User Wall PHP and MYSQL - php

I'm working on a big project a social networking site but now I'm stuck and i need your advice.
My problem is that I wan't to display everything like posts, videos and statuses into his profile.php under user timeline.
I got more than 40 Tables but let me specify what I wan't, I wan't to get data from these tables and how to display them on the profile.php timeline section ?
Status Table
ID | sMessage | sDate | uId
1 | Testing status | 2013/07/03 | 1
Videos Table
ID | vName | vCode | vDate | uId
1 | PHP and MYSQL | 2MvYwz | 2013/07/03 | 1
Users Table
ID | uName | JoinDate
1 | Tem Henov | 2013/07/03
And here is what i tried:
class userTimeline {
public function loadTimeline(){
$query = "SELECT
sMessage, sDate, vName, vDate, vCode
FROM status
ON (status.uId = users.uId)
On (videos.uId = users.uId)
WHERE users.uId = '1'";
return $result = mysql_query($query);
and its loads the data fine but how to display that data in blocks like if its a status display in a separate block and if its a video display it in another block and how to order by date ?! any help is appreciated.

First : To Show data into various <div> first fetch them and show like,
1) Fetch all the record and store into a php array
$rows = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array(YOUR_QUERY))
$rows[] = $row;
2) Now Using foreach() loop use data fetched from query where ever you want
if(is_array($rows)) {
foreach($rows as $row) {
//do with $row or create some if,switch condition here !
For specific limits and tweaks study the result set we get from mysql_fetch_array() !
Second : To short data by date you can use multiple sorting (click here for
tutorial) but i think you should use MYSQL UNION to merge two
or more MySQL query results to get individual sorting result.


How to retrieve data from a table and count number rows from another table then show them together in a while loop or HTML table?

I need to retrieve 'projects' details from table 'projects'.
I need to get number of bids from 'projectsBids'.
Then show them all in a HTML table based on project IDs
This is my 'projectsBids' table:
pID | bidder
AAAA | mark
AAAA | pete
AAAA | dave
BBBB | mason
BBBB | simon
Following code shows number of bids for a particular project ID (pID)
$pID = $_GET["pID"];
$query = "SELECT pID FROM projectsBids WHERE pID='$pID'";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die('error');
echo mysqli_num_rows($result);
Now I want to show this count using it's 'pID' in a HTML summary table where I am retrieve data from another table 'projects'
'projects' table:
pID | pName | pBudget
AAAA | Create Website | 250
BBBB | Create an App | 550
I am using the following code to retrieve the data..
Check 4th <td>(in following code) where I want to display the number of bids for that project ID.
$sql="SELECT pID,pName,pBudget FROM projects ORDER BY id";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$row['pID']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row['pName']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row['pBudget']."</td>";
echo "<td>"**HERE I WANT TO SHOW 'Number of BIDS of PROJECT ID(pID)'**"</td>";
echo "</tr>";
Whenever I try with subquery or join it does not work..
What is the correct query to do this?
Try this
I have tested it on your data.
SELECT *,( SELECT COUNT(pID) FROM projectsBids WHERE projectsBids.pID = projects.pID) as bids FROM projects
use this query you will get the result.
Try this:
select,p.pname,p.pbudget,count(pb.bidder) as totbids from projects p left join projectsBids pb on group by,p.pname,p.pbudget

Grouping and counting results based on column PHP Mysql

I have a table recording hits to pages like this :
id | ip_address | page_id
1 | 192.123.456.78 | 2787321
2 | | 2787321
3 | 192.123.456.78 | 342415
4 | 192.123.456.78 | 2787321
5 | 192.432.999.80 | 2787321
I'm getting the results like this :
$getHits = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE page_id = $pageID" );
I want to display the results grouped by ip_address based on how many times each IP accessed the same page_id.
Example of desired output (where $pageID = 2787321) :
192.123.456.78 - 2 Views - 1 View
192.432.999.80 - 1 View
I've been trying a few things (grouping mainly and running through while and foreach loops) but it quickly got really complicated and I can't get it to work.
Could somebody point me in the right direction please?
You should not use var for dinamic query you are at risk of sqlinjection
$wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ip_address, count(*) hits
FROM $table WHERE page_id = $pageID
GROUP BY ip_address
ORDER BY hits DESC" );

Multiple table query pagination and serach returing results of all tables but not from main table if they have nothing from other tables

Here’s what I have :
I have table 1 which is the parties table. It lists all the parties that are scheduled for the month.
I have 4 other tables, each contains the type of party favours that we use.
I need to query all parties that start this coming Saturday and list them back until the beginning of the year.
I have accomplished this.
What I need to do is figure out how to search but the party name from parties table and search all the party favours tables and list the results.
Still sorted this Saturday to the beginning of the year and filter out parties which we do not have any favours.
Currently I can search only by party name from the parties table. I can’t figure out how to search all of them at the same time.
I also need to paginate all of these.
I currently have pagination working but it currently lists everything including the parties that have no favours assigned.
I am stuck. Does this make sense?
For the parties table:
| party_id | parent_id | party_title | party_description | party_start | party finish |
For the party_drinks table:
| party_id | drink_id | drink_title | drink_notes |
For the party_foods table:
| party_id | food_id | food_title | food_notes |
For the party_toys table:
| party_id | toy_id | toy_title | toy_notes |
For the party_balloons table:
| party_id | balloon_id | ballon_title | balloon_notes |
SELECT parties.*, party_toys.*, party_drinks.*, party_foods.*, party_balloons.*
FROM parties
INNER JOIN party_toys ON = party_toy.party_id
INNER JOIN party_drinks ON = party_drinks.party_id
INNER JOIN party_foods ON = party_foods.party_id
INNER JOIN party_balloons ON = party_balloons.party_id
WHERE parties.title LIKE "%Super party%"
OR party_toys.toy_title LIKE "%Super toy 9000%"
OR party_drinks.drink_title LIKE "%Tequila%"
OR party_foods.food_title LIKE "%Burger%"
This is going to select all the data from all the table so feel free to customize the infos you want to select. Then it's going to link all of them, and depending on the parameters you set on the WHERE it's going to return you the stuff you ask for.
Also for pagination you can do it using a get parameter from your url :
Get the page number before your query :
if( isset($_GET['page']) and is_int($_GET['page']) )
$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = 0;
$results_per_page = 20;
$offset = $page * $results_per_page;
Once you have your page number you just add this parameter at the end of your query
$query = "all the query i wrote above";
$auer .= " LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$results_per_page;

Display MySQL Data in PHP with Categories

I have a table that looks like this:
| Category | Sub-Category |
| Cell Phones | Smart Phones |
| Cell Phones | Tablet Phones |
| Cell Phones | Other Phones |
| Computers | Desktops |
| Computers | Laptops |
| Computers | Chromebooks |
+---------------+------------------+ etc..
And I would like to display this data on my website using PHP, like this:
How would I display the information as above(one category, all subcategories under) using PHP? Also how can I evenly divide the list of category/subcategories into 3 columns?
I've found tutorials but none seemed to use PHP, which is the part I'm having trouble with.
Thank you guys for your time.
This type of reports are called cross tabing reports. In sql there is pivot function which gives data as you require. But in mysql there is no pivoting so you need to use your own logic.
To achieve this you will need to have two loops as described below a short idea on how to do this.
Select distinct maincategory from table
Loop for main category{
select subcategory from table where maincategory='category'{
print all sub categories
$data = query_data();
$cat = array();
foreach($data as $item)
$cat[$item['category']][] = $item['sub_category'];
Now, $cat is what you need.
You can give category id to them for example, say cellphones has an id of 1 then all items inside this will also have a subcategory_id of 1. Similarly if the printers have id of 2 then all subcategory_id under it will have id as 2.
Now you can run simple query to retrieve the field specific category. like:
SELECT * from table_name WHERE subcategory_id = 1;
This will give out all the categories inside cellphones...similarly you can do for all fields...
This should work -
$categories = Array();
//Assuming database handle is $db
$r1 = $db->query("select distinct(Category) from table_name") or die("err in q1");
while($cat_arr = $r1->fetch_assoc()){
$cat = $cat_arr['Category'];
$sub_cats = Array();
$db->query("select Sub-Category from table_name where Category = $cat") or die("err in q2");
while($sub_arr = $r2->fetch_assoc()){
$categories[$cat] = $sub_cats;
The $categories array now has the details of the table, and can be used as is.

What is the correct way to join two tables in SQL?

I have two tables. The first table holds simple user data and has the columns
$username, $text, $image
(this is called "USERDATA").
The second table holds information about which users "follow" other users, which is set up with the columns
$username and $usertheyfollow
(this is called "FOLLOWS").
What I need to do is display the data individually to each user so that it is relevant to them. This means that userABC for instance, needs to be able to view the $text and $image inputs for all of the users whom he/she follows. To do this, I believe I need to write a sql query that involves first checking who the logged in user is (in this case userABC), then selecting all instances of $usertheyfollow on table FOLLOWS that has the corresponding value of "userABC." I then need to go back to my USERDATA table and select $text and $image that has a corresponding value of $usertheyfollow. Then I can just display this using echo command or the like...
How would I write this SQL query? And am I even going about the database architecture the right way?
With tables like so:
userdata table
| id | username | text | image |
| 1 | jam | text | image |
| 2 | sarah | text | image |
| 3 | tom | text | image |
follows table
| userId | userFollow |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 |
and use the following SQL:
SELECT userdata.text, userdata.image FROM follows LEFT JOIN userdata ON follows.userFollow = WHERE follows.userId = 1
will get all the text and images that user with id '1' follows
As it turns out, neither of these answers were right. #jam6459 was closest.
The correct answer is the following:
SELECT userdata.text, userdata.image, follows.userFollow
FROM userdata
LEFT JOIN follows ON follows.userFollow = userdata.username
WHERE follows.userId = $username
I also found it easier to not have a username correspond to an Id as in jam's table example. This is because the same user can have multiple entries in "USERDATA". I instead used username as the Id.
function get_text_image($username)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM USERDATA where username='".$username."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['text'];
echo $row['image'];
function display_data_of_followers($userid)
$sql = "SELECT usertheyfollow FROM follow WHERE userid = ".$userid."";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
