I have a form which allows people to message each other, a user can select multiple people to message, when i submit a form it gives me the name and id of people selected to message in an array. uptil here i am able to get it to work for a single recipient
I want to be able to use this array and INSERT message for each user in different rows of mysql table
this is the array that i get when i submit a form
Array (
[to_user_id] => Array
[0] => 54
[1] => 55
[subject] => aaa
[message] => bbb
[send_message] =>
this is the part of code that works for a single recipient but not multiple
$to_user_id_array = ($_POST['to_user_id']);
$params = array(
':to_user_id' => $to_user_id_array,
':subject' => $_POST['subject'],
':message' => $_POST['message'],
':sender_id' => $this->user_id,
':status' => "0",
':type' => "message",
':sender_name' => $sender_name,
':to_user_name' => $to_user_name,
':delete_received' => 'no',
':delete_sent' => 'no',
$sql = "INSERT INTO `messages` (`sender_id`,`subject`,`comment`,`to_user_id`,`status`,`type`,`sender_name`,`to_user_name`,`delete_received`,`delete_sent`)
VALUES (:sender_id, :subject, :message, :to_user_id, :status, :type, :sender_name,:to_user_name,:delete_received,:delete_sent);";
parent::query($sql, $params);
$this->error = "<div class='alert alert-success'>" . _('Your message has been sent.') . "</div>";
Will really appreciate any help..
This is what worked for me, i hope this helps someone else in similar position
while ($value = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$params = array(
':to_user_id' => $value['user_id'],
':subject' => $_POST['subject'],
':message' => $_POST['message'],
':sender_id' => $this->user_id,
':status' => "0",
':type' => "message",
':sender_name' => $sender_name,
':to_user_name' => $value['name'],
':delete_received' => 'no',
':delete_sent' => 'no',
$sql = "INSERT INTO `messages` (`sender_id`,`subject`,`comment`,`to_user_id`,`status`,`type`,`sender_name`,`to_user_name`,`delete_received`,`delete_sent`)
VALUES (:sender_id, :subject, :message, :to_user_id, :status, :type, :sender_name,:to_user_name,:delete_received,:delete_sent);";
parent::query($sql, $params);
Cassandra\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: No value or column for name
I'm trying to update some old code from YACassandraPDO to Datastax's new PHP extension, and I'm running into some issues. Notably, this error. I can't figure out why or what's wrong.
A parameter numbers match. Is there something drastically different Datastax is doing for prepared statements?
$query = "UPDATE {$this->keyspace}.visit USING TTL {$this->ttl}
SET ip=:ip, browser=:browser, referrer=:ref, terms=:terms
, url=:url, stime=:stime, etime=:etime
, company=:company, isp=:isp, domain=:domain, client_type = :client_type
, city=:city, state=:state_cd, postal_cd=:postal, country=:country
, country_cd=:country_cd, latitude=:lat, longitude=:long, area_cd=:area_cd
, user_id=:user_id
WHERE visit_dt=:dt AND cid=:cid AND sid=:sid AND pvid=:pvid";
The array is:
$params = [
':dt' => new Timestamp(strtotime(date('Y-m-d')), 0),
':cid' => $data['customerId'],
':sid' => $data['sid'],
':pvid' => $data['pvid'],
// Columns
':ip' => $ip,
':browser' => utf8_encode($data['browser']),
':client_type' => utf8_encode($device),
':ref' => utf8_encode($data['referrer']),
':terms' => utf8_encode($terms),
':url' => utf8_encode($data['url']),
':stime' => $data['now'],
':etime' => $data['etime'],
':user_id' => $data['userid'],
// Geodecode information
':company' => utf8_encode($geo->isp),
':domain' => utf8_encode($geo->domainName),
':isp' => utf8_encode($geo->isp),
':city' => utf8_encode($geo->cityName),
':state_cd' => utf8_encode($geo->regionName),
':country' => utf8_encode($geo->countryName),
':country_cd' => utf8_encode($geo->countryCode),
':postal' => $geo->zipCode,
':lat' => floatval($geo->latitude),
':long' => floatval($geo->longitude),
':area_cd' => $areac
$prep = $this->adapter()->prepare($stmnt);
$return = $this->adapter()->execute($prep, ['arguments' => $params]);
Okay, I've discovered the issue: the colens. ':key' needs to be just 'key'.
Man, that took just too long to see. All my old bind names were $stmnt->bindValue(':company', [...]);; so, it completely escaped my view.
I have a table (q) have 30 colmns, I wrote it in code correct, but I don't know where it's wrong.
Here I check wrongs:
$formErrors = array();
if(empty($fullname)){$formErrors[] = '<div class="alert alert-danger" > هناك خطأ ما<strong> الاسم</strong></div>'; }
if(empty($email)){$formErrors[] = '<div class="alert alert-danger" >هناك خطأ ما <strong>الايميل</strong></div>'; }
//loop errors
foreach($formErrors as $error){redirecthome("$error");}
// check if not errors procces update
here the wrong code sql ..
$stmt = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO `u926512753_u`.`q` (`username`, `email`, `skill`, `info`, `q1`, `q2`, `q3`, `q4`, `q5`, `q6`, `q7`, `q8`, `q9`, `q10`, `q11`, `q12`, `q13`, `q14`, `q15`, `q16`, `q17`, `q18`, `q19`, `q20`, `q21`, `q22`, `q23`, `q24`, `q25`, `q26`) VALUES (:username, :email, :skill, :info, :q1, :q2, :q3, :q4, :q5, :q6, :q7, :q8, :q9, :q10, :q11, :q12, :q13, :q14, :q15, :q16, :q17, :q18, :q19, :q20, :q21, :q22, :q23, :q24, :q25, ':q26'); ");
$stmt->execute(array(':username' => $fullname, ':email' => $email, ':skill' => $skill, ':info' => $info, ':q1' => $q1, ':q2' => $q2, ':q3' => $q3, ':q4' => $q4, ':q5' => $q5, ':q6' => $q6, ':q7' => $q7, ':q8' => $q8, ':q9' => $q9, ':q10' => $q10, ':q11' => $q11, ':q12' => $q12, ':q13' => $q13, ':q14' => $q14, ':q15' => $q15, ':q16' => $q16, ':q17' => $q17, ':q18' => $q18, ':q19' => $q19, ':q20' => $q20, ':q21' => $q21, ':q22' => $q22, ':q23' => $q23, ':q24' => $q24, ':q25' => $q25, ':q26' => $q26 ));
Like said in a comment above. There is a syntax error due to a quote placed in the VALUES part.
:q25, ':q26'); "); should become :q25, :q26'); ");.
I am trying to save the record, but when I run this code it execute without any error, but in database it does not show my record inserted.....
This is my Code for saving the records:-
$qre = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO student_master (`StudentId`, `AddmissionNo`, `AddmissionDate`, `AddmissionYear`, `AddmissionClass`, `StudentCode`, `RegistrationNo`, `EnquiryNo`, `StudentName`, `FatherName`, `MotherName`, `Address`, `City`, `State`, `ClassId`, `SectionId`, `GroupId`, `ClassRollNo`, `Gender`, `BloodGroup`, `DOB`, `DateOfJoining`, `GameId`, `PersonIdMark`, `Caste`, `Religion`, `ConcessionId`, `BoardAddmissionNoIXAndX`, `BoardAddmissionNoXIAndXII`, `BoardRollNoIXAndX`, `BoardRollNoXIAndXII`, `Nationality`, `FatherProfessionId`, `FatherDeptId`, `FatherDesgId`, `FatherBussiness`, `FatherWorkSpace`, `FatherAnnualIncome`, `MotherProfessionId`, `MotherDeptId`, `MotherDesgId`, `MotherBussiness`, `MotherWorkSpace`, `MotherAnnualIncome`, `ResidentPhone`, `FatherCellNo`, `MotherCellNo`, `FatherEmail`, `MotherEmail`, `EmergencyPhone`, `EmergencyCellNo`, `EmergencyContactPerson`, `EmergencyContactRelation`, `BusRateId`, `RouteNo`, `Height`, `Weight`, `VisionLeft`, `VisionRight`, `Teeth`, `OralHygine`, `BrotherSisterDetail`, `SiblingId`, `SessionId`) VALUES (:StudentId, :addmission_no, STR_TO_DATE(:ad_date', '%m/%d/%Y'), :addmission_yr, :addmission_cls, :student_code, :registration_no, :enquiry_no, :student_name, :father_name, :mother_name, :address, :city, :state, :class, :section, :group, :rollno, :gender, :bloodgroup, STR_TO_DATE(:dob', '%m/%d/%Y'), STR_TO_DATE(:doj', '%m/%d/%Y'), :game, :pidmark, :caste, :religion, :concession_cat, :board_addmission_noIX_X, :board_addmission_noXI_XII, :board_roll_noIX_X, :board_roll_noXI_XII, :nationality, :father_prof, :father_dept, :father_desg, :father_bussiness, :father_workplace, :father_annual_income, :mother_prof, :mother_dept, :mother_desg, :mother_bussiness, :mother_workplace, :mother_annual_income, :resident_phone, :father_cell, :mother_cell, :father_email, :mother_email, :emergency_phone, :emergency_cell, :contact_person_emergency, :emergency_contact_relation, :bus_rate, :route_no, :height, :weight, :vision_left, :vision_right, :teeth, :oral_hygiene, :brother_sister_detail,:sibling_id, :session_id)");
$res = $qre->execute(array(
':StudentId' => $StudentId,
':addmission_no' => $addmission_no,
':ad_date' => $addmission_date,
':addmission_yr' => $addmission_yr,
':addmission_cls' => $addmission_cls,
':student_code' => $student_code,
':registration_no' => $registration_no,
':enquiry_no' => $enquiry_no,
':student_name' => $student_name,
':father_name' => $father_name,
':mother_name' => $mother_name,
':address' => $address,
':city' => $city,
':state' => $state,
':class' => $class,
':section' => $section,
':group' => $group,
':rollno' => $rollno,
':gender' => $gender,
':bloodgroup' => $bloodgroup,
':dob' => $dob,
':doj' => $doj,
':game' => $game,
':pidmark' => $pidmark,
':caste' => $caste,
':religion' => $religion,
':concession_cat' => $concession_cat,
':board_addmission_noIX_X' => $board_addmission_noIX_X,
':board_addmission_noXI_XII' => $board_addmission_noXI_XII,
':board_roll_noIX_X' => $board_roll_noIX_X,
':board_roll_noXI_XII' => $board_roll_noXI_XII,
':nationality' => $nationality,
':father_prof' => $father_prof,
':father_dept' => $father_dept,
':father_desg' => $father_desg,
':father_bussiness' => $father_bussiness,
':father_workplace' => $father_workplace,
':father_annual_income' => $father_annual_income,
':mother_prof' => $mother_prof,
':mother_dept' => $mother_dept,
':mother_desg' => $mother_desg,
':mother_bussiness' => $mother_bussiness,
':mother_workplace' => $mother_workplace,
':mother_annual_income' => $mother_annual_income,
':resident_phone' => $resident_phone,
':father_cell' => $father_cell,
':mother_cell' => $mother_cell,
':father_email' => $father_email,
':mother_email' => $mother_email,
':emergency_phone' => $emergency_phone,
':emergency_cell' => $emergency_cell,
':contact_person_emergency' => $contact_person_emergency,
':emergency_contact_relation' => $emergency_contact_relation,
':bus_rate' => $bus_rate,
':route_no' => $route_no,
':height' => $height,
':weight' => $weight,
':vision_left' => $vision_left,
':vision_right' => $vision_right,
':teeth' => $teeth,
':oral_hygiene' => $oral_hygiene,
':brother_sister_detail' => $brother_sister_detail,
':sibling_id' => $sibling_id,
':session_id' => $session_id
Thanks in advance........
I've recently starting using PDO in a rebuild of a client's taxi booking system.
I have a script called create_booking.php, which initially inserts the booking details into a bookings table in the MySQL database. After inserting the customers details it retrieves the lastinsertID to get the booking ref. It then creates a job in the jobs table and references the booking reference to relate the job/booking.
The first insert is working fine, but the second insert isn't . Any ideas?
if (isset($_POST['customer_title'])) {
$create_booking = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO bookings(customer_name, billing_address, contact_tel, contact_mob, contact_email, party_pax, party_cases, booking_notes, price, booking_agent, booking_date, booking_status, authorised)
VALUES(:customer_name, :billing_address, :contact_tel, :contact_mob, :contact_email, :party_pax, :party_cases, :booking_notes, :price, :booking_agent, :booking_date, :booking_status, :authorised );");
":customer_name" => $customer_title . ' ' . $customer_first_name . ' ' . $customer_last_name,
":billing_address" => $billing_address,
":contact_tel" => $customer_tel,
":contact_mob" => $customer_mobile,
":contact_email" => $customer_email,
":party_pax" => $passengers,
":party_cases" => $cases,
":booking_notes" => $booking_notes,
":price" => $price,
":booking_agent" => $booking_agent,
":booking_date" => $booking_date,
":booking_status" => $booking_status,
":authorised" => $authorised
$booking_ref = $db->lastInsertId('booking_ref'); // Takes Booking Ref generated in $create_booking
$create_job = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO jobs(booking_ref, pickup_date, pickup_time, pickup_address, destination_address, return, scheduled)
(:booking_ref, :pickup_date, :pickup_time, :pickup_address, :destination_address, :return, :scheduled )");
":booking_ref" => $booking_ref,
":pickup_date" => $pickup_date,
":pickup_time" => $pickup_time,
":pickup_address" => $pickup_address,
":destination_address" => $pickup_destination,
":return" => "N",
":scheduled" => "N"
Your second SQL query is missing VALUES.
$create_job = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO jobs(booking_ref, pickup_date, pickup_time, pickup_address, destination_address, return, scheduled)
VALUES (:booking_ref, :pickup_date, :pickup_time, :pickup_address, :destination_address, :return, :scheduled )");
I am updating a form using PDO's update function. For some reason it is not going through.
Here is code:
$data = "UPDATE insuranceverificationdisclaimer SET InsCoName =:insur, PhoneNumber = :phone, Policy = :policy, InsuredName = :insurname
, MailingAdrs = :mailingad, EffDate = :effdate, ExpDate = :expdate, Email1 = :email, YrVehicle = :yr, Make = :make
, Model = :model, VIN = :vin, TraineeUserName = :user, EmpName = :empname, EmpCoName = :empcomp, AgencyNumber = :agnum
, SignDate = :signdate, AgentName = :agname, AgentPhone = :agphone, AgentEmail = :agemail, Combinedlimit = :csl, bodyinjur = :body
, bodyinjureachacc = :acc
, propertydmg = :prop WHERE TraineeUsername = :user";
$insertdata = $DBH->prepare($data);
$insertdata->execute(array(':insur' => $compname, ':phone' => $phone , ':policy' => $policynum, ':insurname' => $nameofPolicyholder
, ':mailingad' => $newMailingAdrs, ':effdate' => $Policyeffdate, ':expdate' => $Policyexpdate, ':email' => $newEmployeeEmail
, ':yr' => $YearOfVehicle, ':make' => $MakeOfVehicle, ':model' => $ModelOfVehicle, ':vin' => $Vehicleid, ':user' => $username, ':empname' => $EmployeeName, ':empcomp' => $EmployeeCompanyName, ':agnum' => $Agencynum
, ':signdate' => $TodaysDate, ':agname' => $agentname, ':agphone' => $agentphone, ':agemail' => $agentemail, ':csl' => $singlelimit
, ':body' => $bodyinjur, ':acc' => $eachacc, ':prop' => $propertydmg ));
Where , ':csl' => $singlelimit, ':body' => $bodyinjur, ':acc' => $eachacc, ':prop' => $propertydmg begins this is the function that is not working, these are ints in the database and the values are ints. If I remove from the select and the array it will work but besides that it will not.
Let me know if you need anything else!
Wont go through once you hit execute page just stays white.
You should turn on your error reporting as suggested by Michael Berkowski. For now I can only assume that the error is cause by params datatypes not being defined. You can try the following:
$insertdata->bindParam(':insur', $compname, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertdata->bindParam(':csl', $singlelimit, PDO::PARAM_INT);
//...bind the other params