I am brand new to Laravel 4 and seeing if I can convert my website over to it (previously written without a framework). I can't get AJAX (via jQuery) to interact properly with my controller.
So firstly, the controller I am working in is called IndexController.php and has a function called types which is shown below:
class IndexController extends BaseController {
// Other controller functions
public function types($brand) {
$types = DB::select('select * from aircraft_types where brand_id = ?', array($brand));
echo json_encode($types);
The function returns the data from the database (in JSON format). I have then created a route to this controller and function as follows:
Route::get('types/{id}', array('uses'=>'IndexController#types'));
I have doubled checked that the route and function are working by going to //localhost/lavarel/public/types/1 and indeed it returns the correct JSON data.
The jquery function in question is below:
function updateTypes($brand) {
$("#type").append('<option value="test">Test...</option>'); // This executes correctly
$.getJSON('/types/'+$brand, function(data) {
$("#type").append('<option value="test 2">Test 2...</option>'); // This does not
// Some other JSON related code
To test where the function works, I have inserted two lines which edit the item I am using. The function is being called correctly as the first 'Test' option is being appended. However, it never seems to activate the callback function as the second line of test code is not executed.
I suspect the issue is the URL I am providing to JavaScript '/types/'+$brand. I have seen in some tutorials a BASE var used before the URL I provide, but I don't see why my code above wouldn't work. Any pointers?
Can anyone explain to me where I am going wrong?
Your base path to your laravel project is localhost/laravel/public/ but your AJAX-request goes to just localhost. There're some methods for fixing this.
Method 1:
This is the most preffered method. (in my opinion)
Instead of using nginx, apache for starting a web server, you can use PHP's built in web server.
Open a terminal window (or cmd in Windows), cd into the main directory for your project (the one with vendor, app and public directories) and type the command php artisan serve. This will create a PHP-server on localhost:8000 and your base path will be /.
There's a lot of options, for example php artisan help serve" if you want to see them all.
After you've done so your code should work.
Method 2
If you want to use nginx or apache you should add a virtualhost for your project.
That can be done though the configs.
Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/vhosts/examples.html
Nginx: http://wiki.nginx.org/ServerBlockExample
After that you should add a new entry to the hosts file.
Method 3
As you said you could add a BASE variable before the '/types/'+$brand.
Your request goes to localhost/types/$brand.
It should go to localhost/laravel/public/types/$brand.
Just replace '/types/'$brand with '/laravel/public/types'+$brand
Use HTML 'base' meta tag
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<base href="{{ URL::to('/') }}"/>
Declaring this tag, you ensure that every relative URL will be based on project's real, absolute URL (http://localhost/my-laravel-project/public/), not on Localhost's URL (http://localhost)
I have a new project I created recently using the latest Laravel 9 and Jetstream with Livewire. I've created some migrations and seeders and they run perfectly with Artisan.
Now I'm ready to start creating my homepage. I create a brand-new file called index.blade.php in the resources/views directory. I give it the contents of "Hello World." That's it. No boilerplate, no HTML, nothing. I update the main / route to point to index instead of welcome. I then create a Feature Test to make sure that getting the / route returns a status code of 200. It runs great. The page also loads fine in a browser displaying the "Hello World" text.
Now comes the part where I get confused. I change the "Hello World" text to just say "Hello". Refreshing the browser, I get the following message:
If I run the same Feature Test again, it still passes fine. Then, when I refresh the browser again after having run the test, it loads!
I have tried out many different procedures, but it seems like the page simply will not load whenever I make any change to it at all. However, any time I run the Feature Test, then reload the page in the browser, it'll show up fine. For reference, here's the test:
namespace Tests\Feature;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker;
use Tests\TestCase;
class AppTest extends TestCase
* Testing that the app's main page loads successfully.
* #return void
public function test_app_home_page_loads_successfully(): void
$response = $this->get('/');
What on earth is causing this odd behavior?
As #IGP and #matiaslauriti pointed out in the comments, there is clearly a permissions issue with storage/framework/views. However, it is not with the directory itself, just a single file (out of dozens) in that directory.
I do not know how or why, but that one file (83b9b...) had an owner:group of "root:root". The rest of the files in that directory are owned by me and my group.
What makes this odd is that this stays true even when I run the Feature Test, so I do not know why running that Feature Test causes the view to load fine even while that file is still owned by "root:root".
Manually changing that file's owner:group does, indeed, fix the issue. My only concern now is not knowing how it got changed in the first place and, thus, not knowing how to prevent this from happening again in the future. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open. For now, however, I'll go ahead and close this.
Thank you, #IGP and #matiaslauriti.
I'm taking an application I wrote, a form, and rewriting it in Silex. It was, for various reasons, written like:
Where pageX.php is an HTML form with little PHP code, that passes data to the process script. The process script stores data to a Form object, and serializes the object in the Session.
Currently, I have the pageX.php pages as TWIG template files and they work, but I don't know how to incorporate the logic of the procedural process scripts.
I'm sure I don't copy the actual logic to the controllers.
If I follow your requirements, you just need the same route twice: one for get (displaying the form) and one for post to handle it. In the post controller you just need to include your pageX_process.php and you should be ready to go.
Translated in Silex code it should be something like:
* if you're using silex-skeleton
* from: https://packagist.org/packages/fabpot/silex-skeleton)
* this file should be src/controllers
// standard setup, like error handling and other route declarations
$app->get('/page1', function() use ($app) {
// you're currently using this (somehow)
$params = []; //set up your template parameters here
return $app['twig']->render('page1.twig', $params);
$app->post('/page1_proccess', function() use($app) {
require PATH_TO_LEGACY_FILES_DIR . '/page1_process.php';
return ob_get_clean();
From now on, and if you want / find it adequate, you can start to refactor your pageX_process.php pages in a more OOP / Silex way, but you have a starting point with this application architecture.
you should move your php files away from the web directory (for example legacy/ in the root of your project)
you must point your form handling script (the action parameter) to the new route (you can make it to work using the old route also but requires some little more effort)
Hi I am facing some problems in writing a cron job using CI CLI way. My application has a controller name called manager.php in that there is method called check_status where I am gonna get all the order_ids using one model function. Ever order_id row had a status filed in database which either success or failure.
I have an api if i pass order_id to that it will tell whether order is successfully delivered or not. But here comes the problem I have below line in controller in the top.
<?php if(! defined('BASEPATH') ) exit("NO Direct Script Access Allowed"); ?>
So when i try to run method check_status from CLI in CI it gives me an error stating NO Direct Script Access Allowed.
This is the way i called above method php application/controllers/manager.php check_status
So i decided like this i created an another class file called cron_job.php in that i didn't keep the above error line "No Direct Script Access Allowed". I thought it will give access now when i try to run but it doesn't give an error and even output also.
This is the class which i created and method in that.
class Cron_job extends CI_Controller {
public function message($to = 'World')
echo "Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL;
I run this controller form CLI like this php application/controller/cron_job.php message
Note: I am in ROOT directory.
No Output at all. So i tried in another way like this php index.php application/controller/cron_job.php message
Now it gives me error stating that Error 404 page not found.
What i tried in another way now i created a file in views folder and in that i am calling old controller/method url like below.
$result = file_get_contents("http://application_path/controller/method");
echo $result;
Now i am getting output which i defined in the method check_status in manager.php controller.
But here comes another problem now after the above line i will get an array output which had all the order_ids.
I am gonna send this each id to a api to check status. If it is failure it will check whether it is delivered or not. If it's done i need to update that status in the database against that order_id. But now i am in view file, is it possible to call a model file from the view file or is there any way to do this.
Any help?
Note: There is no syntax errors in any controller or any method , which are fully verified and working normally when i am accessing using urls.
You need to read the CodeIgniter help section on Running via the Command Line. It's very easy. Your original approach was correct. But you do not call your controller method directly by its path, instead CD to your project root and then the call the index.php file with the controller and method as parameters.
// This is how you call CI via the command line.
// Use spaces between index.php and your arguments.
$ php index.php <controller> <method> [params]
// And in your instance
$ php index.php manager check_status [param1 param2 param3]
Depending on your host you may need to call the PHP version compiled for CLI.
the ci helper will help you in this.
1 ) Create a helper & create a function in it, that calls your model function
function getUserDetails($userId = '') {
$CI = & get_instance();
$getUserDetailsByUserId = $CI->user_model->getUserDetailsByUserId($userId);
return $getUserDetailsByUserId;
2) Now you can call getUserDetails($userId); in your view.
Here's the situation:
I have a catch-all on my domain email (so *#domain.com) redirecting to a piping script located at /home/domain/scripts/piper.php. This piper script is not within the Kohana ORM, but all of my other files are. I want to try to use Kohana inside this piper.php file.
I have tried (unsuccessfully) all of the following:
Including Kohana
I couldn't figure out what needed to be included, and more importantly how to override the url variable that Kohana uses to determine the right controller. Also, this is a catch-all piper, so it isn't using HTTP (to my knowledge), so much as executing a command.
I tried piping to the following:
/home/domain/public_html/index.php --uri="piper"
But cPanel makes this impossible, as you can only specify the destination script, and not the proper flags and such (unless I am missing something).
PHP exec()
I tried using the following line:
exec("php /home/domain/public_html/index.php --uri=\"/piper\"")
I was hoping that the stdin data would be maintained across the exec() command, but I could never get it to recognize the uri command, though I can run this on my localhost and it works just fine.
I was using http://www.coderelic.com/2011/10/creating-cron-jobs-in-kohana-3-x-is-a-piece-of-cake/ as a reference, but can't get anything to work.
I'm happy with either one of these solutions such that I can see an incoming email, parse it, then send emails based on the parameters.
Let me know if you need more information! I'm le stumped.
/home/domain/public_html/index.php --uri="piper" would be a valid way to do it. If your host sucks and doesn't let you specify that, put it into a bash script instead and reference that.
If you are on any recent version of kohana (3.2 or 3.3), a better way to do this would be to use Minion to run the command line task. This is what Minion was designed for.
All you need to do is to:
modify your piper.php script to be a valid PHP class;
place it in /application/classes/ folder;
Kohana will automatically load your class file (like include) during initialization.
Then you can use your piper class as usual class by $piper = new Piper; ....
You have to serve your emails trough Kohana.
Create controller, for example pipe (route it with /pipe URL):
public function action_pipe() {
$pipe = new Pipe; // This creates new Pipe object (your emails serving class)
$pipe->serve(); // Sserve emails within `serve()` method of Pipe class
Although admittedly, I'm not sure if these other answers are correct because I can't figure out how to reproduce the results.
What ended up working for my situation was to create a Controller_Piper class that is called in the /home/domain/scripts/piper.php. What I did was to copy the code from /home/domain/public_html/index.php and changed the following:
echo Request::factory("/piper")
This loads the piper controller and executes everything very nicely. Not sure if it's the cleanest, but it does work.
I am learning how to use codeIgniter as my php framework. I am reading through the documentation and watching the intro video and just generally following along with the first tutorial, but it's not working for me.
I have created a controller called "test.php" and a view called "test_view". The controller for this class is exactly like "welcome.php" and the view file just has some static html. However, when I go to index.php/test I get a 404 error.
I have also tried manipulating the original welcome files so that instead of calling a view it just echos "testing", yet I still see the original welcome message! I've tried clearing my browsing cash and refreshing, but to no avail.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Edit: Here's the code for controllers/test.php
class Test extends Controller {
//Just trying to get it to echo test
public function index()
echo "test";
Try looking at this page in the documentation - this might solve your problem.
This basically means you should try typing index.php?/test/ instead (notice the question-mark).
First of all, check the above link. Might be useful.
If not, then...
Try changing the default controller in the config file ('routes.php') to something else (probably, to 'test'), then try loading index.php. Just to test whether the whole system works (or not).
Check whether mod_rewrite is loaded (in your server .conf-file, if you're using Apache).
Try using the latest build of the framework. AFAIK, the name of the controller class for now is "CI_Controller".
Finally, try removing the word 'public' before the declaration of the function. AFAIR, CI enable you to make private functions in controllers just by using prefix (which is set in the config file) at the beginning of the name of the function (thus making all the other functions public).
But most certainly the problem is with the mod_rewrite. If not, try debugging with die('Page found'); instead of echo - this will allow you to track possible redirects on the page.