Im tryng to use CakePdf but I need to be able to use it within the plugin I have created. Im not sure App:uses to call to use the plugin since im not familiar to his folder structure or what hes importing. I'm using Croogo CMS if that might be of any importance.
This is what I know and have done:
I have read their Read Me tutorial and have followed the intructions to the dot, but again, it does not explain usage within another plugin.
Their Bootsrap.php file is as so:
App::build(array('Pdf' => array('%s' . 'Pdf' . DS)), App::REGISTER);
App::build(array('Pdf/Engine' => array('%s' . 'Pdf/Engine' . DS)), App::REGISTER);
App::uses('PdfView', 'CakePdf.View');
To my understanding this is telling Cakephp to treat the files found within these folders as usable classes within the application. When I try App:Uses('CakePdf',('CakePdf.Controller') this does not load the correct class files. I've tested and found that the class is not evein available at my plugin level besided successful plugin bootstraping.
I had to use App::uses('CakePdf', 'CakePdf.Pdf');
i'm want to creating a design pattern and use the "Blade templating engine".
Can I use the Blade templating engine outside of Laravel and use it in my new pattern ?
For the record:
I tested many libraries to run blade outside Laravel (that i don't use) and most are poor hacks of the original library that simply copied and pasted the code and removed some dependencies yet it retains a lot of dependencies of Laravel.
So I created (for a project) an alternative for blade that its free (MIT license, i.e. close source/private code is OK) in a single file and without a single dependency of an external library. You could download the class and start using it, or you could install via composer.
It's 100% compatible without the Laravel's own features (extensions).
How it works:
include "lib/BladeOne/BladeOne.php";
use eftec\bladeone;
$views = __DIR__ . '/views'; // folder where is located the templates
$compiledFolder = __DIR__ . '/compiled';
$blade=new bladeone\BladeOne($views,$compiledFolder);
echo $blade->run("Test.hello", ["name" => "hola mundo"]);
Another alternative is to use twig but I tested it and I don't like it. I like the syntax of Laravel that its close to ASP.NET MVC Razor.
Edit: To this date (July 2018), it's practically the only template system that supports the new features of Blade 5.6 without Laravel. ;-)
You certainly can, there are lots of standalone blade options on packagist, as long as you are comfortable with composer then there should be no issue, this one looks pretty interesting due to having a really high percentage of stars compared to downloads.
Be warned though i have not tried it myself, like you i was looking for a standalone option for my own project and came across it, i will be giving it a real good workout though at sometime in the near future,
Matt Stauffer has created a whole repository showing you how you can use various Illuminate components directly outside of Laravel. I would recommend following his example and looking at his source code.
Here is the index.php of using Laravel Views outside of Laravel
You can write a custom wrapper around it so that you can call it like Laravel
use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine;
use Illuminate\View\Factory;
use Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder;
function view($viewName, $templateData)
// Configuration
// Note that you can set several directories where your templates are located
$pathsToTemplates = [__DIR__ . '/templates'];
$pathToCompiledTemplates = __DIR__ . '/compiled';
// Dependencies
$filesystem = new Filesystem;
$eventDispatcher = new Dispatcher(new Container);
// Create View Factory capable of rendering PHP and Blade templates
$viewResolver = new EngineResolver;
$bladeCompiler = new BladeCompiler($filesystem, $pathToCompiledTemplates);
$viewResolver->register('blade', function () use ($bladeCompiler) {
return new CompilerEngine($bladeCompiler);
$viewResolver->register('php', function () {
return new PhpEngine;
$viewFinder = new FileViewFinder($filesystem, $pathsToTemplates);
$viewFactory = new Factory($viewResolver, $viewFinder, $eventDispatcher);
// Render template
return $viewFactory->make($viewName, $templateData)->render();
You can then call this using the following
view('', ['title' => 'Title', 'text' => 'This is text']);
Yes you can use it where ever you like. Just install one of the the many packages available on composer for it.
If you're interested in integrating it with codeigniter I have a blog post here outlining the process.
Following the above steps should make it obvious how to include it into any framework.
I want to be able to call the CakeS3 plugin from the Cake Shell. However, as I understand it components cannot be loaded from the shell. I have read this post outlining strategies for overcoming it: using components in Cakephp 2+ Shell - however, I have had no success. The CakeS3 code here is similar to perfectly functioning cake S3 code in the rest of my app.
class S3Shell extends AppShell {
public $uses = array('Upload', 'User', 'Comment');
public function main() {
$this->CakeS3 = new CakeS3.CakeS3(
's3Key' => 'key',
's3Secret' => 'key',
'bucket' => 'bucket')
$this->out('Hello world.');
$response = $this->CakeS3->putObject(WWW_ROOT . '/file.type' , 'file.type', $this->CakeS3->permission('private'));
if ($response == false){
echo "it failed";
} else {
echo "it worked";
This returns an error of "Fatal error: Class 'CakeS3' not found in /home/app/Console/Command/S3Shell.php. The main reason I am trying to get this to work is so I can automate some uploads with a cron. Of course, if there is a better way, I am all ears.
Forgive me this "advertising"... ;) but my plugin is probably better written and has a better architecture than this CakeS3 plugin if it is using a component which should be a model or behaviour task. Also it was made for exactly the use case you have. Plus it supports a few more storage systems than only S3.
You could do that for example in your shell:
StorageManager::adapter('S3')->write($key, StorageManager::adapter('Local')->read($key));
A file should be handled as an entity on its own that is associated to whatever it needs to be associated to. Every uploaded file (if you use or extend the models that come with the plugin, if not you have to take care of that) is stored as a single database entry that contains the name of the config that was used and some meta data for that file. If you do the line of code above in your shell you will have to keep record in the table if you want to access it this way later. Just check the examples in the out. You don't have to use the database table as a reference to your files but I really recommend the system the plugin implements.
Also, you might not be aware that WWW_ROOT is public accessible, so in the case you store sensitive data there it can be accessed publicly.
And finally in a shell you should not use echo but $this->out() for proper shell output.
I think the App:uses should look like:
App::uses('CakeS3', 'CakeS3.Controller/Component');
I'm the author of CakeS3, and no I'm afraid there is no "supported" way to do this as when we built this plugin, we didn't need to run uploads from shell and just needed a simple interface to S3 from our controllers. We then open sourced the plugin as a simple S3 connector.
If you'd like to have a go at modifying it to support shell access, I'd welcome a PR.
I don't have a particular road map for the plugin, so I've tagged your issue on github as an enhancement and will certainly consider it in future development, but I can't guarantee that it would fit your time requirements so that's why I mention you doing a PR.
I need to add custom context classesDirectory in applicationDirectory section to the .zfproject.xml.
I have created a context class, that extends Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Filesystem_Directory but the issue is that all contexts loading necessary to parse .zfproject.xml are hardcoded in Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Abstract class as:
dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/Context/Zf/', 'Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Zf_'
dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/Context/Filesystem/', 'Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Filesystem_'
So I don't see any way to load my context without patching zend sources (or adding custom files to Zend library directories).
Is it even possible?
I don't believe it is possible without changing the ZF source code. You could try creating an issue on along with a patch. Please make this generic though.
Alternatively, what are you trying to do that requires a custom context? Maybe there's another way to solve it?
I'm writing a PyroCMS module which involves image upload and thumbnail generation. I'm aware codeigniter has a built in image manipulation class that's capable of making thumbnails, but I'm a big for of phpThumb'ss adaptive resize function. For this reason I'd like to try and get phpThumb working.
I've placed the phpThumb files in ./addons/shared_addons/modules/mymodule/libraries
and I'm trying to load using the following:
I'm including the extension because an .inc.php file is not a .php file right? Either way if I keep the extension or not I get this error:
Class '' not found in .../htdocs/system/cms/libraries/MX/Loader.php on line 160
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks, Ed.
The loader naming conventions are probably stricter, so you may need to rename your file to something like 'Thumblib.php' and then declare your class as so class Thumblib {. You may also need to check the library doesn't conflict with anything as is suitable to use in CI.
Also, I think as long as you are loading the library from a controller in the same module folder tree as the library, the load line should be something like:
Or if not:
Good luck.
This is a CodeIgniter question, not a PyroCMS question.
Simple solution:
include 'whatever/the/hell/';
Remember guys it's just PHP. You don't need a special method for everything!
We have used Zend_Log, which is configured in application.ini differently for different circumstances. We initialize it/get it in the bootstrap and store it in the registry:
$r = $this->getPluginResource('log');
$logger = $r->getLog();
But we've subclassed Zend_Log (say, Our_Log) to add customized features, and want to get it the same way. So then we have to make a new Resource Plugin. That seems quite easy - just copy Application/Resource/Log.php, rename the file to Ourlog.php, rename the class to class Zend_Application_Resource_Ourlog. For now, let's not worry about "Our_Log", the class -- just use the new Resource Plugin to get a Zend_Log, to reduce the variables.
So then, our new code in the bootstrap is:
$r = $this->getPluginResource('ourlog');
$logger = $r->getLog();
but of course this doesn't work, error applying method to non-object "r". According to the documentation,
"As long as you register the prefix path for this resource plugin, you
can then use it in your application."
but how do you register a prefix path? That would have been helpful. But that shouldn't matter, I used the same prefix path as the default, and I know the file is being read because I "require" it.
Anyway, any guidance on what simple step I'm missing would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the pointers -- so close, so close (I think). I thought I was getting it...
Okay, so I renamed the class Xyz_Resource_Xyzlog, I put it in library/Xyz/Resource/Xyzlog.php
Then, because I don't love ini files, in the bootstrap I put:
$r = $this->getPluginResource('xyzlog');
if (!is_object($r)) die ('Not an object!!');
Sudden Death. So, okay, do the ini:
The same. No help. I believed that the basepaths of the plugin paths would include the PHP "include" paths. Am I mistaken in that? Any other ideas? I'll happily write up what finally works for me to help some other poor soul in this circumstance. Something to do with Name Spaces, maybe?
Plugin classes are resolved using the plugin loader, which works slightly differently to the autoloader; so just requiring the class in doesn't help you here. Instead, add this to your application.ini:
pluginPaths.Application_Resource = "Application/Resource"
you should then be able to use the class as normal. Since your path above will be checked before the default Zend one, you can also name your class 'Log' and still extend the Logger resource to override the standard functionality.