I am trying to interact my web app with azure api. I got this php exception error. Can anyone tell me what is it?
RuntimeException: The provided config value '[http | https]' does not belong to the valid values subset:
This is my code (account key has been deleted):
$conn_string="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=[http | https];AccountName=storage;AccountKey=...";
$blobRestProxy = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createBlobService($conn_string);
Your Storage Connection String is indeed invalid.
The value [http | https] is just a placeholder you copied from somewhere, it denotes that you have to pick http or https to configure whether you want to connect to your storage data over regular or secure http.
Simply try:
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountKey=... etc
And BTW, you're exposing your account key to the public!
You need to use either http or https, not both.
I'm trying to correctly setup a pusher server with laravel websockets on production, I can connect to websockets server from the client but when I try to fire to broadcast an event I get the following:
"message\": \"Pusher error: .\",
\"exception\": \"Illuminate\\\\Broadcasting\\\\BroadcastException\",
\"file\": \"C:\\\\xampp\\\\htdocs\\\\wooloveapp.com\\\\vendor\\\\laravel\\\\framework\\\\src\\\\Illuminate\\\\Broadcasting\\\\Broadcasters\\\\PusherBroadcaster.php\",
\"line\": 128
As you see error message appears empty, I think this might be related to ssl certificates(Lets Encrypt), when I look into the folder they are placed the certificates appear red.
Also I'm not sure I'm using the correct paths/certificates for pusher/laravel-websockets
Maybe I should use privkey1.pem instead? why are the names on red?
I'm trying to create an application that uses the Streamtape API (https://streamtape.com/api#download-getlink) to download a video file. My application run smoothly and perfectly on local development server. However, when I deployed it to live server (AWS), I'm getting a 403 error saying "ASN mismatch / Website: AS14618 Download: AS9299".
I'm trying to figure out the cause of it but no luck. Any idea or fix? I'm using file_get_contents to get te data from JSON response and dynamically add it to link.
TLDR: An ASN identifies a internet network operator. IP address blocks are assigned to ASNs.
This thing seems to be complaining that you're attempting to access it from AS14618 [Amazon] when it is expecting to be accessed from AS9299 [Philippine LDT].
Either you need to get the remote provider to allow access from Amazon, or you need to keep your website inside their approved network.
Since a few days now I've been creating ssh keys using the phpseclib library (Branch 2.0) like I've done before..copying the public key over to my server thus connecting without the use of a password....but for some reason I just can't connect like this anymore. When I report the errors using $ssh->getLastError(), it displays:
SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: publickey,password
Does anyone know what could be the problem?
Ensure that your private key is added to authorized_keys on the server. Without that, you'll always get this error. More specifically, in my case it was:
I use Zend_Smtp to send notifications to users. It worked well. But yerstaday and today I had a lot of errors in error_log like this:
[21-Aug-2012 10:37:44] PHP Warning: stream_set_timeout():
supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php on line 445
And the email is not sent. What can be the reason of this? Thanks.
According to the PHP doc : http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-set-timeout.php, I think your application cannot access the email server(the stream).
You can watch about :
Update on the server (change the communication with email)
Firewall or authentification (if you use a remote connection)
But, if you can provide more information about your configuration and implementation...
I have the TwitterOAuth class and demonstration running on a local development server and I cannot get it to authorize. I have entered the new CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET in the config.php. I have also synced the server time to NTP. I get the error message: 'Could not connect to Twitter. Refresh the page or try again later.'
int 0
ANY help or advise would be appreciated.
I am running PHP 5.3
When I try to ping the api server I can't.
C:\Users\Owner>ping api.twitter.com
Ping request could not find host api.twitter.com. Please check the name and try
could this be the problem ?
I had some issues with this process as well. I don't exactly recall what resolved this error, but I followed This Tutorial (albeit a bit out of date) and made sure I explicitly set the callback URL in the twitter panel for my app. Also, and I believe this one also caused the int 0 return for me, make sure that if you are going with a hosting provider they allow CURL requests.
step 1: https://apps.twitter.com/app or go to your app setting
step 2: Unchecked the (Enable Callback Locking (It is recommended to enable callback locking to ensure apps cannot overwrite the callback url)) This box..
save and exit and check..