I have this script, which works perfectly fine.
$lines_array = file("file.txt");
$search_string = "jummie";
foreach($lines_array as $line) {
if(strpos($line, $search_string) !== false) {
list(, $new_str) = explode(":", $line);
//$new_str = trim($new_str);
echo $new_str;
If you input this file:
one: number
cheese: word
jummie: foo
bar: ar
It will return foo, for jummie (as seen in the code). Now I have modified the code, but now it does not work anymore:
$app_name = $_GET["app"];
$user_name = $_GET["user"];
$web_url = $_GET["weburl"];
$lines_array = file("accounts/userdata/". $user_name ."/". $app_name .".txt");
$search_string = "keyword";
foreach($lines_array as $line) {
if(strpos($line, $search_string) !== false) {
list(, $new_str) = explode(":", $line);
// If you don't want the space before the word bong, uncomment the following line.
//$new_str = trim($new_str);
$new_str = $keyword;
echo $keyword;
Does anyone has an idea what could be the problem? Thanks!
Scratch that. You've never defined the variable $keyword which is what you are ultimately printing.
change the next-to-last line to:
$keyword = $new_str
Mayhaps you meant to do:
$search_string = $keyword;
instead of:
$search_string = "keyword";
I have to get a output of a list that only contain ports like :8080, not any other ports so the php has to check if the website contains any lines with :8080 port, and if so you will have to print the whole line.
$url = "https://proxymagic.cc/Home/FreeProxies?accesskey=key";
$str = file_get_contents($url);
$lines = explode('
', $str);
foreach($lines as $line) {
if (stripos($line, '8080') !== false) {
$line = $output;
echo $output;
I'm not sure why you are storing the line if you just want to echo it back out. This will echo each matching line on a separate line.
$url = "https://proxymagic.cc/Home/FreeProxies?accesskey=key";
$str = file_get_contents($url);
$lines = explode('
', $str);
foreach($lines as $line) {
if (stripos($line, '8080') !== false) {
echo $line . "\n<br/>";
Use file() instead of file_get_contents().
Use array_filter, as Jon Gauthier demonstrates in his answer to a related question:
array_filter($array, function($el) use ($search_text) {
return ( strpos($el['text'], $search_text) !== false );
$url = "https://proxymagic.cc/Home/FreeProxies?accesskey=key";
$lines = file($url);
$needle = ':8080';
$lines = array_filter($lines, function($line) use ($needle) {
return false !== strpos($line, $needle);
I have multiple lines like this in a file:
value: router
Native VLAN
value: 00 01
How can I use PHP to find 'Platform' and return the value 'router'
Currently I am trying the following:
$file = /path/to/file
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
$pattern = preg_quote($searchfor, '/');
$pattern = "/^.*$value.*\$/m";
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)){
echo "Found Data:\n";
echo implode("\n", $matches[0]);
echo "No Data to look over";
Heres another simple solution
$file = 'data.txt';
$contents = file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$find = 'Platform';
if (false !== $key = array_search($find, $contents)) {
echo 'FOUND: '.$find."<br>VALUE: ".$contents[$key+1];
} else {
echo "No match found";
Here is a really simple solution with explode.
Hope it helps.
function getValue($needle, $string){
$array = explode("\n", $string);
$i = 0;
$nextIsReturn = false;
foreach ($array as $value) {
if($i%2 == 0){
if($value == $needle){
$nextIsReturn = true;
// It's a value
$line = explode(':', $value);
return $line[1];
return null;
$test = 'Platform
value: router
Native VLAN
value: 00 01 ';
echo getValue('Platform', $test);
If the trailing spaces are a problem for you, you can use trim function.
I have a problem where I need to search a HTML page/snippet and replace any value that is between four percentile symbols and convert to a constant variable, e.g. %%THIS_CONSTANT%% becomes THIS_CONSTANT.
Right now I am searching through the page, line by line, and I am able to find matches and replace them by using preg_match_all and preg_replace.
$file_scan = fopen($directory.$file, "r");
if ($file_scan) {
while (($line = fgets($file_scan)) !== false) {
if(preg_match_all('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', $line, $matches)){
foreach($matches as $match){
foreach($match as $m){
$repair = preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', $m, $m);
if(preg_match('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', $m, $m)){
} else {
echo $repair.' '.$j;
$lines[$i] = preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', constant($repair), $line);
} else {
$lines[$i] = $line;
$template[$name] = implode("", $lines);
What this code is not able to do is find and replace multiple matches on a single line. For instance, if there is a line with:
<img src="%%LOGO_IMAGE%%"><h1>%%TITLE%%</h1>
The above code would replace both items with the same value (TITLE). It would also give the error couldn't find constant on the first loop, but work correctly on the second.
This happens very rarely, but I just wish to know how to modify multiple instances on a single line just to be safe.
I am able to replace the majority of the code with this:
$file_scan = fopen($directory.$file, "r");
if ($file_scan) {
while (($line = fgets($file_scan)) !== false) {
$line = preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', '$2'.'$1', $line);
echo $line;
My last issue is changing the replaced items to constants. Is that possible?
Final Edit:
With the help from Peter Bowers suggestion, I used preg_replace_callback to add the ability to change the keyword to a constant:
foreach($filenames as $file){
$name = str_replace('.html', '', $file);
$template[$name] = preg_replace_callback('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', function($matches){
$matches[0] = preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', '$1', $matches[0]);
return constant($matches[0]);
}, file_get_contents($directory.$file));
return $template;
Here's a much simpler implementation.
$file_scan = fopen($directory.$file, "r");
if ($file_scan) {
$out = '';
while (($line = fgets($file_scan)) !== false) {
$out .= preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', '$1', $line);
$template[$name] = $out;
Or, even simpler:
$str = file_get_contents($directory.$file);
$template[$name] = preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', '$1', $str);
And, since we're going totally simple here...
$template[$name] = preg_replace('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', '$1', file_get_contents($directory.$file));
(Obviously you are losing some of your error checking capabilities as we approach the one-liner, but - hey - I was having fun... :-)
Try with this:
define('TITLE', 'Title');
define('LOGO_IMAGE', 'Image');
$lines = array();
$file_scan = fopen($directory.$file, "r");
if ($file_scan) {
while (($line = fgets($file_scan)) !== false) {
if(preg_match_all('/\%%(.*?)\%%/', $line, $matches)){
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
$line = str_replace($matches[0][$i], constant($matches[1][$i]), $line);
$lines[] = $line;
$template[$name] = implode("", $lines);
$url =file("list.txt");
foreach ($url as $sites) {
$sites = trim($sites);
echo $sites . " </ br>";
and list.txt contain some urls
how could i remove the word "/wp-content/" and everything after it
to be
Take a look at the the parameter $before_needle at http://docs.php.net/strstr
$o = strstr($url, '/wp-content/', true);
How about using preg_replace?
Something like that:
$sites = trim(preg_replace( '#/wp-content.*#', '', $sites));
This should work:
$url =file("list.txt");
foreach ($url as $sites) {
$sites = trim($sites);
$pos = strpos($sites, 'wp-content');
$newStr = substr($sites,0,$pos );
echo $newStr . " </ br>";
$lines = file('list.txt');
$find = '/wp-content/';
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
$pos = strpos($line, $find);
if($pos !== false) {
echo substr($line, 0, $pos) . '<br>';
} else {
echo 'Not found ' . $find . '<br>';
First explode your content by new line then loop through each and use substr function to remove the matches. Following function my be useful to you:
// can remove variables from: full url, from urls related to site root, form just a query string like "a=1&b=2"
function remove_var_from_url($variable_name, $url_string){
// this is anything before the "?" sign
$base_url = '';
// the variable separator, can be "?" if is a full URL or can be empty, if we just have "&sort=sales&oprder=asc"
$separator = "";
$start_pos = 0;
$return_string = "";
$start_pos = strpos($url_string, "?")+1;
$separator = "?";
$base_url = substr($url_string, 0, $start_pos-1);
// start building the string from the base url (which can be empty)
$return_string = $base_url;
$url_vars_string = substr($url_string, $start_pos);
$names_and_values = explode("&", $url_vars_string);
foreach($names_and_values as $value){
list($var_name, $var_value) = explode("=", $value);
if($var_name != $variable_name){
// add the "?" once if needed
$return_string.= $separator;
$separator_added = true;
} else {
$return_string.= "&";
$return_string.= $var_name."=".$var_value;
// remove "&" from margins
$return_string = trim($return_string, "&");
// remove the "?" if is at the end, it means it was just one variable that was removed
$return_string = rtrim($return_string, "?");
return $return_string;
I would rather suggest you to apply strpos on each of the string first. Strpos will return you the position of first occurance of a string. Then use substr to fetch everything prior to that string.
` $lines = file('list.txt');
$find = '/wp-content/';
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$position = strpos($line, '/wp-content');
$string = substr($line, 0, $position);
I need a PHP script to print customer names in a file. There's hundreds of names and addresses but I want to print only the names with a maximum of 15 letters.
$file = file_get_contents('data-cust.txt');
$keyword = 'name';
$str = substr($file, strpos($file, $keyword) + strlen($keyword), 15);
echo $str;
I tried using the above but only printed one name. How do I make it print all names?
If the names are on their own line, something like this should work.
$file = file('data-cust.txt');
foreach($file as $line) {
$keyword = 'name';
$str = substr($line, strpos($line, $keyword) + strlen($keyword), 15);
echo $str;
You need to open the file and read it then extract the names.
$file = fopen("data-cust.txt", "r");
$keyword = 'name';
$str = array() ;
if ($file) {
while (($line = fgets($file )) !== false) {
$name = substr($line, strpos($line, $keyword) + strlen($line), 15);
echo $name ;
$str[] = $name ;
} else {
// error opening file
fclose($file );
print_r($str) ;