Why Response::download() won't download anything except PDF in Laravel 4? - php

This is the line of code which is giving me sick.
return Response::download(storage_path().'/file/' . $file->id . "." . $file->file->extension);
The files are uploaded and given an id which they are saved under e.g. 25.pdf this works fine if the file is a PDF but doesn't for anything else e.g. PNG. we upgraded from Laravel 3 to 4 to try to overcome this problem.
Any ideas?
I just uploaded a test text file with the word test in it once I uploaded it and then downloaded it I opened it, there were 3 blank lines and the letters te!!!!!I downloaded it through sftp and the file is correctly stored on the server so it is defiantly the download procedure!

I used this function instead of any of the Laravel stuff. :/
(Stolen from other places around the web)
public static function big_download($path, $name = null, array $headers = array()) {
if (is_null($name))
$name = basename($path);
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$pathParts = pathinfo($path);
// Prepare the headers
$headers = array_merge(array(
'Content-Description' => 'File Transfer',
'Content-Type' => finfo_file($finfo, $path),
'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary',
'Expires' => 0,
'Cache-Control' => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
'Pragma' => 'public',
'Content-Length' => File::size($path),
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="' . $name . '.' . $pathParts['extension'] . '"'
), $headers);
$response = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response('', 200, $headers);
// If there's a session we should save it now
if (Config::get('session.driver') !== '') {
// Below is from http://uk1.php.net/manual/en/function.fpassthru.php comments
if ($file = fopen($path, 'rb')) {
while (!feof($file) and (connection_status() == 0)) {
print(fread($file, 1024 * 8));
// Finish off, like Laravel would
Event::fire('laravel.done', array($response));

One may ask, How can i get path to file in laravel?
Path to file can be achieved like:
public function getDownload(){
$file = public_path()."/downloads/info.pdf";
$headers = array('Content-Type: application/pdf',);
return Response::download($file, 'info.pdf',$headers);
function will download file from : 'project/public/download' folder.
(don't forget to set-up routes and controller by your self)

Try including the MIME in the return:
$file = storage_path().'/file/' . $file->id . "." . $file->file->extension;
return Response::download($file, 200, array('content-type' => 'image/png'));

If you are using Windows, go to php.ini and then uncomment "extension=php_fileinfo.dll" section and then use this code:
Route::get('file/download', function()
$file = public_path(). '\download\myfile.png';
return Response::download($file);


Laravel 5.1 - how to download pdf file from S3 bucket

I am using Laravel's Storage facade and I am able to upload the pdf to S3 and I am also able to get() its contents but I cannot display or download it to the end user as an actual pdf file. It just looks like raw data. Here is the code:
$file = Storage::disk($storageLocation)->get($urlToPDF);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='file.pdf'");
echo $file;
How can this be done? I have checked several articles (and SO) and none of them have worked for me.
I think something like this will do the job in L5.2:
public function download($path)
$fs = Storage::getDriver();
$stream = $fs->readStream($path);
return \Response::stream(function() use($stream) {
}, 200, [
"Content-Type" => $fs->getMimetype($path),
"Content-Length" => $fs->getSize($path),
"Content-disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"" .basename($path) . "\"",
you can create a download url, using the getObjectUrl method
somthing like this:
$downloadUrl = $s3->getObjectUrl($bucketname, $file, '+5 minutes', array(
'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'attachment; filename=$file,'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream',
and pass that url to the user. that will direct the user to an amzon page which will start the file download (the link will be valid for 5 minutes - but you can change that)
another option, is first saving that file to your server, and then let the user download the file from your server
You can do with this code (replace with your directory and your file name) ....
If your bucket is private, this is the way to obtain a url to download the file.
$disk = \Storage::disk('s3');
if ($disk->exists($file)) {
$command = $disk->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getClient()->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => \Config::get('filesystems.disks.s3.bucket'),
'Key' => $file,
'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'attachment;'
$request = $disk->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getClient()->createPresignedRequest($command, '+5 minutes');
$url = (string)$request->getUri();
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'url' => $url
In Laravel 5.7 it can be done with streamDownload:
return response()->streamDownload(function() use ($attachment) {
echo Storage::get($attachment->path);
}, $attachment->name);
$filename = 'test.pdf';
$filePath = storage_path($filename);
$header = [
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="'.$filename.'"'
return Response::make(file_get_contents($filePath), 200, $header);
$d = file_full_path_here...
$d = str_replace(' ', '%20', $d); //remove the white space in url
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $d);
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
return readfile($d);
I figured it out. Silly mistake. I had to remove the single quotes from filename.
$file = Storage::disk($storageLocation)->get($urlToPDF);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.pdf");
echo $file;

How do I restfully return images using laravel 4?

I have a server set up to serve web pages on different domains (specifically a mobile device or localhost:9000 where laravel is serving on localhost:8000). I'm trying to return image requests on these pages to my laravel server but I'm running into problems. From a forum post, I thought that setting headers on a request would do the trick but, when I navigate to /api/v1/images/default.jpg, no default cat image is shown. Instead, I get a box with no image.
Now, the image is in my public folder so if I browse to /public/images/default.jpg I do see my cat image, but I'd rather serve images within my /api/v1/... route.
Route::get('images/{imageName}', function($imageName){
$img = 'public/images/' . $imageName;
// return $img;
echo $img . "\n\n";
if(File::exists($img)) {
// return "true";
// return Response::make($img, 200, array('content-type' => 'image/jpg'));
// return Response::download($img, $imageName);
// Set headers
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"".$imageName."\"");
header("Content-Type: image/jpg");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
//stream the file out
} else {
return "false";
return $img;
// return File::exists($img);
// return File::isFile('/images/' . $imageName);
// return $imageName;
// if(File::isFile('images/' + $imageName)){
// return Response::make('images/' + $imageName, 200, array('content-type' => 'image/jpg'));
// }
Use the Response::stream method to do it:
Route::get('/image', function () {
return Response::stream(function () {
$filename = '/path/to/your/image.jpg';
}, 200, ['content-type' => 'image/jpeg']);
In case you want to stream your image from a ftp server ($imageName is the parameter)
$server = \Config::get('ftpconfig.server');
$usuario = \Config::get('ftpconfig.user');
$password = \Config::get('ftpconfig.password');
$path = \Config::get('ftpconfig.path');
$file_location = "ftp://$usuario:".urlencode($password)."#".$server.$path.$imageName;
$headers = [
"Content-Type" => "image/jpeg",
"Content-Length" => filesize($file_location),
"Content-disposition" => "inline; filename=\"" . basename($file_location) . "\"",
return \Response::stream(function () use ($file_location){
}, 200, $headers)
#Andrew Allbright,
If your images are located inside the laravel app directory then you can use
$img = app_path().'/api/v1/images/' . $imageName;
For image manipulation you can try Intervention

After downloading file, it is corrupted

I'm currently making a controller to download files from the server.
It all happens in the index action:
public function indexAction() {
$schuurName = $this->_getParam('storageID');
$fileName = $this->_getParam('fileName');
$name = explode('.', $fileName)[0];
$path = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schuren' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $schuurName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
if (file_exists($path)) {
$mimeType = mime_content_type($fileName);
header('Content-Type: ' . $mimeType);
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $name . ';');
$resource = fopen($path, 'r');
while (!feof($resource)) {
$chunk = fread($resource, 4096);
echo $chunk;
else {
echo 'file doesn\'t exist';
So the downloading works right now, I'm testing it with an image of 725 bytes. The problem is.. The image is corrupted so it couldn't be seen/edited. What am I doing wrong in my code?
You should use binary mode. Use the 'rb' flag.
From the php Manual : If you do not specify the 'b' flag when working with binary files, you may experience strange problems with your data, including broken image files and strange problems with \r\n characters.

Issues when downloading file from Slim Framework

I want to download file through Slim Framework (The reason why I'm using Slim Framework is because I want to write a simple REST API). I found this post:
Download file from Slim Framework 2.4 and this post: http://help.slimframework.com/discussions/questions/359-file-download. I followed the method. Here is my code:
$app->get('/download/:id', 'authenticate', function($id) use ($app)
$log = '../download/'.$id.'/myfile.zip';
$res = $app->response()->headers();
$res['Content-Description'] = 'File Transfer';
$res['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
$res['Content-Disposition'] ='attachment; filename=' . basename($log);
$res['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary';
$res['Expires'] = '0';
$res['Cache-Control'] = 'must-revalidate';
$res['Pragma'] = 'public';
$res['Content-Length'] = filesize($log);
// NOTE:
// $response = array();
// $response["error"] = false;
// echoRespnse(200, $response);
I'm using the Google Chrome's Advanced Rest Client application to test. The problem is the browser hung after the file downloaded.If I comments out the NOTE part in my source code, the browser won't hang again. But I got a "Unexpected token P" error.
Can anybody help? Thanks.
Try the solution here: PHP readfile() adding extra bytes to downloaded file.
You lack the calls to ob_clean, flush and exit.
The problem might be becasue of extra characters output with the rest of the file contents.
For Slim 3, I had a bit of struggle.
I struggled with this in Slim 3.0.
I was trying something like the following and the pdf binary was getting displayed on the screen.
$header['Content-Description'] = 'File Transfer';
$header['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' .basename("$file") . '"';
// ...
$response = $response->withHeader($header);
In order to make it work, you need to set the key/value pairs using $response->withHeader(). And it works like a charm. For example:
$response = $response->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
$response = $response->withHeader('Content-Description', 'File Transfer');
$response = $response->withHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' .basename("$file") . '"');
$response = $response->withHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary');
$response = $response->withHeader('Expires', '0');
$response = $response->withHeader('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate');
$response = $response->withHeader('Pragma', 'public');
$response = $response->withHeader('Content-Length', filesize($file));
maybe it's a little late but you can use this package for slim http file response :
Is the solution above working for you? Here's my code, which just outputs obscure characters directly into the browser window:
$app->get('/file/:fileid', function($fileid) use ($app)
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zipname = "zipfile3.zip"; // Zip name
$zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE);
$files = array ( "sprecher_inserts_en_VB.doc" );
foreach ($files as $file) {
$path = "uploads/".$file;
$zip->addFromString(basename($path), file_get_contents($path));
echo"file does not exist";
// after that, the zip file is on the server and valid when downloaded manually (e.g. by entering its URL directly)
$res = $app->response()->headers();
$res['Content-Description'] = 'File Transfer';
$res['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
$res['Content-Disposition'] ='attachment; filename=' . basename($zipname);
$res['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary';
$res['Expires'] = '0';
$res['Cache-Control'] = 'must-revalidate';
$res['Pragma'] = 'public';
$res['Content-Length'] = filesize($zipname);
The output in the browser window is the following, no dialog for downloading the file is loaded whatsoever:

fopen on url and bytestream

i have a question about fopen() and base64 comunication.
The scenario is that: i have a service A that must fetch from url a resource (png/jpeg or pdf). The code is that:
$uri = urldecode($_POST['uri']);
$imgfile = $uri;
$handle = fopen($uri, 'r');
$imagebinary = '';
while (!feof($handle)) {
$c = fgetc($handle);
if($c === false) break;
$imagebinary .= $c;
$return = base64_encode($imagebinary);
Now i have JQUERY function that send this $return (something like that: 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAIAAAACDbGyAAAAAXNSR0IArs') to another PHP service, named B.
B service take this string and try to save it on disk. In the specific the service B try to save the file on amazon s3, the code is that:
// in $imagedata is saved the string generated by service A
$imagedata = $_POST['serviceA_base64encodedfile'];
// $contentType taken from switch function on $ext
// for example 'image/png'
$filename = sha1(uniqid()) . '.' . $ext;
$full_filename = $path . '/' . $filename;
$stream = fopen('data://' . $contentType . ';base64,' . $imagedata, 'r');
fseek($stream, 0);
$opt = array(
'fileUpload' => $stream,
'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC,
'contentType' => $contentType
$s3 = new AmazonS3(AWS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY);
$response = $s3->create_object($bucket, $filename, $opt);
But the image that being saved is corrupted, in additionals this images or pdf have less bytes then orginal.
I need realy help :D
I'm not 100% sure this will work, but why not base64_decode the data back to binary, then write the data to a temporary file and send it to amazon from that location. Something like (untested):
// in $imagedata is saved the string generated by service A
$imagedata = base64_decode($_POST['serviceA_base64encodedfile']);
if (!$imagedata){
//Handle invalid base64 encoded data
// $contentType taken from switch function on $ext
// for example 'image/png'
$filename = sha1(uniqid()) . '.' . $ext;
$full_filename = $path . '/' . $filename;
$tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "image_to_upload");
$populated = file_put_contents($tmpfname,$imagedata);
if (!$populated){
//handle write failures
$opt = array(
'fileUpload' => "/tmp/".$tmpfname,
'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC,
'contentType' => $contentType
$s3 = new AmazonS3(AWS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY);
$response = $s3->create_object($bucket, $full_filename, $opt);
I'm also presuming on the last call, that $full_filename is where you want to store the file on the s3 server... though you can just use $file_name.
