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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if there was a way to bold certain words on a line. For example if I wanted every third word on a line bold, how would I do it. I am currently using addText but that requires the whole line to be bold or not bold. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
You will need to use createTextRun() method. I have tried with Text.php file from Examples folder, and here is code relevant for your problem:
$textrun = $section->createTextRun();
$sentence='I am sentence, and every third word will be bold. This is bold.';
$word_arr=explode(' ', $sentence);
$styleFont = array('bold'=>true, 'size'=>16, 'name'=>'Calibri');
$styleFont2 = array('bold'=>false, 'size'=>16, 'name'=>'Calibri');
$c = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($word_arr); $i++)
if($c % 3 == 0)
$textrun->addText($word_arr[$i].' ', $styleFont);
$textrun->addText($word_arr[$i].' ', $styleFont2);
You could tweak it to get what you want, but, basically, by using of mentioned method, it is possible to get different styles in same line.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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i have a file in a directory named 'achieve3000_Gestalt_students102713.txt'.. i want to reduce the file name to Gestalt_students ONLY
Have tried using explode() which gives something different altogether and preg replace
Please help
i have 4 files
If the file name always begins with a character sequence whose length is equal to the length of "achieve3000_" (which is 12) and the number at the end is always 6 digits plus a 4 character extension sequence. The you can use this code
$output = substr($input, 12, strlen($input) - 22);
var_dump(substr('achieve3000_Gestalt_students102713.txt', 12, 16));
Did you try substr?
Like :
$input = "achieve3000_Gestalt_students102713.txt";
$answer =substr ($input, 12, 16);
echo $answer;
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to remove a particular match of characters from a string.
For example i have strings;
Then i need the results as,
That means i want to remove p10-,p20-,etc..
.Those are the page numbers. It may be any number..
How can i do this..? Thanks in advance
Try this:
$result = preg_replace('/\-p\d+/', '', $string);
Note: I'm assuming that the string format does not change (I mean this [topics-p10-new-model-cars]). If my assumption is right.
Then you can do this
if (textBox1.Text.Contains("-p10-"))
String[] splited = textBox1.Text.Split(new char[] {'-'});
String rString = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}",
//OR This method
if (textBox1.Text.Contains("-p10-"))
String result = textBox1.Text.Replace("p10-", "");
With 'preg-replace'::
For, example:
echo preg_replace('/p[0-9]+\-/', '', 'topics-p10-new-model-cars');
Follow this link:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an SMF website and i'm actually trying to get some header information which includes the title of a particular thread, the url but i've been finding it difficult to get the unique link affixed to the url using PHP.
Here's the url:
I'm actually looking for a way to extract the number 6449, I've tried to use the php GET function but it doesn't work.
$parts = explode('.', $_GET['topic']);
echo $parts[0];
// PHP 5.4+
echo explode('.', $_GET['topic'])[0];
See it in action
This would work, too
echo (int) $_GET['topic'];
See it in action
You want to use a combination of substr and strpos (to find the first occurence of a period)
$number = substr($_GET['topic'], 0, strpos($_GET['topic'], '.'));
// 6449
$arr = array();
if (preg_match("/([\\d]+)([.]{1}msg[\\d]+)/", $_GET["topic"], $arr) == 1) {
echo $arr[1];
} else {
trigger_error("not found", E_USER_ERROR);
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to create an CMS-system where I can add photos to my website, and for the photo-part, I want to have the ability to enter which programs I had used to create that photo.
I should be possible to add more than one program.
Right now I am saving the programs in the database like this:
In the programs-row:
photoshop illistrator indesign
Then at my website, it could be nice if the icons/logos of the used programs, could show up next to the photo.
So my question is how to do create a new div, what a new class, based on the words from the programs-row?
photoshop illustrator indesign
Becomes to:
<div class="photoshop"></div>
<div class="illustrator"></div>
<div class="indesign"></div>
Hope you guys can help me with this problem :)
Thanks ;)
Use the explode function and a foreach loop to perform the string manipulation.
$programs = explode(" ", $data);
foreach($programs as $value) {
//Echo out the html - $value contains the program name
I leave it to you to figure out how to format the program name with the HTML that you need.
$fx = "photoshop illistrator indesign";
$words = explode(" ", $fx);
array_walk($words, function(&$n) {
echo '<div class="'.$n.'"></div>';
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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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this is probably an easy question, but I am not really a coder. I maintain a website for a group I belong to, and there are some php forms. I am trying to enhance a form, and I have added this php code, which works (see below). My question is, how can I put this code into a loop so that it repeats 10 times, for "01", "02", etc., "10" strings (code below is for "01" of the series)? Thanks for any help.
//Clean up the Photo Title & Maker Name to remove non-standard chars and replace spaces with underscores and generate a suggested fliename
$photo_01_clean = str_replace(" ","75357",$photo_01_name);
$photo_01_clean1 = str_replace("#","at",$photo_01_clean);
$photo_01_clean2 = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $photo_01_clean1);
$photo_01_clean3 = str_replace("75357","_",$photo_01_clean2);
$photo_01_maker_clean = str_replace(" ","75357",$photo_01_maker_name);
$photo_01_maker_clean1 = str_replace("#","at",$photo_01_maker_clean);
$photo_01_maker_clean2 = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $photo_01_maker_clean1);
$photo_01_maker_clean3 = str_replace("75357","_",$photo_01_maker_clean2);
$photo_01_filename_gen = $club_code."-01-".$photo_01_clean3."-".$photo_01_maker_clean3.".jpg";
You'd require a for loop control structure. You can find tons of resources that would teach you how to do it. example
Var i;
For (i =1; i<11; i++)
Execute Code here.