Which page is which acording to model-view-controller? - php

EDIT: My below example is more of a post-redirect-get than a MVC
I am reading a lot about correct structure for my page, MVC pattern, frameworks etc. and yet I am confused which parts of my page best fit under the description of model, of view and which of controller. Now before you downvote I did a lot of research already to separate my logic and make my simple page, I just need a confirmation that I am doing it right, what to fix/separate, which page is what according to MVC and where would I link or include index.php? I am not asking much I hope just for a quick glance at my code.
I will provide 3 different pages I built in order they are initialized as an example:
html form, also displays processed data user starts here:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Vaški gozd</title>
<link href="../html/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<?php if(!$_POST and $poskodbe != '0') { ?>
<p>Presenetil<?php text($spol); ?> te je <?php text($monster); ?> !</p>
<form action='../php/gozd.php' method='post'>
<input type='submit' name='action' value='Napadi' /> ali
<input type='submit' name='action' value='Pobegni' />
<input type='hidden' name='monster' value= '<?php text($monster); ?>' />
<?php }
else if ($poskodbe == '0'){text($moznost); ?>
<p><a href='../php/start.php'>Odpravi se proti domu</a></p>
<?php }
else { ?>
<ul><?php foreach ($combat as $turns => $i) { ?>
<li> <p><strong><?php text($i['napadalec']); ?></strong>
<?php text(' napade '); ?><strong><?php text($i['branilec']); ?></strong>
<?php text(' in mu napravi poškodbe za ') ?><strong><?php text($i['damage']); ?></strong>
<?php text(' točk zdravja '); } ?> </p></li>
<?php if(isset ($zmaga)) { ?>
<p>Pregnal si <strong><?php text($monster_ime); ?></strong>!
V naglici je za seboj pustil <strong><?php text($cekini); ?></strong> cekinov, ki jih seveda pobereš.</p>
<p><a href='../php/gozd.php'>Raziskuj dalje</a></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(isset ($zguba)) { ?>
<p>Podlegel si poškodbam <strong><?php text($monster_ime); ?></strong>.</p>
<?php } ?>
<p><a href='../php/start.php'>Odpravi se proti domu</a></p>
<?php } ?>
php that processes data and returns results:
include 'config.php';
include 'stats.php';
$igralec_ime = $_SESSION['username'];
$_SESSION['poskodbe'] = ($poskodbe = prikazi_stat('curhp', $igralec_ime));
if ($poskodbe == '0') {$_SESSION['moznost'] = ($moznost = 'Tvoje zdravje je resno ogroženo, vrni se domov!');}
else {
if ($_POST) {
if($_POST['action'] == 'Napadi') {
$igralec = array (
'ime' => $igralec_ime,
'napad' => prikazi_stat('ofe',$igralec_ime),
'obramba' => prikazi_stat('def',$igralec_ime),
'curhp' => prikazi_stat('curhp',$igralec_ime)
$monster_ime = $_POST['monster'];
$monster = array (
'ime' => $monster_ime,
'napad' => prikazi_monster_stat('ofe',$monster_ime),
'obramba' => prikazi_monster_stat('def',$monster_ime),
'curhp' => prikazi_monster_stat('maxhp',$monster_ime)
$combat = array();
$turns = 0;
while($igralec['curhp'] > 0 && $monster['curhp'] > 0) {
if($turns % 2 != 0) {
$napadalec = &$monster;
$branilec = &$igralec; }
else {
$napadalec = &$igralec;
$branilec = &$monster; }
$damage = 0;
if($napadalec['napad'] > $branilec['obramba']) {
$damage = $napadalec['napad'] - $branilec['obramba']; }
$branilec['curhp'] -= $damage;
$combat[$turns] = array(
'napadalec' => $napadalec['ime'],
'branilec' => $branilec['ime'],
'damage' => $damage
$turns++; }
if($igralec['curhp'] > 0) {
update_stat('cek',$igralec_ime,prikazi_stat('cek',$igralec_ime)+ prikazi_monster_stat('cek',$monster_ime));
$zmaga = 1;
$cekini = prikazi_monster_stat('cek',$monster_ime); }
else {
if ($igralec['curhp'] <0) {update_stat('curhp', $igralec_ime, '0'); }
$zguba = 1; } }
else {
else {
$query = sprintf("SELECT ime, spol FROM monsters ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
$result = mysql_query($query);
list($monster, $spol) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$_SESSION['moznost'] = $moznost;
$_SESSION['monster'] = $monster;
$_SESSION['spol'] = $spol;
$_SESSION['poskodbe'] = $poskodbe;
$_SESSION['combat'] = $combat;
$_SESSION['turns'] = $turns;
$_SESSION['zmaga'] = $zmaga;
$_SESSION['zguba'] = $zguba;
$_SESSION['monster_ime'] = $monster_ime;
$_SESSION['cekini'] = $cekini;
$_SESSION['post'] = $_POST;
php page that has included html page from earlier and to which my data manipulating php script redirects to display results:
include 'razno.php';
$monster = $_SESSION['monster'];
$spol = $_SESSION['spol'];
$poskodbe = $_SESSION['poskodbe'];
$moznost = $_SESSION['moznost'];
$combat = $_SESSION['combat'];
$turns = $_SESSION['turns'];
$zmaga = $_SESSION['zmaga'];
$zguba = $_SESSION['zguba'];
$monster_ime = $_SESSION['monster_ime'];
$cekini = $_SESSION['cekini'];
$_POST = $_SESSION['post'];
include '../html/gozd.html';
Which page is which acording to model-view-controller? Am I doing it right at all? Where would I link or include index.php?

Which page is which according to model-view-controller?
A page is a page. It isn't part of MVC, it is built using MVC.
The view is the class that (given some data) generates whatever is sent to the client (usually HTML).
The model is the class that operates on the data. It talks to your database or other data store.
The controller is the class that looks at the URL, decides which models and views are right for it and exchanges data between the submitted data, the models and the view.
Am I doing it right at all?
Where would I link or include index.php?
Your index page should just bootstrap your controller class.


php how to do a loop to calculate score for a quiz website

i am creating a quiz website using php where there are 4 questions for users to answer. there is a home page before this for them to choose either math or lit that they wish to do.
after selecting the subject, user need to answer the question and submit their answer, then the php code will calculate their score and count the number of correct/wrong answers.
<ArrayquesAns.php> is the array of questions and answers
it looks something like this, there are 2 array in this php, 1 is math question and another 1 is lit question
and here is the main code where it will generate questions from the question pool randomly. i also tried to put in the code to calculate score
require_once 'ArrayQuesAns.php'; //retrieve array of ques
$_SESSION["subject"] = $_GET['subject']; //suppose to put value when session starts
$_SESSION["name"] = $_GET['name'];
$subject = $_SESSION["subject"];
$name = $_SESSION["name"];
$url = "displayScore.php?name=" . $name . "&subject=" . $subject . "&";
if ($subject == "mathematics") { //math session
$mathQues_key = array_rand($Mathques, 4); //Pick 4 random rows in array
$MathquesRand = array(); //New array to contain the 4 random rows
$i = 0;
foreach ($mathQues_key as $key) {
$MathquesRand[$i] = $Mathques[$key];
<form action="<?= $url ?>" method="get">
<h1> Section : <?= $subject ?> </h1>
<p>Hello <?= $name ?>! You may start your quiz !<p>
<?php foreach ($MathquesRand as $qtsno => $value) { ?>
<?php echo $value["ques"] . " = \t"; ?> <!--Display Question -->
<input type="text" name="userans" value="<?php echo isset($_GET["userans"]) ? $_GET["userans"] : ''; ?>">
<?php } ?>
foreach ($MathquesRand as $qtsno => $value) {
array_key_exists($userans = $_GET["userans"]);
$score = 0;
$overall = 0;
$correct = 0;
$wrong = 0;
if ($userans == $value["ans"]) {
$correct += 1;
} else {
$wrong += 1;
$score = ($correct * 5) - ($wrong * 3);
echo $value["ans"];
echo $correct;
echo $wrong;
echo $score;
<button type="submit">SUBMIT ATTEMPT</button>
} else { //Lit Section
$LitQues_key = array_rand($Litques, 4);
$LitquesRand = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($LitQues_key as $key) {
$LitquesRand[$i] = $Litques[$key];
<form action="<?= $url ?>" method="get">
<h1> Section : <?= $subject ?></h1>
<p>Hello <?= $name ?> ! You may start your quiz !<p>
<?php foreach ($LitquesRand as $qtsno => $value) {
echo $value["ques"], " = \t";
?> <!--Display Question -->
<input type="text" name="userans" value="<?php echo isset($_GET["userans"]) ? $_GET["userans"] : ''; ?>">
<?php } ?>
foreach ($MathquesRand as $qtsno => $value) {
array_key_exists($userans = $_GET["userans"]);
$score = 0;
$overall = 0;
$correct = 0;
$wrong = 0;
if ($userans == $value["ans"]) {
$correct += 1;
} else {
$wrong += 1;
$score = ($correct * 5) - ($wrong * 3);
echo $value["ans"];
echo $correct;
echo $wrong;
echo $score;
<button type="submit">SUBMIT ATTEMPT</button>
<button type="button">EXIT</button>
i think this part is where it has issue
foreach ($MathquesRand as $qtsno => $value) {
array_key_exists($userans = $_GET["userans"]);
$score = 0;
$overall = 0;
$correct = 0;
$wrong = 0;
if ($userans == $value["ans"]) {
$correct += 1;
} else {
$wrong += 1;
$score = ($correct * 5) - ($wrong * 3);
echo $value["ans"];
echo $correct;
echo $wrong;
echo $score;
the code should match user input answer with array question/answer to see if the answer is correct. every correct question will *5 and every wrong answer will *3 (the formula is in the code).
i am not sure if i place the code in the wrong bracket hence its not working or there is some logic error or should i run the code to find the score in a separate php?
after user submit their answer, it will redirect to another page that display their score and number of correct/wrong answers like this
score display html
Based on your original version of the MC test, please find below a working version:
To make it simple, I have removed the "Name" and "Subject" of the form to demonstrate the necessary coding.
You can still use the array_rand to draw 4 random questions
However, after the questions are displayed to the student (and student can input the answer) and clicked "Submit Attempt", the page will remember the random questions drawn - I have used a trick :- to store the questions randomly drawn into a hidden input box
The system will compare the student's submitted answer with that of the correct answer and determine whether it is correct or wrong, and show the score
To fix the "undefined array" errors you encountered, I applied the isset function on places relating to the $_GET variables. (Actually these are warnings, not errors, but it is for sure a good practice to use isset)
//require_once 'ArrayQuesAns.php'; //retrieve array of ques
1=> array('no'=>1, 'ques'=>"3+1", 'ans'=>"4"),
2=> array('no'=>2, 'ques'=>"3+3", 'ans'=>"6"),
3=> array('no'=>3, 'ques'=>"3+4", 'ans'=>"7"),
4=> array('no'=>4, 'ques'=>"3+5", 'ans'=>"8"),
5=> array('no'=>5, 'ques'=>"3+6", 'ans'=>"9"),
6=> array('no'=>6, 'ques'=>"3+7", 'ans'=>"10"),
7=> array('no'=>7, 'ques'=>"3+8", 'ans'=>"11"),
8=> array('no'=>8, 'ques'=>"3+9", 'ans'=>"12"),
9=> array('no'=>9, 'ques'=>"3+10", 'ans'=>"13"),
10=> array('no'=>10, 'ques'=>"3+11", 'ans'=>"14")
if (! isset($_GET["draw"])) {
$mathQues_key = array_rand($Mathques, 4); //Pick 4 random rows in array
$MathquesRand = array(); //New array to contain the 4 random rows
if (! isset($_GET["draw"]) ) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($mathQues_key as $key) {
$MathquesRand[$i] = $Mathques[$key];
if (isset($_GET["draw"]) && $_GET["draw"] !="") {
$pieces = explode(",", $_GET["draw"]);
while ($index < count($pieces)) {
if ($pieces[$index]!=""){
$MathquesRand[] = $Mathques[$pieces[$index]];
<form action="" method="get">
<h1> Section : Mathematics </h1>
<p>Hello ! You may start your quiz !<p>
foreach ($MathquesRand as $qtsno => $value) {
$pool.= $value["no"]. ",";
<?php echo $value["ques"] . " = \t"; ?> <!--Display Question -->
<input type="text" name="userans<?php echo $ii; ?>"
<?php if (isset($_GET["userans".$ii]))
echo " value='" .$_GET["userans".$ii] . "'>" ;
} else { echo ">" ; }
<?php if (isset($_GET["userans".$ii]) && $_GET["userans".$ii]==$value["ans"]) {
} else {
<input name=draw type=hidden value="<?php echo $pool; ?>">
<button type="submit">SUBMIT ATTEMPT</button>
$score = ($correct * 5) - ($wrong * 3);
<?php if (isset($_GET["draw"])) { ?>
<font color=red>Result:</font>
<br>Correct:<?php echo $correct;?>
<br>Wrong:<?php echo $wrong;?>
<br>Score:<?php echo $score;?>
<?php } ?>
To share my experience (I have coded such Multiple Choice Q & A functions many times) , in future if you want to do similar thing, please consider using
database to store the drawn questions ;
use ajax to compare the input data with the correct data stored in the db, instead of using form submission

How to save favorite images after logout and still see them after login?

So when I login, a user can go to the browse.php to add images to the favorites.php, and the photos will appear on that page.
When I log out and log back in, the images are gone (not saved).
How do I save it after I logout so on next login I get to see the favorite'd images from that particular user using cookies or other methods (can't use database because I'm not allowed to)?
My favorites page
require_once 'favoritesfunction.php';
if (isset($_GET["fileName"])) {
$fileName = $_GET["fileName"];
<!DOCTYPE html>
$title = "Travel Photos - View Favorites";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="viewfavorites.css" />
<main class="container">
<h1 class="favheader">Favorites</h1>
<div class="content">
if (isset($_SESSION['favorites']) && isset($_SESSION['email'])) {
$favorites = $_SESSION['favorites'];
if (count($favorites) > 0) {
?> <ul class="ul-favorite"> <?php
foreach ($favorites as $f) {
echo '<img class="displayPic" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/assignment1_web2/square150/' . $f . '">';
<p id="removeall"><button class="button"><span><a target="" href="services/removefavorites.php?remove=all">Remove All</a></span></button></p>
} else {
<div class="nofavorites">
<p>No favorites found.</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
My add to favorites function php
function addToFavorites($fileName)
//Checks if the session favorites exists
if (isset($_SESSION['favorites'])) {
$favorites = $_SESSION['favorites'];
} else {
$favorites = array();
$_SESSION['favorites'] = $favorites;
// add item to favourites
$item = $fileName;
$match = false;
//Loop below checks for duplicates
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($favorites)) {
if ($favorites[$i] == $item) {
$favorites[$i] = $item;
$match = true;
//if match equals false, that means its not in the favorites list of the user
//so it is added to the user's favorites array
if ($match == false) {
$favorites[] = $item;
$_SESSION['favorites'] = $favorites;
$_SESSION['favorites'] = $favorites;
My approach:
I tried doing something like setting $name = $_SESSION['email'] and $value="<img src=...>" then setcookie($name, $value) and then if(isset($_COOKIE[$value])) echo $value
I know this is totally wrong, I tried looking everywhere online to try to solve this, if I could get some help that would be great thanks!

modifying from admin panel and logging out does not save the images

I have a main pain where I want to modify things from the admin account
and whenever I log out of the admin account the images are not saved and it give me an undefined index error.
this is my main page php code:
<?php $src = $_SESSION['firstimgsrc'];echo "<img id='first' src='$src'>";?><!-- Direct link 1st champion -->
<?php $src1 = $_SESSION['secondimgsrc'];echo "<img id='second' src='$src1'>"; ?><!-- Direct link 2nd champion -->
<?php $src2 = $_SESSION['thirdimgsrc'];echo "<img id='third' src='$src2'>";?> <!-- Direct link 3rd champion -->
<?php $src3 = $_SESSION['forthimgsrc'];echo "<img id='forth' style='border-right: 0px;' src='$src3'>"; ?> <!-- Direct link 4th champion -->
this is the admin panel php code:
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$firstimgsrc = $_POST['firstimgsrc'];
if ($firstimgsrc == "") {
$_SESSION['firstimgsrc'] = $jk;
} else {
$_SESSION['firstimgsrc'] = $firstimgsrc;
$jk = $_SESSION['firstimgsrc'];
$secondimgsrc = $_POST['secondimgsrc'];
if ($secondimgsrc == "") {
$_SESSION['secondimgsrc'] = $jk1; } else {
$_SESSION['secondimgsrc'] = $secondimgsrc;
$jk1 = $_SESSION['secondimgsrc'];
$thirdimgsrc = $_POST['thirdimgsrc'];
if ($thirdimgsrc == "") {
$_SESSION['thirdimgsrc'] = $jk2;
} else {
$_SESSION['thirdimgsrc'] = $thirdimgsrc;
$jk2 = $_SESSION['thirdimgsrc'];
$forthimgsrc = $_POST['forthimgsrc'];
if ($forthimgsrc == "") {
$_SESSION['forthimgsrc'] = $jk3;
} else {
$_SESSION['forthimgsrc'] = $forthimgsrc;
$jk3 = $_SESSION['forthimgsrc'];
header("Location: ../egamingtv.php");
worked, I just used unset instead of the session_destroy in my logout page

Cannot add php code to a variable?

I am trying to create a PHP file each time a user registers my website. I use the following code to create the file in my register.php :
The thing is, my create file function works but the variable $data doesn't give any result. When I run that $data as a single variable in a different PHP file it still doesn't work.
What did I do wrong about setting the variable.
// STARTING to create a file
$my_file = "$username.php";
$handle = fopen("give/$my_file", 'w') or die('Cannot open file: '.$my_file);
$data = "<?
$damned_user = $username;
if ( $_COOKIE['damn_given'] != TRUE ) {
$sql = mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$damned_user' LIMIT 1\");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 1){
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
// $row['field'];
$damned_user_id = $row['id'];
if($_SESSION['id'] == $damned_user_id) {
} else {
$taken = $row['taken_damns'];
$taken_damns = $taken + 1;
$taking_sql = \"UPDATE users SET taken_damns='$taken_damns' WHERE username='$damned_user' \";
if (mysql_query($taking_sql)) {
setcookie(\"damn_given\", TRUE, time()+3600*24);
$date = date(\"Y-m-d H:i:s\");
$damns_table = \"INSERT INTO damns (id, from_ip, user_damned, when_damned) VALUES ('','$ip','$damned_user','$date') \";
if ( mysql_query($damns_table)) {
} else {
echo \"Couldn't save damn to damns table in database!\";
if ( $_SESSION['logged'] == TRUE ) {
$session_id = $_SESSION['id'];
$giving_sql = \"UPDATE users SET given_damns='$taken_damns' WHERE id='$session_id'\";
if ( mysql_query($giving_sql ) ) {
} else {
echo ('Error giving damn!');
die (\"Error taking damn!\");
} else {
die(\"Error first sql!\");
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/_common.css\" />
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/_col_white.css\" />
<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/favicon.ico\" /> <title>DamnIt.tk - Damned!</title>
<div id=\"main\">
<div class=\"center\"><img src=\"/_bnr_white.png\" style=\"width: 500px; height: 100px;\" alt=\"DamnIt Banner\" /></div>
<table class=\"tmid\" style=\"width: 100%;\"><tr>
<td class=\"center\" style=\"width: 25%;\">Profile</td>
<td class=\"center\" style=\"width: 25%;\">Options</td>
<td class=\"center\" style=\"width: 25%;\">Stats</td>
<td class=\"center\" style=\"width: 25%;\">Log out</td>
</tr></table> <h1>Give a Damn</h1>
if ( isset($_COOKIE['damn_given'])) {
<h2>You have already given a Damn to <? echo $damned_user ?> today!</h2><h3>Couldn't damn - try again tomorrow.</h3>
elseif ( $_SESSION['id'] == $damned_user_id ) {
<h2>You cannot damn yourself!</h2>
} else{ ?> <h2>Damn given!</h2><h3>You have given a Damn to <? echo $damned_user ?>.</h3> <? } ?>
fwrite($handle, $data);
// finished with the file
$data = <<<'END'
Your PHP code here
This will allow for any string, without need for escaping.
However, please consider what you're doing very carefully!
Also... you wouldn't happen to be trying to rip off this site of mine, would you? http://giveadamn.co.uk/
(source: giveadamn.co.uk)
Because if so, you're doing it wrong. .htaccess, mate ;)
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule give/(.*) give.php?user=$1 [L]

setting a value for index.php page

is there a way set a value for the index.php page on its first load?
i would like index.php it to load like so "index.php?subject=1" when it loads for the first time.
as this value will change as they move around in the site i don't want it to be a fixed value.
some one sugested
if(empty($_SESSION['visited'])) {
$_SESSION['visited'] = true; }
i cant seem to get that to work with my function.
function find_selected_page () {
global $current_subject;
global $current_page;
if (isset($_GET["subject"])) {
$current_subject = find_subject_by_id ($_GET["subject"]);
$current_page = find_default_post($current_subject ["id"]);
} elseif (isset($_GET["page"])) {
$current_subject = null;
$current_page = find_page_by_id ($_GET["page"]);
} else {
$current_page = null;
$current_subject = null;
$context = "public";
find_selected_page ();
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/style.php'); ?>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/header.php'); ?>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/nav_ribbon.php');?>
<div id="p2dbg">
<div id="p2dcontent">
<div class="p2dcontent">
<h1><?php echo htmlentities($current_subject ["menu_name"]); ?></h1><br />
<?php if ($current_page) { ?>
<p><?php echo nl2br($current_page ["content"]); ?></p><br />
<?php } else { ?>
This page does not exist! please slect a page from the menu.
<?php } ?>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/footer.php'); ?>
Instead of setting everything to null if your value isn't passed, just assume the default value:
// Set this to the value you want as your default
function find_selected_page () {
global $current_subject;
global $current_page;
if (isset($_GET["subject"])) {
$current_subject = find_subject_by_id ($_GET["subject"]);
$current_page = find_default_post($current_subject ["id"]);
} elseif (isset($_GET["page"])) {
$current_subject = null;
$current_page = find_page_by_id ($_GET["page"]);
} else {
$current_subject = find_subject_by_id (DEFAULTSUBJECT);
$current_page = find_default_post($current_subject ["id"]);
