I've tried a variety of things, but still have not been able to return username from the output below. How would I do this? I ran this line below and got the string below:
$work = exec($cmd);
$json_object = json_decode($work, true);
string(1118) "{"user"=>{"id"=>4151878, "username"=>"jerry_smithjerry", "firstname"=>"Jerry ", "lastname"=>"Smith", "birthday"=>nil, "sex"=>0, "city"=>nil, "state"=>nil, "country"=>nil, "registration_date"=>"2013-07-24T16:12:20-04:00", "about"=>"", "domain"=>"jerry_smithjerry.500px.com", "fotomoto_on"=>false, "locale"=>"en", "show_nude"=>false, "fullname"=>"Jerry Smith", "userpic_url"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "upgrade_status"=>0, "store_on"=>false, "email"=>"jerry_smithjerry#aol.com", "upload_limit"=>20, "upload_limit_expiry"=>"2013-07-24T21:50:58-04:00", "upgrade_type"=>0, "upgrade_status_expiry"=>nil, "auth"=>{"facebook"=>0, "twitter"=>0}, "contacts"=>{}, "equipment"=>{}, "photos_count"=>0, "affection"=>0, "in_favorites_count"=>0, "friends_count"=>0, "followers_count"=>0, "not_active"=>true, "avatars"=>{"default"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "large"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "small"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "tiny"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}}}}" "
{"user"=>{"id"=>4151878, "username"=>"jerry_smithjerry", "firstname"=>"Jerry ", "lastname"=>"Smith", "birthday"=>nil, "sex"=>0, "city"=>nil, "state"=>nil, "country"=>nil, "registration_date"=>"2013-07-24T16:12:20-04:00", "about"=>"", "domain"=>"jerry_smithjerry.500px.com", "fotomoto_on"=>false, "locale"=>"en", "show_nude"=>false, "fullname"=>"Jerry Smith", "userpic_url"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "upgrade_status"=>0, "store_on"=>false, "email"=>"jerry_smithjerry#aol.com", "upload_limit"=>20, "upload_limit_expiry"=>"2013-07-24T22:11:09-04:00", "upgrade_type"=>0, "upgrade_status_expiry"=>nil, "auth"=>{"facebook"=>0, "twitter"=>0}, "contacts"=>{}, "equipment"=>{}, "photos_count"=>0, "affection"=>0, "in_favorites_count"=>0, "friends_count"=>0, "followers_count"=>0, "not_active"=>true, "avatars"=>{"default"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "large"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "small"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "tiny"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}}}}
string(1118) "{"user"=>{"id"=>4151878, "username"=>"jerry_smithjerry", "firstname"=>"Jerry ", "lastname"=>"Smith", "birthday"=>nil, "sex"=>0, "city"=>nil, "state"=>nil, "country"=>nil, "registration_date"=>"2013-07-24T16:12:20-04:00", "about"=>"", "domain"=>"jerry_smithjerry.500px.com", "fotomoto_on"=>false, "locale"=>"en", "show_nude"=>false, "fullname"=>"Jerry Smith", "userpic_url"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "upgrade_status"=>0, "store_on"=>false, "email"=>"jerry_smithjerry#aol.com", "upload_limit"=>20, "upload_limit_expiry"=>"2013-07-24T22:11:09-04:00", "upgrade_type"=>0, "upgrade_status_expiry"=>nil, "auth"=>{"facebook"=>0, "twitter"=>0}, "contacts"=>{}, "equipment"=>{}, "photos_count"=>0, "affection"=>0, "in_favorites_count"=>0, "friends_count"=>0, "followers_count"=>0, "not_active"=>true, "avatars"=>{"default"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "large"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "small"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}, "tiny"=>{"http"=>"/graphics/userpic.png", "https"=>"/graphics/userpic.png"}}}}"
Your json string doesn't have valid json, the json strings uses : as a key value separator, in your case you have used a php associative array like => notation. This json is not valid json,
according to this: json_decode returns string type instead of object You may be running json_encode() on a json string. json_encode() is used if you want to turn an object or array into json.
If you are doing something like $work = json_encode($json_string) somewhere before that code, that would be the cause. remove that line, run json_decode() on your original json string and it should be fine.
Once you flesh that out, you can do
$json_object = json_decode($your_json_string);
echo $json_object->user->username; //echo's the username
I want to read the json data on the page http://mattrb.com/txt.txt
For example, let's say I want to get the name "Bulbasaur." I have this code:
$file = file_get_contents("http://mattrb.com/txt.txt");
$json = json_decode($file);
echo $json->1->name;
This code causes the php to simply not load. Is this because you can't use a number? Next I tried this:
$file = file_get_contents("http://mattrb.com/txt.txt");
$json = json_decode($file);
$num = 1;
echo $json->$num->name;
This allows the php to load, but still returns nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Your json is invalid. Please check at http://jsonlint.com/.
Also you can access "1" in php like this: echo $json->{1}->name;
Your json file isn't valide You have a comma problem item number 135 try to delete it so you can parse the file .
"135": {, //the problem of your json data is here
"levels": [5, 15],
"probability": 4 "name": "Jolteon",
"attack": 65,
"defense": 60,
"type": "electric",
"moves": [
"curve": 1.6
Your json should not contain newline and other invalid characters.
In other words - your json is invalid. json_decode does not work on the file.
$file = file_get_contents("http://mattrb.com/txt.txt");
I've the following PHP code with a JSON variable...
$route_geometry_json = "{
\"route_geometry\": [
[44.911537, 7.671326],
[44.911481, 7.671462],
[44.911455, 7.671531],
[44.911434, 7.671602],
[44.911358, 7.671859],
[44.911273, 7.672175],
[44.911198, 7.672458],
[44.91113, 7.672617],
[44.911069, 7.67275],
[44.911003, 7.672821],
[44.910945, 7.672881],
[44.910869, 7.672954],
[44.910868, 7.673046],
[44.91091, 7.673109],
[44.91095, 7.67319],
[44.910964, 7.673266],
[44.910958, 7.673407],
[44.910955, 7.6735],
[44.910947, 7.673632],
[44.910922, 7.673871],
[44.910828, 7.674786],
[44.910711, 7.675816],
[44.910606, 7.676364],
[44.910467, 7.676322],
[44.910368, 7.676308],
[44.910051, 7.676253],
[44.9097, 7.676162],
[44.90944, 7.676041],
[44.909297, 7.675958],
[44.909174, 7.67583],
[44.909107, 7.675722],
[44.908993, 7.675583],
[44.908758, 7.675448],
[44.90796, 7.675037]
print "Route geometry -->" + json_encode($route_geometry_json);
The print return "0": any suggestion / example?
I'd like also to extract / print the coords couples like
44.908993, 7.675583
44.908758, 7.675448
Any suggestion will be appreciated ...
Use this code:
$route_geometry = json_decode($route_geometry_json);
foreach ($route_geometry->route_geometry as $value) {
echo $value[0].', '.$value[1].'<br />';
You need to print_r(json_decode($route_geometry_json)) it and not json_encode
json_encode is for creating a JSON string. But since you already have a JSON string already, you need to Decode it to make it an Array/Object.
Your requirement
echo "Route geometry -->";
You cannot concat a String and an Object, so you were getting that Parse error.
I would like to get an array from my JSON in php.
This way I get the JSON string from URL in my android application:
JSONObject json = jParser.makeHttpRequest(url_all_user, "GET", paramstodb);
To receive [phone=123] in php I use this:
if (isset($_GET["phone"])) {
$phone = $_GET['phone'];
That is working for one phonenumber, but now I need more than one phonenumber.
The data in Logcat (reported with "Log.d("to php: ", paramstodb.toString())" ) is displayed as:
to php:﹕ [phone=[0127361744, 0132782422, 0137173813, 0142534646, 0123617637435, 013391339494, 01383375633, 013878942423, 013891748422, 01389487285, 014434354234, 01848481371, 018831789414, 021238133441231, 021371689411, 02183718454, 123, 456]]
How can I get all numbers in an array in php?
This is not working so far:
if (isset($_GET["phone"])) {
$phone = $_GET['phone'];
$phpArray = json_decode($phone, true);
I hope you can help me again ;-)
If the JSON input to the PHP script really is this JSON
{ "phone": [ "123", "456", "789"] }
then PHP's json_decode should handle it without problems.
You can try this code to see it's actually working and use it to detect where something goes wrong:
// original JSON to send from the client
$jsonString = '{ "phone": [ "123", "456", "789"] }';
// build a query string with the JSON to send
$queryString = "?" . http_build_query(array("phone" => $jsonString));
echo "Query string to send is: " . $queryString . PHP_EOL;
// PHP side: this is not a real HTTP GET request, but to pretend we have
// got some data in, we'll use the same query string, parse it, and store it
// in $params
$incoming = parse_url($queryString, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($incoming, $params);
// now print contents of "phone" parameter
echo "URL parameter phone contains " . $params["phone"] . PHP_EOL;
// JSON-decode the "phone" parameter
var_dump(json_decode($params["phone"], true));
This should print:
Query string to send is: ?phone=%7B+%22phone%22%3A+%5B+%22123%22%2C+%22456%22%2C+%22789%22%5D+%7D
URL parameter phone contains { "phone": [ "123", "456", "789"] }
array(1) {
'phone' =>
array(3) {
[0] =>
string(3) "123"
[1] =>
string(3) "456"
[2] =>
string(3) "789"
which shows the JSON decodes to a proper PHP array. An array of strings, to be precise, and not numbers as requested. Turning the strings into numbers in PHP will be easy to do, but maybe you could also make sure on the call site that you send numbers and not strings.
If your original code does not work, I guess the incoming data is either no properly encoded JSON or there is some magic escaping going on (magic quotes hell, should be turned off in today's PHP, but could be a reason for garbled script input).
To make sure your JSON data is not truncated and to also save you from potential URL-encoding issues, I also suggest sending the JSON via HTTP POST, not HTTP GET.
I'm trying to decode JSON format
What I am sending is:
"id": 123,
"name": "John",
“surname”: “Smith”,
“department”: 3
I am sending POST with data via Postman, in the picture.
So, this is the data I want to decode:
"data_serever_received": "{ \"id\": 123, \"name\": \"john\", “surname”: “Smith”, “department”: 3 }"
I tried
but it is not working.
How can I get the id, name, surname and etc. values?
Your JSON is invalid “ and ” are not ".
(Zoom in with your browser if you can't see the difference).
You need to start with valid JSON before you can parse it.
You can use json_decode to make it an array.
$json_array = json_decode($json_object);//$json_object will need to contain your json string.
then you can access like this:
echo $json_array["data"][“surname”];
PHP Doc on json_decode: http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php
I am stuck a long time with trying to send a JSON from javascript to a PHP script : the sending is fine (I can see the JSON in fiddler) yet I receive nothing in the PHP script :
var person = {
name: 'yoel',
age: 28
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
php :
echo 'trying to print ' . var_dump($_POST["name"]);
I would expect obviously to see SOMETHING but var_dump returns nothing. Help would be much appreciated!
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
the reason for this is, that the body of your POST-request is:
though, php expects something like (ref):
The json string can not be parsed properly, and thus $_POST will be empty.
$_POST holds value decoded from request having Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, i.e. it parses:
array( 'param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2')
If you send data in json format, you have to json_decode it from the raw php input:
$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
$jsonData = json_decode($input);
And you'll have a PHP object filled with your json stuff.
Add this:
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", JSON.stringify(person).length);