PHP array of unknown length with 0 as initial value - php

I have PHP $_SESSION arrays that have an undefined amount of elements. Is it possible to initialise all the values to 0, or do I have to check whether the value is NULL and then set to 0 every time I check a value?
Edit: I'm sorry for the vagueness of my question.
I have an undefined amount of levels, and I'd like to store all the scores of each level in that array. Currently my amount of levels is fixed, so I am currently just writing:
$_SESSION['totals'] = array(0,0,0,0,0);
And then when adding manipulating the data, I simply increment/add a certain amount to that element.
Now I'd prefer to have the same ease of directly incrementing/adding values to certain elements without needing to check whether a value is NULL or something like that...
Edit 2: edited my code as follows:
$_SESSION['totals'] = array();
$_SESSION['totals'][$row['level']-1] = 1;
And it seems to work. Thanks fellas!

You can use array_fill_keys function to fill an array with specified value for defined keys:
$keys = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
$output = array_fill_keys($keys, 0);

Defining an array with initial values is defining an array with a length. This does not prevent you from adding or removing elements from the array:
// initial array
$myArray = [0, 0, 0, 0];
print_r($myArray); // would output Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0)
$myArray[] = 1;
print_r($myArray); // would output Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 [4] => 1 )

$_SESSION contains only what you put into it. Just make sure you add 0 instead of null the first time you add something.
If you need to do this later, I think your design might be bad. But anyway, $_SESSION is like a normal array, so you can just use PHP's array function to traverse the array and check or change each value.

PHP arrays aren't really arrays you might know from other languages. They really are more like linked lists with hash access.
What this means is: You either know all the string array indices you want to use, and either make sure they exist, or you check their existence every time you access them which might fail.
For numeric indices, the same thing applies. You might have an array with indices 1, 2 and 4 present, but if you run over it with only a for loop, you will trigger a notice when accessing the nonexistant element 3.
Use foreach loops whenever you want to iterate arrays. Check with isset() whenever you want to document that the array value might not be present. Don't do it if you know or assume that the array element MUST be present - if not, you get the notice as a reminder that your code is working on a data structure that is NOT what you thought it is. Which actually is a good thing. Then fix it. :)

Your best bet would be to abstract your session stuff by creating facade methods, or getters and setters around the session variables rather than access them directly. This way you can return a default value if the one you're after doesn't exist.

I've used array_key_exists() to check if the index is set. If it is not, I display 0 or add store a certain value in that field, else I show the value of that index or add certain value to that field.
Credit to Sven for bringing that up.

to check what u have in your sessions, loop tru it. not sure if this is what u are asking.
foreach($_SESSION as $x=>$y)
if(empty($x)) { //do something }


Push or Merge data into existing Array

When working with existing code, it takes one array and places it into another in the fashion shown below.
I believe the empty brackets are the same thing as simply pushing it and appending it to the first available index.
$g['DATA'][] = $p;
After this is done, I have my own array that I would like to append to this as well. I tried using array_merge() with $g['DATA'][]as a parameter, but this is invalid for obvious reasons.
My only thought is to create a foreach loop counter so I can figure out the actual index it created, however I have to assume there is some cleaner way to do this?
Just simply use the count() of your $g["DATA"] array as index and then you can merge it like this:
$g['DATA'][count($g["DATA"])-1] = array_merge($g['DATA'][count($g["DATA"])-1], $ownArray);
//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// -1 Because an array is based index 0 -> means count() - 1 = last key

PHP API returns an array - need to reuse it in variables

I have a PHP script that dumps data from an API.
The dump is an array
Array ( [success] => 1 [serial] => s001 [url] => )
I want to have another variable called $url that holds the value url from the array (held in $answer) in PHP.
I'm unfamiliar with this.
check out extract() it will take the keys from an array, and create variable of the same name to store them in. There are a few flags you can pass it, to determine exactly what it does with things like pre-existing variables of the same name.
EDIT: as mentioned in the comments on your question, though, $url = $answer['url']; is probably the simplest way to go.

PHP: What is the real meaning of an index in an indexed array?

Say, we make an array like this:
$arr = Array
2 => 'c',
1 => 'b',
0 => 'a'
When you pass it to array_pop():
And the "last" element would be poped off, which has the index of zero!!
[2] => c
[1] => b
So, what's the purpose of index?
Isn't it just a different way of saying "numeric keys of associative arrays"?
Is it only PHP dose so, or all the languages treat arrays like this?
Not all languages do this, but PHP does, because PHP is a little weird. It implements arrays more or less like dictionaries. PHP does offer some functions like ksort though, which let you sort the array by key.
And that's what this is: a key. An array has indexes as well, so what you got, is an array where item 2 has key 0. And that's where the confusion starts continues.
PHP: a fractal of bad design has a whole chapter about arrays. Interesting reading material. :)
The reason for this behavior is because arrays in PHP are actually unordered maps.
Because of this, don't think of accessing the arrays in terms of indexes, think of it in terms of keys. Keys can be numbers and they can be strings, but the result is the same; you're still using a map, not a true "array".
Once you accept that fact, you'll understand why PHP includes functions like ksort() for sorting an array by keys and why array_pop() doesn't always remove the highest key value.
It's a PHP thing. Other languages usually provide other structures to provide what is the default behaviour for arrays on PHP. JavaScript for instance will always sort the array:
a = [];
> []
a[1] = 'a';
> "a"
a[2] = 'b';
> "b"
a[0] = 'c';
> "c"
> ["c", "a", "b"]
In Java you would need to use a Hash Map or something else to do Associative Arrays. PHP handles data structures more loosely than other languages.
The index allows you to identify and access the elements of the array.
the reason is simple HashTables.
in php internal functions often use HashTables. basically an array is some data in memory and like in C - an array index can only hold integer values but not in php.
php solves this with hashtables. if you asign a index example foo this value is not directly assigned as foo it gets hashed and maybe end internal as 000000000111 and other hash functions.
so php doesn't work directly with your assigned value and this is the reason why you can set an array index like 0 as last index element. internal php work with hashtables that have a "list" with values which index value is assigned to which position in the array.

Accessing specified Element of Array with Twig

I have the following array and i want to access the value of a specified element with twig.
numbers => Array ([01234567] => Array ( [0] => 9876543210 [1] => 8765432109 [2] => 0000000000))
I know there is only one entry in numbers, so I want to access the array with the key 01234567 directly.
Even tough numbers|keys[0] does return the correct key, I can't use it like numbers[numbers|keys[0]] to get the array. I also tried the attribute(array, item) function, but i didn't got it to work.
Is it possible to access it directly or do I need to use loops?
You have found a probably undocumented "feature" of Twig. If you check the source code, twig tries to determine if the given key is numeric, or not. It does this check with the ctype_digit function, which checks if a variable contains only numeric characters.
The example in your question contains an array key, which meets this conditions: it contains only numbers. Unfortunately, it also starts with a zero, which is removed when the string is converted into an integer.
I'm not exactly sure that this is intended behavior, so you may try to report this example as a bug.
For the current twig implementation, because everything except the loop construct uses the getAttribute function, you have no other choice but to use a for loop.

creating a multidimensional array from arrays in php

I'm trying to create an array of bar objects in php which consist of seven different attributes. The code I am using for this array is as follows:
$barsArray = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($barNameArray); $i++)
$barsArray[] = array('BarName' => $barNameArray[$i], 'first' => $firstCover[$i], 'timeFirst' => $firstTimes[$i],
'second' => $secondCover[$i], 'timeSecond' => $secondTimes[$i],
'third' => $thirdCover[$i], 'timeThird' => $thirdTimes[$i]);
I have checked to make sure that all the other arrays are as I intend them. I just need to get this into one array of objects. Is this method completely off? Also, If I wanted to test to make sure that the correct objects are in the correct locations in a multidimensional array, how would I go about do that?
That code looks fine (although you may want to cache the count instead of performing it repeatedly).
I can't say for sure, not knowing your greater purpose, but you may want to make $barsArray an associative array by the bar name. To do that, use $barsArray[$barNameArray[$i]] =, instead of $barsArray[] = (and of course remove the BarName property). This would not keep it in the original ordering, but would make getting a particular bar easier.
You can get an element from $barsArray like so: $barsArray[3]['first'] (or $barsArray['some_bar_name']['first'] if you change it to an associative array).
