable content so, don't make fun of me. :D
header('Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="java.rar" ');
I'm assuming that I need more. hahaha!
I keep seeing people use header('Content-type: application/pdf'); above their disposition. Does this support rar format, or do I need to use it as zip?
Probably your script is timing out and only a small part from 1GB file is being sent. You may try increasing time limit but IMO for such a big file you'll have to link directly to make it downloadable.
If you want to count file downloads you may link to a php script which will increase the counter and redirect browser directly to the file afterwards.

Check if NFS share is up in PHP

I am working on a system that will store uploaded files. The metadata will go into a locally-accessible database, but the files themselves are going to be stored on a remote box via NFS so that PHP can interact with the server as if it was a directory.
I identified an issue that may occur if somebody attempts to upload a file when the NFS server is down or otherwise unavailable, which could cause the script to error out or hang. Obviously we want to avoid this scenario and handle it in a graceful manner, but we aren't sure how we can do this.
We are thinking of a) checking the server at page-display time and ghosting out the file upload portion of the form should the server be down, or b) checking the link before executing move_uploaded_file to store the uploaded document.
Is it possible to do this from within PHP, and if so, how?
You could write a simple check that tries to write to the NFS share with a 2 second timeout. If it succeeds, proceed with the move_uploaded_file. If it fails, give the user a graceful error.
I don't know what your setup looks like... If you are mounting it, could you use is_writable?
if (!is_writable('/path/to/nfs/share/mount')) {
die('NFS share is not writable!');
I'd try to write a small file for real at nfs-mountpoint, if success you're online and can write the posted file.
If not, cache it at webserver-disk for later (automatic) save.
Check if you can opendir() the directory?
$dir = "/etc/php5/";
// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
// do your stuff

PHP: prompting download from ftp?

hy guys,
i really need your help. i've succesfully connected to ftp server via php.
i'm listing all files that are on the server. if i click a file the browser should prompt a download window to download the file.
i've absolutely no idea how to do that. which method am i going to use. ftp_get kind of confuses me. it says i have to declare a local_file as well. i just want a file on the server to download to my harddrive.
how can i do that?
regards matt
The remote file has to first be downloaded to your server before you can send it to the user. It's invisible to the user, but you don't have a choice. PHP won't let the browser talk directly to the FTP server.
Create a separate php script that calls ftp_get for a specific file, stores it temporarily to your server to allow the user to download it.
Something like:
//assume the page was called like download.php?filename=downloaded.pdf
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$_GET['filename'].'"');
$tempFile = 'temp'.rand();
ftp_get($ftp, $tempFile, $_GET['filename'], FTP_BINARY);
You may add code to delete the tempFile too.
If you provide a link to a file that can't be read by the browser (such as a php file, audio, video, etc.) it will ask you to download the file.
The other way is to use PHP headers on a page and print out the page, and link to that page.
