I am using Amazon ec2 obunto micro instance. I have wrote a php code which executes a python code and echo the result which is a simple string. When I execute it on obuntu terminal it shows the result perfectly, but when I access it through the browser it doesn't show anything.
And I have no idea why. Actually it cannot execute the python script.
$tmp = exec('/usr/bin/python /var/www/similarity.py employee/unemployed/ waiter');
If anyonw can help me I would really appreciate it.
PS: I am using a mac book pro and when I use the same codes in the localhost of my computer everything works perfectly
After a lot of "scratching my head", I finally figured it out.
First of all you will need to figure out current user who is executing the php. You can either check out php.info file or use
$processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
print $processUser['name'];
This will give you the user who is executing the code. In my case it was apache rather than www-data (I shouldn't have assumed so in first place).
After that you will need to edit the sudoers file (etc/sudoers)
Add the lines over there.
You can use #Janith's code, if you want to be specific.
apache ALL=NOPASSWD:/var/www/similarity.py
apache ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/python
or you can simply add
(You probably should just specify the path).
Then execute the script through php.
This is permission problem to access python file. When you running it through server python script access as apache user(most probably www-data). So apache user doesn't having privilege to execute the python file.
What you can do it is run this command as sudo and add all necessary access to apache user(www-data) in /etc/sudoers file as below sample.
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:/var/www/similarity.py
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/python
This is just the sample, you should change this line as according to your environment.
This is really simple but I cannot get it to work at all. Spent many hours and I've always give up. I created php script called copy.php and it should call a python script called copy.py.
I want to execute a command line like this
<?php exec('/var/www/html/copy.py'); ?>
Really simple.
Why cannot I get the python script executed from php exec()? The function inside python script is to get a copy of error_log from a different directory (outside of Apache) into html directory.
If I run that from a terminal
> php copy.php
It did execute the function and made a copy. Why is that the web browser isn't doing it?
Let me simplify this:
why cannot exec("cp /var/log/httpd/error_log /var/www/html/path/to/php/script") work?
it works fine if I type it in terminal but not when run in a browser.
As others have alluded to, the difference is probably permissions. When you run a command from the command line, you're generally not the same users as your apache script is running as.
Put another way, if from the command line you type whoami, you'll probably get whatever name your user account is.
The echo exec('whoami'); from within php shows who the script is running as, which is Apache.
So, whatever command you're trying to run from your web server isn't available to run as the Apache user. You mentioned you've been able to have exec("python /usr/diskpurge/script.py") work, but not to have exec('/var/www/html/copy.py') doesn't. This is due to in one instance you're running python, in the other you're trying to execute your copy.py script. If copy.py doesn't have execute permissions for the Apache user, you're not going to be able to run it from the browser.
Perhaps different settings apply for the Apache environment versus the command line.
Use error_reporting(E_ALL); and ini_set('display_errors', true) to see what errosr may come up.
It is possible that the Apache environment is prohibited from using exec or the fact that Apache runs under a different user that does not have execute rights on the python script.
sounds like a permission error. Check if your server is running with sufficient rights.
echo exec('whoami');
Set your error reporting to report all:
ini_set('display_errors', true);
and check for errors..
If your whoami returns a user which is not a member of the SU family (linux) or administration (windows) then resite your permissions..
Assign the user returned by whoami correct permissions to run python scripts.. Do not allow the resulted username to run as root with total administration powers.. This is a big no no
The only reason its not working is because you didn't set the write permissions!
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
And then put the following:
www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL
I am having difficulty with the PHP exec() function. It seems to not be calling certain functions. For instance, the code echo exec('ls'); produces no output whatsoever (it should, there are files in the directory). That main reason this is a problem for me is that I'm trying execute a .jar from a PHP exec() call.
As far as I know I'm calling the java program properly, but I'm not getting any of the output. The .jar can be executed from the command line on the server. (For the record, it's an apache server).
My php for the .jar execute looks like this:
$output = array();
exec('java -jar testJava.jar', $output);
All I get for output from this exec() call is Array().
I have had success with exec() executing 'whoami' and 'pwd'. I can't figure out why some functions are working and some aren't. I'm not the most experienced person with PHP either, so I'm not too sure how to diagnose the issue. Any and all help would be appreciated.
The reason why you are not able to execute ls is because of permissions.
If you are running the web server as user A , then you can only ls only those directories which have permissions for user A.
You can either change the permission of the directory or you can change the user under which the server is running by changing the httpd.conf file(i am assuming that you are using apache).
If you are changing the permissions of the directory, then make sure that you change permissions of parent directories also.
To change the web server user, follow following steps:
Open the following file:
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Search for
User apache
Group apache
Change the user and group name. After changing the user and group, restart the server using following command.
/sbin/service httpd restart
Then you will be able to execute all commands which can be run by that user.
The 'User' should be a non-root user in httpd.conf. Apache by default doesnot serve pages when run as root. You have to set user as a non-root user or else you will get error.
If you want to force apache to run as root, then you have to set a environment variable as below:
Then you have to rebuild apache before you can run it as root.
I have found the issue - SELinux was blocking PHP from accessing certain functions. Putting SELinux into permissive mode has fixed the issues (although, I'd rather not have to leave SELinux in permissive mode; I'd rather find a way of allowing certain functions if I can).
I have a solution:
command runs from console, but not from php via exec/system/passthru.
The issue is the path to command. It works with the absolute path to command
So that:
wkhtmltopdf "htm1Eufn7.htm" "pdfIZrNcb.pdf"
/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf "htm1Eufn7.htm" "pdfIZrNcb.pdf"
And now, it's works from php via exec
Where command binary you can see via whereis wkhtmltopdf
Tore my hair out trying to work out why PHP exec works from command line but not from Apache. At the end, I found the following permissions:
***getsebool -a | grep httpd*** ---->
**httpd_setrlimit --> off
httpd_ssi_exec --> off
httpd_sys_script_anon_write --> off**
USE: setsebool -P httpd_ssi_exec 1
SEE: https://linux.die.net/man/8/httpd_selinux
Your problem is not an execution issue but the syntax of the exec command. The second argument is always returned as an array and contains a single line of the output in each index. The return value of the exec function will contain the final line of the commands output. To show the output you can use:
foreach($output as $line) echo "$line\n";
See http://php.net/manual/en/function.exec.php for details. You can also get the command's exit value with a third argument.
Ok I need to run my Apache web server as root. For this I typed whoami; in terminal. It gives me output: root. But when I check my apache server running as a root user or not by executing following php-script: < ?php echo whoami; ?> It gives me output: nobody. So any suggestions to execute/login as a root user in apache??
I would suggest creating an external PHP file on your server that would handle everything related with this extension. And then, you could call this script with shell_exec in combination with sudo.
This way, you could put your webserver user in your sudoers file and let it run php-cli as root.
Then, in your script you could simply use:
$output = shell_exec("sudo /bin/php /yourscript.php");
This would be a much more secure solution than running Apache as root, which in my opinion, is a verry bad idea, even if you know what you are doing.
If you know what you are doing, look at the file /etc/apache2/envvars :
You can customize these variables
export APACHE_RUN_USER=root
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=root
I echo the concerns running the apache process as root. Its just a bad idea.
Thats why I recently published a project that allows PHP to obtain and interact with a real Bash shell. Get it here: https://github.com/merlinthemagic/MTS
After downloading you would simply use the following code:
$shell = \MTS\Factories::getDevices()->getLocalHost()->getShell('bash', true);
$return1 = $shell->exeCmd('php /var/scripts/test.php');
//the return will be a string containing the return of the script
echo $return1;
i am using arch linux. i want to execute the php file which changes the ip of the system. i did
ifconfig eth0
in the terminal and it works fine. the same i tried doing with
shell_exec('ifconfig eth0');
in a php file and tried opening the page from a remotely located web browser from another pc connected via router. teh page displays nothing and the code also doesnt execute. i guess its the problem with the user executing it.apache is executing it. so i want it to be run by the root.can anyone please guide me to the execution of my code. i even installed sudo and just put
shell_exec('sudo ifconfig......');
it too doesnt execute...please help...thanku..:)
Sudo normally requires an interactive shell to enter your password. That's obviously not going to happen in a PHP script. If you're sure you know what you're doing and you've got your security issues covered, try allowing the Apache user to run sudo without a password, but only for certain commands.
For example, adding the following line in your sudoers file will allow Apache to run sudo without a password, only for the ifconfig command.
apache ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/ifconfig
Adjust the path and add any arguments to suit your needs.
There might still be complications due to the way PHP calls shell commands.
Remember that it's very risky to allow the web server to run commands as root!
Probably a better alternative:
Write a shell script with the suid bit to make it run as root no matter who calls it.
This function is disabled when PHP is running in safe mode.
Documentation : http://php.net/manual/en/function.shell-exec.php
So, maybe try tweaking your php.ini file?
Write the commands to a queue and have cron pick them up, validate them (only allow known good requests), and run them, then mark that queue complete with the date and result.
Your end-user can then click/wait for update using ajax.
I am using opencv for initiating the camera on my arch linux. Its getting initiated and works well when I actually do it from the command line on the server itself.
I want to initialize it using php. I tried doing it using shell_exec from PHP.
My PHP file looks like:
$output=shell_exec('LD_LIBRARY_PATH=usr/local/lib ./a.out 0 2>&1 1>/dev/null');
echo $output;
It gives this output:
ERROR: capture is NULL
I am running this through my windows web browser as a client and the opencv and the related files are on the server that is my arch linux.
I want to start the camera and capture images when I run this php file from the windows web browser, but when executed it throws the error as mentioned.
While this may work when you are SSHed into your server. The webserver user is most likely different than the user you login as. Popular user ids/groups that webservers run as on Linux machines are http, www-data, nobody, and others.
From this point you have two options.
You can make sure the script you are trying to run from PHP (and all of it's children, if any) is able to be run by the webserver user.
You can modify your /etc/sudoers file which gives the webserver user access to elevate permissions for that script only. (NOTE: This potentially opens up security holes so be careful).
To find out what user your webserver runs as execute this: ps aux
Take a look at the output and the first column in the output lists the user that that process is running at. Here's an excerpt of my webserver (nginx) on one of my boxes:
www-data 26852 0.0 0.0 29768 3840 ? S Jun04 0:50 nginx: worker process
You can see that nginx runs with the user www-data here. You can also execute the command with grep to help you find the process quicker. Grep will only show you those lines which match what you send to it. Here's an example: ps aux | grep nginx
Ok now that you know what user the webserver is running as, let's try giving that user access to the script. Let's say your script is foo and is located in /usr/local/bin. You would do the following commands:
chown www-data /usr/local/bin/foo
After changing ownership on the file try to rerun your command again from your PHP page and see if it works.
For completeness I also said you could give your webserver user sudo privileges to that file. To do that you would need to append the following line to the bottom of your /etc/sudoers file:
www-data ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/foo
Then your shell_exec command could switch to this:
shell_exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/foo');
Please keep in mind that doing this would allow your webserver user to run the script as root which is incredibly dangerous in a variety of situations. However, the camera may require elevated permissions to work. I'm not sure what the permissions requirements are on the camera setup you are trying to invoke.
Good luck. Hope this helps!