Laravel 4: Nest view inside layout with data - php

I'm writing a simple app which only relies on a few routes and views. I've setup an overall layout and successfully nested a template using the following.
View::name('layouts.master', 'master');
$layout = View::of('master');
Route::get('/users', function() use ($layout)
$users = Users::all()
return $layout->nest('content','list-template');
foreach($users as $user) {
echo $user->title;
How do I pass the query results $users into my master template and then into list-temple.php?

->nest allows a 3rd argument for an array of data:
Route::get('/users', function() use ($layout)
$users = Users::all()
return $layout->nest('content','list-template', array('users' => $users));
Also in your master.blade.php file - change it to this:
list-template.blade.php <- note the blade filename:
foreach($users as $user) {
echo $user->title;


Undefined variable problem on Laravel 9.x

I'm trying to get a my title variable from my control page and display it on the about page.
I don't think I have a typo, but it might me. I'm not sure.
Here is my control page code;
class PagesController extends Controller
public function index(){
$title = 'Welcome to Laravel';
return view ('pages.index')->with('title', $title);
public function about(){
$title = 'About us';
return view ('pages.about')->with('title', $title);
public function services(){
$title = 'The services';
return view ('')->with('title', $title);
In this page, the index and services functions work fine, but I can't get the about page.
Here is my display pages;
This is Index page
<p>This is the Laravel Application</p>
This is the about page:
<p>This is the About page</p>
The error I have
Do this:
return view ('pages.index', compact('title'));
return view ('pages.index', [
'title' => $title
Since you are returning just the title, there isn't any need to call any verbs. Rather you should directly call the view:
route::view('/about', 'Pagecontroller#about');
pass the parameter by compact:
return view ('pages.index', compact('title'));
return view ('pages.index', ['title' => $title]);
Since this is a test application from a lesson, I forgot to delete some extra code in my route file.
This is my route file:
Route::get('/', 'App\Http\Controllers\PagesController#index');
Route::get('/about', 'App\Http\Controllers\PagesController#about');
Route::get('/services', 'App\Http\Controllers\PagesController#services');
The commented area shouldn't be here. That was the whole problem over here...
// Route::get('/about', function(){
// return view ('pages.about');
// });
This form of passing variables is a short-lived entry of a variable into the session. Then accessing the variable on the page should look like this:
{{ session('title') }}
If you want to pass data to the view, then you need to use the method
return view('', ['title' => $title]);
Laravel views

PHP Laravel - Returning view from a sub-directory

I'm trying to return a view from a sub-directory however when using the code below I get the error "Undefined variable: folder1"
Route::get('/', function () {
return view("folder1/page1");
Route::get('/', function () {
return view("/folder1/page1");
Route::get('/', function () {
return view("folder1.page1");
The view "page1" is located in a folder called folder1, for example...
How do you return a view that's not located in the same directory?
In laravel, by default views are stored in resources/views directory. Your view, page1.blade.php file is in resources/views/folder1 directory. To return the view, we can use the global view helper as follows,
return view('folder1.page1');
For your case above, you can do this
return view('folder1.page1');
If you want to pass data into the view, there are many methods to do that,
you can use this
$data1= 'Sample data 1';
return view('folder1.page1',['data1'=>$data1]);
$data1 = 'Sample data 1';
returnn view('folder1.page1')->with('data1',$data1);
$data1 = 'Sample data 1';
return view('folder1.page1')->compact('data1');
$data1 = 'Sample data 1';
return view('folder1.page1',compact('data1'));
you can try as below
Route::get('/', function () {
return view("folder1.page1",compact('products'));
The problem is not the view itself, the problem is that you're not passing the view the $product variable it's using within the view to render data from a product / products.
Try something like this:
Router::get('/', function() {
return view('folder1.page1', ['products' => App\Product::all()]);

Laravel Datatables - Multiple tables on one view

I'm using laravel 5.4 and the latest version of yajra/laravel-datatables as a service.
I have it working fine with one datatable on a page. I want to create a dashboard of unrelated tables. Users, products, bookings etc.
I was hoping to have my controller look something like this:
public function index(ProductsDataTable $productDatatable, UsersDataTable $userDatatable)
$user = Auth::user();
$products = $user->products;
return view('admin.dashboard', compact('products', 'user', 'productDatatable', 'userDatatable'));
and in my blade do
{!! $productDatatable->table() !!}
{!! $userDatatable->table() !!}
{!! $dataTable->scripts() !!}
However this obviously doesn't work. I'm unsure how to proceed.
I tried to create a route for each datatable but wasn't sure how to reference it from my dashboard controller.
I'm sure there's a better way of implementing multiple tables in one view, but this is what I came up with after reviewing this. Comments/improvements would be highly appreciated.
The controller will render the tables once in the index() method but will fetch data from both the getUsers() method or getProducts() method.
// DashboardController.php
public function index(UsersDataTable $usersDataTable, ProductsDataTable $productsDataTable)
return view('dashboard.index', [
'usersDataTable' => $usersDataTable->html(),
'productsDataTable' => $productsDataTable->html()
//Gets Users JSON
public function getUsers(UsersDataTable $usersDataTable)
return $usersDataTable->render('admin.dashboard');
//Gets Products JSON
public function getProducts(ProductsDataTable $productsDataTable)
return $productsDataTable->render('admin.dashboard');
Add two extra routes that will be used to fetch Users and Projects data.
// web.php
Route::get('/', 'DashboardController#index')->name('dashboard.index');
Route::get('projects', 'DashboardController#getProjects')->name('dashboard.projects');
Route::get('users', 'DashboardController#getUsers')->name('dashboard.users');
DataTables Service Class
For both the UsersDataTable and ProductsDataTable service classes, include the relevant routes we created above.
// UsersDataTable.php
public function html()
return $this->builder()
->minifiedAjax( route('dashboard.users') );
// dashboard.blade.php
{!! $productsDataTable->table() !!}
{!! $usersDataTable->table() !!}
{!! $productsDataTable->scripts() !!}
{!! $usersDataTable->scripts() !!}
Submitted a question to the creator of the package. This is his response:
Unfortunately, DataTable service class is designed to handle single instance. However, I think we can make a workaround for it by adding additional query param in our request for us to identify which class is being requested to handle the request.
Maybe something like below:
public function index(ProductsDataTable $productDatatable, UsersDataTable $userDatatable)
if (request()->has('product') {
return $productDatatable->render('view');
if (request()->has('user') {
return $productDatatable->render('view');
$user = Auth::user();
$products = $user->products;
return view('admin.dashboard', compact('products', 'user', 'productDatatable', 'userDatatable'));
Step 1:
Define a route '/home-page' in web.php/route.php' (depending on the laravel version you are using) that returns the view called 'dt.blade.php'. (we will create this view in step 4)
i.e. Route::get('/home-page', function(){
return view('dt');
Step 2:
Suppose you want to display two dataTables in 'dt.blade.php' view. (first datatable shows all the students in a school while other shows all the classes in a school)
To do that, you need to create two Builder instances ('Builder' class belongs to DataTables package) in the '/home-page' route's callback function and pass them to the 'dt.blade.php' view . i.e
Route::get('/home-page', function() {
$student_dt = app(Builder::class)->columns(['id', 'student_name'])->ajax('/show-students-datatable')->setTableId('t1');
$classes_dt = app(Builder::class)->columns(['id', 'class_name'])->ajax('show-classes-datatable')->setTableId('t2');
return view('dt', compact('student_dt', 'classes_dt'));
Step 3
Now define two more routes in web.php/route.php file:
Route::get('/show-students-datatable', function () {
return datatables(App\Student::query()->select(['id', 'student_name']))->toJson();
Route::get('/show-classes-datatable', function () {
return datatables(App\Class::query()->select(['id', 'class_name'])))->toJson();
Step 4
Define the 'db.blade.php' view, this view show both the dataTables that were passed to it in step 1.
{{ $student_dt->table() }}
{{ $classes_dt->table() }}

Laravel route variable, foreach

I wan't to print all forums with foreach in laravel. I'm trying to write code:
Route::get('', function()
return View::make('home', array(
$forums = DB::table('select * from forums')
And then in template write foreach:
#foreach ($forums as $forum)
<p>This is forum {{ $forum->name }}</p><br>
But it's not working, it prints:
Undefined variable: forums (View: C:\myadmin\htdocs\resources\views\home.blade.php)
Thanks in advance !
The correct way of doing what you inted to do is the following :
Route::get('', function()
return View::make('home', array(
$forums = DB::table('forums')->select()->get()

Passing data from controller to view in Laravel

I am new to Laravel and I have been trying to store all records of table 'student' to a variable and then pass that variable to a view so that I can display them.
I have a controller - ProfileController and inside that a function:
public function showstudents() {
$students = DB::table('student')->get();
return View::make("user/regprofile")->with('students',$students);
In my view, I have this code:
//---HTML Head Part
Hi {{ Auth::user()->fullname }}
#foreach ($students as $student)
{{ $student->name }}
I am receiving this error: Undefined variable: students (View:regprofile.blade.php)
Can you give this a try,
return View::make("user/regprofile", compact('students')); OR
return View::make("user/regprofile")->with(array('students'=>$students));
While, you can set multiple variables something like this,
$compactData=array('students', 'instructors', 'instituitions');
$data=array('students'=>$students, 'instructors'=>$instructors, 'instituitions'=>$instituitions);
return View::make("user/regprofile", compact($compactData));
return View::make("user/regprofile")->with($data);
For Passing a single variable to view.
Inside Your controller create a method like:
function sleep()
return view('welcome')->with('title','My App');
In Your route
Route::get('/sleep', 'TestController#sleep');
In Your View Welcome.blade.php. You can echo your variable like {{ $title }}
For An Array(multiple values) change,sleep method to :
function sleep()
$data = array(
'title'=>'My App',
'Description'=>'This is New Application',
return view('welcome')->with($data);
You can access you variable like {{ $author }}.
The best and easy way to pass single or multiple variables to view from controller is to use compact() method.
For passing single variable to view,
return view("user/regprofile",compact('students'));
For passing multiple variable to view,
return view("user/regprofile",compact('students','teachers','others'));
And in view, you can easily loop through the variable,
#foreach($students as $student)
You can try this as well:
public function showstudents(){
$students = DB::table('student')->get();
return view("user/regprofile", ['students'=>$students]);
Also, use this variable in your view.blade file to get students name and other columns:
Try with this code:
return View::make('user/regprofile', array
'students' => $students
Or if you want to pass more variables into view:
return View::make('user/regprofile', array
'students' => $students,
'variable_1' => $variable_1,
'variable_2' => $variable_2
In Laravel 5.6:
$variable = model_name::find($id);
return view('view')->with ('variable',$variable);
public function showstudents() {
$students = DB::table('student')->get();
return (View::make("user/regprofile", compact('student')));
try with this code :
$datas=array('fromdate'=>"From Date :".date('d-m-Y',strtotime($fromdate)), 'todate'=>"To
return view('inventoryreport/inventoryreportview', compact('datas'));
View Page :
#foreach($datas as $student)
[Link here]
$books[] = [
'title' => 'Mytitle',
'author' => 'MyAuthor,
//pass data to other view
return view('myView.blade.php')->with('books');
return view('myView.blade.php','books');
return view('myView.blade.php',compact('books'));
//to use this on myView.blade.php
myVariable = {!! json_encode($books) !!};
In laravel 8 and above, You can do route binding this way.
public function showstudents() {
$students = DB::table('student')->get();
return view("user/regprofile",['students'=>$students]);
In the view file, you can access it like below.
#foreach($students as $student)
