So heres the scenario.
I need to pull data from XML files located on the web (individually this is easy enough), but my problem is that a new file with an incremented filename is added from from time to time.
So for example, one day a filename may be and the next day, a new file is added as
I need to create a script, ideally in PHP, that will automatically refresh every couple of hours and pull the data from the new XML file, if the xml file is not present yet then it will retry that same number again. Hopefully all this can then just be put into rows in an excel file.
The question is basically, what is the best way to go about this? if anyone could point me to something similar thats already out there, then that would be great.
Thanks in advance
I am facing a peculiar problem in parsing an excel file (.xls) using PHPExcelReader which actually Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader class. I have used it so many times in different applications and every time I was fine. I am working for an app where there is a ftp folder and an excel file is remotely put there every day. I have a scheduler task that runs every day and read the excel file and update the database.
It was working very fine for couple of months. Now they are adding some new columns in the files and the Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader is unable to read the numeric and date values. But if I just open the file and hit CTRL+S without doing anything, svn says that the file has been modified although I don't see anything changed from 'SVN: Diff with previous version'. However it is doing the magic as I see that the saved file is parsed correctly.
Bellow is the result I see when I try to run the script without touching the file. Please look at index 5 to 9.
Now look at the parse result when I run the script after opening the file and hit CTRL+S. Now entirely sure what is happening. I contacted to them and they said they are not doing anything new.
Any idea about this problem?
Sharing the idea here is much appreciated.
How are you looping through and grabbing the cell values? Have you tried using $cell->val(12,6)? An alternative could be (Thanks to Mark Baker):
$range = 'F'.$row.':'.'J'.$row; # assuming F-J cols are your numeric cols
I have the following problem: I upload excel files with a form, and on submit process them for 5 minutes server side with a Background process.
Now, I want to create a snapshot of the excel file and display it to the user, what I already do, but opening the file with PHPExcel is usually very slow, and I need to make that process faster, for the sake of usability.
To be clear, if I click "preview" it may take 10, 20, 30 seconds, or the ajax request simply die. Sometimes I use reduced versions of the excel (Open them, remove 50k rows, and save again with 100 rows) for testing purposes, and then the preview is shown in no time.
What I want to do is do the same with php server side. I mean, opening the excel, remove 50k rows, save again, and then send the preview back.
Using PHPExcel doesn´t help at all, it may achieve what I want, but again, the time is not acceptable.
Is there any way I can do somnething like:
$excel_info = file_get_contents($file);
$first10ColumnsInfo = customFunction($excel_info);
file_put_contents("tmp/reduced_excel.xlsx", $first10ColumnsInfo);
I tried to look into PHPExcel libraries to get an idea of how did it handle the data, and try to do something similar but at some point, I simply got lost, after I could retrieve some info, but not properly formatted.
Thank you in advance
I am loading an XML file which is pretty heavy and contains a lot of data, and I am only using a small amount of it. This is causing my site to take ages to load.
Can anyone advice me on a resolution to this, is there a way in simplexml that I can cache the file for a period of time? My site is in PHP.
Thanks in advance
You wouldn't do it directly with simplexml. What you'd need to use is the other file functions (fopen or file_get_contents), save the file or extract the bits you need and save it. If enough time has passed since the last time it was checked (or if enough time passed that new data would be available) you could delete the cached data and check again.
I have multiple CSV files, each with the same set of row/column titles but each with different values. For example:
and so on...
I have been able to figure out how to read the files and convert them into HTML pre-formatted tables. However, I have not been able to figure out how to paginate when there are multiple files with data (as shown above) such that I get only a single table at a time with "Next" and "Previous" buttons (to be able to effectively see the changes in the table and data.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If you know in advance what the files are, then predetermining the line count for each file would let you do the pageination.
Then it'd be a simple matter of scanning through this line count cache to figure out which file to start reading from, and just keep reading lines/files until you reach the per-page line limit.
Otherwise, you option will be to open/read each file upon each request, but only start outputting when you reach the file/line that matches the current "page" offset. For large files with many lines, this'd be a serious waste of cpu time and disk bandwidth.
I have found a XML file through google search that will help me for a simple project I am doing.
The problem is that I do not want to fetch the file but to create a new one on my server that copies and auto updates from the other. I tried to save it to my hard disc but it does not update.
I know that there is a way to do it because I have seen it but I don't have any clue how. I guess they created a "createxml.php" file that does what it does...
Any ideas or examples? Thank you!
So you want to pull in a remote XML file, do something with it and then save it on your hard drive?
In that case use simpleXML
$xml = simplexml_load_file('');
// Do something
file_put_contents('c:\file.xml', $xml->asXML());
If you want this script to run regularly then run it from a cron job.
Is this what you are after?